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    An explosive return

    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    An explosive return Empty An explosive return

    Post by Rita Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:15 am

    As Rita walked through Iwagakure, her curiosity turned to determination. She would find answers. The once familiar path led her to the Tsuchikage’s office, the heart of the village’s administration and the place where she hoped to find the explanation for the transformation. The streets, though bustling with activity, held an air of mystery and change. She could sense it in the whispers of the villagers, in the hurried steps of the shinobi, and in the eyes of the elders who watched her with a mix of recognition and surprise.

    Finally, standing before the grand doors of the Tsuchikage’s office, Rita took a moment to steady herself. With a wry smile, she pushed the doors open and announced, “Honey, I’m home.”

    The room fell silent as the Tsuchikage's advisors turned to face her. Their expressions shifted from surprise to a mixture of relief and curiosity. She had come home, but it was a home that had evolved in her absence. Now, she was ready to uncover the story behind the new face of Iwagakure.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:49 pm

    The tsuchikage was sitting in his chair that was sitting behind his desk that resided in his office. He was going over some business stuff with his advisors and the elders of the village. There was still so much to do in order to get iwa up to a mega Power like the hidden leaf and the hidden mist. They also needed to have strong genin coming from the academy since they was lacking many chunin and jonin class shinobi after the attack on the village from raijin.

    Just then the door to his office opened up and a woman walked though. She announced her self but not saying her name, the room had went quite for a moment until the tsuchikage decided to end the silence that befell the tsuchikage office.

    " I see we have a visitor. Welcome I am Yamato Kazahana, I am the tsuchikage how may I be of help to you..."

    Yamato did not know who this was so he was not able to call her by her name so hopefully she decided to introduce her self. He did find it kind of rude to just open up the tsuchikage door with out knocking but he would let that slide.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
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    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:47 am

    Oh, sweet celestial cosmos, what cosmic jest doth thou play upon poor Rita, as she finds herself entangled in the web of fate within the hallowed halls of power! The Tsuchikage, resplendent in his regal throne, surrounded by the council of elders and advisors, each burdened with the weight of Iwa's destiny!

    But lo and behold, amidst the solemn deliberations and weighty discussions, the doors swing open, and in strides a figure veiled in mystery, a tempest in human form! The room falls silent, as if caught in the thrall of her enigmatic presence, and Rita, ever the keen observer of life's theatrics, can feel the tension crackling in the air like lightning in a storm.

    This man called himself the Tsuchikage, his voice was a symphony of authority and intrigue, yet tinged with a hint of curiosity at this unexpected interruption.

    Oh, but who is this mysterious muse who dares to disrupt the sanctity of the Tsuchikage's domain with her silent entrance? Rita's heart races with anticipation, her imagination spinning tales of forbidden love and clandestine affairs, her mind ablaze with the possibilities of this tantalizing encounter

    In the pregnant pause that follows, Rita can almost hear the beating of her own heart, each moment stretching into eternity as she waits with bated breath for the unveiling of this mysterious visitor's identity. Oh, what secrets does she hold, what mysteries does she bring, and what role will she play in the grand saga of Iwa's destiny?

    And as the woman remains shrouded in silence, Rita can't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins, for in this moment of uncertainty lies the promise of adventure, the allure of the unknown, and the chance to write her own destiny amidst the grand tapestry of life!

    Oh, worry not, for time is but a fleeting whisper in the grand tapestry of fate! With a gracious bow and a warm smile, Rita extends her heartfelt apologies for her delayed introduction, her spirit undiminished by the passage of moments.
    With a flourish of theatrical bravado, Rita steps forward, her presence commanding attention like a tempest unleashed upon the stage of destiny. "Greetings, esteemed council of Iwa! I am Rita Kotōshura, The Blastwright, mistress of explosions and architect of innovation!" Her voice rings out with conviction, her eyes ablaze with the fire of determination.

    "As part of a noble exchange program, I was sent to the distant sands of Suna, where I witnessed firsthand the devastation wrought by the merciless Chen," she declares, her words laced with the bitter taste of sorrow and loss. "With a heavy heart and weary soul, I embarked upon the arduous journey back to our beloved village, a journey fraught with peril and hardship."

