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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:20 pm

    Rin stood at the entrance of the Kotoshura’s residence as rain pours down on top of his head and shoulders. The job of shinobi is a hardship that one endures for their entire life and may even accumulate PTSD from it. However this hardship was something Rin was prepared for, but no one wants to deliver this kind of news to a family who loves a shinobi so much. Rin wagered that someone else could do it, but for some reason Rin felt obligated to inform Yui as soon as possible. Yet now that he’s here there is a strong tug from the back of his mind to run away. This day was disheartening to say the least for he looked up to Taichi as a older brother he never had.

    His dark locks drenched and sticking to his forehead, Rin took a breath to steel his resolve before raising a hand to knock on the door a couple of times. He is still garbed in his armor with his weapons attached to his belt and a bag slung over his shoulder. This was seriously not something anyone would want to do, and to Rin no one should go through this. What happened to Taichi hit Rin home that he better keep his friends and family close. Ensure that peace will sustain long enough to keep his friends out of harm’s way. Still Rin will not run from this as he remained in front of the house. His mind swarming thoughts like what is he supposed to say to her when just days ago Rin was opening Yui’s perspective between the conflict of Taichi and herself. For things to go this way so soon without conclusion is more than likely going to eat at her emotions.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
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    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:39 pm

    Yui had heard a knock at her door as she had just finished training and was still wet she had stripped her clothing off stripping down to just a larger shirt she used to sleep in and her panties. She would make her way toward the door before deciding maybe it would be best to put some pants on, she was never sure who would visit her these days as she slid them on she would answer the door drying her hair out. At the door stood someone she did not expect, he was in his armor and had his weapons on him still, she was unsure what this was about but she was rather curious maybe her idiot brother was trying to set her up with someone.

    "Rin don't stand out in the rain come inside and dry off, I will brew us some tea so just wait a few minutes alright;" she would motion for the boy to enter her house. It was a bit of a mess as she had been struggling and literally being unable to fit her bra on anymore so many were thrown about into a pile to discard. She would start to make her way to the kitchen as she would start the stove and begin to set up the teapot, she would place some red leaves into two glasses and begin to mill them in preperation to make the tea.

    After several minutes the tea kettle would begin to howl as she would carry the hot tea out and throw Rin a towel to dry off with. He seemed quite down and she wondered why, he was younger then herself so she wondered maybe if he came to talk about girl trouble, though that would greatly amuse her.

    "So what brings you by today Rin, did my brother put you up to this or something, that idiot would not shock me if he did. Listen you are a good kid and all but I am not looking to date anyone right now, so if that's the reason I will simply say not right now alright."


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:13 am

    It didn't take long Rin heard the mechanical click from the door before it swung open. Standing behind it was Yui who genuinely appeared to be surprised to see him. Then again it is not everyday that Rin approaches someone's home. The first thing she said was about how soaked he was. That he couldn't deny, and he's been walking for hours in this weather. With Yui motioning Rin inside he would give a light bow before stepping inside. Of course due to respect he made sure to take off his sandals and wrench out as much of the excess water from his shirt as possible.

    Leaving his sandals at the door placed neatly to the side, Rin followed Yui inside after he closed the door behind him. “Thank you Yui.” A courtesy, but really it bought him time to think more about what to say. After shown to a couch Rin made sure not to press his back against the cushions. While Yui was in the kitchen Rin was pondering on how he would react. To be honest Rin still feels numb to it, but it is only because he knows Taichi is still alive.

    When Yui came back minutes later with two steaming cups of tea and a towel which she tossed at Rin's direction. He of course catches it before beginning to dry his hair off and gives thanks to Yui. Yui seemed to be under the suspicion that Taichi planned this to happen and Rin laughed at the end of it. “Well in a sense Taichi is the reason why i am here…” Rin took a deep breath before pursing his lips and taking a sip from the warm tea. “Your brother…” He paused a moment as his eyes shifted from the tea to Yui. “Your brother has entered a comatose state. At first i thought he was just exhausted from the mission as he overslept, but he wasn't waking up.”

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
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    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

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    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:40 pm

    She watched as he drank the tea and began to speak, he mentioned her brother was in a coma causing her to laugh, this pair sure were trying to pull one over on her. No way he would really be in one, he was not weak enough to fall to this plague that had affected the world, but the look on Rin's face was dead serious as she stopped laughing. She would quietly stare down at her tea taking a drink, she appeared calm but it was clear she was raging inside, how could that idiot give up on life and fall ill like this.

