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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Ryo: Check Updates

    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Airi Ohara Thu May 02, 2024 10:09 pm

    She had sent a variety of summons to all of the Genin that would be participating in the Chuunin exams. She made it a point to not show any favoritism, so she decided to call them in in duos to allow them the chance of getting a last-second power-up. She sat at her desk and simply waited for the following shinobi to appear: Hibiki and Nao

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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri May 03, 2024 5:06 pm

    Nao was surprised to get another summons from Airi so close to the exams, he half wondered if it had to deal with the travel to the exams or even changes. He truly hoped that she wasn't going to ask for the Ryo she had given him back, seeing as he had already spent it all on gear he might need for the exams. Slipping on his boots, Nao would double check all his gear to ensure he had everything before slipping the tanto into his sheath on his back over his right shoulder. Slipping his mother's necklace over his head before straightening out his gi, Nao headed out the door of his house and to the Hokage building.

    Making his way to the Hokage's office to find out what the summons was about, Nao would give a small head nod to Airi. "Lady Hokage, you sent for me." He would state as he entered the office, he knew she had said that when it was just the two of them he should call her Airi-Sensei, however with this being in her office he was unsure whether he should or not so he keep to the official title unless she told him otherwise.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Sat May 04, 2024 4:52 am

    “I wonder what this is about…” said Hibiki to herself as she made her way from her apartment to the Hokage’s office.  This was the third time she’d been summoned in recent weeks but unlike the last couple of times she hadn’t been given a general directive.  The first time had been to report for duty and the second time had been a meeting with the other gennin that would be taking the exam.  

    She’d been up to a lot in the time since that second meeting. Almost too much for her feeble mind to be able to recount.  She’d done a few missions, mostly ones involving dogs though there had been one incident where she’d dressed up as a bunny girl to advertise a shop.  She’d also been on that construction project with Toru, working to fill the massive hole near the gates left behind by the bijuu attack.  A project that was nearing completion.

    That and a whole lot of training. Both with her doton buddies and by herself in secret. She almost couldn’t wait to show off to her friends what she could do now. After being given a large sum of money Hibiki had prepared a bunch of new equipment some of which she was currently wearing right now.   

    The most notable was the white jacket with black and gold accents. It almost resembled a chunnin flak jacket, only with longer sleeves. Currently it was zipped closed which in effect helped to conceal the actual size of her assets as well as the orange hades bodysuit underneath.   

    It was a little odd that she would use equipment from the very organization that had traumatized her but well, good equipment was good equipment. She only had so much money to go around to buy new stuff so it was a chase of means thus.   Basically using what you had at hand to achieve your goal. 

    She was wearing a set of plain white overalls between the jacket and the bodysuit.  Her ninja headband moved from her forehead to her belt and was replaced on her head by a sleek looking robotic headset that covered her ears.

    Long black gloves covered her hands, running down her arm until they disappeared under the white jacket’s sleeves. A long white scarf was wrapped around her neck. It’s length extending down so far that it nearly touched the floor.   Finally she was wearing White robotic looking boots with red accents on the soles. 

    Sadly she was unequipped with any visible weapons as the new mace she had ordered from Kiyoshi was still in the shop.  Overall though her ensemble gave her a more formidable appearance then of her student uniform, making her look more the part of a proper warrior, albeit a slightly more futuristic looking one then was typical for Kunoichi.  

    Really all she was missing to complete the look was some kind of gauntlets to go over the gloves and maybe some kind of back/hip type unit.  

    “Hey Big Sis!”  Hibiki called out irreverently as she entered the room.  She half-knew that she was supposed to address the Hokage more formally but at this point it had become such a force of habit for her to address Airi that way that Hibiki almost couldn’t help herself.   In her hands was a large cardboard box with a transparent lid revealing that she was carrying over a dozen cookies.   

    Hibiki was a little silly in that sometimes she forgot stuff but she had somehow remembered that Airi had mentioned wanting to have Tea next time the two of them met privately.  Naturally Hibiki had promised to bring cookies, so since the summons hadn’t been very specific she’d made sure to bring some with her, just in case.

    “Hibiki Mercury here! Reporting for…. “ she said, pausing for a second to think. “Oh wait, what are we reporting for again?" she asked, still unclear about what she had been called here for. She was saying that because she had belatedly noticed that her good friend Nao was also with them in the office.   

    Catching sight of him, her eyes seemed to brighten a notch or two and a sweet smile unconsciously blossomed on her face. She felt strangely happy he was here but she couldn’t quite articulate why.  Perhaps she was just glad to see a familiar face. 

    “Hey there, you marvellous creature of the cosmos! It's Hibiki Mercury here to dazzle your day with some interstellar vibes. How's the universe treating you today?”  She introduced herself a second time for some reason, playfully addressing him with a warm voice and just a touch of humor.


    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon May 06, 2024 2:02 am

    As Nao and Hibiki spilled in, she removed her glasses and raised her eyes to look at them. Removing the glasses from her face, she turned and looked towards the two. She made no effort to hide her excessive cleavage and placed her glasses down upon the desk. One of them was her kinsman and the other was a girl that she treated as her younger sister, even if they weren't siblings by blood, she still cared about her. She smiled to the two of them and gave a slight wave. "No need for formality this time. I'm here to offer the two of you something to give you a bit more 'oomph' prior to the Chuunin Exams. Originally, the mgepog'drn r'luhhorspoke to me about gof'n llll turn'ghftor nwngluii," she said in some foreign language that was near indecipherable to normal people. "about The Calling. But I had a feeling one's destiny might be considered," she said with a bit of a sigh outwards. "Unfair to the rest of the genin participating in the Chuunin Exams, so I decided to extend the idea out to the rest of you," she said briefly.

    "So I would like to extend out a means of getting stronger. I could make you imperfect sages under the mgepog'drn r'luhhor, but the drawbacks are a bit... extreme. I won't specify the details right now unless you agree to it. You're free to turn it down if you want. Just keep in mind that this is the last time I'll be able to help any of you until after the exams. At least right before the tournament at least."
      If you choose this, you'll be able to sign the Cosmic Horror Contract
      If you choose this, make sure you refer back to this thread of you turning down an Enhanced State in which you can choose a currently existing Enhanced State or make your own custom one

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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Mon May 06, 2024 7:04 pm

    Seeing Hibiki enter the office shortly after he did, Nao let out a small sigh of relief. He had not had his byakugan active so he didn't even realize that she had been behind him, otherwise he would have slowed his pace down so that they could have talked before coming in and walked in together. Knowing she was here was comforting in the fact that there was less chance he was in trouble about something he did. Seeing her always brighten his day, and her greeting would put a wide smile on his face. "I'm doing well, I hope the universe is treating you well also." Nao would respond with a small nod before turning his attention back to Airi.

    Airi spoke about giving them something for a bit of oomph in the exams and said some words that he didn't understand before explaining it a little further. She spoke of sages and the word that he couldn't understand again, stating the drawbacks were extreme without specifying what they were. Nao would consider her words for a moment, if this was truly the last chance they would have to receive such a gift before the exams he didn't want to simply turn it down without thought. As he considered, something inside of him turned and twisted. It wasn't a calling like what Airi had said, but a feeling deep within him that told him that this wasn't the path for him. "I appreciate the offer, Airi-Sensei. But I do not believe that what you offer is right for me, I feel I have another path that I must follow. If you will excuse me, I must finish preparations for the exams." Nao would bow to Airi and Hibiki before making his exit from the office to finish his preparations, the feeling within him still strong on his mind as he wondered what it was and if he would be capable of discovering it's truth before the exams.

