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    Investing in the future (Ayano)

    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2193
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Investing in the future (Ayano)  Empty Investing in the future (Ayano)

    Post by Ryuko Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:32 pm

    Ryuko observed the restaurant from afar not quite sure what to make of it. To her it almost seemed quaint how rustic it seemed but then what did she know about establishments like this that where frequented by the common man?

    Almost nothing since as a noble it just wasn’t the kind of place she’d usually go to. Even today she had a different reason for visiting other then just the food. Her friend Shimiko had said that it was the best cafe in town and their must have been something special about it because it sure was busy with tons of people going in and out the longer Ryuko watched.

    Steeling her resolve the young priestess stepped forward, giving the door a light push she was quickly greeted by one of the servers. “Yes, might I speak with the owner of this fine establishment. I have business I would like to discuss with them.” she said with an authoritative but kind voice.

    She was dressed in her finest robes, the gold trimming of which practically screamed of affluence. The mantle on her back bore the symbol of her clan, marking her as a member of the aristocratic class and giving further testimony that she was someone worth speaking too.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

    Posts : 70
    Join date : 2018-05-19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Chemistry | Ijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 142,000

    Investing in the future (Ayano)  Empty Re: Investing in the future (Ayano)

    Post by Ayano Aishi Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:13 am

    The door was pushed open as a small bell chimed notifying present staff a new body had entered the establishment. In walked Ryuko, dressed in possibly her best apparel, or perhaps something nice she fished out from her back wardrobe. She was overdressed to dine, most people dressing casually for the occasion whether it be a lunch break or birthday. The people were average, yet the lower-class and unfortunate were not to be seen. Although Ayano did not enforce a dress code she did have standards regarding sanitation while requiring people to be fully clothed. This turned down more of the labor class on their lunch breaks and any street-rat that found themselves fortunate to scrape up enough ryo. Ayano did not refuse service out of arrogance, but merely for image-sake. Such refinement increased her eatery's popularity and her own to notable levels. Ryuko made a simple request to the clerk. She did not request a table or food. Instead she wanted to speak to the big cheese herself. "You want to speak to the head manager? Uh, sure. Let me grab her real quick." The clerk sped off into the back room giving a few courteous knocks before opening the door herself and entering inside. The door did not close, with the very outline of the clerk visible from the doorway as she spoke to Ayano, the clerk returning to her post as Ayano exited her office closing the door behind her and locking it with a set of keys she always carried on her.

    Approaching from the hallway she picked up her head seeing the woman who wandered in her establishment. "If it isn't Black Panther herself, Ms. Von Rose." Ayano said presenting a hand to shake. She liked to stay familiar with news and current events in her free time. This included reading the news and gossiping with those in her circle. Ryuko was quite heard of for the most part. She was the embodiment of an average Jounin, yet her deeds are what stood out the most. She was apart of the known group The Thundercats, which were the students of the current Raikage and most prestigious bunch of Genin Kumogakure had to offer. A respected craftsman and fighter her recent exploits in combating Kumogakure's terrorist threat and successfully driving them out of the land was something Ayano had to be thankful for. After retiring from the military she was not so proficient in defending herself like she was used to. A lot of the martial arts she learned was replaced by recipes.

    She was by no means defenseless, however she was nowhere near her former glory. Ayano placed both hands on her hips, eye drawing from the bottom of Ryuko's dress back to her eyes in a quick flicker of her eyes before she spoke again. "If I'm not mistaken you wanted a word with me? Would you like to come into my office, or is it not a private issue?" She inquired before beckoning her into her private quarters. A large part of her presumed this was a legitimate business proposal, as that's what Ryuko meant by meaning "having business to discuss." The way she dressed was too formal to drop by a compliment.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Perception: C
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2193
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Investing in the future (Ayano)  Empty Re: Investing in the future (Ayano)

    Post by Ryuko Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:55 pm

    Ryuko felt a little bad about how quickly the server rushed off to get the manager. When someone asked to speak to to someone higher up in the chain of command it was usually to file a complaint. That idea couldn’t be further from the case in this situation thought since out of all the places the priestess could have gone, she had chosen this one specifically because she had zero issues with it.

