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    Crafting Convention

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    Crafting Convention Empty Crafting Convention

    Post by Rita Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:57 pm

    With the fiery determination of a warrior heading into battle, Rita strides through the gates of Takamagahara, into a celestial realm of artisans and craftsmen, where the very essence of creativity crackles in the air like lightning in a storm. Her heart races with excitement as she joins the throngs of fellow craftsmen and women converging upon the convention grounds, their faces alight with the fervor of shared passion and ambition.

    Ah, but this crafters' convention is not merely a gathering of artisans and craftsmen—it is a spectacle of grand proportions, a beacon of creativity that draws in crowds from far and wide, beckoned by the promise of marvels beyond imagination.

    For you see, in a stroke of genius worthy of the gods themselves, the organizers have cleverly timed this convention to coincide with the Chunin Exams and the World Tournament to follow, transforming Takamagahara into a veritable mecca of entertainment and excitement.

    As Rita navigates the bustling crowds, she can't help but marvel at the sheer brilliance of this convergence of events. What better way to draw in crowds and fill the coffers of the island than by offering a feast for the senses, a smorgasbord of delights that cater to every taste and inclination?

    With the promise of fierce competition and dazzling displays of skill, the Chunin Exams and World Tournament cast a magnetic pull upon adventurers and thrill-seekers from across the realms, their eyes alight with anticipation for the spectacles that await them.

    And nestled within this whirlwind of excitement lies the crafters' convention, a hidden gem waiting to be discovered amidst the chaos and revelry. Here, amidst the splendor of Takamagahara, artisans and craftsmen from all walks of life converge to showcase their talents and wares, their creations a testament to the boundless creativity of the human spirit.

    As Rita enters the grand hall of the convention center, her senses are overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds, each booth and exhibit a testament to the boundless creativity of the artisans gathered here. From intricate wood carvings to elaborate metalwork, from delicate textiles to dazzling jewelry, the sheer diversity of craftsmanship on display is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

    With each step, Rita feels a surge of inspiration coursing through her veins, her mind buzzing with ideas and possibilities. Here, amidst the vibrant tapestry of creativity, she knows that anything is possible, that the only limit to what she can achieve is the boundlessness of her imagination.

    And as she wanders through the bustling crowds, exchanging smiles and nods of camaraderie with her fellow craftsmen and women, Rita knows that she has found her tribe, a community bound together by their shared love for the art of creation.

    With a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Rita sets her sights on the convention floor, eager to immerse herself in the wealth of knowledge and inspiration that awaits her. For in this sacred realm of creativity, she knows that she will find the tools and inspiration she needs to unleash her full potential and take her craft to new heights of brilliance.

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rebecca Smith Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:21 pm

    The sound of her hammer clapped against her hip as she found her way towards Takamagahara and the sound of hammers clanging upon anvils echoed through the air. The smell of sweat and hard work wafted into her nose -- yes, it was an awful smell, but it was also a smell she was used to and one that she would, often herself, exude. However, she didn't radiate stench at the moment. She wasn't some barbarian or some loser, she did bathe regularly -- at least once a day.

    As she entered into Takamagahara, she looked around like a child in a candy shop. Portable Stores with some interesting looking weapons and armor on display as well as a variety of people crafting a variety of different trades. Currently she's in the Smithing and Engineering Trades, and when she eventually gets a bit more intelligent, she'd get into the chemical route. "Wow! So many different people making so many different things! Weapons, armors, ummm.. stuff, and foul smellin' chemicals. Wow! This place is real interstin'!" she chuckled and looked around as people tried to get to her buy their hawked goods. She wasn't interested in purchasing anything they were buying, but was more interested in what was made, giving her some kind of interest, motivation, and inspiration for things to make in the future.

    She poked her head towards some of the Engineering items that some people were hawking and she drew inspiration from some of the items, making several mental notes. After the craftsman, or one of their representatives, tried to haggle with her she politely smiled and refused before walking away. Further in, she noticed a large building and she made her way towards that.

    Upon entering it, she was hit by cold and dry air. Climate control was a great invention and she was met with even more booths. After she went in, she went to a weapons booth where the weapons had an interesting design etched upon the blade. "How ya get that?" she asked as the man began to explain to her what damascus steel was. Her eyes lit up and she started taking mental notes, nodding her head. She pulled a somewhat damp notebook out from her back pocket with a pen and flipped it open and began taking notes. "This dumb-ass-cuz steel sounds very interestin'! What are the benefits of this dumb-ass-cuz steel?" she asked.