    Exit Thread

    Turning down Imperfect Sage for Custom ES

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Mon May 06, 2024 10:26 pm

    "Ah, with your kind words, the universe is treating me better than ever! It's like every star is shining just a tad brighter. Thanks for brightening my day even more, Let's keep riding those cosmic waves together!"     Hibiki replied back to Nao with a playful and friendly tone, unaware that the unintentional context of her words could come across as if she was flirting with him.

    Quitting down a bit so that she could listen to what Airi had to say, Hibiki frowned as she struggled to understand what was being offered to her here since she felt like she was missing a pretty big piece of the puzzle that would give it more context.

    Could you please not use big words you know I won’t understand in front of Nao.  She mouthed without actually saying anything.  She knew she wasn’t the brightest but for some reason she didn’t want to look stupid in front of this friend in particular.  It was odd, she had admitted to Toru that she was a little slow at times, and Kaori and Natsuki knew she had trouble learning Jutsu on her and none of them had made fun of her for it.  She was reasonably sure Nao wouldn’t either so why did she have a desire to have him see her in a better light when she didn’t care as much about keeping up appearances with the others?

    "Wait! Um, I mean, hold on a sec Nao.  Before you go, I brought some cookies! They're, uh, cosmic cookies! Yeah, they've got little star sprinkles on top and everything. I thought we could, you know, share them together? It'll be fun!"  offered Hibiki holding out the box of cookies towards him with a hopeful smile.  

    They had only just run into each other again and for some reason she was feeling a little desperate to get him to stay just a bit longer.  Since she was here anyhow she figured now was as good a time as any to share a personal request with her big sister that she’d been meaning to make anyhow… a request that for some reason she wanted Nao to hear.

    It went almost without saying that Hibiki trusted Airi unconditionally.  Outside of that she was unusually extremely private about the precise details of her background.  Small nuggets slipped out now and then due to her careless ways but she usually did not open up to anyone about her history intentionally.   It wasn’t like she was giving him the full story here but the fact she was willing to share details at all in Nao’s presence was a show of just how much trust and faith she had placed in him. 

    “I'm not sure I quite understand what becoming an imperfect sage means….”  Hibiki started. There was no way she was going to even attempt to pronounce the strange name Airi had called it since she’d get her tongue tied in the process.   “But I'm not really into extreme stuff. I’d rather just be a normal girl…. Or at least as normal as someone like me can be.”  replied Hibiki with a weak smile.

    “Instead I have a different request for you Sis… No Lady Hokage.”    Airi had stated there was no need for formality here but this was the type of thing that Hibiki felt was best done properly. 

    “The best way for me to get stronger would be to learn more of my Clan’s Steel release jutsu.  However, as you know I can’t do that on my own”  with her learning disability she couldn’t figure out anything higher than C-rank on her own.   Taking an old moth eaten scroll out of her pocket, she rolled it open to show Airi and Nao the while two C-rank techniques she had trained on her own in secret were still legible, the rest was mostly rubbish. 

    “This one in particular seems useful.” Hibiki said, pointing to a paragraph that was still decipherable talking about the Impervious Exo-Skeleton.  It described the technique but not how to actually go about performing it.

    “The problem is that I lost most of my family to a fire near the start of the war.  Our home was just an outpost so I’m sure I’ve got cousins and stuff around elsewhere but I wouldn’t know where to begin looking for them….” She said with a hopeless shrug.  A smarter person would have started with searching Iwagakure but Hibiki wasn’t the brightest bulb in the shed.   Her awareness of where any clans were located was fairly limited.

    “And honestly I’m not sure how they’d treat an Outcast who doesn’t even know their original name like me.  They’ve always been very traditional. Very conservative and very…. What was the word again… Pastry…..Patriy… Patriarchal.”    she said, hitting her right fist into her left palm happy at having come up with the correct word after some difficulty.     

    “Anyway they’d probably won’t take a girl like me who can only use the first stage of our bloodline very seriously….”  If anything the elders would call her a cheeky run and tell her to get back in the kitchen.   Why did people sometimes say that to someone who hadn’t been in the kitchen to begin with?  Considering how badly her culinary escapades had gone so far she couldn’t see that going well for anybody. 

    “There is one member of my extended family however who might be willing to help. The Grand Merchant, Mr. Moneybags.”  she said, referring to Okane who was most likely the richest man in the world.  He was so famous that even someone as challenged as Hibiki knew about him. Like her he went by a different last name.  If any Tetsudashi could understand and relate to her situation it would be him.

    “What I’d like from you Lady Hokage is for you to  please arrange for me to have some last minute lessons with Sir Okane.  It would mean the world to me”  Normally it would be impossible for them to meet on such short notice.  Okane was in an entirely different country after all, but rumor was he had a way to travel around the world super fast, sort of like a wealthier version of Santa claus.  If anyone had a way to contact him quickly and make that meeting possible, it would be the Hokage.


    Interrupting Nao's exit

    [OOC: Refusing the Cosmic Horror Sage Mode in favor of drafting my own custom Enhanced State.]

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Airi Ohara Tue May 07, 2024 1:40 am

    She clasped her fingers amongst one another, intertwining the fingers of each of her hands into her, letting her hands rest peacefully on the desk. It was natural for someone to turn down her power. Most normal people would. Most people wouldn't be so hard-pressed to throw away their humanity for even a little shred of power. She understood that completely. She wished she had another path she could've chosen, but these creatures were watching her since birth; knowing that she would eventually become the Avatar of the Eldritch. Their champion. Airi simply nodded to Nao as he attempted to leave her office.

    She turned to notice Hibiki mouthing a request and nodded her head with a bit of a smile. She didn't want to embarrass poor Hibiki, even if the Eldritch began to leak out of her for a moment when she talked. The Elders were fickle gods that didn't really like their names spoken, so they forcibly censor the names in front of others. Akin to the novel idea of the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo (IYKYK). And as Nao attempted to leave, Hibiki stopped him with cookies. They did look quite tasty, her eyes turning to look towards the box of cookies.

    She thought for a moment and pulled out a sheet of paper and dipped her quill into the sheet of paper and began to write. After writing a message on it, she dried it with some powder. She rolled it up.
    She tied it off with a ribbon and slide it across her table to Hibiki.

    "Well, there are two different types of sages. There's a Perfect Sage, which is what I am, and there is an Imperfect Sage. Naturally Imperfect Sages are a bit less powerful but they can do pretty much everything a Perfect Sage can do. It's complicated stuff involving balancing nature chakra and your own chakra in a 7:3 ratio blah blah blah. Nothing I can't really explain without getting into some really big words that some of you won't be able to understand," she ran on and on with a bit of a rant.

    The fact that Hibiki called herself a normal girl caused Airi to give her the 'really' look. She wasn't going to go into detail, but normal girls can't turn their skin to solid metal nor see into the future, but that's neither here nor there. She uprighted her posture once Hibiki said she had a different request.

    "Okay?" she said, wanting to learn more from her own clan members. She looked at the scroll and nodded her head. Well, the idea of how to do it wasn't hard but it wasn't something her chakra would let her do. She went over her life story -- another outcast. She, too, was one from her family as well so she all but understood the plight of poor young Hibiki. She brought up Okane and she rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair. His name keeps popping up for one thing or another.

