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    Taking out the trash.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Taking out the trash. Empty Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sun May 26, 2024 4:47 am


    Yamato was standing around waiting for Ghost to show up so he could explain the mission which he was tasked on doing. So he decided to send word to ghost so that he could get some more missions under his belt, he hated to say it but even him self as the tsuchikage could do with some more missions under his belt. Officially Yamato had only done a few missions him self before he tool up the mantle of kage but this was a mission he took on personally.

    It seemed that a group of thiefs had taken up home some where in Iwagakure and was doing some pretty big damage in there stealing. As the kage Yamato can not just sit around and do nothing especially not right now when there are so few active shinobi since the attack on iwa a few months back.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
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    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Sun May 26, 2024 11:47 pm

    It was about time that the Stone have risen up again and although they are far from thier glory days. They still had even more of them in them. As Ghost was called upon to deal with a group of thieves. As it seems that they felt as if they could steal from the Stone just because they were weaken. That does not mean they are defenseless if anything. As a smile came over his face as he was walking. He would be geared up in his iwa gear excluding the armor to which he will go buy soon. But first he needed what he needed best and that was his clay.

    Soon he would spot the Tsuchikage and he would give a small wave as he looked on. He would have his clan infamous patches on him carrying his sand." Well it's about time to we got these moving around here Lord Tsuchikage. So let's get this still moving shall we." As he said that he would be all smiles.


    Strength: C
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    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Mon May 27, 2024 1:20 am

    Yamato saw ghost though the crowd of people walking around and doing there daily business. Ghost looked like he was ready as he was geared up like a ninja should be when going on a mission. It would seem that ghost was happy that the village could finally get to handing out missions, so was he and about every ninja living in iwa. After all that was how they made there money.

    " Yes i am glad they are back up as well. But onto the mission details. Not sure if you read it over but we have some theifs hiding out in the city. We are gonna split up and each check a part of the inner city. We shall met back up here once we are done to sheare out the info we gathered. How dose that sound, after all both of us going around asking questions I'm sure some one will bound to get suspicious "

    Yamato would tell ghost, he now just waited to see what the stone shinobi would reply with.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Mon May 27, 2024 1:31 pm

    Kush would smile at him as he laughed at him. "Lord Tsuchikage I have already found the hideout and the ones who are responsible for such a crime. All we need to do is go in and take them out. Besides after what happened with the invasion we have to gain the trust of the people again. As half of the village has grown tired of us losing wars." As he said that he would unzip his patch and stick his right hand inside of it. Soon he would take out his hand and itnwoukd start to make noise a moment later. He would have a small bird made of clay inside his hand amd it would be spit out.

    "Well then shall we go and drop in on them." As he said that the bird would form into place and it would be seven feet in high. As Ghost jumped on the back of it he would give a smile. "Alright let's get moving it will be night soon and we can really take them down just like that." As Ghost released his clay bird he was prepared to do what he had to do.

    If the Tsuchikage got on the bird he would take off and they would be high above the Stone village.


    Strength: C
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    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue May 28, 2024 7:25 am

    Oh now that was fast work, Yamato was impressed in ghosts as he was already able to locate where the thiefs was located. Ghost would then reach his hand inside of a pouch before he brought his hand back out, that was when the tsuchikage noticed that his hand was making a weird noise. Just then he opened his hand and there was now a clay bird resting on his hand. Ghost then threw the clay bird as it expanded and was now a very large clay bird, big enough for both him and ghost to ride.

    " Yes I agree i am also tired of iwa losing wars but now that I'm in charge times shall be changing. Now let's go get these bandits but we must do this professionally and not go destroying buildings so be mindful of the blasts you make. After all we want the village to get on our good side correct"

    Yamato would say as he climbed on the back of the giant clay bird with ghost as he was ready to go and get these bad guys and put them in the dungeon.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-09-23

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Tue May 28, 2024 8:54 am

    "No bombs huh, I frigure your say that but don't worry. I have all kinds of bombs and they come in all kinds of sizes." As he said that the duo would be off as his bird took flight. From above the duo could see the entire Hidden Stone Village and all its glory. It was well verse and on its way to being fully restored. " So it turns out a few members of the village went Rouge to find food and money. That's pretty much been the story for most of us. But the fact is we don't need to do that anymore. But the main thing is thier leader was a missin Ninja going by the name of Bane Lubepe. A easy win but still one must never under estimate thier foes."