    "Damascus! Not Dumb Ass Cuz steel!" the man said. "Oh, many pardons. I have problems pronouncin' names. But please continue!" she said, her eyes sparkling as she continued to listen and write notes.

    OOC Section

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rita Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:41 pm

    Rita's steps reverberated through the bustling marketplace, her gaze drawn to a booth where a crowd had gathered around a display of intricately designed weapons. Among them stood a figure, engrossed in conversation with the craftsman. Rita's curiosity piqued as she approached, observing the woman's keen interest in the weapons' craftsmanship.

    As Rita drew closer, she couldn't help but admire the woman's fervor. The craftsman, taken aback by her mispronunciation of "Damascus," corrected her with a chuckle, but she persisted with unyielding enthusiasm. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, her notebook in hand poised to capture every detail.

    "Excuse me," Rita interjected politely, her voice carrying a blend of intrigue and admiration. "Those blades are fascinating. What can you tell me about them?"  she asked. Though in truth she was more integrated by meeting a fellow female crafter who was around her age then the man hawking his blades. 

    Rita smiled warmly, realizing she had found a kindred spirit in this passionate explorer of craftsmanship. "You have a keen eye for detail," she complimented sincerely. "I'm Rita, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet someone who shares my enthusiasm for innovation."

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rebecca Smith Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:41 am

    Her eyes were lit up like a christmas tree as she nodded and continued to write notes in her notebook, flipping through pages as she listened to his explanation on how to make damascus steel. As the man finished talking, her attention was drawn away for a brief moment before turning to look towards the man that explained it to her. "Thank ya, darlin'! I'll name my first dum--- damascuz sword after you, uh, whatever yer name is," she said before turning her attention towards Rita and gave her a pleasant smile. A new woman was interested in blades, causing her body temperature to raise. She met a fellow crafter.

    She extended her hand awkwardly. "Well, fin'ly a name I can easily pronounce. Nice ta meetcha, Rita! Oh! Yer a craftsman too! Don't see a lot of those now-a-days. Normally it's the men-folk that grunt and sweat all over the forge. Good ta fin'ly see another woman standing in front'o the forge! My name is Rebecca and I'm what some people would call an 'omni-crafter'. Ya know, someone who can make just about anythin'. Well, fittin' ta once I get a bit more practice. Just a lil bit more practice," she said, making a 'small' hand gesture with her hands. "Just a tiny bit more and I'll be able to build big ole buildins' like we have in Koe-noe-ha-gack-koo-ray," she said, doing her best to pronounce the name of her current village. "Hospitals and True Forges an' stuff. Oh! I can't wait. But I think I really should get my skills in weapons and armor up before I go off on them ventures into puttin' together buildins'."

    She waxed on for a bit before taking a good look at Rita and walked around her a bit. "Well, aintchu a purdy one. I think we'll get along juuuuuuuust fine, Rita dear," she said with a big chuckle and an equally bit smile.

    OOC Section

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rita Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 pm

    Rita stood there, slightly taken aback by Rebecca's enthusiastic introduction. Her gaze was fixed upon Rebecca as she engaged with the craftsman, her enthusiasm palpable. The sun glinted off Rebecca's animated gestures and bright smile, casting an almost ethereal glow around her. Rita couldn't help but shield her eyes dramatically with her arm, half in jest but also half-serious as she marveled at Rebecca's radiant presence.

    "Rebecca, your enthusiasm is positively blinding," Rita exclaimed with a playful yet sincere tone, her voice carrying over the hum of the marketplace. "I have to say, meeting someone as dazzling as you is a rare treat indeed!" She lowered her arm and met Rebecca's gaze with genuine admiration, a smile playing on her lips.

    Rita’s eyes flickered with amusement and curiosity as Rebecca continued to speak, her Southern drawl adding a unique charm to her words. She couldn't help but smile warmly at Rebecca's energy and unabashed enthusiasm for crafting.

    "Well, thank you!" Rita replied with a chuckle, reciprocating Rebecca's handshake with a firm grip. "It's a pleasure to meet someone as passionate about craftsmanship as I am. And yes, it's refreshing to see more women taking up the craft. We bring a different perspective to the forge, don't we?"