    The owner was an ex-ninja from the same village as her, one with a sterling reputation which was ultimately the reason Ryuko had chosen to approach her for this particular conversation in the first place. Observing the cafe from the outside and seeing how it was run had served to confirm that this was indeed a business worth looking into.

    Ryuko blushed a little at being called by her title. It was funny how it had started out as a cute little code name Natsuru had given her to use on mission and yet somehow it had managed to spread across the entire village. It was going to take a while before she got used to the fact her own reputation that she had been building up was proceeding her.

    Taking the hand that had been offered Ryuko gave it a firm but not crushing shake. She was here to make a deal, not intimidate the woman. “Yes please, an office shall do quite nicely. Tis best to keep this between us.” Ryuko replied. When one was talking about money it was usually better to keep it private.

    After following Ayano into the office and being shown to a chair Ryuko smiled ready to get down to business. “Before we begin…” she started to say as she reached into the bag she was carrying then out an expensive bottle of fine brandy. “I have a gift for you.” she said holding the bottle out for Ayano to take.

    Starting things off with a present was a negation tactic that her father had taught her and it had served her very well in the past. She had brought Nariko who just become Raikage at the time a set of chain mail to wear that she had hand crafted herself. It had gone a long way towards getting her own posting as Nariko’s attendant.

    The only problem now was that as an attendant it left her little time to run missions. She did them as often as she could but even with her salary it wasn’t enough to pay the bills to maintain her very expensive lifestyle. That wasn’t much of an issue how since her father had been footing the bill for her but that could only continue for so long.

    He’s issued her an ultimatum. Quite the church and get married before she reached 18 years of age or be cut off from the family fortune. Needless to say she needed to find a source of supplementary income and find it soon if she was going to become self sufficient. Well even if her father wasn’t going to cut her off she’d do it anyway. What kind of adult would she be to still depend on her parents support for everything?

    “Ms. Aishi as you know I am a woman of means. To keep a long story short I’ve been looking for ways to diversify my profile for the last several months and heard from a reliable source that you where looking for additional financing. I’m prepared to invest a sizable sum of money into your business if you’ll have me.” she said laying her intentions out without a shred of pretense.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Ayano Aishi
    Ayano Aishi

    Posts : 70
    Join date : 2018-05-19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Chemistry | Ijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 142,000

    Investing in the future (Ayano)  Empty Re: Investing in the future (Ayano)

    Post by Ayano Aishi Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:39 am

    Ryuko preferred the office, which was fine by her. She also liked to keep conversations private and not in public. At least during business hours when she's on the clock. It was too easy to end up distracting herself with helping her staff. Entering the office and having the door shut behind them would ensue a near dead silence. Ryuko and Ayano would seat themselves at a mahogany executive desk, the top of the desk organized neatly. Ryuko was given the spotlight, and of course before they did go straight to business, she did present an extravagant bottle of brown liquor. Reading the label let Ayano know it was clearly brandy. Ayano was not entirely a fan of alcohol. She did brew her own whisky, wine, and beer to sell in the cafe so was quite familiar with the taste. Ayano also chose to drink in public whenever she had to socialize in order to appear a bit more normal. "Thank you, Ms. Von Rose." Ayano said genuinely taking the bottle from the desk and setting it on a side table to take home later.