    "Yes, I understand. While I have no way of contacting that womanizer salesman, I believe he will probably be in O'uzu Island trying to peddle his wares. If you can find him, I'm sure he will be willing to teach you some of your clan techniques. He can't come to Konoha yet, not until we build that eye-sore of a tower of his," she sighed. She didn't trust Okane since all he thought about was money. And you're a cute girl so don't be surprised if he attempts to hit on you,[/color]" she groaned a bit.

    She returned to her proper posture. If Nao returned, she would ask him. "Nao, be a dear and escort Hibiki around once she finds Okane. He won't be hard to miss, just look for the money and he'll be there. I want you to watch her get trained by him so he doesn't do anything funny with our dear Hibiki, okay?"

    She waited for Nao to respond. Once everything was settled. "Alright, I have another group coming in so if you could, leave some cookies and go prepare yourselves."
    (even if Airi isn't going anywhere physically)

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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue May 07, 2024 2:47 am

    Nao stopped dead in his tracks as he heard Hibiki call out for him to wait, turning to look to her and the cookies she produced as she spoke. A smile returning to his face as he reached out and took a cookie, interested to try the cosmic cookie. "Well, I suppose preparations can always wait." Nao replied before taking a bite of the cookie, delicious was the only word that came to his mind as he bit into the cookie. It was as if the cookie melted in his mouth, he had no idea Hibiki was such a great baker. Listening as Hibiki asked more about the sage and Airi would explain it to her, his eyebrow would raise slightly as he heard Hibiki say she had a different request. Still eating the cookie Nao would follow Hibiki back over to the desk and look at the scroll that she unrolled, taking a second cookie as he did.

    The fact that anyone could treat Hibiki like an outcast was beyond him, he would think they would have enjoyed such a capable fighter in their clan. At the same time he knew all to well the view of a clan looking at an outcast, with the exception of Airi, his entire clan hated him for what his mother had done. It was not like he had a choice in the matter, he was just the product, but to them an impurity to the clan. Maybe that was why he felt a connection to Hibiki when he had first met her, she was an outsider just like him.

    He had heard the title grand merchant before, some crafter in a far off country. There were crafters here in the village that were just as good, but Hibiki wasn't looking for a crafter she was looking for a relative that could help her in training. He had no idea that this Okane was related to Hibiki, though he supposed a clan would keep track of their members even if they are spread as far as they seemed to be. It was sad to think that Hibiki was an outcast to such a clan, sure he was one with his clan but if he ever wanted to get away from it he could just leave the village to do so, Hibiki however ran the chance of running into family members in the different countries so getting away from it was likely harder.

    Hearing Airi call Okane the Womanizer salesman was a title that he had not heard before for the man, though he knew that the Hokage had more knowledge about the man then he did. Hearing the Hokage say not to be surprised if Okane tried to hit on Hibiki, Nao's fist would clinch slightly though he wouldn't be aware of it at first. Hearing his name, Nao would realize what his hand had done and relaxed it. "I would be delighted to escort the Lady Hibiki, and I will not let the man do any funny business. I give you my word that I will not take my eyes off of her." Nao replied to the Hokage with a small bow to her before turning to look at Hibiki with a smile. With the dismissal from the Hokage, Nao would hold out his arm to Hibiki. "Can I walk you home, Lady Hibiki?"

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 08, 2024 2:29 am

    When Nao agreed to stick around Hibiki breathed a preverbal sigh of relief. Heck she was about ready to do a fist bump but restrained herself at the last second.  It was too soon to celebrate yet since sharing a part of her background with him was just the first step towards getting to know him better.

    Accepting the rolled up letter from Airi she tucked it into one of her pockets for reading later.  After all, it was safe to assume that Airi didn’t want her to read it on the spot since she’d gone to the trouble of tying it with a ribbon.     Little did Airi know the amount of sheer chaos she was going to be responsible for unleashing down the line thanks to carelessly putting previously unknown ideas and words into Hibiki’s impressionable head.  

    More than likely she was just trying to give her little sis a leg up or perhaps she found their slowly developing innocent romance to be painful to watch and was pushing for them to just go out already.  Either way it was the equivalent to adding fuel to the firestorm of what was already an intense chunin exam before it had even officially begun.

    Hibiki caught the 'really' look on Airi’s and nodded a silent “Yes really” reply with her own. There was a reason she’d added that someone like me can be colenary to her remark.  Forget her bloodline related superpowers, those seemed almost mundane when you lived in a village chalk full of ninja, many of which had super powers of their own.  It was more the test subject and child soldier parts that she had been indirectly referring to.  Her trauma from that time ran deep.  She was only just starting to heal in any true sense of the word but it was slow going.   

    The last thing she wanted was to expose herself to something that could cause her to backflip into her old self… the self with just a serial number instead of a name, the self that was more machine-like than human.  

    “I see…. Thank you anyways.”  Hibiki said visibly deflated upon hearing the news that even Airi had no way of contacting Okane.  That had been her best possible lead. So much for learning those techniques before the exam began.  Acquiring them would have provided her with a powerful tool, something that could have given her a leg up over the competition.   She was just going to have to make do with what she had now, and hoped to somehow find the grand merchant at some point during the exams proper.  

    “Don’t worry guys even if he tries to hit me I’m pretty tough. I doubt anything a civilian could do would leave a mark.”  Hibiki said in an attempt to reassure them that everything would be fine, misunderstanding what they meant by him hitting on her. What did they mean by him doing something funny with her? Was he the type to tell lots of jokes?

    “Yes it would be an honor.”  said Hibiki with a light blush on her face as she accepted Nao’s offer to walk her home.  Offering him a chance to take a final cookie or two, she took a couple of cookies for herself leaving the majority of the box behind for Airi to have at her leisure. A gesture of thanks for listening to her worries.

    “Alright so if Okane is going to be on this Ozaru place, how do you think I should go about finding him?” Hibiki asked Nao, turning to him for advice one they had made it a decent distance from the office and unintentionally mispronouncing the name of the island in the process.  


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed May 08, 2024 4:06 am

    Pleased by Hibiki's acceptance of his offer to walk her home, Nao's appreciation was evident as he gladly accepted a few more of her homemade cookies for the journey. It was a rare treat for him, and he savored each bite, grateful for the gesture. As they bid farewell to the Hokage with a respectful bow, Nao's attention shifted to Hibiki's question about finding Okane. Pausing to consider her inquiry, Nao's expression turned thoughtful, his mind racing through the various options available to them. "The Hokage mentioned Okane might be trying to sell his wares," he began, his tone measured and practical. "Given the influx of participants and spectators for the exams, merchants are bound to flock to the island. If Okane is indeed among them, someone as prominent as the grand merchant should stand out. We could start by checking out the market stalls. And if need be, I can utilize my Byakugan to aid in our search once we're there."

    His words were delivered with genuine sincerity, reflecting his unwavering commitment to assisting Hibiki in her quest to find her relative. He knew that she wished to learn the secrets of her clan, just as he did with the hidden Mikiri bloodline that he possessed. For Nao, the method mattered less than the shared journey with Hibiki, and he was determined to lend her his support in any way possible. He wanted her to succeed in the exams just as much as himself, and if she felt that training under this distant relative would help her then he would do all he could to help her get that meeting with him. Though in the back of his mind the words the Hokage had spoken still dwelled, and the thought of the man trying to make a move on Hibiki would sour his impressions of the man.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 08, 2024 2:58 pm

    Boy Nao sure seemed to like the cookies she had brought with her.  They had gone over better then Hibiki had expected. It was a shame she hadn’t made them herself.   Her culinary efforts in that regard had not gone over well so far but that wouldn’t stop her from continuing to try.  