    Rita's gaze falls upon her hands, once deft and nimble in the art of engineering, now rendered slow and frail by the trials of her journey. "Alas, without my trusty puppet by my side, I found myself at the mercy of fate's cruel whims, struggling to navigate the treacherous path home."

    But fear not, for Rita Kotōshura is no stranger to adversity! With a flicker of determination in her eyes, she straightens her posture, her resolve unyielding. "Though my skills may have grown rusty in my absence from the workshop, rest assured that the flames of innovation still burn bright within me! With your support, I shall rehabilitate myself swiftly, returning to the forge with renewed vigor and passion!"

    With a sweeping gesture, Rita beseeches the council for aid, her voice a symphony of hope and ambition. "I implore you, esteemed elders and advisors, grant me the funds I need to rebuild, to reforge, and to unleash a new era of technological marvels upon our village! Together, let us forge a future worthy of the legacy of Iwa, and let my humble hands be the instruments through which we shape our destiny!"

    With a newfound sense of purpose and resolve, Rita stands tall before the council, her heart filled with determination and a burning desire to address the unexpected changes that have unfolded in her absence.

    "Oh, woe unto the heavens, what treachery hath fate wrought upon our beloved Diana?" exclaimed Rita, her voice a crescendo of anguish and disbelief, her heart recoiling at the mere thought of her cherished leader's absence. "Pray tell, what calamity hath befallen our esteemed Tsuchikage, that she should be absent from her rightful throne?"

    In Rita's mind, Diana was more than just a leader; she was a beacon of hope, a paragon of strength, the very embodiment of Iwa's indomitable spirit. To imagine her absent from her duties, her absence a void in the heart of their village, was to entertain the darkest of nightmares.

    With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty bore down upon Rita like a mountain upon her shoulders, threatening to crush her beneath its oppressive burden. For in the absence of Diana, their guiding light, who would lead them through the trials that lay ahead? Who would stand against the tempestuous winds of adversity and steer the ship of Iwa's destiny safely to shore?

    But amidst the tumult of her thoughts, Rita remained resolute in her resolve, her faith unwavering, her spirit unbroken. For though the path ahead may be shrouded in uncertainty, she knew that as long as they stood united, as long as they faced their challenges together, they would emerge victorious, their bonds forged in the fires of adversity stronger than ever before.

    And so, with a fervent prayer upon her lips and determination burning in her heart, Rita awaited the answers that would surely come, her faith in Diana, in her comrades, and in the indomitable spirit of Iwa, unwavering to the end.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:30 pm

    The lady before him seemed very eccentric but she had introduced her self as Rita Kotōshura, it would seem that she was the second Kotōshura that he has met in the iwa village. But it could not be helped as the Kotōshura was a strong clan and brought forth excellent shinobi in the past and going forward. She explained that she was part of a exchange program that had sent her to the village hidden in the wind, there she witnessed the destruction of the village by the hands of non other then Chen. it seemed that she lost her puppet and it made her journey back to iwa a very bad one.

    She said that tho her skills have grown rusty she would get her self back to her forge and begin to get to work once again. She begged the council for Funds to reforge and make wonders for iwa so they could rebuild.

    " Well it's good to see you safely return Rita, I'm not sure if you heard but iwa was recently attacked by Raijin and so our funds are a little on the low end but do not worry we can work something out."

    Yamato said as he stacked up the papers he had in front of him and passed them on to a elder beside him. She then asked where dieana was and that was when the room fell silent once more. But this time every one had a look of dread on there face as if bringing up her name only reopened the scars that was trying to close.

    " I'm sorry to have to tell you this but the former tsuchikage deiana died when she was defending the village from the attack from raijin. That is why i stand before you now as this villages tsuchikage. "

    Yamato would say as every one was mumbling behind him. They was doing everything they could to get things rolling and to get the village back to mega Power Status.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:27 am

    As Yamato's words reverberated through the chamber like thunder in a storm, Rita felt the weight of Diana's absence crash upon her like a tidal wave. The air thickened with sorrow, a palpable mist of mourning that enveloped them all. Her heart, once ablaze with determination, now quivered with grief, yet from the depths of her despair, a fire ignited—an inferno of resolve and unyielding spirit.

