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    Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:29 pm

    Shimiko stood at the training grounds where she had first met her Raikage and sensei. She was back again, armed and ready to go. She wanted to push herself harder during this training session and practice a few Chinoike Clan techniques that she had started to learn. She had been pulled from a mission that the rest of the Thundercats were on so she knew that she had to make the most of it. When Ryuko and Natsuru saw her again she would be on a complete different level in terms of power. The girl was wearing her typical white dress shirt and black tie, red mini-skirt, and trench coat. Nariko-sensei would arrive at any minute now.


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Sun Jul 22, 2018 2:31 pm

    Nariko had been running a little behind, as gathering up a group of genin had proved to be a little more annoying than she'd anticipated. It wasn't difficult by any means, but genin were often unruly and didn't like to obey orders very much, even for her. To be fair, she was still fairly new as a kage, and hadn't proved herself to be a force worth listening to to those newly initiated into the ranks of Kumo's military.

    Having done so though, she'd gathered up a group of 10 genin to participate in the training of her student. Shimiko had wanted the advanced training course, and Nariko was going to push her to her limits this week. One of the staples of a high ranking shinobi was the ability to fight off multiple enemies at once, so that's what was going to happen this day.

    Followed by the ragtag group of kids, Nariko entered the training grounds with her followers, all around the same age as Shimiko, all of which were pumped to have the chance to fight against a single opponent. They were expecting to basically roll Shimiko, using superior numbers. It was rare that they got the chance to actually gang up on someone and have it be an okay'd thing to do. Of course, they still did it anyhow, but it was rarely sanctioned.

    Nariko would have fought Shimiko one on one, but she was too superior at their current level, and dropping down to a lower level wouldn't have helped all that much either. The numbers game was the way to play it.

    The 10 genin had an interesting mix of people, some male, some female. There was a large diversity, but they all seemed to be roughly in their early teens, and all around the same level of skill, so the variety wasn't too much of an issue.

    "Alright Shimiko. Your training is going to start out rough. I've assembled this group, and you're going to fight them until they overwhelm you, or you beat them all. Simple enough, as to prove you're a powerful shinobi, you'll need to fight multiple enemies often. The numbers are rarely on your side in a mission, and sometimes circumstances will force you to fight. Any questions?"

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:53 pm

    Nariko arrived with a gaggle of genin. Shimiko was a bit surprised and annoyed to see the group. Did Nariko have other students? Why had she brought these people to train with them when she stated that she wanted a one on one training session? Shimiko's questions were soon answered as Nariko explained that Shimiko would have to fight these ten genin. The exercise was meant to teach her how to fight against multiple opponents. It was a necessity for a shinobi to know how to fight multiple enemies at once. Shimiko thought back to her first mission, the bandit raid on the outskirts of Kumogakure. She had gotten lucky against a few ragtag bandits but if she had to go against real ninja she could have died then and there. Shimiko eyed the group with an unflinching coldness. She was normally warm, friendly, and pleasant but today she was focused on one goal and one goal only and that was getting stronger. Natsuru had nearly overpowered her in unarmed combat and Ryuko could hold her at bay like a mere child. She would not be the weak link in there team and she didn't care how many genin bones she had to break to emerge the strongest out of the Thundercats.

    "No questions sensei. They can come for me whenever their ready."

    Shimiko's eyes turned from their normal green color to a bright crimson. A black pupil emerged in the center with a single pale white horizontal bar in the center. It was the Chinoike clan's Ketsuryūgan and this would be her first time activating it in a combat situation. Spar or no she would finally get to test out its powers against others. She held out a hand and pointed to a random genin in the crowd. A single drop of blood concentrated on her fingertip as she performed the Bloodletting Technique. The crimson tear dropped from her finger and fell onto the ground. From there she used the Iron Mitosis technique to gather the iron intrinsic in the Earth towards the drop of blood, multiplying its liquid volume by several orders of magnitude. Iron was one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust and so Shimiko drew it towards her using her single drop of blood as a sort of beacon. Slowly droplets of iron liquid would begin to rise from the ground coalescing, dividing, and melding with one another as their volume increased. In the airspace 10 meters around her would be several golf ball and soft ball sized orbs of iron liquid that remained in a constant state of flux. The ground near her was soaked with the liquid metallic substance which she could command at will.

