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    Time for an upgrade

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2024-05-02

    Time for an upgrade Empty Time for an upgrade

    Post by Tenshi Wed May 29, 2024 8:13 pm

    The sun hung high overhead as Tenshi made his way through the market. His eyes scanned over the various shop signs, looking for those that sold weapons. Tenshi had recently graduated from the ninja academy, and was now a full fledged Genin. Over the course of his training, the young Fujio had taken up learnind the basics of the sword, and how it was time to upgrade his arsenal, specifically picking up a real sword to replace the beat up boken he had learned with.

    Though he was adamant in his quest to pick up a sword, he kept running into the same problem; money. His family were refugees after all, meaning they didn't exactly have a lot of money. And as the first member of his family to become a shinobi since their joining the village, no one had yet to start taking up missions to earn for them. But all that was going to change! If he could find a suitable weapon that is...

    Looking down at the boken he'd been carrying around, it's wood beaten and splintering, he let out a sigh. "I hope I can have a real weapon before my first mission..."

    Character Name: Tenshi Fujio
    Spendable EXP: -100
    Total EXP: 2250
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: D

    Character Sheet
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2024-05-02

    Time for an upgrade Empty Re: Time for an upgrade

    Post by Tenshi Thu May 30, 2024 6:12 pm

    The sun was setting by the time Tenshi exited one of the shops, holding a simple Katana in his hand. He let out a sigh as the door to the shop closed behind him and he lifted the blade in both hands to examine it, pulling it out of the sheath a few inches. It was nothing special, but it would certainly do for now. Now that he had it, it was time to get some rest, for tomorrow, his shinobi journey would begin.


    Name: Simple Katana
    Cost: 20,000 Ryo
    Item Rank: C
    Material Rank: Shop Grade Materials
    Units Used:
    Description: A Simple Katana
    Requirement: N/A
    Attunement Slot: N/A
    Crafting Time: Instant
    Yield: 1

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:39 am