    "Oh, Great Spirits of the Earth," Rita exclaimed, her voice ringing with passion that echoed off the stone walls, "the radiant beacon of our beloved Diana has been extinguished, her valorous spirit now soars among the stars! But fear not, noble council, for though our path be shrouded in darkness, I stand before you as a forge of hope, ablaze with the fervor of a thousand suns!"

    With each word, she cast off the shackles of doubt and uncertainty, her eyes blazing with determination as she addressed Yamato and the assembled council. "Yamato, esteemed leader of Iwa, hear me now! Though my skills may have rusted like forgotten relics, I vow to rekindle the flames of my forge, forging anew the tools of salvation and prosperity! Together, we shall defy the odds, defy the very heavens if need be, and rebuild our shattered village into a bastion of strength and glory!"

    "As Yamato's words echoed through the hallowed halls of our ancestral home, Rita Kotōshura, daughter of the forge and guardian of honor, rises from the ashes of grief! Oh, noble leader of Iwa, hear my oath resound through the ages like the clash of titans! I, Rita, pledge my undying allegiance to your righteous cause, to the very essence of our village's spirit!"

    Her voice, a symphony of resolve and passion, reverberated through the chamber, each syllable a testament to her unyielding commitment. "Yamato, beacon of our hope and bastion of our strength, speak! Command me, for I am your sword and shield! Shall I forge armor to safeguard our warriors, imbued with the essence of our fallen hero Diana? Or shall I sculpt monuments that pierce the heavens, immortalizing our undying spirit?"

    Rita's eyes blazed with the fire of a thousand forges, her spirit ablaze with the fervor of a warrior-poet. "In this crucible of trials, I offer my hands, my heart, and my very soul! Together, we shall forge a legacy that defies the heavens themselves! For Iwa, for honor, for glory!"

    Her proclamation rang through the chamber, a rallying cry amidst the sorrow, igniting a spark of hope in every heart present. "For Diana, our stalwart guardian, we shall not falter! We shall rise like the phoenix from the ashes, forging a legacy that shall echo through the annals of time!"

    With a flourish, Rita knelt before Yamato, her oath echoing in the hearts of all who bore witness. The chamber trembled with the weight of her proclamation, as if fate itself bowed to her unwavering resolve.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:01 pm

    After Yamato had told Rita that deina had been killed she began to cry and to what Yamato could understand speak in a weird tongue. She had a very eccentric way of saying things almost as if she was part of a theater play and she was playing a character. After Rita would vow her undying Allegiance to iwa and the tsuchikage. Yamato was glad to see so many of iwa ninja be it new genin or returning iwa ninja from afar stand up and try to make iwa great again.

    " Rita Kotōshura, I accept your request and I think we should get to work as soon as possible. We shall definitely need armor and weapons forged as well as a Grand training facility so our ninja can become even more powerful for our upcoming battle with both Raijin and Chen. "

    Yamato would say as he stood up and placed his hands behind his back while he looked out the window over looking his village. He would do all he could even give his life if need be to make sure his village succeed in becoming whole once more.

    " With that being said I Yamato Kazahana the tsuchikage grant you Rita Kotōshura the title of iwa genin and a home in iwa seeing as if you had a old home here it was probably destroyed in the attack."

    The village would need as many ninja as possible if they was to build it up as great as the other villages.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:15 am

    Upon hearing Yamato's acceptance, Rita’s eyes brimmed with tears of gratitude, glistening like morning dew under a newborn sun. Her heart pounded with the intensity of a thousand drums, each beat echoing the renewed hope and purpose that now coursed through her veins.

    "Oh, mighty Yamato Kazahana, Tsuchikage of our beloved Iwa!" she proclaimed, her voice soaring like an aria in the grandest of operas. "Your words are like a clarion call to my very soul! I stand ready to pour every ounce of my being into the forge, to breathe life into the steel that will protect and empower our noble warriors. The anvils shall sing, the hammers shall dance, and together, we shall craft not just armor and weapons, but the very essence of our resurgence!"

    Rita's gestures were as grand as her words, her arms sweeping wide as if to embrace the very spirit of the village. "A grand training facility, you say? It shall rise like a beacon of hope and strength, a testament to our resilience and unwavering determination! Our genin shall be honed into paragons of strength, ready to face any adversary. We shall stand unyielding against the tempest of Raijin and Chen, for we are Iwa, and our resolve is as unbreakable as the mountains themselves!"