    Shimiko reached out her bare hand and concentrated blood into her hand. The crimson liquid seeped out of the pored of her hand and joined together to form a small red orb roughly the size of her closed fist. The orb glowed a brilliant red and pulsated violently in tandem with the iron liquid droplets that surrounded the girl. In the other hand a circular chakram of blood materialized. From there she would patiently wait for her attackers to make a move with both hands outstretched each holding a weapon.

    She spied one of them she decided that she didn't like. She'd hurt him the worst.

    Shugenja Orb C-Rank (200) Learned
    Sanguine Centrifuge C-Rank (200) Learned
    Bloodletting E-Rank (No WC necessary) Learned
    Iron Mitosis D-Rank (No WC necessary) Learned



    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:35 pm

    Nariko observed Shimiko's reaction to the group, noting that she didn't seem particularly intimidated by the numbers. If anything, her resolve hardened. That was exactly the type of reaction that she wanted, because without it, Shimiko wasn't going to complete her training, and would likely never grow as strong as she wanted to. She had responded that she was ready to go anytime, and Nariko was about to announce that she could begin when she noticed a shift in her eyes.

    Right, the Chinoike bloodline that Seigi had. I didn't know she'd unlocked it already. she thought to herself. This could be interesting. Folding her arms, Nariko nodded.

    The 10 genin spread out into 5 groups, choosing a partner to move next to, figuring that rather than rushing in as a group of 10 individuals, they'd try 5 groups with 2 each for at least some cohesion and planning. Nariko almost smiled, as she knew they didn't really have any cohesion, but it was a nice attempt. Chuunin were probably better able to plan things like these to properly utilize their numbers advantage, but at least they were attempting some sort of strategy.

    All of them shifted into Arhat's stance, a familiar one that plenty of people knew. It was one of the more well known Taijutsu styles, and fairly effective as well. "Begin."

    2 of the groups rushed from her left and right sides, while one rushed in from the front immediately. The remaining 2 followed up in a staggered wave between the first 3 groups. Upon reaching Shimiko, they'd launch their flurries of punches, just trying to overwhelm her with sheer punches, falling back after throwing 2 punches, to let the two groups replace them, and repeating the process, continually switching. It was like a wave of genin.

    Genin Stats:

    Strength: E -> D [Arhat Fist]
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: E
    Speed: D
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: E
    Perception: D

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:33 am

    Shimiko did not grin or smile when they shifted into the Arhat stance. She was focused on deciding how to handle the spar. Normally in a match like this she wouldn't hold back at all and would actually try to seriously injure the genin to persuade the others into either giving up or conceding defeat. She wasn't sure if this was a viable strategy with her sensei watching so instead she opted to take a less painful route. The pair of ninja that had attacked from her right would be repelled with the Blood Chakram which had begun to spin violently emitting red pulsating streams of the liquid as it zipped from her hand. The chakram would make deep cuts on their wrists as they attempted to strike hopefully cutting their hands up pretty badly. The group attacking her left would have their advance slowed as the liquid iron on the ground near her coagulated to form small waves that were rushed towards their feet. The effect would hopefully force them to slog through the thick liquid and trip over. She threw the Shugenja Orb directly into the face of one of the ninja. Specifically the one she had marked earlier for severe punishment. The orb was manipulated to duck, weave, and home in on the boy's face. If it connected the orb would burst covering his head in her blood. The boy's face would turn black as her blood soaked through his skin and began to violently assualt the underlying skin and blood vessel around his head. Several large cuts would appear across his face juicing blood in a horrifying scene.

    If Shimiko was lucky this would cause the others to hesitate as they moved forward.

    Shimiko waved her hands dramatically conjuring a large amount of the iron liquid that had gathered in the airspace around her and beneath her to form a large wave that then surged forward in front of her. The wave was 6 feet tall and a solid meter thick. The wave was relatively slow as far as ninja speeds went but for dispatching a group of upjumped genin it would prove more than fast enough. While the groups were moving forward the wave would aim to knock them back with a significant amount of force. The natural consistency of the liquid was thicker than water, that combined with its volume allowed it to pack a fair punch when used offensively.

    Regardless of the attack's success, Shimiko pulled her hands forward and they receded towards her like an tide drifting back into the ocean. It wasn't necessary for control but she enjoyed using her hands as it created the impression that she needed to use her arms to control the liquid. Hiding one's abilities could be quite useful in situations like these. The iron liquid surrounded her in the form of a wall that came up to her knees in a defensive position. Shimiko still held the spinning Chakram and raised her hand above her head as she prepared to throw it at any who managed to avoid the initial wave.


