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    Stone Genin
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    Anybody home? Empty Anybody home?

    Post by Rita Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:56 am

    As Rita makes her way through the winding streets of the Kotōshura clan district, her heart flutters with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. It has been over three long years since she last set foot in her ancestral home, and she cannot help but wonder what changes have taken place in her absence.

    The familiar sights and sounds of the district wash over her like a wave of nostalgia, each corner and alleyway whispering tales of memories long past. But as she approaches the gates of her family estate, Rita's steps falter, her pulse quickening with uncertainty.

    Who awaits her beyond these hallowed walls? Will her family welcome her with open arms, or have the years of separation wrought a division too deep to bridge? Rita cannot shake the gnawing feeling of apprehension that gnaws at her heart, a lingering doubt that clouds her thoughts like a shadow in the moonlight.

    With a deep breath and a resolve born of determination, Rita pushes open the gates and steps into the courtyard of her family home. The air is thick with tension, each moment pregnant with the weight of expectation.

    "Hello? Is anyone home?" Rita calls out, her voice echoing through the silent halls of her family estate.

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    Anybody home? Empty Re: Anybody home?

    Post by Ghost Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:20 am

    All was well at this moment and not a moment too soon. It was raining oftenly lately and the sun just now came out. Ghost was sitting down on his desk and reading books as he normally would. After all the Head of the Kotoshura Clan job was never done. He was going to start adding more security to the compound of the Kotoshura estate before long. However he would hear the gate over and not only that looking down he would see someone walking in. This was odd as the Tsuchikage was the only one allowed inside the main gate of the Kotoshura if one was not a Kotoshura and this person clearly was not the Tsuchikage so whom might she be?

    Moments later....

    As he walked outside he would be wearing his classic suit as opposed to his ninja gear but he was not wearing a jacket with it. As Ghost looked on he would say to her,"hello not to be rude but are you lost?" He would say with a smile on his face.


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    Stone Genin
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    Anybody home? Empty Re: Anybody home?

    Post by Rita Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:28 am

    Oh, honey, hold onto your hat because we’ve just stumbled into a soap opera plot twist! Here we have Ghost, looking all dapper in his classic suit—very James Bond meets ninja chic—and Rita, the fiery Kotoshura beauty with a memory that could rival an elephant’s!

    Picture this: as the sun parts the storm clouds like the curtains of fate, Rita saunters into the Kotoshura estate with a purpose, not expecting to come face-to-face with Ghost, whom she remembers all too well from their childhood antics. She couldn't resist a sly grin as she greeted him with a casual, "Well, well, well, look who it is! If it isn't Ghost, the little brat himself!"

    But hold up! Ghost, in his gentlemanly charm, doesn't seem to recognize her right away. Cue gasps and dramatic music! Rita, shocked to her very core that Ghost could have possibly forgotten their childhood escapades, reintroduces herself with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

    "Ghost, darling," she purrs, "I'm hurt! Have you forgotten the trouble we used to stir up together? Rita Kotoshura, at your service—or causing you a headache, as I seem to recall!"

    The tension thickens like a fog rolling in from the mountains. Will Ghost’s memory jog loose the dusty cobwebs of their shared past? Will Rita’s presence stir up more than just nostalgia? Stay tuned, dear audience, for in the swirling mists of the Kotoshura estate, secrets are bound to unravel, and old flames may just flicker to life once more!

    Stone Genin
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    Anybody home? Empty Re: Anybody home?

    Post by Ghost Sat Jun 15, 2024 3:28 am

    As he was walking he would stop. The person in front of him she would speak in a tone and dialog. It was as if she knew him personally. But after viewing her for a moment in time he would start to remember her. His mouth would nearly drop as he saw her in the flesh as it has been so long.

    Soon he would respond to her,"the only thing I remember was my mother spanking my backside because of the great ideas you had me do with you." He would smile and laugh a little bit as he said this. "Come in come in it has been ages."As Ghost started to walk back inside the Kotōshura Clan head house hopefully she would follow suit. He would then say to her with a kind and calm voice, "you went away so long ago and it has been so long since I last saw you. As a matter of fact the last time I saw you Cousin Yui was still a active shinobi."

    If she would look closely she would see that Ghost has enter the head chambers of the clan and then he would take a seat where the head normally does. As he had hot tea warming on a small pot and shove. He would say to her,"care for some cherry bomb tea it's my own creation."


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    Anybody home? Empty Re: Anybody home?

    Post by Rita Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:50 pm

    Rita's heart pounded like a drum in a grand symphony as the familiar face of Ghost finally sparked recognition. Her eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and excitement, and she clasped her hands dramatically to her chest.

    "Oh, heavens above!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing with melodious astonishment. "Ghost, is it truly you? By the spirits of our ancestors, it feels like an eternity has passed since we last conspired together in youthful mischief!"