    "What happened, was he injured on the mission and that's why he is in a coma, that's what really happened right and you are just messing with me. My brother isn't weak enough to fall to some stupid disease, no way I would believe that to be true, but this isn't a very funny joke."

    She would wait to see how he responded as her face showed both anger and worry, if he really was in a coma she had to go right away to the hospital she would slap him until he came to. No way she was accepting this, no way this could be true, how could that moron fall ill, she had the entire weight of the clan on her shoulders she did not have time for another worry.


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:29 am

    Yui's response was to be expected as no one wants to hear their loved ones fall into a coma or worse. There was a chance from Rin heard before that Taichi may wake up. But statistically that chance is small. “I wouldn't make jokes like this Yui.” He simply told Yui as that was the truth. Plus given his serious demeanor right now it'll make him more convincing. “Taichi is currently at the hospital as we speak. We're hoping that he'll recover soon, but the doctors can only do so much i'm afraid.”

    Rin can tell that Yui was looking at him hard. Searching for answers that are possibly non-existent. He can agree with Yui on if this was a joke it was definitely not funny. Rin certainly wouldn't be the one who follows through with a joke like that. Now to answer her first question about what happened, and Rin tells the best of his ability during their mission. Summarizing the details of arriving at the Tanzaku Town without much of an issue and found their client. Taichi appeared to be fine the following morning as he opted to stay behind and guard their client while Rin, Sera, and Masuyo departed for this hidden temple. By the time they got back however, Taichi was knocked out and Rin even admits that he suspected their client to be responsible for that. Yet they ruled out any possibilities for there was no puncture marks or signs of injury.

    “And then after the mission was deemed complete we quickly made our way over here with Taichi.” Concluding the summary as he neglected to mention the knives or the trouble Masuyo's squad went through just to get them. Rin knows that this may not bring Yui any form of peace, but he at least told her what happened.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
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    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

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    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:56 am

    She listened to the details and how he had been left alone with the client, when they came back he was in a coma, anger rose inside of her. She was sure of it this client caused this, no way he would simply fall ill, no wounds meant nothing skin contact using poison was entirely possible. She would rush toward Rin grabbing him by the collar and shoving him hard against the wall, her fist clenched as she had tears in her eyes, she was angry but she also was sad. She never had a chance to gloat over her brother about becoming clan leader, she never got to tell him she really cared about him, no she had all those moments taken away from her.

    "Are you sure the client did not poison him or do something else to him, they could have had poison in their skin. You are sure that was not the cause, did you thoroughly check, either way, you are going with me right now to the hospital."

    She would begin to get ready as she pulled her hand away Rin would notice something very odd she appeared to have a mouth on her hand. This was certainly not normal and she did not have this before now. She would make sure to grab two umbrellas one for her and one for Rin as she would grab his arm and yank him hard indicating she wanted to leave right now.

    If he followed Yui would be completely silent on the way they're going as fast as she could using her blast to boost her movements to get there as fast as possible before finally arriving. She would wait for Rin as she was nervous stepping inside and asking where he was. She would be told as she would rush to his room storming inside and seeing him laying there in peace. He had many things hooked up to him but it appeared everything they had tried to wake him had failed.

    "I assume you are his sister Kotoshura Yui I am the shinobi that has been trying to figure out how to wake him and before you ask he was not poisoned, it appears to be the plague. Yes, it is strange it affected him so long after he had left Iwa but this is certainly the same disease that devastated your former nation."

    She appeared angry as she made her way toward her brother before suddenly yanking him up and slapping him across the face as she began to slap him harder and harder trying to force him awake before she was restrained by the hospital staff. Her rage was obvious as she was thrown out of the hospital fuming and pacing outside the doors. She was so angry she needed to take her anger out on someone and she had no idea who but they would certainly suffer.


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:52 pm

    Well it certainly was a good thing that Rin set his cup of hot tea down just before Yui got up and rushed to pin against a wall. He grunted from the force behind it, but it was mainly due to Rin's surprise. Her eyes brimming with anger and sorrow that seems to feed off each other. She demanded to know if he thoroughly checked for poison. “Of course i did. It wasn't just me either because even Masuyo checked him and there wasn't a trace of venom anywhere in his system.” Rin took a deep breath to calm himself for he was still upset as well, though it is mild compared to Yui and Rin can control it. “I'm sorry Yui.”

