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    Meet and Greet


    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Meet and Greet Empty Meet and Greet

    Post by Nozomi Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:04 pm

    NozomEi had finished her book keeping, and with no sign of Zenaku yet, she picked up the Infinite Armor and took it with her to the gates, where she'd sit down once again, waiting for Konoha's agent to arrive. It was easy enough for her to simply wait for him at the entrance and then they could head out and start the process quite a deal sooner, and thus be done with their missions quicker by proxy.

    Still maintaining her look as Ei, with both Fissions of Ei dead, there was no longer any worry of Ei returning. So long as her cover wasn't blown during the mission, she wouldn't have to worry too much about any villages sending attacks to Suna, but she'd left guards there anyhow.

    In the interests of keeping her secret though, Nozomi had determined that she wouldn't be able to utilize her Snake Summons or Bijuu chakra, and she'd need to be careful using Sage Mode as well, although very few people knew she was a Sage in the first place, she didn't want to be using things that only she was shown to have. Normal jutsu was the way to go, but luckily, her own physical skills were perfect and she didn't have to rely on anything special for the common folk anyhow.

    -0.5 Sensory
    -1 Perfect Copy

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 523
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Meet and Greet Empty Re: Meet and Greet

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:15 am

    The sun was very beautiful as it lit up the sky making the few clouds that was there to be a very vibrant, but putting his head back into the game he was not really sure what the Kazekage even looked like as he had never been to the land of wind but he would hope that he would know who that person was when he found them. He was not even sure if this kage was a man or woman so that throws all ideas out the door. It was not much longer before zenaku came to a gate that there was some body already being there. Zanaku stands 5:10 and weighs in at 195 pounds. His face has a pale complexion which with his black hair and black eye's makes him look very handsome to the lady's. Zenaku black hair is a bit bushy; although it’s a little neater in the front, the sides are messy and overall there’s little locks going every which way. There’s a large chunk of hair in the middle with two sides framing his face and messy locks off the side.

    Zenaku wear's small round beads around his neck, they come to the size of large marbles and are pitch black. For his top Zenaku wears a long sleeve jacket that has a silver line that is the zipper, on the left side of the jack on his chest he has the simple of his uchiha clan marked there. The jacket has a hood attached to it, his forums have black protector guards.
    He keeps the sleeves of the jacket pulled up to his elbow as he has a pair of fingerless gloves that reaches all the way to his elbow. On his right arm he has white bandages wrapped around his peck part of his arm. Under the jacket he wears his steel mail shirt that is light weight and over that he has his light chest plate. He wears a pair of pitch black pants and a pair of high top black boots that come up to knee, he keeps his pant legs tucked into the boots. Around his waist he has a white cloth that holds a thick blue rope which hangs out dangles by his side.

    " Hi i take it you are the Kazekage i am supposed to meet here. Its a honor to meet you lord kazekage my name is Zenaku..zenaku Uchiha. " He said as he bowed to the kage before standing back up, he knew that he was there to help the kazekage to take over the land of birds, fang and mountain tho he had no idea how long it was gonna take to finish as he still had a lot of training to get to.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Meet and Greet Empty Re: Meet and Greet

    Post by Nozomi Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:17 pm

    NozomEi's appearance:

    With her sensory active, Nozomi was able to tell that someone was approaching the gates, but her eyes had long since seen the approaching figure of a lone wanderer. Nozomi was the type of kunoichi that never really let her guard down, constantly focused on any potential threats. Even when she appeared to lower her guard it was usually just for show. She made no acknowledgement of the approaching figure until he had fully entered the vicinity, her passive perceptive abilities and sensory able to detect whether or not the man was charging anything, and from appearances, he wasn't.

    Not only that, but he had come alone. Introducing himself as Zenaku Uchiha, Nozomi finally turned her head to look the man directly in his eyes, committing his voice and face to her thoughts and also the chakra signature he gave off. It'd be useful in case she ran into any other Uchiha, memorizing the feel of the Kekkai Genkai.

    Nozomi smiled at Zenaku. He appeared to have come alone, which was an interesting choice. She recalled the response where Nyguyen had said he'd sent one of his best shinobi, so the Hokage must have great faith in the man if he expected him to be of great assistance taking over the Minor Nations. "So the Hokage sent a lone ninja for the task? I sure hope that your skill is equal to the Hokage's trust in you, Zenaku Uchiha. Your abilities of deduction are indeed correct, I am the Kazekage, Ei Kanagawa. Now, do you know the locations of Birds, Mountain, and Fang, or shall we head out and get started finding them?"

    Nozomi slung the sack containing the Infinite Armor over her shoulders, maintaining eye contact with the Uchiha as she did so. She'd left orders upon the completion of training of some new troops to send scouts out to each of the nations, just in case so they wouldn't have to be out for months. Honestly, she may simply send a Fission ahead to do that for them anyhow.