    As Ghost mentioned the old memories, Rita threw her head back with a peal of laughter, the sound echoing through the grand halls. "Ah, yes! Those daring escapades! Your poor mother! But what grand adventures we had, didn't we? Each one a testament to our boundless imagination and unyielding spirit!"

    She followed him into the Kotōshura Clan head house, her steps light and graceful as if she were gliding on air. The familiar surroundings stirred deep nostalgia within her, and she took a moment to breathe it all in, her eyes shimmering with emotion.

    "Ah yes" she said, her tone playful yet curious. "Cousin Yui. The greatest Kotōshura to ever live, Truly an inspiration. But no matter, even with her retired the essence of our clan's spirit remains timeless and unwavering."

    As Ghost offered the cherry bomb tea, Rita’s eyes lit up with genuine delight. "Cherry bomb tea, you say? Oh, Ghost, your creativity knows no bounds! I would be honored to partake in your exquisite creation."

    She took a seat across from him, her gaze unwavering and filled with warmth. "Tell me, Ghost, how have you been faring all these years? What tales of valor and wisdom do you have to share? The years may have passed, but our bond remains as strong as ever. Together, let us reminisce about the past and forge plans for a future as bright as the morning sun!"

    Leaning in slightly, a playful smile curving her lips, she added, "By the way, Ghost, are you now the leader of our clan? On one hand," she continued with a teasing lilt, "the clan must be in a sorry state if you’re in charge." She laughed lightly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But on the other hand, I always knew you'd do great things one day. There's a fire in you, a spark of greatness that was always destined to ignite."

    Her words hung in the air like a spell, binding the moment with a sense of destiny and camaraderie that only time and shared history could weave.

    Stone Genin
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    Post by Ghost Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:08 pm

    Ghost would let out a small laughter as Rita said the clan was in bad shape. Well she was not lying at that part. But thankfully Ghost was there to step up as he would then say. " I mean yeah it's not like I wanted to be but our clan needed me. But I'm getting it together and i even plan on making us stronger and I mean by alot.  Because as you know lady Diana is-" He would stop as he swung his head and it was nearly down. As he brought it back up with a sad smile" let's just say I am now the clan leader of our beloved clan." As he looked over to his left he would have a lab table set up. It had all the glass tubes on there and a small fire at that. Soo. He would pour the tea for the two and hand her a glass. 

    As he took a sip the favor of cherries would explode in his mouth. "This is very good it's a new tea i created which helps the body recover faster when worn out. But off to busy, as you know we was attacked not too long ago and in that attack we lost Lady Diana and the Vault was emptied. The person responsible was a man known as Rajin or something like that. Either way he will be history when I'm done with him. So far I am going to hunt him and the objects down. The only problem is I'm just not at that level yet and it's a misson that will be well my last." He would say with a bit of sadness in his voice. He knew he was playing a dangerous game in this life he has chosen to live. 

    "On top of that we may be going to war soon and the reason well. People think they can just come and lay claim to what is ours and we can't have that now can we." As he stood up to go check on his lab tubes. He would start to shake a few of the glasses up as he looked back at his cousin. " I plan to make a poison that not even a Tail Beast can survive." As he said that he would have a sad tone in his voice as all he ever wanted was and is peace.


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    Post by Rita Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:42 am

    Rita's eyes widened with a mix of shock and concern as Ghost revealed the burdens he now bore as the leader of their clan. Her hand trembled slightly as she reached for the glass of cherry bomb tea, her mind racing with thoughts of their beloved Lady Diana and the ominous threat of war looming on the horizon.

    "Ghost," she whispered, her voice filled with both admiration and sorrow. "To think that you, my dear cousin, now bear the weight of our clan's destiny upon your shoulders... It is a burden few could bear with such grace and determination."

    She took a sip of the tea, savoring the explosion of cherry flavor that danced upon her tongue. "This tea is truly a testament to your ingenuity, Ghost," she remarked softly, trying to find solace in the warmth of the moment amidst the chilling revelations.
    But her joy was tempered by the weight of Ghost's revelations about the recent attack and the loss of Lady Diana. Rita's expression grew solemn, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within her heart.

    "Lady Diana... Our stalwart defender, taken from us," she murmured, her voice tinged with sorrow. "And the vault emptied by this Raijin... It's unforgivable."

    "But this mission... hunting down Rajin and reclaiming what was stolen from us..." Rita's voice trailed off, her heart heavy with the weight of Ghost's words. "I understand your resolve, Ghost. Your courage and determination to seek justice and protect our legacy are as fierce as the mountains that surround us."