    With a flourish, she knelt, placing a hand over her heart, her voice filled with reverence and unshakable resolve. "By your decree, I accept the mantle of Iwa Genin with utmost humility and boundless pride. Though my old home may lie in ruins, my heart finds its true residence in the spirit of our village. I vow to forge ahead, to build, to protect, and to honor the legacy of those who have fallen."

    Rising, she met Yamato’s gaze with blazing intensity. "Yamato Kazahana, you have my undying allegiance. But," she added, her tone softening slightly, "are you sure it’s truly fitting for me to be a genin? I was part of the support course, not a frontline fighter. My skills are in crafting and support rather than combat."

    Her eyes searched his, a hint of vulnerability mingling with her steadfast determination. "And what of the Kotōshura clan district? It was my home, my sanctuary. Has it been reduced to rubble, or is there hope yet among the ruins?"

    Rita’s gaze lingered on Yamato, a playful glint in her eyes. "Yamato," she said with a flirtatious smile, "I must say, you wear the mantle of Tsuchikage with such... strength and charisma. It's quite inspiring. Perhaps we can work closely together to rebuild our village, and who knows? Maybe we can find some moments of... levity amidst the labor?"

    As her declaration echoed through the hall, Rita felt the collective spirit of the village surge around her, a tide of unity and determination. She was ready to embrace her destiny, to forge the future with her own hands, alongside her fellow warriors of Iwa.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:19 pm

    " Do not worry, it was by lucks hand that our clan Districts was not destroyed so your home is just fine Rita."

    Yamato would say as he turned from his window where he was looking over his village. Rita was wondering if giving her the title of genin was the right decision since she was a supporter and crafter. But Yamato also knew that she had the blood of a Kotōshura running though her veins meaning she had the ability to use Ninjutsu.

    " No reason to frit Rita, I understand your a support ninja but I know that not all ninja are meant for the front lines. Being a genin dose not mean you have to fight, but it dose give you more authority then the normal civilian would have. As well as a higher paycheck. "

    The tsuchikage said with a smile hoping to calm her doubts. As she was finishing up her words Yamato noticed that she was flirting with him telling him how he wear the mantle of Tsuchikage with strength and charisma.

    " Working together to rebuild iwa sounds nice Rita, knowing that the tsuchikage can work hand and hand with his fellow ninja shows that rank knows no bounds."

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:44 pm

    Rita's heart fluttered with a mix of relief and exhilaration as Yamato's words washed over her like a warm, reassuring tide. Her beloved Kotōshura district was safe, a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil. Her eyes sparkled with unrestrained joy as she clasped her hands to her chest.

    "Oh, merciful heavens!" she exclaimed, her voice a crescendo of emotion. "The Kotōshura district remains unscathed! Fate, in its infinite wisdom, has granted us this precious boon!" She turned to Yamato, her expression a tapestry of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Yamato, for this priceless reassurance. My heart overflows with relief and gratitude!"

    As he continued, explaining the significance of her new title and the practical benefits it conferred, Rita's spirit ignited with renewed purpose. "Ah, Yamato, your wisdom is as profound as the deepest caverns of our land! To serve as a genin, not just in combat but in the sacred duty of crafting and supporting, is an honor I shall bear with unwavering pride. Authority and a higher paycheck, you say? Truly, you have thought of everything to ensure our success and prosperity!"

    She stepped closer, her gaze unwavering, her voice a symphony of earnestness and devotion. "Yamato, your leadership is a beacon guiding us through these dark times. To work alongside you in rebuilding Iwa is not just a duty, but a privilege. Together, we shall forge a new dawn, where every anvil strike echoes with the promise of a brighter future!"

    Her eyes twinkled with a playful glint as she added, "And perhaps, in the midst of our labor, we might find moments to share a smile, a laugh, or even a whisper of hope. For in unity, we find our greatest strength."

    Rita extended her hand, a gesture of camaraderie and unwavering allegiance. "Lead the way, Yamato Kazahana, and I shall follow with all the fervor of a thousand suns. Together, we shall not just rebuild Iwa, but elevate it to heights undreamed of. For Iwa, for the Kotōshura, and for the legacy of those who have fallen, we shall prevail!"