    The woman was mostly covered with a dark red and black kimono, although in truth it was the Battle Kimono that she'd commissioned from Okane, simply altered in appearance by the Perfect Copy technique. A dark black tanto was tucked into the waist line of the kimono. Nozomi, being a sensor, knew that since both the Sensory and Perfect Copy techniques were low maintenance, even if Zenaku was a sensor as well, he'd only be able to tell that she was using chakra, not that she was transformed, so the benefits of an almost subconscious activation would also help keep her identity hidden. It certainly had paid to learn how to sense things.

    -1 Perfect Copy
    -0.5 Sensory

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 523
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Meet and Greet Empty Re: Meet and Greet

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:29 pm

    Zenku would listen to the Kazekage as she spoke and he would have to say that for a lady who controls a whole village she was very pretty tho for the time was not for the thought of that but instead he needed to stay focused on the mission ahead of him. The kazekae was pretty short compeared to the Uchiha as she was just 5:3 so zenaku was like 7 inches taller then she was, she also seemed to be fond of flowers as she had hair pins that was shaped like flowers. She was also wearing a kimono tho zenaku wondered why she would wear something like that to be taking over a village with.

    " Yes Mam he did, i might not be his best Ninja but he had faith that i could help to pull this little land take over so here i am. For all i know this could just be the Hokages way of testing me to see how well i can do under these kinds of pressure. But unfortunately lady Kazekage i do not know where these villages are this is my first time in these parts so i guess we are gonna have to go out and look for them."

    Zenaku would follow the Kazekage lead for the moment as they would start looking for those lands, he was not sure how long it was gonna take them cause they was hidden villages and those things was not always easy to find, even his sharingan was probably not going to be a great use in this situation.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Meet and Greet Empty Re: Meet and Greet

    Post by Nozomi Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:09 am

    Nozomi frowned as Zenaku spoke. Not only did he not know where the villages he was being sent to help take over were, but either he was being modest about his own estimations, or Nyguyen had lied to her about the capabilities of his shinobi and sent her virtually no real aid at all either. Was the Hokage insulting her? It was interesting, the political ramifications and all that, some of which she really didn't know how to interpret. Unlike the real Ei, Nozomi was no genius unless it was in the confines of a battle.

    "Very well then."

    She focused for a moment and a second Ei stepped out of her, as she activated the Fission technique. "Go and rally the scouts to set out and find Bird, Fang, and Mountain. " NozomEi commanded, handing over the bag with the Infinite Armor. "Then come and find me, we'll hit Land of Birds first and move west from there."

    Realistically, she didn't need to order the other, she already had the thoughts and plans in her head as they were the same person up until the split. However, she needed to maintain appearances, and there was other stuff to do that she wanted to set into motion, but this was going to take too long since the Hokage hadn't even bothered to scout the nations he'd offered up. It was rather annoying, but she wouldn't allow it to take up the totality of her time, seeing as she could easily split herself.

    The Nozomi that went with Zenaku (NozomEi) was almost exactly the same, although there was one small difference. The Nozomi that left held the entire 3 tails inside her (Nozomi Prime), with the one going with Zenaku completely on her own. They'd split up their chakra pools and Senjutsu chakra pools, but Prime had stuff to do that didn't involve spending months searching for villages that she didn't really need help conquering.

    NozomEi turned to Zenaku and nodded, following the trail of Prime, until they had to turn north to go to the Land of Birds.
    -1 Perfect Copy
    -0.5 Sensory
    -30 Fission

    -1 Perfect Copy
    -0.5 Sensory

    Nozomi Prime, exited [Exit -> Land of River Northwestern Border -> Land of Wind Northeastern Border (Sunrise Desert) -> Sunagakure Gates; 24 Hours]
    NozomEi, exited [Exit -> Land of River Border -> Land of Wind Border (Sunrise Desert) -> Land of Birds (Far Savannah)]

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 523
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Meet and Greet Empty Re: Meet and Greet

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:34 am

    The time had come as the two ninja started walking and as they did Zenaku noticed that another person would suddenly came sprouting out from behind her but what zenaku noticed that that this woman looked just like the lady kazekage from her hair to eyes down to every little detail which was amazing but this must be a S rank jutsu at best but it is one which he had never seen before.

    Tho zenaku had been paying attention to the kazekage and he could tell that she was not very happy that zenaku did not know the location if the land of birds or mountains or fangs but with two top notch ninja like them self's they should be able to find the villages. But it would seem that was what the kazekage was thinking as well cause she had her clone go off somewhere else while the young uchiha and the kazekage went off to find the hidden villages.

    (Zenaku exited: Exit -> Land of River Border -> Land of Wind Border (Sunrise Desert) -> Land of Birds (Far Savannah)]

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


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