    Her gaze followed Ghost as he moved to check on his lab tubes, the air thick with both the scent of brewing potions and the palpable tension of imminent conflict. "A poison that not even a Tailed Beast can survive," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and concern. Rita's eyes narrowed with a thoughtful expression as she considered Ghost's plans for creating a deadly poison.

    "Ghost," she began earnestly, her voice carrying a note of concern mixed with determination, "forgive me for speaking out, but perhaps our strength lies not in subtlety and poison, but in the explosive prowess that our clan has always been renowned for."

    She gestured around the room, the weight of their clan's legacy hanging in the air like a thick mist. "Our ancestors have forged a path with explosions that echo through history. Our techniques have brought awe and respect from friend and foe alike."

    Leaning closer, Rita's gaze locked onto Ghost's with unwavering conviction. "Instead of chasing after shadows with poisons, why not harness the raw power that defines us? Let us refine our explosive arts, create new techniques, and enhance our defenses with the thunderous might that is our birthright."

    She straightened, her voice resolute yet tinged with a hint of pleading. "I understand the need for caution and strategy, Ghost. But let us not forget what makes us truly formidable. Together, let's ignite the skies with the brilliance of our explosions, and defend our home with the ferocity that only the Kotōshura clan can muster."

    As she finished speaking, Rita's heart swelled with hope that Ghost would heed her words and embrace the explosive legacy that had defined their clan for generations.

    Stone Genin
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    Post by Ghost Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:46 am

    "What makes us truly formidable,what makes us truly formidable you say cousin Rita." Ghost  would left up a glass tubes which had a blue light liquid in it. As it started sizzle he would pour it in a tube with white thick liquid. The two formed as it turned green. As he looked on at his younger cousin he would then say to her. "Our way of living need to change with the time." Just then he would put the the tube down and would walk over to the other desk. Soon he would go through some paperwork and pull out a file. It was Diana medical records. As he walked back over to Rita he would sit them by her and then he would say to her. "Our way of living changed way before us. This is Lady Diana paper work and the thing is she had others DNA in her you see." 

    Ghost would look angry yet sad at the same time. " You know it's not like it was fifty years back. Nowadays any ninja can have any clan DNA in them and you know what she not the only one. You see this world is changing and our clan is good as dead if we don't change with it. Those updated bombs I am making for this Clan I am making a way." As he looked on he would take another sip of his tea. " You ask me what I been up to lately and the answer is trying to survive."


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    Post by Rita Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:13 pm

    Ghost's words reverberated through the dimly lit room, punctuated by the faint hum of machinery that underscored his solemn revelation. Rita stood by, her eyes fixed on her cousin with a blend of astonishment and concern as he deftly manipulated the vibrant substances within the glass tubes. The reaction between the blue and white liquids created a pulsating green mixture, each swirl seeming to echo Ghost's urgent message.

    Ghost’s tone was resolute as he locked eyes with Rita. With purposeful strides, he moved to another desk, rifling through documents until he produced a file labeled with Diana's name. Placing it delicately before Rita, he continued, his voice carrying a mix of anger and sorrow.

    Ghost's countenance darkened as he spoke of the threats encroaching upon their traditions. He paused, taking a sip of tea, his demeanor briefly calm amidst the storm of uncertainty. As he concluded, the weight of their heritage and the future of their clan was palpable in the air.

    Their familial catch-up had transformed into a critical discourse about the future of their lineage. Rita knew that their next decisions would shape the fate of the Kotoshura clan—whether they would rise to new heights or fade into obscurity.

    Rita's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and amusement at Ghost's revelation about the clan's need to adapt. As he laid out the complexities of DNA integration and survival in the modern ninja world, she couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere that surrounded them.

    "So, Ghost," she began, her voice tinged with playful exaggeration, "are you suggesting I go out and have kids with someone from another clan to 'evolve' our bloodline? I mean, I do love explosions and all, but that's quite the explosive idea!"

    She paused for a moment, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just said, both in jest and in seriousness. Despite the levity in her voice, she understood the gravity of Ghost's concerns. Their clan faced a crossroads, and while her love for innovation and explosions burned brightly, she also recognized the need for pragmatism in preserving their heritage.

    "The winds of change are upon us, cousin," Rita exclaimed, her voice trembling with a potent blend of resolve and uncertainty. She approached the table where Ghost had placed Diana's medical records, each page a testament to the shifting tides of their world. "To think, Diana carried the blood of other clans... It's a sign, isn't it? A sign that we must adapt, innovate, and rise above the ashes of tradition."

    With a determined gaze, Rita met Ghost's eyes, her own filled with an unyielding fire. "These bombs you speak of—they are not just tools of survival. They are our declaration to the world that the Kotoshura clan will not be undone by history's currents. We shall forge ahead, stronger and more resilient than ever."