    When it came to baking she was improving albeit slowly,  her cookies weren’t coming out of the oven as completely inedible charcoal anymore. That said she still had a long way to go before she managed to match the quality of the store bought stuff.  Maybe one day she would be able to bake some for Nao that he would be able to enjoy just as much if not more than the ones he was scarfing now. 

    “If you’d like I could bring you some homemade ones next time.”  She offered shyly. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind if they were slightly singed. They wouldn’t be as good as the ones he was having now obviously, but in her limited experience the rustic charm of something hand crafted could go a long way when compared to something more mass produced. 

    “You're a genius Nao.” Hibiki said brightly, hitting her right first into her left palm.  Of course if you want to find a merchant,  you should search the marketplace.  The idea was so obvious why hadn’t she thought of that sooner?  It was a good thing her friend was here to set her on the right path. 

    Hibiki's ears perked up as she heard the unfamiliar word 'Byakugan' for the first time. Her curiosity piqued, she turned to face Nao rather than continuing to walk side by side.  She was eager to learn more about this mysterious term that had caught her attention. With a furrowed brow and a spark of intrigue in her eyes, she couldn't help but wonder what secrets might be hidden behind such an enigmatic name. 

    “What is this Byakugan and how can it help us search?” she asked, her voice full of curiosity. Her imagination was running wild as she tried to envision what it might be. Perhaps a surveillance  drone like the kind Kiyoshi sold at his store on commission,  or even better a pet hawk.   She was completely off the mark, not realizing that it had to do with the cool eye related thing that she had seen both Nao and Airi do.


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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed May 08, 2024 8:35 pm

    Hibiki's offer to bring homemade cookies next time elicited a brief pause from Nao as he glanced down at the cookies he had been enjoying. Initially thinking they were homemade by Hibiki, he realized otherwise. Nevertheless, a gentle smile formed on his face as he shifted his gaze from the cookies to Hibiki. "Well, I won't say you have to do that, Hibiki, but I would certainly enjoy trying your homemade cookies," he said, his voice warm, with a hint of playful charm. "It's not very often someone is as kind as you are to offer me such a treat." Leaning in a little closer, his voice softening slightly as he continued, "I'm sure your homemade cookies would taste even better than these."  he added with a playful wink, he just couldn't resist injecting a touch of flirtation into his response.

    As Hibiki called him a genius, something no one else had ever called him, a small chuckle escaped Nao before he composed himself to explain the Byakugan to his friend. "The Byakugan is the power of the Hyūga Clan," he began, his voice carrying a hint of pride and enthusiasm. "You see, our eyes are different from others, and they hold abilities that we can activate with chakra. We are able to see the chakra of others, which is why in our spar, I was able to strike at the right areas to cause you to lose chakra." Leaning towards her slightly once more, he continued. His hands gestured subtly, emphasizing his points as he spoke. "But that's not all. With the Byakugan, we can see all around us—a full 360 degrees." His eyes gleamed with intensity as he explained, his passion for his clan's techniques evident in his words. "When I activate the Byakugan, I can see up to 250 meters around me in all directions, even through solid objects. So if someone were to attack me from behind, I would see them approaching without needing to turn around or if someone was hiding behind something I would be able to see them. So if Okane is within a building or something that we would not normally see him, it would be possible for me to see him in there and we can find him easier." Pausing for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossed his features before a determined resolve settled in. "And if I continue with my training, I will one day be able to see even further than that," he concluded with a confident nod, his belief in his potential unwavering.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Fri May 10, 2024 12:21 am

    Hibiki couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest as she listened to his charming words. His warm voice and playful demeanor made her cheeks flush slightly. She grinned, feeling a mix of delight and nervousness at his flirtatious remark.

    "Well, in that case, I'll have to make sure they're extra special for you," she replied, her own voice softening with a hint of playful banter. "Consider it a promise then. Next time, you'll get to taste the real deal." She returned his wink with a playful one of her own, enjoying the playful exchange between them.

    It was looking like she was going to be spending a lot more time in the kitchen in the near future practicing to level up her cookie baking skills.  Somehow though that didn’t seem like a tall task in the least.  Hibiki felt like she understood the matron of the dinning hall at her apartment complex a little better now.  Her job had seemed menial at first but it could be enjoyable to see people enjoying food that you made, doubly so if that person was someone you especially liked.

    Hibiki listened intently as Nao explained the intricacies of the Byakugan, her curiosity piqued by his passionate description. She marveled at the unique abilities of the Hyuga Clan, nodding along as he spoke.

    "Wow, that's incredible," she exclaimed, admiration evident in her voice. "The ability to see chakra and your surroundings must be so useful, especially in combat." She couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the thought of Nao honing his skills to see even further. The idea of him using his special vison for more nefarious purposes didn't even occur to her.

    "I have no doubt that with your dedication, you'll achieve even greater mastery," she said, offering him an encouraging smile. "And having that kind of vision could definitely help us in finding Okane. We'll be able to cover more ground and detect his presence more easily."

    Hibiki felt a surge of confidence knowing that they had Nao's abilities on their side in their search for Okane. With his determination and the power of the Byakugan, she believed they had a strong chance of success.

    "Actually Nao just between us I think I might have another ability myself," Hibiki confessed, her tone a mix of excitement and uncertainty. “It's like... my eyes, they're not just normal anymore. When I activate them, they... they start to glow, and I can see things so much clearer, like details I never noticed before."

    She paused, trying to find the right words to describe her newfound ability. "It's like I can pick up on tiny movements, you know? Like, I can see how someone's muscles tense before they even make a move. And it's not just in combat, it's in everyday situations too.  I could tell when someone's about to reach for something or even how they're feeling just by the way they move."

    Hibiki's voice was filled with wonder as she tried to articulate her experiences. "I  don’t know what it’s called" she continued, she didn’t know much about any bloodlines unless someone took the time to explain them to her like Nao had just done.  "It's not exactly seeing the future, but it's like... seeing what's about to happen before it does."

    She looked at Nao, hoping he would understand the significance of her discovery. "I'm still figuring out how to control it, but I think it could be really useful, especially in missions or spars. I just... I don't know, I felt like I had to tell you about it."   


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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri May 10, 2024 6:33 am

    Nao's eyes widened with genuine interest as Hibiki shared her newfound ability with him, leaning in slightly captivated by her words. "That's truly remarkable, Hibiki," he said, his voice tinged with admiration. "What you've described with the predictive qualities of you eyes, it reminds me of similar properties of the Sharingan." Nao stated, remembering the lessons his mother had given him on the great clans of Konohagakure. "Though there are differences, as I don't recall the uchiha's eyes glowing." He continued as he placed a hand on his chin in thought.

    Pondering for a moment as he considered the implications of her ability. "Being able to anticipate movements and understand people's intentions before they even act, it's a remarkable skill to possess. It's like a heightened sense of awareness," he mused aloud, simply reiterating what she had described. "Do you know of anyone else with your clan that has possessed such an ability?" Nao asked out of curiosity, "you see, there are clans that possess what are called Doujutsu, like the Byakugan of the Hyūga or the Sharingan of the Uchiha. It's possible that yours is also a hereditary ability, of course it's also possible that you have something that is completely unique to you."