    As Rebecca rambled on about her crafting aspirations and her plans for the future, Rita listened attentively, nodding along in agreement. She admired Rebecca's ambition and determination to master various skills, noting the potential in her spirit.

    The idea of an Omni-crafter was a fascinating one.  After her dream to become like Blast Yui had been shattered Rita had instead shifted her goal towards becoming a craftswoman like Diana.   One day, she would match, nay exceed her esteemed idol.   Other lands held a Master craftsman or woman. Wasn’t it about high time Iwa got one of their own?  

    But could even someone like Okane or the late Damian Darhk craft anything?  She doubted it.  An Omni-crafter sounded like something that went a step above even a Master crafter.  Able to forge items in any discipline.  Armor, weapons, Engineering, Puppetry and Chemistry.  Throw in the art of Fuuinjutsu for enchanting and the basic five elements and you’d have someone who could truly be called such a lofty title.

    Rita was a bit jealous that Rita could aim for such a thing but also very inspired.  The dedication that must take was tremendous.   A dedication that she wasn’t quite sure she could match.  She loved explosions after all and wanted to put them to use in battle. She had a build in mind to achieve that goal, albeit a farfetched one.  It would make her a glass cannon in every sense of the word which meant it wasn’t the most practical of paths to take.

    "You know," Rita began with a playful twinkle in her eye, "I think you and I are going to make quite the team, Rebecca. Your passion, paired with my knack for innovation—I believe we could create something truly remarkable together someday."

    "However, I must confess, my own skills are a bit more specialized. I'm primarily an engineer, with a particular focus on crafting puppets."

    She paused, her eyes twinkling with a mix of humility and aspiration. "Puppets have always fascinated me, their intricate mechanisms, the delicate balance between art and engineering. But sadly, my expertise doesn't extend much beyond that, at least not yet."

    Rita glanced around the bustling marketplace, taking in the myriad of crafts and creations on display. "But I hope to learn more crafting arts as I rank up. There's so much out there, so many techniques and skills I haven't even begun to explore. Meeting someone like you, with such a broad range of crafting abilities, is truly inspiring."

    She chuckled softly at Rebecca's compliment, appreciating her straightforward and friendly demeanor. "Thank you, Darliiing," Rita replied warmly, drawing out the word playfully. "I have a feeling we will get along just fine too," she continued. "It's exciting to meet someone with such big dreams. Let's keep inspiring each other, shall we?" she suggested.

    "You bring such energy to this place. I'm curious—what sparked your interest in crafting? There's a certain fire in your eyes that's hard to miss." Rita's curiosity was piqued, eager to hear more about Rebecca's journey into the world of craftsmanship.

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rebecca Smith Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:53 am

    Rebecca waves her off, pressing her palm against her cheek to hide one side of her face. "Oh, yer so generous, darlin'. You certainly talk smoother than most guys I've spoken with," she chuckled and continued to wave off all of the compliments. Even if she does, she still liked the attention. Rita was glazing Rebecca with such incredible force, causing her cheeks to burn red. After Rita finished with the compliments, her cheeks started to cool down.

    After the handshake, she flexed a bit and nodded. "Mmmhmm! We gotta show the boys that we're just as capable!" she said, flexing. "Juuuuuuust don't ask me to fight and I think we'll be just fine," she whispered out, a bit embarrassed to say. She was a shinobi, sure, but she had issues doing things that shinobi could do like -- fight.

    She continued to listen to Rita and nodded her head. Nothing wrong with being a specialist and oooo, puppets! She pressed her palms together. "Ooo! Puppets! I actually have a blueprint of one I want to make. A puppet armor anyway. I might show you later if it ain't all sweaty and gross. But don'tcha worry 'bout being a specialist. You'd probably kick my rear up and down the island," she snorted before chuckling.

    And then she went back to complimenting her again, causing her to retake the same posture as before -- a hand upon her cheek on the other hand waving her off. "Oh gosh. Glad ya noticed. May be we can make somethin' together sometime. I just kinda wish they had a good forge here. Oh, the True Forge in Konoha, I miss it," she said, lowering her arms down to her side and slouching. She was having withdrawals from being away from the forge for too long, but her master also wanted her to get a bit of socialization and to network with other crafters.

    "Oh! What have ya crafted so far!"