    She paced the room, her mind racing with possibilities and challenges. "Our path may be fraught with peril, but through innovation and unity, we shall carve our destiny," Rita proclaimed, her voice ringing with conviction. "Let the world tremble before us, for the Kotoshura clan will rise like a phoenix from the ashes!"

    With that declaration, Rita felt a surge of determination course through her veins. She knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but together with Ghost, they would navigate the storm and lead their clan into a new era of strength and prosperity.

    Stone Genin
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    Post by Ghost Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:15 pm

    As he heard her speak and truly listened to what she had to say he would take his time to respond to her. "You know I been doing a few test and that's not a bad idea." He would start to laugh a little in a playful way as she said should she have kids with someone from another clan. "You see if two different Geo Norms meet it could create a new kekkei genkai if not unlock a even more powerful version." As he sat the tubes down he would walk over to the files yet again and then he would bring out a new folder. But this time it was of his medical records. As he open up a case file of it he would pull out a spectrum. There it would show numbers and the percentage to obtain such things. "My dear cousin I have done it."

    With a smile on his face he would continue on,  "I have been doing alotnof research and I think we can enhance our kekkei genkai even more so. It's just a theory but if I can obtain certain DNA then it can be done." As he put his files down he would pick up Diana's files. " But that's just the thing and I think that what killed her in the end cousin Diana had alien DNA in her. So her body started to reject it. She didn't have anything to bridge them together. But I am working on that as we speak." Ghost would smile as he would then say, "Cousin Rita, our clan is only this close to going extinct and we can't have that. This will save us in the end please have trust and faith in me." He would say with a smile on his face.


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    Post by Rita Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:28 am

    Rita raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of skepticism and amusement. "Ghost, aren't you being a bit melodramatic about the clan going extinct? I mean, we've faced challenges before, but we've always found a way to survive."

    As Ghost continued to explain his findings with growing enthusiasm, Rita listened intently, her initial doubt giving way to intrigue. When he mentioned the potential of creating a new kekkei genkai by merging different bloodlines, her interest piqued further.

    "So, you're saying that combining our bloodline with another could unlock a new kekkei genkai? Or even enhance our current abilities?" Rita mused, her excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "That's... fascinating, to say the least."

    When Ghost mentioned Diana's tragic end, Rita's expression grew somber. The thought of their cousin's body rejecting alien DNA was a stark reminder of the risks involved in such experiments. But then, the potential rewards...

    "Ghost, you're telling me that you've made progress where Diana faltered?" Rita asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "That you've found a way to bridge the gap and prevent the body from rejecting foreign DNA?"

    Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and caution. "This is groundbreaking. If you succeed, our clan could not only survive but thrive in ways we never imagined. But..." She paused, her playful demeanor returning as she leaned in slightly, a teasing glint in her eye. "While the idea is certainly intriguing, I don't want you thinking I'm just an easy hussy who'd jump into such a monumental task as having children without some serious consideration."

    Her expression turned more thoughtful as she continued, "But if this really can save our clan, then it's an idea worth exploring. I'll trust your research and support your efforts. Let's ensure that our legacy doesn't end with us, Ghost. Together, we'll push the boundaries of what's possible."

    With that, Rita looked at the files Ghost had laid out, her mind already buzzing with ideas and plans. She blushed slightly as a new thought crossed her mind. "So, if we're talking about finding the right bloodline to merge with... do you think someone from the Kazehana clan with their magnet release would fit the bill?"

    Stone Genin
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    Post by Ghost Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:36 pm

    Ghost was glad that his cousin was on his side and was understanding of what he was trying to accomplish. As she asked a question that took him off just a little. " The Kazekage Clan you say how interesting to say the least. It is a clan that was once a powerful clan in the land of the wind. But now it is a powerful clan in the stone." As he sat down he would start to drink his tea as he was getting tired. " Thier Kekkei Genkai is a powerful one indeed. Thier Magnet Release is something I've been looking into. From that Kekkei Genkai along multiple abilities has been born. To say the least Thier DNA is ever growing." Soon he would look over at the tubes as they continued to shake as they was heating up. Ghost would stand up and went back over to them and started to mix again. 

    Soon he would go over to a lab board and flip it around. As it showed a body and it's chakra points." Yes my research into the Kekkei Genkai and DNA of clans have gotten me fall. So I am at least ninty percent sure it can work. But I will not ever be sure unless I have a body like Lady Diana's. You see she added different DNA in her based off of what they can do for her. When in reality she should have did it based off what they need to do for her." Soon he would walk over to the wall and open a part of it and out of it came an eye. Not a fancy eye but an eye. He would walk over and put this said eye into the blue zero water that was in the tube and it would start to form up  as subs came around it. 

    "But you know something cousin, I do not want you to stop your life to aid in all this. When you went away you had a clean pass to live a care free life and coming back here I cam only promise that things won't be easier from here. Especially since I joined the Anbu." He would say with a calm voice.