    Nao reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Whatever it is, I know that you will be able to figure out how to control it. I will always be here for you to talk to and I will help where I can, with any luck we can figure it out together." Nao stated with a soft smile, wanting nothing more than to show her that he understood what she was going through. He had a similar experience when he discovered his ability to utilize the dark release chakra, the uncertainty of it all and the guidance that helped him learn more about it.

    Suddenly, like being struck by lightning, a thought popped into his head. "I don't know if it is related or not, but perhaps you should speak to Sera about this." Nao stated as he recalled the other woman's eyes glowing in their spar against Tōri, "I don't know the specifics of her Doujutsu, but I do know that her eyes glowed when it was activated. It's possible that there is a connection there that you can follow."

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Sat May 11, 2024 3:22 am

    Hibiki’s face lit up with joy when Nao complimented her. It wasn’t often someone used the word remarkable about her, well unless it was in the context of calling her remarkably dumb which always stung a little though she tried her best not to let it show on her face.   Sometimes the fact she felt most emotions only faintly and was exaggerating them came in handy since when she stopped overemphasizing them it was hard for most people to tell what she was thinking.

    It was funny though, when she was around Nao it didn’t feel like she was embellishing her emotions at all.  Like she was being 100% her genuine self.  It was like just being around him was making her feel emotions more intensely, akin to an ember being stoked into a raging flame.   It warmed her chilled heart making her feel closer to being a normal human being but at the same time there was the risk if she wasn’t careful of it becoming an inferno that consumed everything in its path.

    Then Nao said another unfamiliar word mentioning this Sharingan as she compared her eyes to it.   Hibiki winced a little, feeling a headache coming on.   With her mental disability it was hard for her to absorb new information.  She felt like her head was almost like a wine glass  that was perpetually at the verge of overfilling.  With everything Nao had already told her about his own clan she was just about her limit already for the day for how much she could retain before the more fine details started slipping through the cracks.

    Then he mentioned the  Uchiha. That was…. Innocent’s clan right?  At least that’s what Hibiki thought was the surname Innocent had mentioned once you removed the lisp.  They were apparently a pretty big deal since they had produced more Hokage’s then any other clan.

    “From what I can recall my clan, the teddy… err the Tetsudashi have always been about encasing the body in a thin layer of metal.  I’ve never heard of us having any Doujutsu ability.” Hibiki said. “But then again I was fairly young when I was taken away and I don’t remember much from before the fire. There could be plenty of things about my clan that I don’t know.”  she said with a hopeless what can I do about it shrug.

    “The scientists who experimented on me sure didn’t seem to think as much. They were always focused on making my physical body in general stronger.   They wanted to artificially produce people that could use the full third stage of my clan from an early age and to see if they could have one of us reach a new fourth stage.   If some Doujutsu ability was common for my clan I can’t imagine them neglecting to try boosting that as well.”  Hibiki explained, taking a risk and fully unveiling the part of her past she usually wouldn’t talk about because of how unpleasant it was. It was only because they had spent such valuable time together that they had been able to build a foundation of trust and understanding that she was able to bare herself to him in such a vulnerable way.

    “I bet they would be seething right about now if they learned that I had more potential hidden away in my blood then they expected.” Hibiki said with a dark laugh.  That was especially true considering what they had wanted to use her for next.   If she hadn’t been rescued she would have become the brood mother for the next generation of Super Tetsudashi..  Those dirt suckers deserved all the misery they could get for all the torments they had subjected her to in the name of ‘improvement’

    Nao's gesture and words conveyed such empathy and support. It was  touching to see how he not only acknowledged her struggles but was also offering his unwavering support and understanding. It was evident even to the somewhat slow witted Hibiki that he genuinely cared about her well-being and wanted to be there for her every step of the way to provide the guidance and encouragement she needed.  Just as she wished to do the same for him.

    “Sera huh. I’ve been so busy with training and stuff that I haven’t seen her around lately.  Hopefully we’ll get a chance to speak with each other properly during the exam.”  Hibiki mused with a happy simple. She was beyond thrilled to have a lead to go on.   It was like Nao was literally lighting her way as she stumbled in the darkness.  She would be so lost without him. The more she thought about it,  the more she was starting to realize that she wanted to be more then just merely friends with him.

    They had been walking as they were talking and while they weren’t quite back to her apartment complex yet they were a good two thirds of the way already.  “Do you mind if we make a pit stop?” Hibiki asked, gesturing to a nearby Convenience store.


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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sun May 12, 2024 3:36 am

    Nao listened intently as Hibiki shared her past, Hibiki's words painted a vivid picture of her past struggles. With each painful detail she shared, his heart clenched in sympathy, and a surge of anger rippled through him towards those who had caused her such suffering. The urge to right those wrongs burned within him, wishing he could confront those who caused her pain and ensure they faced consequences. He found himself imagining scenarios how he would confront them if given the chance, his fists clenched with a mix of frustration and determination. Amidst the turmoil, he marveled at Hibiki's courage. Her strength in opening up to him was both humbling and inspiring, he marveled at her resilience, admiring her for facing her demons head-on. "I can't imagine what you've been through, Hibiki." Nao said softly, his voice laced with compassion. "But know that you're not alone anymore. I'm here for you, no matter what."

    He smiled warmly as she mentioned hoping to get the chance to catch up with Sera. "She's likely been training as hard as we have to prepare for the exams, I'm sure you'll have a chance to catch up with Sera." Nao replied as they continued their walk, happy with the fact that he was able to give her a possible lead that might help her. As they neared the convenience store, he nodded at her request to stop. "Of course, take all the time you need." Nao asked, eager to assist her in any way possible, even if it was just helping fetch her a snack or drink. "Would you like me to wait out here, or would you like company while you shop?" His genuine desire to be there for her in every moment reflecting in his words, though at the same time not wishing to smother her should she just want time to herself while she shopped.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Sun May 12, 2024 8:23 pm

    As Nao listened intently to Hibiki's recounting of her past struggles, her heart felt lighter yet heavier all at once. The weight of her burdens lifted slightly with each word she shared, yet the vulnerability of exposing her innermost pain to another person left her feeling exposed and raw. But as she glanced at Nao, seeing the compassion and understanding reflected in his eyes, a sense of gratitude washed over her.

    "It's funny, isn't it?" Hibiki mused, her voice tinged with a mix of contemplation and resignation as they continued their walk. "We spend so much time chasing after revenge, thinking it'll bring us closure, justice... peace."

    She glanced at Nao, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "But then you realize that revenge is just another form of bondage, chaining you to the past and consuming you from within."

    As they strolled side by side, Hibiki's gaze turned towards the horizon, where the sun bathed the world in a warm, golden glow. "Living a good life," she continued softly, her words carrying a weight of wisdom earned through years of hardship and self-discovery, "that's the true victory. Finding joy in the little moments, cherishing the people you love, making a difference in the world..."

    Her voice trailed off for a moment, lost in thought, before she turned to Nao with a wistful smile. "Thank you, Nao," she murmured, her voice tinged with emotion. "For listening, for understanding... for being here."

    Hibiki's gaze softened as she met his warm smile, feeling a sense of warmth and safety in his presence. "It means the world me, knowing I have someone like you by my side, that's the greatest gift of all." she admitted softly, her gratitude shining through her words.