    As her declaration echoed through the hall, Rita felt the collective spirit of her ancestors and fellow villagers surging within her, a tide of unity and determination that would carry them all to a glorious future.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Class: D
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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:54 pm

    Yamato could see that Rita was glad to hear about her clan district not being destroyed and Yamato could understand how she felt. When he had returned from his mission to find the village had been destroyed he was destroyed inside cause he knew he was not able to help defend it. But at the same time he was relived to know that he was gone when that happens cause now he was still alive in order to rebuild the great nation of iwa.

    " I would not say I have thought of everything but I do try to think a few steps ahead."

    Rita continued talking and Yamato listened on. She spoke of unity and forging a path to greater success for iwa and Yamato could agree on that.

    " I agree Unity right now is all iwa has, we are still weakened from the attack so we must come together in unity to walk a path forged in blood sweat and tears. Together we shall make iwa great once again."

    Yamato would say, he did not understand all of what Rita was trying to say as it seemed as if she was on a stage performing for a crowd of people but he understood her will to create a better future for iwa as a whole.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:00 am

    Rita stood before Yamato, her eyes shimmering with an intensity that matched the fire in her spirit. As Yamato reflected on their conversation, her words echoed through his mind like a resounding anthem of hope and determination.

    "Yamato," she began, her voice carrying a weight of solemn resolve, "to hear that our clan district remains untouched, it fills my heart with a hope that rivals the brilliance of the rising sun. I cannot imagine the devastation of returning to find our home in ruins, yet you stand here, a beacon of strength amidst the ashes."

    She paused, her gaze unwavering as she continued, "You may not claim to have thought of everything, but your foresight and leadership have guided us through the darkest of times. A few steps ahead or a leap of faith, it matters not; it is your steadfast determination that lights our path forward."

    Rita's words flowed like a river of conviction, carrying with them the weight of their shared purpose. "Unity," she affirmed, her voice ringing with passion, "is our strength. In unity, we find the resilience to turn hardship into triumph, to forge a future where the echoes of our struggles become the foundation of our greatness."

    She stepped closer to Yamato, her presence commanding the room with an air of theatrical grandeur. "Together," she declared, her voice rising with fervor, "we shall weave a tapestry of prosperity woven with the threads of sacrifice and unwavering resolve. Through blood, sweat, and tears, we shall rebuild Iwa to its former glory and beyond."

    Rita's eyes sparkled with a fierce determination as she looked into Yamato's, her admiration and respect clear in her gaze. "You understand, Yamato," she said with a nod, "the stage may be set, but it is our actions that shall define the saga of Iwa's resurgence. Let us embark on this journey together, for the sake of our village, our people, and the legacy we shall forge."

    With these words, Rita stood poised, her heart aflame with the promise of a brighter tomorrow, ready to march alongside Yamato into the annals of history they were destined to inscribe together.

    Rita stood before Yamato, her eyes gleaming with determination and a hint of playful mischief. As Yamato reflected on their conversation, impressed by her resilience and spirit, she approached him with a proposal that would shape their village's future.

    "Yamato," she began, her voice a blend of earnestness and anticipation, "while I take the time to reforge my skills and contribute once more to our clan's strength, I propose that you consider a fitting name for the grand training facility we aim to build. A place where the echoes of our ancestors' valor and the hopes of our future generations will resound."

    She paused, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "And on a lighter note," she continued, her voice softening with a touch of playful charm, "perhaps amidst your pondering, you could use a break, and I could use some company. Would you do me the honor of joining me for a date? A moment to breathe amidst the challenges we face, and to celebrate the unity and resilience that bind us together?"

    Rita's gaze held Yamato's with a mixture of sincerity and a hint of lightheartedness, her heart racing with the anticipation of his response. She knew that in times of rebuilding and forging ahead, moments of connection and shared joy were equally vital to fortifying their spirits for the challenges ahead.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:10 pm

    Yamato stood there as he let Rita go on and speak her mind and soul to the tsuchikage, she had a lot to say but it was not as if he had anything else to do so while she spoke Yamato just kindly nodded away to what she was saying. She spoke about her clan Districts, on Yamato being a guiding beacon of light and strength for iwa in the dark times. She had continued on for a bit about unity and all that. She had told Yamato that while she worked on her skills and reforged that which needed fixing he should try to think of a good name for there new training facility. She had a point a good training facility needed a good name and he had a great name for it.