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    Post by Rita Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:46 pm

    Rita listened intently as Ghost shared details about his research and the complexities of Kekkei Genkai and DNA manipulation. She nodded thoughtfully, her curiosity piqued by his scientific endeavors, though some aspects were beyond her expertise.

    "It sounds like you're delving deep into some serious science there, cousin," Rita remarked with a half-smile, watching Ghost move around the lab with purpose.
    She leaned against a nearby counter, her gaze following Ghost's movements. "Lady Diana sounds like she was quite the researcher herself, mixing DNA for practical purposes. And that eye..." Rita gestured towards the forming subs, her interest growing.

    Rita's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and pride as she listened to Ghost's explanations and concerns. When he mentioned the Kazehana Clan, her face lit up, and she pumped her fist lightly in the air.

    "Yeah, I've been seeing this one Kazehana member," she admitted with a bright smile, her voice tinged with happiness. "I’m serious about him, aiming towards marriage even. It's been a whirlwind, but I've never felt more certain about anything."

    "I appreciate your concern, Ghost," she replied sincerely, her voice softening. "But family sticks together, especially in the Stone. And joining the Anbu? That's a bold move. Just promise me you'll stay safe out there, alright?"

    Rita's mind raced with questions about Ghost's work and the implications of his discoveries, but for now, she focused on supporting her cousin through his challenges, knowing their paths were intricately tied by blood and duty.

    She paused for a moment, her expression softening as she looked at Ghost with a hint of nostalgia. "But you know, I came back here not just because of family ties. Being part of the Land of Stone, it's like... it's in my blood," she explained earnestly. "I'm like the mountains here—solid, unwavering. This place grounds me in a way nothing else does."

    Rita's gaze wandered towards the distant mountains visible from the window, a sense of belonging settling over her. "No matter where life takes me, I'll always come back to these mountains," she added, her voice steady with conviction.

    Stone Genin
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    Post by Ghost Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:16 am

    As he was working he was nearly done for the day. He just needed the eye to sit in for the week. What he had planned was going to change everything Kotoshura if anything. But the moment his cousin mentioned she was seeing someone from the Kazehana clan his eyes would go big. As he slowly looked at her and started to laugh. "You know the number one thing about clans is we all have laws. If you was to marry into the Kazehana clan let's say the head of the clan Cousin Rita. You do realize that our clan comes first." He would stop and take a seat next to her, as he would jokingly say," we need to talk." He would pause for a moment and then stood up and started to walk out of the Head room. As he waved for her to follow him out of it. 

    The moment she did he would start by saying," The life of a ninja is hard as is the life of a ninja in a clan. Clans are what makes the ninja world go around. But clans also have rules my dear cousins. I know clans that kill thier members for stupid reasons and clans that pet thier members do whatever they want. Understand that I would have the final say in who is allowed in the clan. As per rules with all head clans. But I always hated that rule a rule where one's fate is determined by another as if we was the heaven itself. So me personally I only ask to meet this fellow and to judge fid myself that he is worthy of you and not just trying to get into the Kotōshura  Clan to try to assassinate me or something."

    As he was walking he would look on towards the distance until finally they was on the edge of the mansion. "If you two was to married I hope he realize that I am head and he will be sure to respect that and our clans laws." Ghost would start to laugh as he would then say," You talked about the mountains a second ago. Did you know the leaf currently controls them. We plan to take them back. So there is one law that must remain in place in our clan and that law is. That all Kotoshura that have taken the path of a shinobi must join the Blast Corps and your future husband is no exception to this rule." He would start to laugh again and in his laughter he would say, "so who is he what's his name?"


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    Post by Rita Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:02 am

    Rita gritted her teeth but forced a smile, hiding her true feelings. Who does he think he is? She respected Ghost and acknowledged his position as head of the clan, but she was a free spirit and wouldn't let him boss her around. The only person she took orders from was the Tsuchikage.

    Taking a deep breath, she said with a hint of theatrical flair, "Really, Ghost? You think you can dictate my life choices just because you're the clan head? Well, newsflash, dear cousin, I'm not some puppet you can control. I’m the one who makes the puppets. There are no strings on me."

    Rita paused, savoring the dramatic moment before dropping the bombshell.  Truly she was a Kotoshura to her very core, even the words she wielded tended to be explosive.  "The person I've been seeing is none other than Yamato, the Tsuchikage.  Do you truly mean to order our Lord around?" she asked sarcastically.

    "And heck no, I ain't joining the Blast Corps," she continued, her voice rising with defiance. "You know I'm a crafter, not a fighter, you idiot!" With that, she attempted to give him a soft, harmless bop on the head, punctuating her statement. With her level of strength she couldn’t possibly harm him barehanded without the use of her bloodline and even then that would hurt her more then it would him.