    Chinoike Liquid Iron Freeform Manipulation - D Rank Speed/Coordination
    Sanguine Centrifuge

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: C


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:53 am

    The genin were woefully under prepared for what Shimiko had access to. Nariko, in her own way, was quite surprised and interested to see what sort of Jutsu Shimiko had access to, so she didn't say a word, only observing for now.

    Shimiko easily took care of the attacks coming towards her, actually sort of maiming a few in the process. They weren't beyond healing, and that was enough for Nariko to allow the match to continue, but she wasn't sure if the genin actually had anything that could help them get through her defense. As far as she knew, these genin were basically brutish, punching things but without any jutsu to use to help.

    Still, one boy in particular needed to be brought out of the fight, he was definitely out, and the rest were hesitating, looking toward Nariko, blood covering more than a few of them. Nariko formed a single, one handed seal to Body Flicker towards the boy who had his face covered in wounds, bringing him over to a Chuunin on guard to move towards the hospital, before returning to her spot watching the match.

    The back row had actually broke off from the wave before being hit by it, having leapt backwards rather than continuing forward. but the others up front hadn't been so lucky, on the ground from the force of the thick liquids. Rolling out of the way to try and gain further ground and regain their feet, the group pulled out a kunai each, standard weaponry, but effective none the less. There was a reason people used them.

    From the 5 on the ground, their kunai were launched in a staggered pattern towards Shimiko, to cover them getting back to their feet, although Nariko figured the wave of blood would probably be able to stop them in their tracks. The 4 that had been in the back of the charge held their weapons more defensively, watching and waiting for her to attack and see if she had any openings.

    Nariko figured that the genin probably weren't going to be a threat, and had planned for that. Shimiko's next challenge was going to be a little harder, considering her opponents would be chuunin, and had been watching the match as well. The next lesson was about not always having the upperhand, and how to deal with people who knew your tricks and skills.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:13 pm

    Shimiko allowed herself a small grin as the attacks hit home. The one she had aimed to hurt severely was down and Nariko moved forward to remove him from battle. Shimiko fought the urge to drag him away from her sensei and instead focused on those genin that remained. The threw kunai at her to try and cover their escape and she waved her hand nonchalantly causing a sea of iron rich blood to sweep away the projectiles before they posed any threat to her. Shimiko caused the voluminous liquid iron to push forward in the form of several large waves each of them threatening to knock down the genin. She built up more and more of the iron liquid with each wave aiming to knock down each row of genin while simultaneously keeping them far away from her. At its maximum, the liquid grew to a volume of three cubic meters forming a miniature tornado that plowed through their ranks, swept them off their feet, and battered them. Shimiko was hoping to end things quickly so that she could move on to tougher game. She eyed the Chuunin present and a look of bemused viciousness chanced across her face very much unlike her normal friendly demeanor.

    If the genin had not fled or could still stand after the numerous and constant assault from Shimiko's liquid iron. Then the girl would merely toss the Chakram she had been holding till now. The circular blade of blood was ultra sharp and if it connected it would slash each of the genin across the chest. Like the orb, it responded to her telepathic control bobbing, weaving, and aiming to hit the genin even if they moved away. Its speed was nothing impressive, not much faster than your average genin on a sprint. But because she was dealing with your average genin it would be likely more than enough to give them a few nasty non-lethal lacerations.

    After the attack was finished, Shimiko drew all of the liquid back towards her. The blood infused iron liquid formed a circular stream on the ground near her. Shimiko stood in the middle and the stream flowed clockwise as fast as she could manage it. She was building momentum in order to better defend herself or go on the offensive again if necessary. It took all of Shimiko's willpower not to go all out against the genin and she was barely controlling her ability to stay modest. She did not want Nariko to know how much she was enjoying this.


    Chinoike Liquid Iron Freeform Manipulation - D Rank Speed/Coordination
    Sanguine Centrifuge

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: C


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:54 pm

    As Nariko had expected after her last performance, Shimiko was able to make quick work of the remaining genin. Her chakram was expertly tracking them, and with only taijutsu to defend themselves with, there was little they could do but run away. A few had lacerations from the blade of blood, but those that had been lucky enough to not be hit by it kept on running, deciding not to fuck with Shimiko in the match, basically conceding defeat.