    As they continued their walk, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within her. With Nao's unwavering support, she felt a newfound strength to confront her past and embrace the future with courage and determination.

    "And about catching up with Sera," she added with a small smile, her spirits lifting at the thought. "I'm looking forward to it. It'll be nice to have some time to reconnect with an old friend." It felt kind of funny calling Sera that since they had only just met not that long ago, but it felt like almost a lifetime ago now with how packed preparing for the exams had been.

    "Would you mind waiting just a second for me? I'll be really quick, I promise." Hibiki said with a warm smile, pausing just before entering the convenience store.   "Just need to grab a few things," she continued, her tone light yet sincere. "I'll be out before you know it."

    It was a good thing Nao had made the offer to wait for her outside the convenience store, Hibiki stepped inside, grateful for the chance to gather her thoughts and perhaps find a small moment of peace amidst the chaos of her swirling emotions.


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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed May 15, 2024 7:10 pm

    Despite his previous thoughts of wanting to teach those that had wronged Hibiki a lesson, as he listened to Hibiki's view about revenge he found himself inspired by her even more. It amazed him how someone could go through so much and still hold such a positive outlook on life. "It's true," Nao replied softly, his voice carrying a gentle warmth. "Revenge can feel like the answer, but in the end, it only perpetuates the cycle of pain. Your insight is truly profound, Hibiki." Nao couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to share this moment with her, her presence alone brought a sense of peace and her view on the world held an understanding that he cherished deeply.

    "I'm honored to be here for you," he said sincerely, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering support. "You're not alone in this journey, Hibiki. I'll always be here to listen, to understand, and to support you in any way I can. You can always count on me." He smiled softly, his heart swelling with gratitude for the trust she had placed in him. "Having you by my side means the world to me too," he added, his voice filled with genuine warmth. There was nowhere he would rather be than by her side, and he truly treasured their time together. It was remarkable to him that he had spent most of his life alone, and now he couldn't imagine a life of not being by her side.

    As Nao stood outside the convenience store, his eyes scanned the bustling street, searching for something to occupy his time while he waited for Hibiki. That's when he spotted a small flower stall tucked away in a corner, its colorful display beckoning to him. Intrigued, he made his way over and was greeted by a cheerful florist arranging a variety of flowers. Among them, he spotted a cluster of Lycoris blooms, their vibrant red petals standing out amidst the sea of colorful flowers. Remembering Hibiki's fondness for Lycoris flowers, Nao couldn't resist the urge to buy her a bouquet. He carefully selected the freshest blooms, making sure each stem was perfect, before paying for them with a smile.

    With the bouquet in hand, Nao returned to his spot outside the convenience store, the anticipation building as he waited for Hibiki to emerge. When she finally did, he greeted her with a warm smile, holding the bouquet behind his back so he didn't give away the surprise early. His nervousness likely showing on his face as he watched her return, once she was back next to him, he would move his hand holding out the bouquet for her to see. "These are for you," he said, his voice filled with anticipation that this small gesture would help brighten her day. "I remembered that you said you had a soft spot for Lycoris flowers, so I thought I'd surprise you."

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 15, 2024 11:37 pm

    Hibiki felt a warm wave of gratitude wash over her as she listened to Nao's words. His understanding and support meant more to her than she could express. She admired his ability to shift from thoughts of revenge to embracing a more peaceful outlook, mirroring her own beliefs.

    "Thank you, Nao," Hibiki replied, her voice soft yet filled with sincerity. "It means so much to hear you say that. It's not always easy to let go of the anger and pain, but knowing you're here with me makes it so much easier." She looked into his eyes, finding comfort and strength in his unwavering gaze.

    "Your support gives me strength," she continued, her heart swelling with appreciation. "I used to feel so alone, but now, with you by my side, I feel like I can face anything. I'm grateful for your presence, for your understanding, and for the kindness you always show me."

    Hibiki smiled, her expression radiating warmth and affection. "You mean the world to me too, Nao. Together, we can find peace and happiness, leaving the past behind us. Thank you for being my rock, my friend, and my partner in this journey."  she replied.

    As Hibiki hurried into the convenience store, her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake the memory of her conversation with Nao just moments ago. His heartfelt words had touched her deeply, and without thinking, she had responded with gratitude and affection.

    But as she replayed their exchange in her mind, a sudden realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. The way she had expressed her appreciation to Nao could easily be misinterpreted as a proposal, especially given the intimate nature of their conversation.

    Panic surged through her veins as she realized the gravity of her words. They hadn't officially started dating yet, and she hadn't meant to imply anything beyond friendship and gratitude. What if Nao had misunderstood her intentions? What if she had made things awkward between them?

    She couldn't deny the growing feelings she had for him, and she was starting to realize that she wanted to take their relationship to the next level but not like this. Rushing past dating straight to betrothal would be pure insanity.

    As she stood in the aisle, her heart pounding in her chest, Hibiki felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. She cursed herself for not thinking more carefully about her words, for allowing her emotions to get the better of her.

    Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her racing thoughts. She knew she needed to talk to Nao and clarify her feelings before things got even more complicated. But first, she needed to gather her courage and face him with honesty and sincerity.

    But as she searched for the items on her shopping list, her thoughts turned to the daunting task ahead: asking Nao out properly.  The idea both thrilled and terrified her. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if she made a fool of herself?

    As she wrestled with her doubts and insecurities, she knew she couldn't let fear hold her back. She wanted to take a chance, to seize the opportunity for happiness that lay before her. But how?

    Lost in her thoughts, Hibiki absentmindedly wandered the aisles, her mind racing with possibilities. Should she be direct and just ask him out? Or should she drop hints and hope he picked up on them? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her feeling more anxious than ever.

    With a determined resolve, Hibiki quickly grabbed the items she needed from the store and made her way to the checkout counter. As she waited in line, she rehearsed what she wanted to say to Nao, determined to set things right between them and ensure that there were no misunderstandings.

    Despite the butterflies in her stomach, she knew that she couldn't let fear hold her back. Whatever the outcome, she was determined to face it head-on and be true to herself and her feelings.

    As Hibiki emerged from the convenience store, her mind was still buzzing with thoughts about how to deal with the situation.  As she approached Nao, she couldn't help but notice the nervous excitement in his eyes. His smile was warm and inviting, and she felt a surge of affection for him.

    "Hey, Nao," she greeted him, her voice soft with warmth. Being with him always brought her a sense of comfort and belonging.  As they stood together, Nao's anticipation was palpable. With a gentle gesture, he revealed a bouquet of vibrant red Lycoris flowers, her favorite. Hibiki's breath caught in her throat, her heart fluttering with surprise and joy which pushed the thoughts of her earlier mistake and trepidation she felt straight out of her head.

    "These are for you," Nao said, his voice filled with anticipation. "I remembered that you said you had a soft spot for Lycoris flowers, so I thought I'd surprise you." Hibiki's eyes widened in amazement as she took in the beauty of the bouquet. A rush of gratitude washed over her for his thoughtful gesture, filling her with warmth and happiness.

    "Nao, thank you," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "These are absolutely stunning. You always know how to make me feel special." As she reached out to accept the bouquet, their hands briefly touched, sending a tingle of electricity through her. In that moment, she felt a deep connection to Nao, a connection that filled her with a sense of peace and contentment.

