As an inactive combat medic, renewing supplies was a simple affair that could be pushed off whenever. Midori perused ninja tools first, not fond of the disposable kunai and shuriken often handled by many ninja. Despite their dependable nature they were cheap and lacked finessed. It was there she encountered a simple enough tanto in a slate gray scabbard. Basic but effective. A quick transaction allowed her to move onto the much more passive side of her shopping list, seeking a hip pouch for general storage, a med kit for survival and treating herself or allies, and a sack of rations for the many instances she man feel exhausted during a lengthy treatment or expedition. With all the tools at her disposal she could walk the village confidently knowing she was deployable in combat if needed.
Starting: 30,000
30,000 - 5,000 (Tanto) - 50 (Hip Pouch) - 5,000 (Military Rations) - 5,000 (Med Kit)
Remaining: 14,950
Starting: 30,000
30,000 - 5,000 (Tanto) - 50 (Hip Pouch) - 5,000 (Military Rations) - 5,000 (Med Kit)
Remaining: 14,950