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    Lava Forged Steel


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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Lava Forged Steel

    Post by Masaru Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:57 am

    Masaru let out a slow breath as he moved through the motions of his training in the Guren Style, shirtless in the middle of the training area. His normal cloak laid folded on the edge of the training grounds near the dummy's they had for practicing, his stance firm, yet unless someone was truly watching him they would think he was merely standing still in a strange pose, as the movements were so minuet that it took several minutes to perform a single motion with his weighted training blade. The stars and the light of the crescent moon was all that light up the training area, but that mattered very little to the man. The low light allowed him to remain unseen for the most part, as well as help him in improving his eye sight to see better in low light situation like this. Not that he truly needed any of this, it was good not to forget the basics and at the Tsuchikage's request he was attempting to take it easy. At least for a few days.

    He had resisted his urge to train these past few days due to him not wishing too many to get word of his recovery, however due to both the fact that it was the middle of the night and most would not be awake and if they were it was unlikely that they would find him all the way out here in the training grounds and the second reason was he needed to get the fresh air and retrain his muscles from his long time in that coma. He had thought about training some Ninjutsu techniques, however considering how long or brinlght some of his techniques were it might have drawn too much attention. That was why he was returning to the basics of Guren, the minuet movements forcing strain on his muscles through holding the form for so long helping force the muscles to remember it to become muscle memory once again. He had been out here for several hours and has completed pulling his sword from it's sheath and a total of three maneuvers and was about halfway through the fourth. The sky was already beginning to turn purple and lighten showing signs of the sun about to rise in a few hours, however he believed he still had time to do the fifth and final maneuver before the sun would actually crest the horizon. 'Plenty of time, before the masses begin to wake' he thought to himself as he he continued his arms raised up almost fully extended bringing his sword ever slowly downwards.

    His mind slowly drifting back to the days when he was younger learning this style from his master Hansuke and the man's words as the young boy stood holding large buckets of water filled to the brim, his arms out stretched. Masaru had asked the man why it was so important to train with the water, and why when they were practicing slow movements without spilling it. "If you can punch without spilling the water then your movement will be as swift as a flowing river." At the time Masaru did not understand what the man had meant, it wasn't until Masaru fought with this style for the first time that he saw just what his master had meant.

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by CestrellFROST Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:06 am

    Back in Iwakagure, Adam had a list of places he sought out to visit, the trainigns area being one of those. While he never had had a lot of positive feelings for the area he only rarely visited, it still was good to actually have solid ground under his feet once more. After all, Kirikagure was acceptable, but it still couldnt compete with a place he called home.

    Entering the trainingsarea in his usually long drenchcoat, he would let his gaze go around the area, until it fell onto a nearby person who was standing there with their chest exposed. Taking out his trusty canteen in the face of such a peciluar sight, he would take a sip of the smokey whiskey, letting it run over his tongue before swallowing down and corking the bottle back up as he walked over.

    Obviously this hadnt been the only strange thing in the last few days he had noticed. While he had had some rather strange thoughts in his mind, his body seemed to change, slowly but certainly, but in which way, he was not able to give out clearly. How could he even. After all, he wasnt a trained professional and even if he was, he didnt know if they were able to make any sense out of his new physical structure.

    Legion had been awfully quiet since they departed from kirikagure, same as now. Wondering himself if there was any problem with it, Adam would finally stand in front of Masaru, introducing him with a slight cough, covering up his mouth with his metal-like hands before he spoke out: "Good morning. Quite early for training, isnt it? After all... the sun isnt even propperly up yet."

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by Masaru Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:46 am

    Masaru would be surprised to see another enter the training area so early in the morning, though he would not break his movement as he finished his swing just as the man approached him. Exhaling a deep breath Masaru would sheath his sword as he turned his attention to the man before him, "to be honest this is the best time to do such things." He stated as he wiped his brow of sweat, "it's much more peaceful than when everyone else is here, besides have to get in a good workout before breakfast or else what's the point am I right?" He would state and ask in the same sentence. "I come here to train early for the simple purpose of the peace as well as being able to watch the sun rise from this magnificent arena." He did not recognize the man, though he had not been around lately with everything considered. Still Masaru could sense something about the man that stated he was not an enemy and so the man had no reason to disregard him and his words nor view him as a threat. "I don't believe we have met before, I am Masaru Tatsudashi, and you are?" Just because he didn't know who the man was doesn't mean it would be so simple for Masaru, he was a man that had many accomplishments below his belt before his sudden disappearance from the world. He was use to the fact that people recognized him on sight, or at the very least through name, though it had been less so recently with the fact that he just returned it was possible this man did not know of the former Tsuchikage or his recent recovery. No matter that Masaru was interested in the man, though it could be that he had not had very many people to talk to as of late, still he welcomed the company.

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by CestrellFROST Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:06 am

    Adam would shrug with a rather indifferent impression at Masarus answer, his steel grey eyes staring at him through his sunglasses before he gave out: "Well... I personally train hardly, if at all. Theres only little sense for me, seeing my lifestyle choices." Adams lifestyle choices would be, simply put, to drink himself to the edge of passing out and then dragging himself over to his bed where he would, more often then not, sleep this the early afternoon. Obviously his childhood friend already had been gone by now and he sometimes would cook something for her when she returned from her work in the evening, before heading out and trying to make himself useful in whatever way, to actually have an argument, should anyone ask him what he was being paid for. But then again, he also didnt have breakfest normally.