    Waving her hand to the chuunin around, motioning to the few genin that had been hit by her blade, she signal'ed them to come and clear the field of the first wave of the fight. Looking proudly at her pupil, there was a little bit of a coy grin on her face. "You know, I thought this might happen. And that's why part two of the training today is going to be a little more difficult. Not only are you going to face some chuunin now, but you've got to fight them now, in a row of ever increasing difficulty"

    Again motioning a hand in the air, a group of 8 Chuunin gathered behind her. "The difficulty will not only be in that you're going to be fighting increasing numbers for three rounds, but that you don't get to restore your chakra between each fight. In addition, you're starting the fight with whatever chakra wasted on the genin already gone. You'll first fight 1 chuunin, then 2 chuunin, and then 3 chuunin, all back to back. I'm withholding the last 2 for the moment." This was a dual lesson.

    "This is a lesson on tempering yourself to the situation as required. Use too much energy on people who you don't need to do so against, and you'll find yourself short when you really need it. And you'll learn to save your energy for the moments you need it, as you never know what's around the corner. 10 genin weren't an issue, but I doubt you needed to use a lot of chakra to beat them. Lets see how you do now."

    One of the chuunin stepped up from the group, walking past Nariko, bowing to Shimiko. He was fairly nondescript, a man of about 18, with short black hair and an unremarkable face. He was nice enough from what Nariko remembered of him, but she hadn't had many interactions with him either. Still, he had requested his guard assignment to be at the Training Grounds, as he like coaching and fighting people, so he had the spirit she wanted.

    Nari counted down. "3. 2. 1. Begin."

    He waited. Nariko figured he wanted to see how Shimiko would open up. It was a smart thing, and separated the genin from the Chuunin. They tended to wait and observe first. It was also useful for gathering intelligence on her for the next group that would have to face Shimiko. The Raikage was fairly certain Shimiko would be able to handle this challenge at least to get to fight the 3 chuunin, but she wasn't sure if she'd actually win. If they were working as a group of 8, she didn't expect that Shimiko would even stand a chance, hence why she'd broken them up like this.

    Chuunin Stats:

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:43 pm

    Shimiko gave a smug grin of satisfaction as the remaining genin practically fled or fell over from being struck with her blood chakram. The weapon collapsed into a pool of blood which was then drawn into the counter-clockwise moving stream that was flowing around her. The girl crossed her arms and suppressed a smile when Nariko said she was not surprised of Shimiko's talent in dispatching the genin. She had long suspected that her skill surpassed that of your average snot-nosed genin but it was nice to have a final confirmation. She was ready to become a Chuunin, ready to take on dangerous missions, and ready to begin making lethal moves against her enemies. Nariko spoke to her about tempering her attacks and conserving her energy. Shimiko struggled to listen as the bloodlust and desire for complete victory dominated her thoughts. She eyed the Chuunin and made a few handseals. Nariko had explained the rules to her and she knew she couldn't fight indefinitely but if she could hurt a few of them badly enough then certainly they would remember her name. "Hai!" she said simply using the Japanese word indicating affirmation of a superior's directives.

    Press Forward! (Nariko) 4284005-5568793994-tumbl

    Shimiko channeled her chakra into the streams and its speed rapidly increased before it rose up in a violent whoosh. The blood expanded outwards to form a circle five meters in diameter with Shimiko in the center. She rose her hands and splayed them before pulling them downwards and apart. Twelve tentacles of blood sprouted from the stream and began to sway in front of the Chuunin. Shimiko expertly manipulated the tentacles with her hands and watched the man for any sign of activity. If he did not attack first, she'd send several tendrils towards him. Four would reach out, one for each limb hoping to ensnare and restrain him.

    Chinoike Liquid Iron Freeform Manipulation - D Rank Speed/Coordination
    Sanguine Octopus Form - 307/250 LEARNED

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: C


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:42 pm

    The chuunin was much more cautious than the genin had been. Of course, he was experienced as a shinobi, and actually held rank in the forces. Genin, while superior to citizens, held almost no authority on their own, but in order to become a Chuunin, basic command of tactical, leadership, and combat skills needed to be shown, with at least advanced levels in one of those categories. It was for that reason that he was on a different league than the 10 genin had been.

    As the 4 tendrils moved towards him, he calmly assessed the situation, clapping his hands while launching himself backwards and away from the tendrils. As his hands clapped, he formed the monkey seal, and Raiton surged from him, a 4 meter long snake of raiton lashing towards Shimiko through the gap in the blood circle created by the tendrils.