    Hibiki was eager to show him that she appreciated his kindness. "By the way Nao," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "I got you something too." Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a small ice-based treat, meant to be shared between two people. It was a simple gesture, but she hoped it would convey her appreciation for his friendship and support.

    "I know it's not much," she continued, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "But I thought we could enjoy it together. You know, as a way of saying thank you for escorting me home." As she held out the treat to him, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. Would he like it? Would he understand the significance behind her gesture?


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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri May 17, 2024 8:59 am

    Nao watched Hibiki enter the convenience store, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Her words had left him feeling both elated and uncertain, he admired Hibiki’s strength and kindness, and hearing her express such deep gratitude and affection had stirred something profound in him. He had originally dismissed his growing feelings for her as mere friendship, she was after all his first and only friend, but today had made it clear that he couldn’t ignore them any longer. He hoped that the bouquet of Lycoris would help convey his feelings about her, a small gesture to show her just how much he enjoyed spending time with her.

    Nao watched Hibiki emerge from the convenience store, her eyes lighting up as they met his. Her presence always had a calming effect on him, and seeing her now, with that familiar warmth in her gaze, filled him with a sense of contentment. Nao took a deep breath, gathering his courage. This was his moment to show her how much he cared about her. As she greeted him, the sound of her voice alone made his heart skip a beat. As he revealed the bouquet of Lycoris flowers, Nao felt a surge of nervous anticipation, but her reaction was everything he hoped for. Her eyes widened in amazement, and the genuine appreciation in her voice when she thanked him made his heart race.

    Her expression of pure joy and gratitude was everything Nao had hoped for. He couldn't help but smile as she accepted the bouquet, their hands brushing briefly. In that moment, Nao felt his connection to Hibiki deepen. Her words would cause his smile to brighten, grateful that his small gesture had brought her joy.  Hibiki’s next words caught him by surprise, he hadn't expected her to get him anything while she was in the store. When she pulled out a small ice-based treat, meant to be shared, Nao's heart warmed even more. It was a simple yet thoughtful gesture, one that told him that she was just as thankful for him as he was for her.

    Nao looked at the treat she held out to him, then back at Hibiki, who was looking at him with hopeful eyes her cheeks blushing almost as much as his were. "It's perfect, Hibiki," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you. Sharing this with you sounds wonderful." He gestured to a nearby bench not far from the convenience store, "do you want to sit and eat it here, or while we continue our walk?" Nao asked, either way was fine with him, all he cared about is that moment was being with her. He knew that they still had a lot to figure out, but for now he was happy, grateful for her presence. Moments like these, where they could simply be together and enjoy each other's company, were the ones he enjoyed the most.

    As they enjoyed the treat, whether sitting or walking, Nao found himself reflecting on what Hibiki had said before she had entered the shop. "Hibiki, I need you to know how much you mean to me." He began, his voice soft. Looking into her eyes, wanting to convey the depth of his feelings. "Spending time with you has brought so much meaning and happiness into my life. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, always. You can count on me, no matter what it is because I would do anything for you." As he spoke, he hoped that Hibiki could feel the sincerity behind his words. Their connection was something he treasured deeply, and he wanted her to know that she was not alone and that he was willing to always be by her side.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Sat May 18, 2024 2:46 am

    Hibiki's heart fluttered as Nao accepted the ice treat she had offered. She couldn't help but smile as she watched his cheeks flush, mirroring her own. His words melted her heart even further, and she felt a warm glow spread through her chest. "I'm glad you like it, Nao," she replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. Being able to share this simple moment with him meant more to her than words could express.

    As Nao suggested they find a spot to enjoy their treat together, Hibiki's eyes sparkled with excitement. She nodded eagerly, feeling a surge of happiness at the prospect of spending more time with him. "Let's sit over there," she said, pointing to the nearby bench. They found a quiet bench nearby, and as they sat down, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves in her stomach.

    As they enjoyed their treats, Hibiki found herself lost in the warmth of Nao's presence. His words, spoken with such sincerity, touched her heart in a way she couldn't fully express. When he spoke of how much she meant to him, she felt a lump form in her throat, overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings.

    Her cheeks flushed with a deeper shade of pink, and she averted her gaze, a nervous energy coursing through her. "Does it taste good?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of shyness. Sitting beside him, she fidgeted with her hands, unsure of what to do with them.

    As they enjoyed their treats in silence, Hibiki found herself stealing glances at Nao, her heart skipping a beat every time their eyes met. She longed to reach out and take his hand, to feel the warmth of his touch against her own, but the words caught in her throat, and she couldn't quite work up the courage to do so.

    "Nao," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "thank you." She paused, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on her lap as she struggled to find the right words. "I... I don't know what I would do without you. Knowing that you're always there for me... it means everything."

    As they sat together on the bench, Hibiki felt a sense of vulnerability wash over her. She wanted nothing more than to express her feelings openly, to let Nao know just how much he meant to her, but the fear of rejection held her back. Still, she found solace in their shared silence, in the comfort of his presence by her side. Perhaps one day soon, she would find the courage to reach out and take his hand, to let him know just how deeply she cared for him.


    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Mon May 20, 2024 12:41 am

    Nao felt a surge of emotion as he watched Hibiki's reaction to his words, her flushed cheeks and the way she averted her gaze only served to deepen his affection for her. "It's really good," he replied, smiling at her. "But honestly, I'm just happy to be here sharing this moment with you." As they sat together, the world around them seemed to blur and fade away. The silence that settled between them was comfortable, filled with unspoken feelings and shared understanding. Nao felt a sense of connection with Hibiki that he still couldn't quite put into words.

    Nao savored the quiet moments, feeling the soft breeze as they sat on the bench, the world around them a blur. He felt a sense of vulnerability in the air, a shared moment of uncertainty and possibility. He watched Hibiki fidget with her hands, her nervous energy mirroring his own. She thanked him, her voice barely above a whisper, and he could hear the emotion behind her words. He watched as her fingers traced invisible patterns on her lap, her struggle to find the right words evident. The vulnerability in her eyes tugged at his heart.

    "You don't have to thank me, Hibiki. Being with you, seeing you smile, it makes me happier than you can imagine." Nao took a deep breath, gathering his courage to express himself further. He gently placed his hand over hers, stilling her restless fingers. The warmth of her hand beneath his brought a sense of calm and connection to him. Nao's voice was steady as he continued, "your friendship means the world to me. I can't imagine my life without you in it. Your presence makes everything better, and I meant what I said, you can always count on me to be here for you."

    He squeezed her hand gently, offering her a reassuring smile. He hoped that his words conveyed the depth of his feelings, that she could understand the words that he could not find to speak.  In that moment, Nao felt an overwhelming sense of peace. He knew that whatever the future held, they would navigate it together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. He cherished the connection they shared, and as they sat there, hands intertwined, he felt more certain than ever that they were meant to be an important part of each other's lives.

    As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over them, Nao felt a profound sense of peace. He wanted Hibiki to know that she was cherished, that their bond meant everything to him. Nao's heart raced as they sat together, sharing a quiet moment, he felt a sense of warmth and connection that he knew he would treasure forever. He glanced at the treat they had been sharing, now nearly finished, and chuckled. "I guess we got a bit distracted," he said, a playful glint in his eyes. He would have done anything to make this moment last longer, to just sit on the bench with her forever, but he knew that wasn't possible.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Mon May 20, 2024 3:18 am

    Hibiki's heart swelled with warmth as Nao's words reached her ears, his genuine affection palpable in the air. She couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions, a mixture of happiness and uncertainty swirling inside her.

