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    Dinosaur Contract

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 164
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Dinosaur Contract  Empty Dinosaur Contract

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:24 am

    Contract Name: Dinosaur Contract.

    Type: Animal

    Specimen: (Animal Species:Theropods

    Culture/Lore: The Dinosaurs are a ancient and almost forgotten species, they have been around since the beginning of ninja time. It is rare that the Dinosaurs find a ninja that they deem worthy enough to be there summoner which is a reason you do not see many of them. The remaining tribe of Dinosaurs can be found in the far remote areas of iwa in the rocky and mountain places. They used to be used by the humans to fight there battles but it was not long before they wised up realizing that the humans was only using them, after the Dinosaurs began hunt the humans down. As time went by the humans began to learn jutsu and then they learned to summon the Dinosaurs using this technique, but as more time passed the scroll used to summon the Dinosaurs got lost to time and lay hidden until the day a worthy soul finds it.

    Element(s): Earth
    Designated Skill: Bukijutsu
    Summoning Method: Biting the thumb and smearing the blood on the palm of the hand them slamming the palm on the ground. the summons appear after a puff of smoke.

    Unique Abilities: Seal-less Combat: Being that the summons are Dinosaurs and have no hands to use hand seals the Dinosaurs can use a technique with out needing to Weave signs. Tho the Dinosaurs are going to need to see there enemy to he able to use there jutsu.

    Iron hide: Dinosaurs are known to have a very durable hide or scales which grant them a +1 tier in con against physical attacks but they suffer a -1 tier in con against none physical attacks.

    Requirements: The user must sign the summoning scroll like any other summon.
    Drawbacks: The Dinosaur are used to being in Forrest or rocky terrain so if they are summoned in a snowy area or are hit with a Ice/snow jutsu they will lose a 1 tier in speed.

    Holders: Yamato Kazehana

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:19 am