    With a technique like hers, there were a few methods of which to fight her from, and ranged seemed to be the safer one. From here, he could test her reaction skills, as well as the strength of her jutsu. If he could batter through the defense, then he wouldn't need to move in close just yet.

    Nariko watched on, anticipation clear on her face. This would be the real test of Shimiko's skills. If she could do well in this test, then there was no doubt in her mind that the girl was ready for the Chuunin Exams.

    Jutsu Used:

    Chuunin Stats:

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:04 pm

    Shimiko watched as the man jumped back and performed a Raiton jutsu. The stream of lightning was loosed from his lips and threatened to electrocute her. Shimiko dived to one side and tucked into a roll moving a few feet away from her previous position. She sprang back up and the iron rich liquid was almost immediately and fully converted to blood. From there she send it back outwards lashing and reaching for limbs. She had narrowly dodged the snake and seen that he had the ability to use Raiton. Shimiko figured now would be a great time for her to go on the offensive. She made a few seals and shot her arms out before moving them forward in circles sort of like a windmill. The blood that surrounded her began to break its shape slightly as it turned into long elongated ultra sharp and thin wavelengths. The blood speed forwards aiming to cut through the Chuunin pretty badly. Shimiko had aimed to remove his limbs partially because she felt if she didn't go all out she'd lose and another part of her wanted to hurt him. There were five speeding towards him in total each threatening to take off a major limb with the final one aiming to split him in two from the midsection. Killing him would be problematic but probably wouldn't land her in permanent or serious trouble since she was only a genin and couldn't be expected to have full control of her techniques. The octopus was still in existence but not as large given the amount of blood she had drawn to create her waves.

    Shimiko's face was fixed with determination and anticipation as she attacked. For now there was nothing more important than besting this opponent.

    Chinoike Liquid Iron Freeform Manipulation - D Rank Speed/Coordination
    Erasure - 291/250 LEARNED
    Waves moving at D++ Speed and D-- Coordination
    Chinoike Coloration and Conversion - E-Rank NO WC REQUIRED LEARNED


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:55 pm

    The chuunin was both impressed and terrified at the level of skill that Shimiko was showing. She was incredibly intense, he'd give her that much. But first, he had to deal with dodging the attacks in the first place. The problem was that he was a little bit slower than they were, as they seemed to burst forward at a faster rate than they had been going just moments before.

    Nariko's eyes narrowed as she realized he wasn't going to be able to move out of the way in time. She body flickered into him, knocking him back, and continued forward herself out of the range of the blood tentacles, although one of them nicked her hat a little bit. She didn't want her men maimed in a training practice. They could be healed up, sure, but that move would have killed him. She was glad to see that Shimiko was taking the training seriously though. "You win round 1. Killing intent is good. You have to be willing to kill in order to get some jobs done, I'm glad you're taking this seriously. Please don't kill my men though."

    As she called Round 1 over, the next 2 Chuunin stepped forward. They were a bit more cautious now that they'd seen how she could control it a little more. Up until then, her blood speed hadn't been all that great, but with the burst it had put on, it was something more dangerous to match up against. Their arsenal wasn't all that great besides, a ranged attack jutsu, a melee attack jutsu, the body flicker technique, and a flare technique.

    The issue with fighting Shimiko was she was protected both from a range and from melee by her blood circle. Moving in to her wouldn't work, and she could keep them moving and dodging with her blood tentacles while dodging their Raiton snake jutsu now that she'd seen it used. "Madame Raikage, all due respect, I don't think this is a good match up for us. There isn't much we can do, from what we've gathered so far."

    Nariko frowned and looked at the group, and then at Shimiko. "What do you want to do then, Shimiko? This is your training. I could group them to 5 fighters, but then you'll lose for certain. As you are, I don't see you dodging all their jutsu, or blocking it all either. 2 and 3 even probably wouldn't be enough." she asked, to give her student a chance to think about what she wanted to do. Sure there were others she could fight, some Jounin around or something, but they were probably a bit much to fight for Shimiko as well.

    OOC: Used a Precog to save the Chuunin >_>

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:08 pm

    Shimiko's heart filled with glee that the Raikage herself had to intervene in order to save one of her Chuunin from the attack. Shimiko had managed to even nick the Raikage's hat just a hair. She did her level best to stifle her inner competitor and put on a neutral expression. Giving a solemn nod and "Thank you Raikage-sensei" in response to Nariko's compliment. "I will try to avoid lethal attacks going forward" she said. Nariko wouldn't take kindly if she continued to launch lethal moves at her shinobi but at the very least she understood that Shimiko was serious about getting better as a ninja. She readied herself for Round 2 but paused when some shocking news fell upon her ears.