    "It really means a lot, Nao," she murmured, her cheeks flushing as she met his gaze, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Having you here with me, sharing this moment."
    Hibiki felt a sense of vulnerability wash over her as Nao gently placed his hand over hers, his touch grounding her in the moment. She squeezed his hand in return, her fingers entwining with his as she tried to put her feelings into words.

    "Nao, I..." she started, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. She paused, searching for the right words, grateful for Nao's patience and understanding. "I cherish our friendship more than I can say. You've been there for me through everything, and I don't know what I'd do without you." Hibiki's heart swelled with emotion as she spoke, her gaze never leaving Nao's. She could see the depth of his feelings reflected in his eyes, a mirror to her own. In that moment, she realized just how much she valued their bond, how much he meant to her.

    As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the world around them, Hibiki felt a sense of peace settle over her. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their friendship a source of strength and support.

    With a soft chuckle, Hibiki nodded in agreement with Nao's observation about getting distracted. She savored the moment, wishing it could last forever, yet knowing that life was about embracing change and moving forward.

    "Yeah, I guess we did," she replied, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She glanced down at their nearly finished treat, feeling a flutter of contentment in her chest. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's these moments with you that make everything feel so...right."

    Hibiki's gaze met Nao's, her heart skipping a beat at the warmth in his eyes. She knew there was something special between them, something she couldn't quite name but cherished nonetheless. As they sat there, hands intertwined, watching the world around them slowly fade into dusk she felt a profound sense of gratitude. She knew that their friendship was something precious, something she would always hold dear in her heart.

    But amidst the comfort and joy of their connection, there lingered a longing that Hibiki dared not speak aloud. She yearned for something more, something beyond friendship, but the words remained caught in her throat, afraid of what their revelation might bring. So, she held onto their friendship, cherishing it with all her heart, silently hoping that maybe, just maybe, Nao felt the same way too.

    As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the world around them, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a pang of reluctance at the thought of the night coming to an end. She cherished these moments with Nao, the comfort of his presence wrapping around her like a security blanket, and the idea of parting ways felt like tearing herself away from something precious.

    A gentle breeze tousled her hair as she stole a glance at her watch, realizing with a hint of dismay that the hour was growing late. She shifted slightly on the bench, torn between the desire to linger a little while longer and the responsibility waiting for her back at her apartment.

    "Nao," she said softly, turning to him with a hesitant smile, "I...I don't want this night to end, but I should probably head back soon. Curfew's looming, and I don't want to get another lecture from my landlord." Her words carried a touch of regret, but Hibiki knew that duty called, even when her heart begged to stay. She squeezed Nao's hand gently, silently hoping that he would understand her predicament.

    "But," she added, a glimmer of mischief dancing in her eyes, "that doesn't mean we can't make the most of the time we have left, right? Maybe a little adventure on the way back?" Hibiki's smile widened at the thought, her heart lightening at the prospect of extending their evening just a little bit more. She knew that with Nao by her side, even the simplest moments held the promise of magic.


    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue May 21, 2024 6:56 am

    Nao couldn't help but smile at Hibiki's words, her reluctance to part echoing his own feelings. "Yeah, I understand," he replied softly, trying to hide his disappointment. "You're right, let's make the most of the time we have left." He stood up from the bench, still holding her hand, and helped her to her feet. As they started walking, the setting sun cast long shadows around them, painting the world in hues of gold and orange. Nao glanced over at Hibiki, who seemed to glow in the evening light, and felt his heart swell with emotion. He wanted to tell her everything he was feeling, to bridge the gap between friendship and something more, but he hesitated, afraid of what his words might change.

    "So, I think I have something in mind" he said, trying to keep his tone light and playful. "I don't want you to get in trouble or anything, but there is something I wanted to show you. A surprise of sorts, unless you had an adventure already in mind." He chuckled, feeling a bit nervous at the prospect of an unexpected detour. It would cause them to go a little ways out of the way from their walk, which would put a strain at getting her home before curfew. He could always try to talk to the landlord on her behalf and explain that it was his fault that she was late, he had gotten good at talking himself out of trouble with most authority figures, but he also didn't want Hibiki to have to suffer from him wanting to take such a detour.

    As they strolled through the village, Nao felt the bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment. The village was peaceful at this hour, the soft rustling of leaves and the distant hum of the waking night creatures creating a serene backdrop to their walk. As long as Hibiki was ok with it, Nao guided Hibiki to a small park overlooking a serene pond. "The reflections on the water are beautiful, when there is a full moon high in the sky it is almost magical." Nao said, glancing at the shimmering surface before turning his gaze back to Hibiki. "Not as beautiful as my current company of course," he said, his tone filled with sincerity as he diverted his glaze slightly. "I couldn't have asked for a better evening."

    Nao Hyūga
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    Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki) Empty Re: Last Second Power-Up pt 2 (Nao and Hibiki)

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 22, 2024 2:57 am

    Hibiki felt a warmth spread through her chest at Nao's words, his gentle tone washing away any lingering worries she might have had. She couldn't help but match his smile, the corners of her lips lifting in response to his infectious enthusiasm. His reluctance to part ways mirrored her own, and she found solace in the shared understanding between them.

    "Absolutely," she replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude. "Let's cherish every moment." As they rose from the bench, her fingers intertwined with his, she felt a sense of comfort in his presence, a feeling that she could navigate any uncertainty as long as he was by her side. The setting sun painted the world around them in shades of gold and orange, casting long shadows that danced at their feet. Hibiki stole a glance at Nao, his features illuminated by the evening light, and felt a flutter in her chest.

    When Nao mentioned a surprise, her curiosity piqued, her interest piqued. She couldn't help but chuckle at his playful tone, the nervousness evident in his voice. Despite his apprehension, she trusted him wholeheartedly, knowing that whatever he had in store would be worth the detour. "I'm all ears," she replied with a grin, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

    As they wandered through the tranquil village, Hibiki felt a sense of serenity wash over her, the familiar sights and sounds wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. When they arrived at the small park overlooking the pond, she couldn't help but gasp at the sight before her. The moon's reflection shimmered on the water's surface, casting an ethereal glow that took her breath away.

    "It really is beautiful," she breathed, her gaze lingering on the mesmerizing scene. When Nao turned to her, his words filled with sincerity, her heart skipped a beat. "You always know how to make moments special," she replied, her voice soft with emotion. "I couldn't imagine spending this evening with anyone else." As she met his gaze, she knew that in that moment, she was exactly where she was meant to be.

    Hibiki felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks at Nao's words, his compliment sending a flutter through her chest. She had always admired Nao's ability to see beauty in the world around him, but to hear him express it about her stirred something deep within her. For a moment, she found herself at a loss for words, her heart racing as she searched for the right response.

    "Thank you, Nao," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have a way of making me feel... seen." She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words. In that moment, she felt a connection between them that went beyond friendship, a silent understanding that seemed to bridge the gap between them effortlessly.

    As they stood there, bathed in the moonlight, Hibiki realized that it wasn't just the beauty of their surroundings that made this moment special—it was the person standing beside her, his presence filling her with a sense of belonging she had never known before. And as she looked at Nao, she knew that no matter where their journey took them, she wanted him to be a part of it.



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