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2 posters

    Fuyuki Zaima

    Fuyuki Zaima
    Fuyuki Zaima
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2024-05-25
    Location : Konoha

    Fuyuki Zaima Empty Fuyuki Zaima

    Post by Fuyuki Zaima Sat May 25, 2024 8:20 pm

    Name: Fuyuki Zaima
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin
    Title: -

    Clan: -
    Bloodline: -
    Element(s): Wind | Fire
    Skill(s): Bukijutsu | Taijutsu

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:
    Star Pupil: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! Fuyuki can increase their Speed by +1 tier for a 5 CP activation. (Clanless UA)

    Star Pupil v2: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! +800 EXP loan. Must be paid off in full before accumulating any spendable experience.

    Star Pupil v3: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! Capable of forming hand seals in one hand, though this comes at a -1 tier to Coordination when making these hand seals for that hand alone.

    I Feel My Temperature Rising!: Fuyuki's hot-headed nature is well known and even present in her chakra nature which can be detected easily by a sensor. This passion bleeds into her elemental natures as well, benefiting Fire greatly while making Wind a much more challenging prospect to manage. Fire Ninjutsu receives a +1 rank increase in Power whereas Wind Ninjutsu receives a -1 rank decrease in Power.

    Appearance: Fuyuki stands at an above average height of 5'7 being slightly taller than most women her age. While her choice of dress varies greatly, whether she sports casual wear or something more militaristic given the scenario, Fuyuki's most distinguishable features are her golden irises and mossy colored hair, which she frequently keeps up in a ponytail to accompany her bangs. She practices good hygiene, keeping her skin moisturized and protected from prolonged sun exposure which allows her to keep a fair skin tone despite her lifestyle. While harboring mostly feminine features she should not be mistaken for weakness as she has a fair bit of muscular definition which can be seen clearly when in use, but are most prominent around the abdomen.

    Appearances aside, Fuyuki can be seen armed in just about any occasion preferring not to have something she cannot use offensively no matter the circumstance. In many cases she may even conceal these tools upon herself to appear less of a target or sneak them in places she otherwise would not be allowed to.

    History: Before she was even concepted Fuyuki was planned with the sole purpose in mind for creating an elite ninja. Her parents, both hardcore militants in Konoha's military, sought to create an even greater legacy. Ever since she was born Fuyuki's development was tracked every step of the way, from the food she ate, the drink she drank, and how she managed her spare time. Just about everything had a purpose and little time was wasted. Stepping out of line was not an option; it was not tolerated. She was enlisted in the ninja academy by her parents at the earliest legal age she could enroll. Spending her developing years practicing the ninja arts, Fuyuki was built for combat.

    Personality: Fuyuki is a very headstrong and straightforward person who tries to drive herself forward without needing anyone else's help. She is extremely strong-willed, capable, and motivated. She can come off as rather cold at times regardless of rank or situation. She is the leader type but Maki is very tough on others and tends to be impatient and hot-tempered. This is due to Fuyuki having repressed many of her emotions to maintain her trademark tough exterior.

    As a ninja Fuyuki does not concern herself with many of the moral aspects of her duties and is more driven by her personal goals. This makes her the ideal ninja in her mind as she is capable of disregarding personal feelings or codes that may get in the way of her completing the mission at hand.

    Roleplay Sample: beep

    Last edited by Fuyuki Zaima on Sat May 25, 2024 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2092
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Fuyuki Zaima Empty Re: Fuyuki Zaima

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat May 25, 2024 9:12 pm

    Fuyuki Zaima wrote:Name: Fuyuki Zaima
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin
    Title: -

    Clan: -
    Bloodline: -
    Element(s): Wind | Fire
    Skill(s): Bukijutsu | Taijutsu

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:
    Star Pupil: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! Passive +1 tier to Speed (Clanless UA)

    Star Pupil v2: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! +800 EXP loan. Must be paid off in full before accumulating any spendable experience.

    Star Pupil v3: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! Capable of forming hand seals in one hand, though this comes at a -1 tier to Coordination when making these hand seals for that hand alone.

    I Feel My Temperature Rising!: Fuyuki's hot-headed nature is well known and even present in her chakra nature which can be detected easily by a sensor. This passion bleeds into her elemental natures as well, benefiting Fire greatly while making Wind a much more challenging prospect to manage. Fire Ninjutsu receives a +1 rank increase in Power whereas Wind Ninjutsu receives a -1 rank decrease in Power.

    Appearance: Fuyuki stands at an above average height of 5'7 being slightly taller than most women her age. While her choice of dress varies greatly, whether she sports casual wear or something more militaristic given the scenario, Fuyuki's most distinguishable features are her golden irises and mossy colored hair, which she frequently keeps up in a ponytail to accompany her bangs. She practices good hygiene, keeping her skin moisturized and protected from prolonged sun exposure which allows her to keep a fair skin tone despite her lifestyle. While harboring mostly feminine features she should not be mistaken for weakness as she has a fair bit of muscular definition which can be seen clearly when in use, but are most prominent around the abdomen.