    Madame Raikage, all due respect, I don't think this is a good match up for us. There isn't much we can do, from what we've gathered so far."

    Shimiko giggled derisively. Two chuunin were afraid to fight her? Perhaps she was much stronger than she initially though. She banished the idea though as she felt Ryuko probably could handle three or four chuunin by herself given how she effortlessly held back the two of them at the dinner party. Nariko asked her what she wanted to do for the remainder of the training and Shimiko folder her arms then placed her index finger and thumb on her chin.

    "Hmmmm....Nariko-sensei....I think I want to fight all five of them!" she settled back into a fighting stance and drew her blood towards her maintaining the same stream as before.


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:47 am

    "All five? Are you sure about that?" Nariko nodded her approval if Shimiko confirmed that she wanted to do this. It wasn't that she didn't have faith in her student, but 5 on 1 was a hard match, even if you were talented. Against a Jounin, they wouldn't really stand a chance, but against someone of around their level? That was a different story. Her jutsu was versatile, but Nariko doubted it could hold up against a steady beating of jutsu.

    "Very well, you may proceed." she said, and there was an almost immediate barrage of claps. The chuunin had not wasted time, and had targeted Shimiko in what could be described as a wave of jutsu. The same jutsu that the other chuunin had used, the Snake Thunder technique, was launched at Shimiko, aimed to box her in. One was angled from the left, one from the right, one aimed above, and two towards her chest.

    Nariko knew that they were trying to cut off her possible paths of escape, to bust through her jutsu, and catch her with at least one of the Lightning Snakes. It was time to see what she could do against almost a full squad. They covered each other well enough. That said, Shimiko had showed a deal of talent, and Nariko was already proud with where she was. Considering she'd spent so long in the coma, she had lost a lot of training time, and yet was still this talented. It was good to see.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:46 pm

    "I'm sure!" Shimiko said confidently as she let a single drop of blood drip from her finger. The blood seeped into the ground and rapidly began to suck and draw iron from the earth before it replicated and converted the thick liquid into blood. The Chinoike concentrated the blood into the ground underneath the chuunin but they sprang into action far faster than she anticipated. The moment Nariko gave the go ahead the men sprang into action firing several Raiton attacks at her. Just as the ground beneath the center Chuunin became red and muddy with blood, the attack would be loosed. The barrage came at various angles leaving Shimiko with little room to dodge or maneuver. Shimiko conjured the blood around her towards her feet and generated a massive cyclone which propelled her backwards at a high speed. It wasn't really a dodge per se but it did by her a few precious seconds to consider what to do. The cyclone only lifted her a few meters off the ground not high enough to be struck by the one aimed higher up but still in range for the two aimed at her chest. The genin rocketed backwards and manipulated her blood to form a dome around her. She focused on the red blood cells inherent within the mass of liquid and rapidly expanded its volume and density using chakra. She formed a protective dome around her via a hefty dose of chakra. The lightning attacks slammed into the viscous and dense blood dome creating a hiss then an explosion. Shimiko was thrown back even further from the group, still conscious but worse for wear. Blood splattered everywhere and her cheery expression was replaced with a look of complete contempt as her face and hair were soaked in her own blood. The dome had protected her from the worst of it but a few scorch marks could be seen on her clothes and skin.

    Around the same time that the blast occured, the ground beneath the center chuunin exploded violently as 3 cubic meters of blood exploded within a 5 meter range of the center ninja. The force of the explosion would hopefully break one or both of the chuunin's legs perhaps knocking him further away where the fall would do greater damage. The mass of blood and dirt that would erupt from the ground would also cloud the other four chuunin's vision leaving them vulnerable. Shimiko looked at them and grinned as she wiped blood from her eyes and dashed forwards, accumulating waves of the crimson material around her as she sped towards her opponents. It was probably best to fight them at long range but the thrill and excitement of combat was getting to her. She wanted to hurt them. She wanted to show Nariko-sensei that she was a force to be feared and not mollycoddled. After today Nariko would know Shimiko's rightful place was leader of the Thundercats and then eventually a spot within the ranks of Kumogakure's ANBU. Shimiko hoped onto the wave that had gathered behind her using the Water Walking technique to glide upon its surface like a surfer. She increased the size of the wave as she grew closer, drawing more and more blood from the earlier geyser towards her before increasing its density via the Plasticity technique. When all was said and done Shimiko would aim to ride a 12 foot high, three foot wave of blood into the group of Chuunin. The wave was densely packed and contained well over 6 cubic meters of blood that had been reinforced via chakra. She'd use her innate Bloodsight ability to keep track of them even as they were potentially covered in the stuff. The end result would be a collision that would break bones and temporarily drown the enemies as their sinuses became filled with the little girl's blood.

