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2 posters

    The journey of a young uchiha

    Shadow Uchiha
    Shadow Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2024-05-23

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: ninjutsu,katon,uchiha,traded
    Class: D
    Ryo: 30000

    The journey of a young uchiha Empty The journey of a young uchiha

    Post by Shadow Uchiha Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:47 pm

    a young uchiha genin was walking in the district he can be see asking the clan member de following question

    -i just finish the academy do you know someone wo could be my team mate or my sensei... i ussualy prefer to hang out alone... but i think this will not work this time...

    sadly person answer favorably to is question... and he continue to ask the question at all the person that pass in the streat whith is calm voice.

    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 336
    Join date : 2024-03-30

    The journey of a young uchiha Empty Re: The journey of a young uchiha

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:53 pm

    Natsuki, en route to the Grand Training facility, walked the streets of the clan district. He never loved this part, and he could feel the eyes of those whose opinion of him had been soured by the rotten words of his mother. "The Screw Up of the Uchiha," that's what they thought of him. No amount of accolades from his peers or his sensei would suade them- if they even heard them at all.

    It was a pleasant change of pace, then, when a young man, about his age, stopped and asked him for help in finding a team or a sensei.

    -... i ussualy prefer to hang out alone...

    This echoed in the young Uchiha's mind, the young lay-about was no stranger to going it alone. Hell, for years after having graduated, he did little more than lounge around by himself. He only happened upon Tori by accident, after all, so what was the protocol?

    "Oh, uh, hmm," Natsuki started, pulling his hand up and scratching at the back of his head while his long unkempt hair fluttered in the breeze. As he lifted his arm, both of Natsuki's swords and his headband, which appeared to be hanging out of the pocket of his orange haori, would be plainly visible and identify him too as a shinobi.

    "Well, I'm afraid I don't really know where you could find a sensei or a team... Mine already has four members, you see, and I don't really know the process that well... I was going to head to the Grand Training Facility to do some, well, training, heh... If you like, I wouldn't mind at least training with you!"

    Natsuki then pointed through the trees of the district and continued. "The Uchiha training facility isn't far, if you'd prefer there."

    [OOC: If you're down to train, Shadow, then we can do so in this thread no problem! The Grand Training Facility is an area that Konoha pays for that gives us +10 Experience per post (So we'd get a total of 25 Exp per topic there as opposed to 15 Exp per topic here. I don't mind either way, but it might be worth considering! Hit me up on Discord if you have any questions, I'm Natsuki Uchiha in there as well!]

    Shadow Uchiha
    Shadow Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2024-05-23

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: ninjutsu,katon,uchiha,traded
    Class: D
    Ryo: 30000

    The journey of a young uchiha Empty Re: The journey of a young uchiha

    Post by Shadow Uchiha Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:18 pm

    « Shadow reply in calm voice »
    We can go in the grand training discrit if it is better equip we would be more productive
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 336
    Join date : 2024-03-30

    The journey of a young uchiha Empty Re: The journey of a young uchiha

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:25 pm

    Natsuki nodded; this stranger was a man of few words, but he respected that. The want to train was good enough for the recently emboldened Screw Up, and he'd be more than happy to share what he could with his kinsman.

    "Excellent! Follow me, it's not far."

    Natsuki turned down towards the street and continued on his previous route, hopefully with his new training partner in tow. Maybe soon he would learn his name.


    [OOC: I will start another topic for us to post in at the Grand Training Facility within the hour, keep an eye on the tag-ur-it discord channel]


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