    About ten minutes later the duo was fighting outside of a cave area. "Thier they are in that cave up ahead. Now thing Lord Tsuchikage your call." As he said that he would start to lower the duo down towards the entrance.


    Strength: C
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    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue May 28, 2024 11:55 pm

    Yamato listen to ghost say that he did not have to use big bombs as he had all kinds of explosions that he could use. He explained the situation as they was flying towards the bandits hide out, it would seem that when the village was down a lot of people had to do anything they could in order to survive. He explained that the bandit was a missing nin.

    As they was flying to the area it took them about ten minutes to get there, looking down he noticed the bandits head into a cave.

    " Go ahead and land ghost. We shall then head inside of drive the bandits out and then capture them"

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Wed May 29, 2024 5:24 am

    As they landed Ghost would be on his rocker as not to get caught. It was show time to do what they did best and that was being a Shinobu of the Stone. Ghost was ready to combat any and all forms of threats that came thier way. As he looked on he see what had to be done next. As he looked to the Tsuchikage he would then say,"Well thier right up ahead the next move should end them. Let's give them the warning and then be on our way. However I must warn do be careful of any traps."

    As he said that he would look on and ve ready to follow suit. As hid giant clay bird was ready to launch at any moment. It was time to do his first misson in the new golden age if Iwagakure.


    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
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    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
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    Age : 31
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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu May 30, 2024 5:45 am

    Yamato did not say anything when ghost said to watch out for any Traps after thet landed and started on there way into the cave. Yamato was not fully aware as to where the boss of the bandits was located and that could be troubling but as the kage of the stone it was his job to help protect his village from any and all threats.

    Yamato was on his sand cloud as to not trigger any of the Traps if there was any on the ground, as they was continuing down the tunnel they suddenly came to a two way split that lead to two different locations in the cave. Now they could both go into the same path way but what if the bandits had split up then they would be letting some of the bandits escape. As the kage tho it was now up to him to make the call as to both go the same path or to split up and tackle the bandits separately.

    " I hate to say it ghost but our best option right now would be for you to go down the left path and I the right path. The bandits probably split up as well so if we are capture all of them we are gonna have to each go down a separate path. "

    Yamato said as he stood on top of his sand cloud, he would head out down his path once he knew ghost answered and they was both on the same page.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-09-23

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Thu May 30, 2024 7:54 am

    Well it was show time and not many would want to take part in it. As being a shinobi has its ups and downs. This could be a good mission or be the complete opposite if anything. Ghost had his clay bird on stand by and was ready to go. As he waited for the order to go in. "Well it's your call let's make it do what it does. I can go in first or I'll follow your lead. But the head of the gang is getting ready to show his face." He had an idea that just might work.

    As the duo was here he did not see many people at all. Which means there was only one person in the cave. "Once he comes out ill bomb the entrance of the cave and that will block him from going back in. Soon after you can capture him with your amazing sand lord Tsuchikage." The plan was fool proof and only needed to be carried out.


    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
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    Speed: D
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    Perception: D
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Ryo: 0

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Fri May 31, 2024 11:10 pm

    Catching the leader of the bandits was of a high priority so Yamato would head down the right path as ghost would probably follow him. Yamato made sure not to trigger any Traps along the path. After a little big bit they came to a large open portion of the cave. Standing in the center was the bandit leader and three of his men.

    " I see you did not fall for my trick. But now that you have found me what do you plan on doing now."

    He needed to find a way to get behind them then force them out of the cave. Once out ghost can blow the entrance to the cave so they could not escape.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-09-23

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:28 am

    Ghost was no food and especially seeing as that he is not a scouting ninja. But that didn't mean he did not know how to impervise and work with what he got. Thinking to himself for varies of reasons. "Looks like C1 will be needed around here." As he looked on he would form his head signs and then his clan most prize procession would be on full display. As he stuck his hand his patch he would grab some clay. Slowly but surely he would start to mold the clay into spiders. Four in counting. As the duo enter the cave area they would see the four men the leader and three of this lackies. Ghost would leave a spider by the cave entrance.