    The attack was brutal but non-lethal. Perhaps Nariko would notice how Shimiko's attacks were growing more disturbing and frightening as the battle wore on. If Shimiko was more lucid and not in the haze of battle she would have considered how Nariko's approval of her strength might be tempered by suspicion with respect to how easy she was pushed into grander gestures of violence to demoralize her enemies. In her haste to fight back she had forgotten her sensei's words on over-exerting herself and she found herself panting even as she tried to crash the wave of blood down on her enemies.


    Plasticity B-Rank Custom [250]
    Iron Geyser C-Rank Custom [200]
    Red Rose Cyclone C-Rank Custom [200]
    Bloodsight [No WC]



    Also used:

    Iron Mitosis
    Chinoike Conversion


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:26 am

    Nariko's observation of the assault on Shimiko was quite enlightening to her. She wasn't untouchable. While she had the skill level to defeat these Chuunin, she wasn't exactly able to do so with no danger just yet. The Lightning Snakes were able to, only landing a couple, smash through and still had power after doing so. While not debilitating, she'd taken on damage now. She wasn't quite as confident as she had been now, but that didn't change her determination, which was good. Nariko was quite pleased.

    The ground seemed to explode underneath one of the Chuunin, with little warning. Shimiko had plenty of field control with her Blood Jutsu's, anywhere her blood was became a potential danger zone for her opponents. She had to admit, there would be little she could do against that level of crowd control if it were on her level. Shimiko as an equal in every other regard would be more than she could take on, which spoke levels to her potential.

    The Chuunin went flying backwards, while the rest were momentarily covered in a mist of blood. Nariko couldn't help but think about how difficult it was going to be to clean the training grounds and their uniforms. She was, for once, glad that she was the Raikage and that wasn't her job. Still, there was some blood stains on her own uniform as well, mostly small splatters. She didn't particularly care, but it was still annoying when some of her outfit was white.

    As they struggled to get their eyes clear from the blood, Shimiko was on the move, creating a wave of blood to ride. Nariko watched with anticipation. Shimiko was heavily exerting herself, the fight wouldn't last much longer though. She'd made some questionable decisions, but she was powerful, of that there was no doubt.

    As one of the chuunin got his eyes clear, he called out a warning about the wave to his comrades. 3 of them fell back, while he and another charged up their arms with Young Lightning, holding until Shimiko's wave was upon them and then punching into the wave. It would consume them and they'd take the hit, but at the same time, the Lightning built up by the two of them would be sent through the wave, which Shimiko was currently riding on top of. If it conducted, she would be shocked as if standing in a pool that had a live wire in it.

    Used: Young Lightning x2

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Press Forward! (Nariko) Empty Re: Press Forward! (Nariko)

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:21 pm

    Victory was in her grasp as she she rode the wave of blood into the group of Chuunin. She smiled with glee knowing that she had overcome the odds but in that moment she had underestimated her opponents. The wave of blood did collide with them but one of the shinobi used Raiton to conduct through it, shocking her with two doses of Young Lightning. The pain ricocheted off her body and left her screaming as she tipped off the wave and hit the ground. The blood collapsed as Shimiko would convulse violently from being electrocuted. This along with the fact that she had used up most of her chakra left her completely wiped out. The girl thrashed for a bit and then lay motionless for a while. The way she was sprawled out one might think she were dead but instead she was very close to being unconscious. Her breathing was deep and shallow and just before she fell into a deep blissful sleep she managed to ask:

    "S-S-Sensei....Did I do well?"

    If Nariko answered in the affirmative, she'd shut her eyes and pass out having taken quite a beating and thoroughly exhausting herself. Hopefully Nariko-sensei would be kind enough to take her to the infirmary for a short stay.


    (I think this is a good place to end it if you're okay with that)


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