    "Well, as far as the peace is going, you certainly are accomplishing that." Adam would answer next, before extending his hand forward to the Iwakagure nin, telling him: "My name is Adam. Adam jensen. As far as i know we havent met before." After Masaru shook his hand, or didnt, Adams hand would go back to his trenchcoat, hiding inside one of the pockets as he gave out: "I am just here to... i dont know... maybe take a walk. Its too quiet home.

    THis was only a partial truth however. Adam enjoyed quietness and silence. In fact he was drinking for this very reason. What he didnt like was to have the silence without being drunk. After all, this only gave him more time to think. TIme he didnt want to spend thinking.

    Smile... The world is not over yet.




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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by Masaru Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:01 am

    Masaru would recognize the name the man gave him, have just been named Jounin Commander by Diana he had been given files on every Shinobi within Iwagakure. Adam Jensen, student of the Tsuchikage, of the Kazehana Clan, and for the most part an under achiever. Nothing about the man's file impressed Masaru, and now standing before the man with the smell of alcohol surrounding him, Masaru was even less impressed.

    "Well if you are trying to get away from the quiet, I do not believe walking alone would really help that." Masaru said in a calm tone as he spoke, "if you are interested in company to talk to while you walk I could accompany you." Masaru's offer was genuine as he didn't really mind conversations with others, and he didn't like to judge them without at least giving them a chance to change his opinion of them. "Alternatively, if you like we could spar. It would be certain to quell the quiet, as it were. Though of course I would understand if you don't want to spar." Masaru would add just in case the man was interested, he wasn't sure if the man would be interested in such a spar and even if he did, Masaru would be interested in seeing how the man would fight while intoxicated.

    Whether the man chose the company or the spar or the third option of going off alone and leaving Masaru was fine with him, as he would simply return to his training if the man didn't wish for his company. Though Masaru would prefer to get to know the man, if he didn't want to talk Masaru knew better than to try to force it.

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by CestrellFROST Sat Nov 26, 2022 1:28 pm

    "Not that kind of quietness..."

    Adam would give out with a theatralic pause, before he elaborated. After all, he couldnt expect everyone to feel the way he did about certain things. Some people did, others didnt. "The silence i am searching to push out is up there...", Adam would begin as he pointed one of his fingers at his head, before continuing "... people could be screaming at me and it could still be silent. The problem is, that silces makes thoughtful, if you get where i am going at."

    It wasnt a secret that Adam had had a troubled past, loosing his parents so soon at such an early age. Of course, his uncle had been loving and caring, teaching him what he knew, but ultimatively, together with his own experiences it boiled down to do things acceptable but not beyond that. After all, they were paid acceptable and not exceedingly well, and that was just about the level of effort he was bringing. Anything more then that had the potential to take away something. His peace, time or power over the day. Not to mention the potential problems with other poeple. It was somethign where he was sure he wouldnt win, and that wasnt forth to fight for.

    The other mans offer to talk was a surprise however. Looking around, first from his right to his left, he would shrug as she told him: "Sure. While we are at it, i could invite you to a breakfest if you like. Good conversation partners are found rarely, you know? As far as a spar is going, i am not really talented in anything except one thing, sadly, so i doubt i would satidfy you in any way."

    After having given his rather negative asessment, Adam would wait for the other mans decision, or answer as that. After all, breakfest sounded good anyways adn in case he insisted to a spar, at least it would be a short one.

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by Masaru Sat Nov 26, 2022 3:43 pm

    At the man's explanation of the quietness in his head rather than on the outside Masaru would simply nod, it was something Masaru was all too familiar with as well. Though since his awakening from the strange coma he has not had so many problems, that wasn't to say it stopped all together, but it was becoming more manageable for him. At least in part.

    Masaru would smile at Adam's next comment of a conversation over breakfast, considering he was going to do so when he finished training any how he didn't see any harm in joining the other man for a meal. Adam's final comment, of only being talented in one thing and doubting he would be able to satisfy, would cause Masaru to actually laugh. "Well come now, we just met. I am a man of simple pleasures and find satisfaction in many things, not just sparring. I am sure you would be able to satisfy me with conversation just as well, there is no need to do anything you do not wish too. I would be happy to join you for breakfast, was there anywhere you had in mind?" Masaru would state with a wide grin, happy to have someone to talk with.

    If Adam had a restaurant in mind Masaru would be willing to follow the man, if not Masaru would be happy to make suggestions and lead the way to a small diner he knew of that served good breakfast, as it was where he was going to go when he finished what he was doing anyhow.

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by CestrellFROST Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:29 am

    Adam would stand still as he listened and finally conclude his thougthts with a nod. Naturally, not really expecting that the stranger was hungry, he hadnt thought far enough ahead as to actually plan any specific restaurant or so where the two men could go and eat at. Regardless of that, it didnt matter either, seeing how Masaru was quick to offer a variety of diners. Having nothing agianst those, eh would follow him in relative silence after he was finished with his training, up to the point where he dressed himself and lead the way, adam pacing next to him in his usual slow speed.

    Once they arrived at the diner, the would be sitting down inside and start to order food when a somewhat busty blonde came over and asked what tthey wanted to eat. For adam it was a medium sized breakfest platter containing out of ham, salami, a sausage spread, cream cheese, 3 coocked eggs with a creamy middle, a few breadrolls and 2 choclate crossaints plus a hot cum of coffee that appearently had a free refill. naturally, despite his food being done as soon as the eggs were done, he waited for Masaru to receive his breakfest as well, seeing how everything else would have been somewhat rude.

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    Lava Forged Steel Empty Re: Lava Forged Steel

    Post by Masaru Tue Dec 06, 2022 7:58 am

    {Exit due to travel}


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