    Rita stood there, chest heaving with emotion. "I'm content to let you play head of the clan while I craft, but don't think for a second I won't dethrone you if you obstruct my freedom too much. I have no interest in politics, but I won’t let you cage me in. “

    The power dynamic between them was delicate.  Ghost could put her in the hospital with a single punch, but with even just one puppet on her side, even a messily C rank one she could run circles around him. However, she knew right now she was the one holding the cards. With Iwa in its current dire state, Ghost couldn't afford to discard her.

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    Post by Ghost Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:56 am

    Ghost would start to laugh as he listened to his cousin say she did not want to join the Blast Corps. It was funny because she didn't have a choice. But it was a fact that she did and he did not want her to join out of spike. " I know that, I know you not a fighter and I don't won't you to join because of that. I want you to join because of your abilty to create things. Like to boobie trap this whole clan district." He would drink the last of his tea as he pulled out a small bottle of Strawberry Sake. " You can be so mean at times cousin Rita." As he said that he would start 5o laugh and then he would nearly choked as she said what she said. "You and Lord Tsuchikage been knocking the boots, wow this is news."

    Soon he would open the Sake but but put of pain but fun times." Anyone who dates enter our home will show the head of the clan respect and I will do the same to whoever you chose to live your life with." Soon he would put one hand up in a prayer motion as he replied to her."But I'm not playing head of the Kotoshura Clan I am the head cousin Rita. Don't go dethroning me that's not cool I just got this title." As he said that he would start to laugh even more. Then he became serious and a moment of pure silence would come. 

    "But in all honesty you just may be Head Of the Clan sooner then you think." He would look away a bit sad but soon he would snap out of it with a smile. "Hey I know, let's invite him over I mean I already did but for something else. But we can like get to know him better after all he will be family one day." He would say with a smile over his face."By the way cousin Rita I will never try to cage you up. I prefer my clan members to do as they please ya know.

    If the Kotōshura Clan and the Kazehana Clan form a union then Ghost just might have a chance and the Clan will be safe and sound.


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    Post by Rita Thu Jun 27, 2024 3:40 am

    Rita felt a mix of emotions as Ghost spoke, but she managed to maintain her composure, even as his laughter grated on her nerves. She took a deep breath, forcing a smile.

    "Sure, I suppose I could make landmines or something once my crafting skills are up to par. But isn't it dangerous to place them around where we live? What if one of our clan members steps on one? Who are you so worried about attacking us anyway? Our village walls are good enough to stop most threats. And for those like Raijin, traps wouldn’t slow them down anyway."

    When Ghost called her mean, Rita laughed. "Oh, come on, Ghost. I can be sweet too, you know." She took a sip of her drink, but when Ghost crudely commented on her relationship with Yamato, she spat it out in surprise. "First off, we're not sleeping together yet, and couldn’t you have put that a little better?"  she groused.

    Hearing Ghost's serious tone about her possibly becoming the clan head sooner than expected, Rita's playful demeanor softened. "Ghost, what do you mean by that? You know I care about you. I’d never dream of actually hurting you, even if I had to take over for whatever reason.” she said, meaning every word.

    The idea of actually hurting someone from her own family made her feel sick.  Internally she was a bit panicked.  She’d been mostly joking about dethroning him. For all that she called him an idiot at times she did believe in him, and won’t actually move to take over unless he tried to do something seriously stupid. 

    Honestly being the clan head sounded like more of a pain in the ass then the position was worth. And yet here he was practically turning the tables on her in an instant just by the implication that he might foister the job off on her.

    Rita listened to Ghost intently. His words about the future of the clan struck a chord, and she felt a pang of sympathy. "Ghost, we'll make sure our clan thrives. And yes, let's invite Yamato over. It’ll be good for all of us."

    As Ghost reassured her about not caging her in, she smirked. "Good, I value my freedom and my work too much for that.  Besides, there isn’t a cage that could hold me anyway. I’d just find a way to blow it up and escape." Still she appreciated his promise "Thanks, Ghost. Don’t worry We’ll find a way to strengthen our clan without sacrificing who we are as individuals."

    As she looked at Ghost, Rita felt a renewed determination. "And remember, just because I’m not a fighter doesn’t mean I’m not powerful. My creations speak for themselves."

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    Post by Ghost Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:55 am

    He would take it all in as he watched the full moon. Then he would whole his hand up at the moon as he gave a smile. "The Otsutsuki clan I wish to be as powerful as them one day and that is my mission Cousin Rita. To gain GodHood and rid this world of those lovers who there to he war upon my peace. I must become an Agent of peace just like the moon I must become Upper in the sky itself." As he said that he would drink his Sake Tea and continue on in a tispy yet sad and calm voice. "This misson of peace it's gonna be the death of me I just know it. But if it takes my life to pay that debt then so be it. But in order to obtain that power I need to have power that rival even the mighty Otsutsuki Clan." 

