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    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)


    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) Empty Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)

    Post by Sakata Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:21 pm

    Sakata lets out a heavy breath of fresh air from the very moment that he reaches his intended training location. To say in the least--it was frigid. Far different from what his body had come to be adjusted to over the course of the years, but also reminiscent of the chill that he felt in his early years. His physique felt a tinge of recognition from it, and it was a little refreshing from what he was used to.

    Of course, he didn't drag his way up to one of the coldest places in Kumogakure without being prepared. The Kishima's wearing two pairs of sweat pants, solely so he wouldn't freeze his legs off, and with that he has on a pair of matching black boots. A simple turtleneck sweater and pair of befitting gloves cover his torso and arms well enough, and over that is the standard vest expected of someone of his ranking to wear. Naturally, he's wearing a jacket over both of those things--a dark gray one with a furred collar keeping the sides of his neck warm.

    In his grasp is a Supervibrato Sword; it wasn't that efficient for getting some kenjutsu training done but it was better than nothing. After checking that he's got all that he needs, the Kishima strides on forward a little bit until he's in the center of the meadow, and unsheathes the rather small, lightning conductive sword.

    As soon as he reaches the center, instead of stopping completely, the male speeds up. In one fell swoop he darts on forward, springing off of the ground with nimbleness and making his advance forward. With a swivel of his person, the Kishima effectively completes a full spin, and lashes out in a rather straightforward slash that cleaves into the tree before him as a result of his centripetal motion. He digs deep with the slash and the strength behind it, before reeling his arm inward, and thrusting his leg outward.

    The male disengages with a firm kick that props his foot against the tree trunk, allowing him to push off and spring back, dancing along the snowy ground under his feet.

    Learned - Cloud-Style Front Beheading

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) 7c48c66a96290cfc1ccdef3c0cd48325
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    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

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    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) Empty Re: Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)

    Post by Sakata Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:28 pm

    Shortly after his disengagement, Sakata slides across the snow quietly. He stands up from his crouched positioning and spins the weapon within his grasp, before shutting his eyes and concentrating to the best degree that he can manage. At the apex of his concentration, Sakata snaps his eyes back open and stops the movement of his blade. It remains erect in front of him as he begins to twirl it in a clockwise-mannerism, leaving a trail of afterimages in the blade's wake.

    And then the Kishima darts forward at incredible speeds, thrusting across the snow at reasonable speeds as he progresses on toward the timberland before him once more. The male primes his sword right before him, spinning it into a reverse grip and slashing diagonally into the tree trunk. It forms a great gash within the wood as he passes on by, progressing further a few paces before skidding to a halt. The male flicks a few spare pieces of wood off of his blade and stands up straight, inhaling briefly and peering over his shoulder.

    He hadn't quite put enough force behind the attack to cut through the tree itself, but it was still impressive none the less when it came to agility.

    Learned - Hazy Moon Night

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) 7c48c66a96290cfc1ccdef3c0cd48325
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    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

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    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) Empty Re: Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)

    Post by Sakata Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:44 pm

    Shortly after that attack, the male turns on his heel and progresses on back into the meadow. As soon as he's headed into the meadow itself, Sakata stamps his weaponry into the ground. He brings both palms together, aligning them with themselves. It's at that point that he forms the Clone handseal, and channels chakra throughout his person. Half of his reserves are distributed to the shadow clone, giving it proper sentience for the upcoming thing he had in mind for the time being. With the shadow clone manifested, he had a proper little sequence to play out for the next technique he was going to be practicing.

    The male jumps up and lands a decent distance away from the shadow clone, effectively repositioning him at a safe distance from the clone. Once he's lined himself up with the clone, he notably lowers his stance a little bit, positioning the Supervibrato at a safe place in front of him and waiting for the shadow clone to make its advance. Sure enough, it does as he heeds, and starts off by slashing horizontally at him from its right. In prompt response to this, he ascends his arms and brings the weapon to block the incoming attack.

    With a swift push, the male knocks its sword aside and dashes off to the shadow clone's right, swinging at it in a vertical arc. The clone's just as quick to respond as he is, and promptly knocks his sword out of his hands with a powerful, two-handed swing. Following that, the clone thrusts its leg on towards his chest, effectively knocking him back as he allows it--but not without yanking his sword back into his grasp before it can get too far away from him. Midway through his progression backwards, he recovers in the air and performs a quick back flip, before kicking up off of the ground.

    The Kishima promptly ascends into the air, somersaulting backward in the midst and offering numerous precise cuts to one of the thicker branches on the tree, cutting about half of it and then kicking it towards the advancing shadow clone. In response to the incoming projectile, the shadow clone slashes it in half, only to find that he was gone without a trace. It sees some brief rustles within a bush directly in its line of sight, causing it to pick up one of the pieces of the thick branch, and promptly flinging it on towards the bush in question. Sakata himself barely avoids it with a good catch, setting it down carefully.

    He drops his blade, before forming several handseals and transforming the chunk of the tree branch into an ornate replica of himself. The male proceeds to fling the Supervibrato out of the bush in a blind toss, before doing the same with the imitation of himself. It progresses toward the shadow clone--and with fair ease the clone manages to dodge both the sword, and soon impales the fake version of himself, only for said fake to revert into its log-nature.

    In one fell swoop, Sakata capitalizes upon its shock just as intended with the technique's purpose, and blitzes behind the clone, catching the previously thrown Supervibrato and spinning the entirety of his body. He slashes in a diagonal arc then brings his sword back down, slashing along the center of its back in a vertical arc shortly after. With the two wounds dealt, the shadow clone inevitably disperses as intended, returning his chakra to him and allowing him to resheath his weapon safely for the time being.