    As he looked on he would then say to the group. " As orders of the Stone you are hereby under arrest. Please give up and no harm with could to you." A very quick and fast distraction and they fell right for it. As the leader would then say to them,"Well they already got a new jage huh ya ain't gonna do nothing but kill over like the rest of em. Besides we making good money here." By then Ghost would have his remaining three clay spiders ready to blow. He just needed the right moment.



    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
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    Speed: D
    Coordination: D
    Perception: D
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:55 am

    " Ha ha ha ha ha, under arrest you say. That is funny coming from you two. Just cause there is a new kage dose not mean we are gonna stop doing what we have been doing our whole life's. The iwa kage are nothing but a joke, you either run this village under or you kage go and get killed which just leaves us lower ranked citizens with nothing to do but steal and rob. Men go and take care of the black haired boy I shall deal with the kage."

    The bandit really was a talker but his 3 henchmen would go after Ghost while the bandit leader decided to take on Yamato. The tsuchikage would raise his hand and as he did his sand would follow his command as it lunged forwards and tried to grab the leader of the bandits but he was a lot more nimble then he first thought. But that did not stop him as he continued his pursuit of the leader, Yamato would make sure to keep a eye out incase Ghost needed any help fighting the henchmen.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-09-23

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:44 am

    Everything was happening so fast yet he was able to keep up. After all he been in worse situations. As Ghost looked on a smile would come over his face as he quickly jumped back as he did not want the Tsuchikage to get caught up in his Blast. But this battle was over the moment it started. As his clay bombs were sitting thier self up he was getting ready to pull the trigger. The three ninja coming his way would nothing more then lackies and that was music to Ghost ears.

    As he got the three to chase after him he would start to dodge thier attacks of throwing ninja stars at him. He was no coward though as the first two caught his clay explosions chest first. This caused the third one to look on in shock and then he tried to form a hand sign only to get the third caly bomb sent at him. This caused him to fall out with a smoking chest. "Best be lucky i was holding back or else it would be over for you lots." As he looked on he would watch the Tsuchikage to see what he would do.


    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
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    Speed: D
    Coordination: D
    Perception: D
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
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    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 06, 2024 11:18 pm

    Yamato cracked as smile as it would seem that ghost did not need any help at all, in fact he would probably say that the bandits was the ones who needed the help. Since it looked as if ghost had things handled just fine. He used his clay bombs to blast the three bandits unconscious so now that just left the leader of the bandits, only issue he was having with the bandits was he was a slippery one.

    Yamato would weave some hand signs as a mud river would suddenly form under the bandits feet and slammed him into the rock wall that was behind him. Using his sand Yamato would slam that into him knocking him out and constrained him.

    " Well looks like we have caught the bandit thriefs now time to take them to the jail. "

    Yamato said to ghost as he used the sand to levitate the bandit as he started making his way towards the exit.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Stone Genin
    Stone Genin

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-09-23

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Ghost Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:32 am

    "Woooo!!! That's what I'm talking about lord Tsuchikage we came we saw we kicked thier tails. I'm glad now I can get back to my studying." As the misson was done the duo would start to make thier way out of the cave it was all said and done and Ghost would use his last clay bomb to close up the entrance as he knew a team would he sent to gather what was stolen.

    "I'm just glad we can get the rock rolling again. I can nearly cry at this here turn of events. Let's get these bad boys to the court house and then jail and go collect the village earnings for such a misson oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah." Ghost would say as he summoned his clay bird for the duo to ride on yet again. Misson complete and he didn't even use his big bombs.



    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: D
    Coordination: D
    Perception: D
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

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    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:49 am

    Everything went just as planned for Yamato and ghost as they captured all the bandits from the lower footman to their boss. The tsuchikage felt good as it meant they was slowly getting the village back up and running smoothly. Using his sand Yamato would bind all of the bandits and then climbed on the back of the clay bird along with ghost. Once he got back to the village the tsuchikage had a few things he needed to take care of but that could wait until he returned. First thing was first and that was getting the bad guys to jail then reporting in and getting paid.

    (Exited thread)

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
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    Taking out the trash. Empty Re: Taking out the trash.

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