    She didn't give him much time after that as she grabbed two umbrellas and handed one to Rin. The boy takes the umbrella in his hands as for some reason it feels heavier than normal. However Rin suspected it just might be the weight on his soul as dire things seem to be swarming around him. With tug on his arm, Rin followed Yui to the best of his ability by leaping from one roof to the next. All while under most of the protection under his borrowed umbrella.

    Still Rin showed up at the hospital's entrance shortly after Yui arrived and was a bit surprised that Yui waited. Rin knows well enough about expecting the worse and how it can scare the hell out of the toughest human. “Come on. If anything he could wake up the next hour or maybe tomorrow.” Rin was being optimistic of course, and purposely doing so as it wasn't necessarily a false hope. The possibility of Taichi waking up is always there so long as he remains alive. The Uchiha boy walked with Yui inside the hospital and remained at the doorway.

    Seeing Taichi motionless in that hospital bed and garbed in a simple gown still disheartens Rin. The boy's own words about the next time Taichi and Yui meet now weighs heavy on his heart. Yui started to act more out of desperation that a good slap would wake Taichi up. It wasn't uncommon, but still the nurses had to come and pull Yui off. Rin of course stepped aside as Yui was being taken out of the room and taken out of the hospital itself. Rin followed behind in silence as he was still clinging onto the borrowed umbrella that is now mostly placed in a plastic bag. To keep it from dripping water all over the floor of course.

    As Rin opened the door to the outside the staff was just walking in. So after holding the door open for them Rin lets it close behind them before approaching Yui who seems more heated than before. Rin had taken off the plastic sleeve and unfolded the umbrella before holding it out over Yui's head. “I know that you're angry, but…” He couldn't find the right words to say until she was glaring with that hatred towards him. Suddenly he felt like he should be running right about now, but Rin discarded those instincts. “Taichi will bounce back from this. That much i can say for sure.”

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
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    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

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    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:42 am

    Yui would hear Rin's words as she would turn with a bright bolting of lightning filling the sky, her hand clenched as she would walk toward him and shove him as hard as she could. What did he know he would be fine, no she knew almost no one recovered from this if he had what they said he did he was good as dead.

    "He will be fine fuck off, you don't know what this disease does, you are lucky to fall into a coma, but the chance they ever recover is slim to none, fuck you... acting like you understand this. He is basically dead now, do you understand I lost my only brother not to combat but to some stupid god damn disease."

    Her eyes would begin to fill with tears as she would begin to storm off, she wanted to crush him so hard but she knew doing so would tarnish her clan's reputation. As much as she wanted to hit Rin she simply could not so the only thing she could do was scream as loudly as she could and cry her tears in the heavy rain and thunderstorm. She would walk over to a nearby building and begin to punch the wall, her hand would not be able to go through it but she continued to slam into it over and over as her hands began to bleed from her blows.


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:16 am

    The crash of thunder as the crackling energy fill the air. Yui grabs him again and tries to shove him as hard as she could. However he only moved a couple steps back with the umbrella still in his hand. Her words rang true in Rin's mind. What did he even know about this kind of thing? Rin was compassionate enough to try to understand what Yui is going through right now, but it is not the same thing as actually experiencing it.

    She started to storm off and began punching the nearby building. Screaming into the rain as the raindrops probably cover her tears. One of the nurses came out with a concerned look on her face as she looked at Rin before turning towards Yui. “Is she going to be alright?” As much as Rin would like to say yes Rin can't imagine that she will truly be alright. “She believes her brother is already dead.” Rin stated to answer the nurse's question. “Well try to make sure she gets home without starting fights alright?”

    Then the nurse walked back into the hospital and leaving Rin to ponder what to do. He tried to think what Masuyo would do, but knowing her Masuyo probably just let Yui be alone for a while. Which probably would be the best option to be honest. Still Rin only walked near Yui and proceeds to sit down with his back against the wall. Only maybe 2-3 meters away from Yui as Rin goes silent on this subject.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:53 pm

    She would eventually stop as her hands continued to bleed turning and seeing Rin close by she spoke no words, but the sadness in her eyes was clear. She felt this was the end of her brother, she would never give up on him but she also knew the chance of getting out of the coma was slim to none. She would continue to walk back toward her house as she did not even bother to use her umbrella making her way to the door she would leave it wide open as she stepped inside.

    Now soaking wet she would begin to stip her clothing off, she did not care if anyone saw her as she would begin to dry herself off before placing a large shirt to simply cover her body. She wondered what Rin was going to do, would he try to speak to her, she really did not want to talk but at the same time she did, she felt she had to get the tears out of her system to be able to focus on what she had to. No matter what happened to her brother she had to take responsibility for the clan, she had to become strong and make her clan known as a powerful force in Konoha.