    The moment he said otsutsuki it was as if his voice changed into a happy tone a serious tone. He had plans and he needed them to be carried out perfectly. "That day I fought Lord Tsuchikage to prove my worth. I knew I could get stronger I know I need to get stronger. So many things can counter us and that's a big no. But I don't think many people can counter a space skipping bomb." As he said that he would stop and then looked on at his cousin. A smile would come over his face as he would then say to her. "I have 3 very important missions I need you to carry out. Think of this missons as a spider whom has yet to nit its web. These missions is so secret that there not even on the misson boards." Ghost would say to her with a clean smile on his face.


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    Post by Rita Sun Jun 30, 2024 7:24 pm

    Rita listened to Ghost's ambitious words with a mixture of concern and skepticism. As he spoke of attaining godhood and comparing himself to the Otsutsuki, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disbelief. The Otsutsuki, while undeniably powerful, were not divine beings but rather formidable adversaries with their own agendas. She knew from indirect encounters and the aftermath of their actions, such as Chen's destructive influence, that they were more like devils.

    Her thoughts wandered briefly to the pain and suffering caused by the Otsutsuki's interference in their world. Rita had witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of their power, and it had left scars both physical and emotional.

    "Ghosts of grandeur," she mused quietly to herself, her expression thoughtful yet guarded. She wondered if Ghost's determination stemmed from a sense of duty or if it bordered on delusion fueled by his aspirations.

    Rita couldn't help but inject a bit of levity into the serious conversation with Ghost. As he spoke earnestly about his missions and ambitions, she interjected with a playful quip, a small smile quirking her lips.

    "Ground control to Ghost, do you copy?" she teased lightly, her tone teasing yet affectionate. "I think you might need to get a grip on things before you start aiming for godhood. Even the Otsutsuki had to start somewhere, right?"

    She chuckled softly, hoping to gently lighten the mood without dismissing Ghost's aspirations entirely. Rita believed in supporting his dreams while also keeping a pragmatic perspective on their challenges and limitations. It was her way of reminding him that while ambition was admirable, a balanced approach and a touch of humor could sometimes be just as valuable.

    Rita's confusion was evident as she questioned Ghost about their vulnerabilities to countermeasures. She leaned forward slightly, her brow furrowing slightly in thought.

    "What do you mean, so many things that can counter us? I thought our explosions were only susceptible to lightning chakra and not much else," she queried, trying to make sense of Ghost's concerns.

    Her mind raced with possibilities. She knew from their training and experience that lightning chakra could indeed pose a challenge, but it was not insurmountable. With sufficient numbers or perhaps a singular, powerful explosive, they could potentially overwhelm any defenses.

    "Perhaps," Rita mused aloud, her voice thoughtful. "Are you saying that maybe we need to consider other strategies to complement our explosive prowess. Like tactical diversions or unconventional tactics?” she asked, turning the conversation towards brainstorming solutions rather than dwelling on perceived weaknesses.

    Rita was keenly aware of the need to adapt and innovate, especially in the face of potential adversaries who could exploit their vulnerabilities. She was ready to explore new approaches while remaining confident in their abilities to wield their explosive expertise effectively.

    Rita's eyes lit up with pure delight as Ghost mentioned the concept of a space-skipping bomb. Among their clan, known for their expertise in explosions, Rita had earned a reputation for her particular obsession with them. It was no secret that she had a deep passion for creating and witnessing the controlled chaos of explosive reactions.

    Her fascination ran so deep that she had even taken on side gigs in special effects, not for the money, but purely for the thrill of legally indulging in her love for explosions. Whether it was designing intricate detonation patterns or orchestrating controlled blasts, Rita thrived on the science and artistry of creating explosive spectacles.

    As Ghost's words sparked her imagination, Rita's mind raced with possibilities. She envisioned the technical challenges and the sheer scale of a space-skipping bomb, contemplating its potential impact. Her enthusiasm for such innovations in explosive technology was palpable, her excitement mirrored in the gleam of her eyes and the subtle grin that played on her lips.

    Rita leaned forward slightly, her expression attentive yet guarded. "I'm listening," she said, her tone conveying both curiosity and a hint of reluctance. Her interest was primarily piqued by the prospect of exploring new avenues in explosive technology rather than any personal investment in Ghost's missions.

    As an artist of controlled chaos, Rita approached her craft with a meticulous eye for detail and a passion for innovation. She was drawn to projects that challenged her skills and allowed her to push the boundaries of what was possible in explosive design. If Ghost's plans resonated with her artistic sensibilities and fell within her capabilities, she would consider taking them on.