    Appearances aside, Fuyuki can be seen armed in just about any occasion preferring not to have something she cannot use offensively no matter the circumstance. In many cases she may even conceal these tools upon herself to appear less of a target or sneak them in places she otherwise would not be allowed to.

    History: Before she was even concepted Fuyuki was planned with the sole purpose in mind for creating an elite ninja. Her parents, both hardcore militants in Konoha's military, sought to create an even greater legacy. Ever since she was born Fuyuki's development was tracked every step of the way, from the food she ate, the drink she drank, and how she managed her spare time. Just about everything had a purpose and little time was wasted. Stepping out of line was not an option; it was not tolerated. She was enlisted in the ninja academy by her parents at the earliest legal age she could enroll. Spending her developing years practicing the ninja arts, Fuyuki was built for combat.

    Personality: Fuyuki is a very headstrong and straightforward person who tries to drive herself forward without needing anyone else's help. She is extremely strong-willed, capable, and motivated. She can come off as rather cold at times regardless of rank or situation. She is the leader type but Maki is very tough on others and tends to be impatient and hot-tempered. This is due to Fuyuki having repressed many of her emotions to maintain her trademark tough exterior.

    As a ninja Fuyuki does not concern herself with many of the moral aspects of her duties and is more driven by her personal goals. This makes her the ideal ninja in her mind as she is capable of disregarding personal feelings or codes that may get in the way of her completing the mission at hand.

    Roleplay Sample: beep
    star pupil isn't a passive. I know it isn't worded that way, but it still requires 5 cp to activate to gain the boost.
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2092
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Fuyuki Zaima Empty Re: Fuyuki Zaima

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat May 25, 2024 9:14 pm

    Fuyuki Zaima wrote:Name: Fuyuki Zaima
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin
    Title: -

    Clan: -
    Bloodline: -
    Element(s): Wind | Fire
    Skill(s): Bukijutsu | Taijutsu

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:
    Star Pupil: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! Fuyuki can increase their Speed by +1 tier for a 5 CP activation. (Clanless UA)

    Star Pupil v2: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! +800 EXP loan. Must be paid off in full before accumulating any spendable experience.

    Star Pupil v3: Fuyuki received extra care in the academy to expedite her growth into becoming a valuable ninja! Capable of forming hand seals in one hand, though this comes at a -1 tier to Coordination when making these hand seals for that hand alone.

    I Feel My Temperature Rising!: Fuyuki's hot-headed nature is well known and even present in her chakra nature which can be detected easily by a sensor. This passion bleeds into her elemental natures as well, benefiting Fire greatly while making Wind a much more challenging prospect to manage. Fire Ninjutsu receives a +1 rank increase in Power whereas Wind Ninjutsu receives a -1 rank decrease in Power.

    Appearance: Fuyuki stands at an above average height of 5'7 being slightly taller than most women her age. While her choice of dress varies greatly, whether she sports casual wear or something more militaristic given the scenario, Fuyuki's most distinguishable features are her golden irises and mossy colored hair, which she frequently keeps up in a ponytail to accompany her bangs. She practices good hygiene, keeping her skin moisturized and protected from prolonged sun exposure which allows her to keep a fair skin tone despite her lifestyle. While harboring mostly feminine features she should not be mistaken for weakness as she has a fair bit of muscular definition which can be seen clearly when in use, but are most prominent around the abdomen.

    Appearances aside, Fuyuki can be seen armed in just about any occasion preferring not to have something she cannot use offensively no matter the circumstance. In many cases she may even conceal these tools upon herself to appear less of a target or sneak them in places she otherwise would not be allowed to.

    History: Before she was even concepted Fuyuki was planned with the sole purpose in mind for creating an elite ninja. Her parents, both hardcore militants in Konoha's military, sought to create an even greater legacy. Ever since she was born Fuyuki's development was tracked every step of the way, from the food she ate, the drink she drank, and how she managed her spare time. Just about everything had a purpose and little time was wasted. Stepping out of line was not an option; it was not tolerated. She was enlisted in the ninja academy by her parents at the earliest legal age she could enroll. Spending her developing years practicing the ninja arts, Fuyuki was built for combat.

    Personality: Fuyuki is a very headstrong and straightforward person who tries to drive herself forward without needing anyone else's help. She is extremely strong-willed, capable, and motivated. She can come off as rather cold at times regardless of rank or situation. She is the leader type but Maki is very tough on others and tends to be impatient and hot-tempered. This is due to Fuyuki having repressed many of her emotions to maintain her trademark tough exterior.

    As a ninja Fuyuki does not concern herself with many of the moral aspects of her duties and is more driven by her personal goals. This makes her the ideal ninja in her mind as she is capable of disregarding personal feelings or codes that may get in the way of her completing the mission at hand.

    Roleplay Sample: beep

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