    OOC Section
    45 EXP

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rita Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:10 pm

    Rita blushed deeply as she gazed at Rebecca, her heart skipping a beat. Something about Rebecca's radiance made her feel a way she had never felt before. The warmth in her chest left her slightly confused. She had always imagined settling down with a good man and starting a family, but now... now she was thinking that maybe her ideal future included someone like Rebecca, too.

    The idea of a man having a small harem seemed suddenly appealing if it meant she could have fun with someone like Rebecca. Rita mentally scolded herself, feeling like she was getting way ahead of herself. She wasn't a prude, but she hadn't realized she had such hedonistic tendencies either.

    Pushing those thoughts aside, she refocused on the conversation. "Flexing those muscles and showing the boys how it's done—now that's what I like to see," Rita said, nodding in agreement as she flux flexing her arm a bit. "And don't worry, we all have our strengths. I'll handle the fighting if you handle the dazzling."  

    She wasn’t much of a fighter yet but when she wore a suit of puppet armor she could manage some.  At least she was confident that she’d be able to outshine her cousin Ghost at any rate despite him being the current head of the clan.

    When Rebecca mentioned her blueprint for puppet armor, Rita's eyes lit up with maximum interest. "A puppet armor? That sounds fascinating! I'd love to see it, even if it's a bit sweaty. We can compare notes and maybe even work on something together," she said, her excitement palpable.

    Rita's enthusiasm grew as she talked about her own work. "I've been working on some new puppet designs myself, trying to push the boundaries of what's possible. One of my dreams is to create puppets that can do things people think are impossible. Imagine a puppet that could assist in surgery or one that could help rebuild after a disaster. The possibilities are endless."

    When asked about what she had crafted so far Rita blushed even deeper, feeling a bit of embarrassment mixing with her earlier confusion. She took a deep breath, deciding to be honest with Rebecca. "I have to admit, as a crafter, I'm kind of a poser," she confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of humility and determination.

    "I haven't really crafted anything significant so far. I’d been working on something I call a transformation cog. It's a special gear that would allow a puppet to physically shift between two states, like a humanoid mode and a mode where you could ride it like a bike, without having to waste chakra."

    She sighed, the memories of the past weighing heavily on her. "But I got caught in the periphery of the attack on Suna. The shockwave alone nearly killed me and wrecked my puppet armor. I’m not even sure how I survived. It took me a long time to recover and even longer to get back home because of how weak and slow I was."

    Rita's eyes momentarily lost their sparkle, recalling the struggle and the pain of those days. "It was a hard journey, but I made it. And now, I'm determined to pick up where I left off and finally bring my ideas to life. The transformation cog is just the beginning. I want to create something truly revolutionary, something that will make a real difference."

    She smiled softly at Rebecca, feeling a sense of camaraderie and understanding. "Meeting someone like you, with such passion and drive, gives me hope. Maybe together, we can push the boundaries of what's possible and create amazing things. So, even if I haven't crafted much yet, I’m ready to dive back in and make it happen."

    Rebecca Smith
    Rebecca Smith
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 102
    Join date : 2022-12-04
    Location : Living Rent-Free in your head

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Omni-Crafter
    Class: C
    Ryo: Check Update

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rebecca Smith Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:28 am

    "Pffft," she raspberried and waved her off. She didn't have much for muscle. Her arms were flabby, at least she thought they were and didn't really have much muscular definition. "Oh gosh. I have enough troubles pickin' up this here hammer. I dunno about flexin' my muscles," she said with a slight chuckle, placing a hand upon her cheek. "You really ARE quite the charmer, ain'tcha?"

    Well, Rita wanted to see the puppet armor design. With that said, she turned to her back pocket, which drew attention to her rather round and well-shaped rear-end. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper that appeared to be a sketch. There were measurements, very precise measurements written on the paper with arrows pointing at certain parts of the armor with notes attached to it. This was obviously a copy.

    The paper was damp and the corners seemed worn out with smudges upon it with ink smearing all over it with freshly made notes scrawled upon it. "I call this bad boy, Lancelot," she said, pronouncing the name properly. No way she would name it something asian, she'd butcher the name.

    "Ah, phooey! Ya just needin' a bit more practice is all. If I can do it, I'm sure you're more than capable," she said, retrieving the sheet of paper once she had her fill of the image.