    He'd already had short breathes just from that brief training exercise, so he'd definitely have to keep practicing for a little bit before he got adjusted to it. It'd be important for him to get that out of the way before they embarked to the Land of Frost.

    Learned - Cloud Style Deception Beheading | Dance of the War Demon

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) 7c48c66a96290cfc1ccdef3c0cd48325
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    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) Empty Re: Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)

    Post by Sakata Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:27 pm

    After spending several hours mostly resting up in preparation for some more training, Sakata finally stands upright. With a few bodily stretches the Kishima re-engages himself, and opts to work on the most important thing that he had to learn at the moment. He removes the scroll he'd been given from his pocket and pries it open, looking it over and soaking up the information provided within it. For the most part, the technique functioned the way he had assumed it, but this time around he had a far more in-depth description of it.

    Even better, he could access it whenever he needed to for the next couple minutes he'd be trying to use it. Confident that he won't need it, though, Sakata rolls the scroll back up and tucks it into his hip pouch, before bringing his arms to a slight arch at his sides. The black-haired male tightens his hands into fists and concentrates to the best of his ability, beginning to channel Raiton-natured chakra throughout his frame. It was far different from any kind of technique he'd ever actually had to use before, in that the control over chakra was far more concentrated and minute in contrast to what he was used to.

    Slowly but surely, the electricity flowing through him visibly engulfs his frame in an aura that begins to expand in nature while enveloping him. Sparks start to flicker about rapidly, and what's more is that they aren't the only ones shifting about. More electricity is flickering about within his person, specifically channeling through his nervous system. He lifts his hand up, peering at the lightning-lathered limb of his in surprise. Everything seemed much... clearer in a way? It was like his brain was processing things much quicker.

    Or well, his nervous system was reacting faster. He'd done just as the technique told, and was effectively awarded for it through proper activation. With the consistent flow of chakra coursing through him, his movements felt more fluid, something he notices as he jabs at the air several times. With the newfound enhancement acquired, he felt there was no better way than to put it in a test run with some actual training.

    Learned - Lightning Release Chakra Mode (Level One)

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) 7c48c66a96290cfc1ccdef3c0cd48325
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    Posts : 275
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    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) Empty Re: Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)

    Post by Sakata Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:57 pm

    The male steadily lowers his frame, actively maintaining the flow of Raiton-natured chakra currently engulfing his being. After a brief inhale, he thrusts on forward, preemptively yanking his Supervibrato off of the ground. Utilizing his enhanced means of movement to close the distance between himself and one of the trees surrounding the meadow, the male rams the weaponry tipf first into the earth and uproots himself, springing off of the ground. In a quick burst of momentum, he thrusts his leg out promptly, driving his foot dead into the tree trunk.

    The force of the strike alone is enough to cause numerous cracks to form around the small crater he creates, courtesy of the force of his blow. He isn't done there, though. Following that attack, Sakata is quick to retract his leg and spin his hand upon the end of his weaponry. Once he's built up the necessary centripetal motion, the male's back is facing the tree, allowing him to yank the sword up out of the ground. For just a moment, it seems like he plans on attacking his front, but with the built-up momentum he suddenly spins like a top.

    Following that spin, the Kishima lashes out, and slashes in a horizontal fashion, carving deep into the tree with the force put behind the attack. Once more he finds himself shooting his leg up and ramming his foot into the tree, kicking off of it to go reeling on backwards. With a quick somersault, the male lines his feet up with the ground and skids across it, halting his progression backwards as he brings his hands together, palms parallel.

    Learned - Cloud-Style Reverse Beheading | Moonlight

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) 7c48c66a96290cfc1ccdef3c0cd48325
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    Posts : 275
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    Age : 24

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    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private) Empty Re: Cold Practice for a Cold Destination (Private)

    Post by Sakata Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:31 am

    Upon pressing his hands together, the male withdraws chakra from his person and divides it into three instead of two this time around. Two clouds of smoke, one on either side of him, appear, and with them so do shadow clones with Supervibrato Swords of their own within their grasp. Upon forming the pair of shadow clones, the male sets his sights ahead of him on the tree for the time being, opting to give one more shot at some training. With the lightning layering his frame, the male leans down in tandem with his clones, and darts forward.

    They speed forward in unison at insane speeds, speeds of which Sakata even has difficulty trying to move at. He springs off of the ground midway in his movement while the two clones approach from either side of a single tree within the meadow that they're targeting. One clone to the left, one to the right, and himself descending from above. The trio of high-speed attackers close in upon the single structure effortlessly, and make their ambitious move. The combined efforts of the attack definitely show from the very moment they manage to come in contact.

    The shadow clones themselves cleave into the tree's sides, swiping off to the side and making a U-turn to dart back away from it. Sakata is the last one to make it to the tree, and upon his arrival he drives the weaponry home in a single, vertical slash that drives down right through the center. The barrage of attacks tears apart the trunk's structure in itself, threatening to make it collapse in upon itself from the heavy force. Upon the completion of the technique, Sakata disperses the shadow clones, and allows the aura of chakra to fade from around him.

    He's clearly a little winded from the approach, but at least that pretty much finished up all the training that he needed to get done. All he really wanted to do now was make sure he had everything he needed before he left the village altogether for this diplomatic mission.

    Learned - Dance of the Crescent Moon


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