    As Ryuko spoke again she expressed her interest in investing into the company, which at the moment was almost non-existent. Folding her arms on the table she leaned forwards to rest her bosom on them exposing a healthy amount of cleavage. "You have heard correctly. However, my headquarters is not quite complete just yet. That does not mean we cannot rectify a business proposal. Fortunately for you, my office building will be complete in three days. If you leave the money with me I can ensure it will be invested the first day the office is functional." Pulling open a drawer she grabbed a paper and pen. Shutting the drawer close she set both of the items before Ryuko on the desk. It was a simple contract giving Ayano consent to handle her funds without her presence. Of course Ayano would have to be left with a stack of ryo or check, which she would later deposit herself. "How many shares did you plan on buying? One share is equivalent to one-hundred ryo. Ideally, the more you invest the greater the return you will have. I should let you know, if you intend to buy three-thousand shares you will qualify as a Board Member under certain circumstances. These circumstances being giving me full access to your invested funds. If this does not interest you, that is fine. Buying three-thousand shares will certainly qualify you to free meals at my establishments. It is considered a perk for being a major investor."

    Straightened her posture just slightly she still remained hunched over, though her bust was no longer resting on her arms but instead heaved outwards just slightly keeping her posture as casual as she could. "Would this be something you might be interested in?" She spoke once again, with a bit more charm and chime in her voice than her usual self. If Ryuko was not attracted to or found Ayano physically attractive she would not be distracted. This also meant she was smart and perceptive enough to tell Ayano was certainly acting flirtatious, and one could imagine that was a technique to butter Ryuko up enough to be more receptive to investing large sums of ryo into her establishment and garner enough trust to allow Ayano to hold onto them until the headquarters was complete.

    UA used:

    • Seductress: An avid reader of romance novels and literature has honed Ayano with the skills to become a fantasy to most. When acting with the intent of seduction she has a natural influence on the characters who appear attracted to her. Those who reject her advances will usually then find clarity in what her true intentions were.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Perception: C
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2193
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Investing in the future (Ayano)  Empty Re: Investing in the future (Ayano)

    Post by Ryuko Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:33 pm

    Ryuko breathed a sigh of relief that her gift had been well received. It was always difficult to buy for someone you didn’t really know yet. Without knowing what their tastes where it was like taking a shot at a moving target in the dark so she’d opted for the safe option of bringing booze. It was a fairly standard gesture among adult society that typcially went over well thought their was always the risk of running into someone who didn’t drink.

    Now that would have been awkward. In the future when dealing with Ayano she’d have to insure the gifts where a bit more personalized Showing a lack of attentiveness would be extremely unbecoming of her and bad for maintaining a relationship.

    Ryuko blushed heavily as the way Ayano leaned forward was exposing her rather impressive cleavage. Was she even aware she was doing that or did she simply not care because they where both the same gender? Not wanting to be a pervert Ryuko averted her eyes as she listed to what the businesswoman had to say.

    The fact that the office building wasn’t ready yet was a small trifle. 3 days was nothing to worry about and she had no problems with leaving a large amount of money in Ayano’s hands. The entire reason she’d approached her in the first place was because she felt that the chief was someone she could put her faith in.

    Still that didn’t mean she was going to just sign something blindly as she made sure to glance over the contract quickly first making sure she understood what it outlined before signing it and handing it back over to the woman.

    It seemed she was in luck. She had just enough money saved to be able to buy 3000 shares with just a bit left over. She wasn’t really sure about being a board member or not since she had had fully intended to just let Ayano keep running things as usual no matter how big her stake would be. There wasn’t much point to trying to fix something that wasn’t broken. It was still a lot of money, but the free food perk was more then enough to push her over the edge.

    “Yes, I believe I shall start with 3000 shares to start with.” she said. She had stopped at the bank just prior to this withdrawing almost everything she had for this one moment. Reaching a hand into her bag she casually began to pull out fat wads of 500 ryo bills. Each wad had 100 bills in it and she and placed six of them on the desk lined up in two stacks three wads high.

    “This should cover it if you’d like to confirm the amount.” said Ryuko who’d just placed down an almost stupid amount of money like it was nothing. Then again she was used to dealing with large amount of funds that made would make this seem trivial in comparison.

    “Tis quite the pleasure doing business with you Ms. Aishi. A toast to your future success.” complimented Ryuko once the money had been counted and their business had been concluded. Doing this deal would delay her being able to make the high quality armor for herself like she’d been hoping but in the long run she’d be much better off financially for it.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

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