    And then she mentioned something about a Transformation Cog. Interesting. She would take some mental notes. Doesn't sound like something too difficult to conjure up given her skills in engineering.

    "That reminds me! I had something similar in mind to that 'transformation cog' because I want Lancelot to change inta a dragon and flyyyy," she said, excited of the prospects. Granted, she'd have to figure out how to use propulsion, which doesn't seem too difficult.

    "Oh no. That's tragic ta hear," she said as she wrapped her arms around Rita, pressing her body into her's firmly. "But I sure am glad yer still alive an' kickin'. Otherwise I'd have never met a sweetheart like ya."

    "Ya know, one-o-these days I should go meetcha and we can make somethin' great! Does yer village have a True Forge? I can certainly make one for ya! And possibly push boundaries," she chuckled and lets her go. "Only with consent, of course."

    OOC Section
    60 EXP

    Update: Rebecca Smith

    Rebecca is an Omni-Crafter. If you need anything crafted, let me know.

    Rebecca speaks in a southern belle accent and mis-pronounces names constantly.
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    Crafting Convention Empty Re: Crafting Convention

    Post by Rita Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:10 am

    Rita laughed at the raspberry. "It's not like I'm any better in the muscle department. The whole reason I started using puppets is because my arms are like twigs. I can't even use my own bloodline without risking snapping 'em," she joked, shaking her head. "Besides It's easy to flatter someone when they're as gorgeous as you, Bekky," she added with a playful wink, trying out a pet name for Rebecca.

    Rebecca turned to her back pocket, drawing attention to her rather round and well-shaped rear-end. Rita couldn't help but grin at the sight, appreciating the view for a moment before Rebecca pulled out a slightly damp, smudged piece of paper. As Rebecca unfolded it to reveal the detailed sketch of Lancelot, Rita's excitement bubbled over again.

    "Bekky, you sure know how to keep things interesting," Rita teased, her eyes twinkling. "This Lancelot is somethin' else. The precision, the creativity—it's clear you put a lot of heart into this.” She couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship that had gone into the blueprint.

    Rita chuckled warmly at Rebecca’s encouragement.  nodding in agreement. "Well, I reckon you're spot on there. Ain't nothing like a bit of practice to get the hang of things.  I'm sure I’ll be drawing up a storm in no time. Keep at it, and soon enough, I’ll be showing you my own artistic tricks!"  Maybe even sooner than she expected.

    “Your dragon transformation idea? Genius! We've got to figure out how to make it a reality. Maybe integrate some lightweight, high-torque mechanisms for the propulsion. What do you think?" she asked.

    Reaching into her generous cleavage Rita made them jiggle a bit as she pulled out her own document. A copy of the transformation cog blueprint. She laid the blueprint on the table,  "Here's the cog I told you about. It's not much yet, but I'm happy to share what I've got. Maybe we can make something amazing together." her tone was warm and inviting.

    Rita leaned closer, the gears in her mind already turning. "Just imagine it—Lancelot will be the envy of every puppet master out there.” She said excitedly as she tried to think of different ways to allow the puppet to take flight.

    Rita smiled warmly, appreciating the embrace and Rebecca's spirited energy. "Aye, it's been quite the journey, that's for sure," she replied, returning the hug gently. Rita blushed fiercely at the hug as it awakened something inside of her.

    She hadn’t intended to say anything about her growing feelings, just quietly admired the show, but now maybe.... just maybe after the talk about pushing boundaries she had an actual chance. Perhaps she should push some of her own

    "What's a true forge, I've never heard of something like that before. I'm pretty sure my village doesn't have anything like that, but it sounds useful." replied Rita as she took a moment to gather her courage.  She was afraid to take the next step, afraid to ruin their burgeoning friendship. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Rita's smile grew a bit more playful as she looked at Rebecca, her eyes sparkling with a mix of admiration and mischief. "You know, Rebecca," she began, her voice taking on a softer, more flirtatious tone, "meeting you has been one of the best parts of this whole experience. I really think we could make an amazing team, both in crafting and... well, maybe in other ways too."

    She lightly brushed her hand against Rebecca's arm, her touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary. "What do you say we grab a drink? I'd love to pick your brain about crafting... and maybe get to know you a bit better too." Rita's cheeks flushed slightly, but she maintained eye contact, letting her interest and admiration shine through.


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