    However, Rita was also pragmatic. She wasn't one to make promises lightly, especially when it came to missions that might not align with her interests or expertise. If the tasks outlined by Ghost didn't inspire her or seemed impractical, she wouldn't hesitate to politely decline or even feign ignorance to avoid involvement.

    For now, she waited, her mind already whirring with ideas and possibilities sparked by Ghost's mention of a new type of explosion. Rita was ready to evaluate the details critically, weighing the potential challenges and rewards before deciding her next course of action.

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    Post by Ghost Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:32 am

    As he looked at his cousin he would go on to continue the tale he was telling her. He truly wanted her to be on board with this plan of hia,"  it won't be easy nor will I lie and say that or will be safe.but our mothers share blood which hint at our blood lines of being cousins and not just cousins first cousins by bloodline 
     You see as I looked at my mother's DNA and mines I notice something we have another clan blood in us. The gene are just blocked or how can I say surpessed. It's like that for a lot of people as mother told me that my father Grandfather was a very strange man. What if I can unlock that said gene and then what-" As he was speaking he would simply stop talking about what it was he was talking about and just stared at the mountains. 

    Soon he would say, "so my new bombs they are more so a space time technique. By studying the way of space base justu. I believe I have came up with a way to cause our enemies great fear. You see our biggest problem is we need time and distance to not only create but explode our bombs. What if we have a mark like the Flying Thunder God technique of the hidden mist. What if by simply placing marks on people we can blow that body part up and get this the more charka they have the bigger the BOOM. Not to mention what if we throw a clay bomb at our targets and they vanish before thier very eyes. Then BOOM reappear right in front of them." 

    Ghost would look on as he waited for her response.


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    Post by Rita Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:27 pm

    Rita listened intently to her cousin, feeling a mixture of excitement and concern. She appreciated Ghost's ingenuity and the potential of his ideas, but the risks involved were substantial.

    "Ghost, you're diving into some deep and dangerous waters here," she said, her tone serious but laced with genuine curiosity. "Unlocking suppressed genes from another clan could bring untold power, but it could also have unforeseen consequences. You know our bloodlines are already unique, and adding another layer of complexity could make things... unpredictable."

    She paused, letting the weight of her words settle before continuing. "Your idea about the space-time bombs is revolutionary. It could give us a significant advantage, no doubt. But using something akin to the Flying Thunder God technique for explosions... that's a level of danger we haven't dealt with before. If anyone can pull it off, it's you. But we need to be careful, Ghost. This isn't just about the power we can wield; it's about ensuring we don't lose ourselves in the process."

    Rita glanced at the mountains, feeling their unwavering strength. "Ghost, your mind sees things others can't. I trust you. But promise me you'll take every precaution. We can't afford to lose you—or anyone else—in the pursuit of this power."

    She turned back to him, her eyes full of resolve. "Let's proceed with caution. I'll support you, but let's make sure we fully understand what we're unlocking and the true extent of these new bombs. Together, we can make sure this power is used wisely and safely."

    Rita's expression softened slightly as she added, "And you know, I think these new bombs of yours could be incredible. Imagine the surprise on our enemies' faces when they think they're safe, only for the explosion to happen right in front of them. But presuming we can even mark the target in the first place before being able to bomb it is a bit silly, don't you think? It's not going to be easy to get close enough to place those marks, especially against strong opponents. Just promise me you'll be safe, okay? We're family, and I don't want to lose you."

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    Post by Ghost Yesterday at 2:40 am

    Ghost would remain quiet as he started to think. He knew he had to do something and do it fast. He knew at any moment any other village can come and attack them. He knew he was weak compared to other people. But he also knew he can become just as strong if not stronger. But would he lose his sense of self in all of it? That was a question only time could tell. As he looked at his cousin he knew she would be on board but what she is not seeing. Is that this world has move passed a one trick pony clan and that goes for all clans. What he came to realize is that all people that ever become powerful went well beyond thier clan kekkei genkai and he plan to do the same. 

    "To reach my goals of being the land of Stone ultimate weapon to be Iwagakure absolute Offense. I need to do this as I witness what that man could do. Well if he can do what he did then what does that tell you? I will tell you one more secret and you must promise not to tell not a soul and that's because I want you in on it my dear cousin."

    Ghost would stop for a moment and then point to the moon and look at her. "Remember how we joked about people living on the moon and then we found out there really was people living up there. Remember how we used to play ninja and rouges and now we really are ninja and get this Remember how we used to play like we would be on a life or death heist. My Anbu Black Opts team will be assigned to just that  and my first misson is in the land of mist. So cousin you need not worry about me just know what I am doing is for the sake of the stone and the Kotoshura."

    As he said that he would sip his tea.


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