    " I agree and I already have thought of the perfect name. She shall name our grand training facility Tartarus. They shall enter the halls as weak shinobi and come out strong warriors."

    Rita would then ask the tsuchikage basically out on a date as she asked if they could grab dinner and she could enjoy his company. Yamato did not think there was anything wrong with having dinner with one of his fellow ninja

    " Sure why not Rita, we could probably both use the down time and relaxation with a good dinner."

    Yamato would say with a smile tho his smile was covered by the face wrappings he had on.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:28 am

    Rita stood before Yamato, her emotions swirling in a whirlwind of anticipation and relief. His acceptance of her proposal for the grand training facility and his agreement to dinner filled her with validation and a deep sense of connection beyond their roles as Tsuchikage and ninja.

    "Tartarus," she repeated reverently, the name resonating with purpose and determination. "A name to inspire our comrades to rise above their limits, to turn weakness into strength. Thank you, Yamato, for believing in the vision and bringing it to life."

    Her eyes gleamed with sincerity and warmth as she shifted gears, her tone softening with playful charm. "And about dinner," she continued, a radiant smile lighting up her face despite Yamato's hidden expression behind his face wrappings, "I'm curious, what kind of food would you like tonight? It's rare for us to have a chance to step away from our duties and simply enjoy each other's company."

    Rita extended her hand in camaraderie, a silent promise of solidarity and friendship. "Tonight, beneath the watchful stars of Iwa, let's raise a toast to the future we're building together," she said earnestly, her voice carrying the weight of their shared responsibilities and the hope for brighter days ahead.

    As they prepared to leave, Rita's heart swelled with gratitude for Yamato's understanding and their newfound bond. She knew that together, they would face the challenges ahead with strength, unity, and the shared determination to see their dreams for Iwa realized.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:39 am

    Rita was very excited to hear that Yamato agreed to go out for dinner with her and she also liked the idea for the name of there grand training facility Tartarus. It had a strong sounding name one fit for the future ninja of iwa to train in. Yamato knew that as long as he trained as hard as he could and just did the best he could then that was all that mattered. As they was talking about Tartarus Rita shifted gears and switched the conversation over to there dinner plans, she had asked him what kind of food he wanted.

    This was a good question indeed as there was many great spots to eat at and he really liked BBQ so maybe he would take her to his favorite BBQ joint in iwa that swerved the very best meats in the village.

    " How about Renku's hebatchi, they have the best BBQ meats in all of the village and there sake is not half bad either."

    Yamato said as he reached out and took ahold of Rita's extended hand as he opened the door to his office. Tho before he forgot it Yamato reached into his pocket and pulled out a stone village head band.

    " Before I forget Rita here is your stone village headband."

    Yamato would mention as he handed it to her as they headed out the door. It sure had been a while since Yamato had been out on a date but he was sure things would go great.

    ( Exited)

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 51
    Join date : 2024-06-01

    An explosive return Empty Re: An explosive return

    Post by Rita Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:00 am

    Rita's heart fluttered with excitement when Yamato agreed to dinner, his suggestion of Renku's Hibachi sending a thrill through her.  Her mind raced with plans and dreams, but for now, she focused on the dinner ahead.

    "Renku's Hibachi! Perfect! I've heard their BBQ is legendary,"
    Rita exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "And sake too? This night just keeps getting better!"

    As Yamato reached out and took her hand, a warmth spread through her. His touch was firm yet gentle, and she couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath those face wrappings. Did his smile match the strength in his grip? What stories did his hidden expressions hold?

    When Yamato pulled out the Stone Village headband and handed it to her, Rita's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "Oh, Yamato! This means so much to me," she said, her voice thick with emotion. She clutched the headband to her chest, feeling a surge of pride and belonging. "I promise to wear it with honor and fight for our village with everything I have."

    As they walked out the door, hand in hand, Rita felt a renewed sense of purpose and unity. She glanced at Yamato, her curiosity about him growing with each step. "So, Yamato," she began with a playful glint in her eye, "what's your favorite dish at Renku's?" asked with a giggle, her tone light and teasing, hoping to draw him out a bit more.

    Tonight wasn't just about dinner; it was about forging a deeper connection, about understanding the man who stood beside her. And Rita was determined to make the most of it.



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