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    Teaching at the Academy pt. 1

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Ryu Uzumaki
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2024-04-05
    Age : 36

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: About that much

    Teaching at the Academy pt. 1 Empty Teaching at the Academy pt. 1

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Wed May 29, 2024 9:23 am

    Ryu rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he glanced over the mission scroll he'd received. "Teaching shuriken and kunai throwing at the Academy, huh? Easy enough," he mumbled, stifling a yawn. He grabbed his gear and headed out, moving at a leisurely pace. As he arrived at the Academy, he saw a group of about 15 eager students waiting in the training yard. They were chatting excitedly, but their conversations hushed as Ryu approached. "Morning, everyone," Ryu greeted, sounding a bit more relaxed than the situation probably warranted. "I'm Ryu, your instructor for today. We're going to learn how to throw shuriken and kunai. It's not that hard, so let's keep it simple and have some fun."

    Ryu started with the basics, but he kept it brief. "Okay, first things first, safety. These are weapons, not toys. Don't hit anyone with these things. Always check your surroundings. Got it? Good." Strolling over to a practice dummy set up a few yards away, Ryu picked up a shuriken. "Watch closely," he said as he demonstrated the proper stance, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. He held a shuriken between his thumb and forefinger, aiming carefully before flicking his wrist. The shuriken flew through the air and hit the target dead center. He repeated the demonstration with a kunai, showing the students how to hold it correctly, gripping the handle firmly but not too tight.

    With a swift motion, he threw the kunai, which also landed accurately on the target. "See? Easy," he said, shrugging. Ryu split the students into pairs. "Alright, your turn," he said. He walked among them, occasionally stopping to give a tip or two. "Grip the shuriken like this," he showed one student, then moved on. "Don't hold the kunai too tight," he advised another. "Focus on your target. Your eyes should guide your throw." The students began practicing. Their initial throws were all over the place, but Ryu knew they’d improve with a bit of guidance. "Relax your grip a bit," he said to one student. "You're releasing too early," he told another. He gave just enough feedback to keep them on track but didn't overdo it.

    As the students started hitting the targets more frequently, Ryu decided to share some advanced tips. "Okay, listen up," he called out. "Think about the wind and distance when you throw. Use your whole body, not just your arm. Your hand should continue the motion even after releasing the weapon, like you’re pointing at the target. To wrap things up, Ryu set up a little competition. He arranged several targets at different distances and heights.  "Let's see how much you've learned," he said, leaning against a tree. The students took turns throwing, and Ryu gave occasional words of encouragement. "Nice throw," he called to one student. "Good job adjusting for the wind," he noted to another.

    After the competition, Ryu gathered the students. "You all did great today," he said. "Remember, it takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you miss. Learn from it and keep going." He handed out practice schedules and a few shuriken and kunai to each student. "Keep at it, and you'll get better. Aim to improve a little each day." When the session ended, Ryu ambled back to the mission office to report. "The kids made good progress," he said, leaning against the desk. "Left them with enough to practice on until their regular instructor's back." The mission handler nodded and handed Ryu a pouch of 10,000 Ryo. "Good work, Ryu. The students will benefit from your guidance."

    Ryu accepted the payment with a lazy smile. "Thanks," he said, heading out the door. He walked away with a sense of satisfaction, knowing he’d done his part to help the next generation of shinobi, all while keeping things as easygoing as possible.

    Exit Thread

    Mission Completed

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:22 pm