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:59 am

    It did bring sorrow to Rin’s mind seeing Yui like this, but he knows that she wasn’t angry at him exactly. It is just grief over her brother whom she already assumes is dead. She turned towards him for a moment which Rin would wave with his free hand as his eyes caught the sight of her hands. Yui didn’t say anything as she turned and begin to walk away again. Rin stood up on his feet as he wondered who would have closer ties that Yui can talk to easier. Other than Taichi and maybe that Gin dude Rin can’t really think of anyone as he got up to his feet.

    “I choose to live by choice, not by chance…” Rin mumbled to himself as he followed a few meters behind. At the very least he wanted to make sure she got home safely. That’s when he realized something that form of a code could help in this situation. Well it might not since really it is just some words of inspiration. “I choose to be motivated, not manipulated…” Of course when Yui went back into her house Rin did strongly feel that it is about time to get home himself. But the more he thought of whether or not he should stay made him tsk at himself. “Dammit.”

    Besides he has more of an excuse and maybe a change of topic as he walks up to the closed door and knocks on it. “Hey Yui, I brought your umbrella back.” Rin spoke a little loud because he was making sure that she could hear him over this white noise the rain was making. Besides he was really liking that tea. “I think i see a star through the clouds too now that im looking up.” More so a metaphor to keep their head held high and keep moving. But if anything it might bring some dry humor into the mix.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
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    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:12 pm

    She suddenly heard him speak and mention her umbrella, not like that mattered to her right now, he also spoke of something about a star through the clouds. His joke was terrible but it made her laugh just a bit, still, she was in no mood for visitors. She would sit down on her couch simply sitting with her head looking to the floor, she never felt this way before she was one that always showed a smile and was a bright future for the village. She loved her brother but she had to be strong no matter how much her heart ached.

    "Rin you can leave now... I have a lot to think about... and I don't want anyone seeing my tears, not even you. I have to remain strong for my clan's sake and no matter how much I hurt right now, I can't let anyone see any weakness in me."

    She would wait for Rin to go to the door if he chose to leave she would move behind him and give him a light hug. He likely was hurting as well being her brother's friend. As she did she would begin to cry, as long as he did not see her cry it was fine, she simply had to make sure he could not see her tears, after several minutes she would stop and let him leave. Turning away so he could not see her face and waiting for him to exit. Once he would she would begin to cry once more getting out as many tears as she could on this day, never again could she cry for her brother, she had to be the unshakable icon of her clan.

    -Attempted Exit-


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    Path of Gloom [Blast Yui] Empty Re: Path of Gloom [Blast Yui]

    Post by Tatsuya Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:32 pm

    Rin earned a small laugh from Yui as he made such a bad joke. But still it would seem like Yui was in no mood for visitors now. Rin understood that it was a lot to take in since Taichi would no longer be the clan leader or at least heir to being leader. That role falls to the next member in line, and that apparently was Yui Kotoshura herself. Rin will dip his head in acknowledgment not like Yui could see it given that she's staring at the floor.

    “Then i wish you well Yui. Hopefully when the storm blows over we can have a chat if you like.” Of course Rin was referring to what Yui is going to endure and enduring as the storm. Rin turned on his heel and made his way over to the door attempting to make his exit. Along the way Rin was setting the umbrella against a corner from side when he heard somebody was behind him. Next second later he felt something wrap around his torso which confused him. Looking down there was an extra pair of arms that were definitely not his as he felt a light squeeze.

    It did hurt Rin that Taichi was more or less gone. Most importantly Rin was disheartened that Yui and Taichi never made their amends to each other. In a sense Rin partially blames himself for letting Taichi stay behind, but then logic comes and tells Rin's mind that he couldn't have known this would happen. Rin reaches up with one of his hands to place it over one of Yui's hands, but he doesn't lift it away as he felt Yui quivering as there was an occasional sobs. He remembers that she didn't want him to see her weakness, doesn't mean he can't help cover it up so to speak.

    After seven minutes had passed Rin felt the hug loosen up which he figured that she was going to pull away so he lifted his hand up from Yui's. “I know you got a clan to strive for and you must remain stern. But that doesn't mean you have to take it alone Yui. I am pretty sure you have friends who'll support you all the way. Including me.” Hopefully Rin's words held some merit, but truthfully he didn't want Yui to try to shoulder all of that weight on her own. And with that Rin would put his shoes on before taking his leave from Yui's residence with her door gently closing behind him.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

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    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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