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    Kaguya, Yanagi

    Stray Dog
    Stray Dog

    Posts : 124
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    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Stray Dog Sun Nov 12, 2017 10:08 pm

    Kaguya, Yanagi 92b36e9c0a735d7d85bf4a0d42a46477b5a64ac7
    Name: Yanagi
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: None so far

    Clan: Kaguya
    Bloodline: Shikotsumyaku
    Element(s): None


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Experience: 1,550 [0 overall]

    • +1,050 Starter
    • +500 Exchange for subtracting One Skill Point

    EXP: 200/1,550

    Unique Abilities:
    Rushing Crafter: As Yanagi's clan abilities focus primarily around using the Shikotsumyaku to create weapons out of her skeletal structure, she's familiar with the construction of objects. Her familiarity cuts down the time in which she spends crafting something, be it weapons or armor. When selectively using this, the time she spends crafting something is cut in half [rounds down if ending in a decimal], in exchange for her Coordination losing a tier.

    Appearance: Like the standard Kaguya, Yanagi possesses bright, silver hair. It reaches down to her mid-back, but is typically put up in a ponytail with a thin, red bow. Unlike the typical Kaguya, her eyes are bright red in color. She has a fair-skinned frame that stands at five foot three [5'3], weighing in just over one-hundred pounds with a slender build, accentuated by her early-on physical development in the midst of puberty.

    Her lack of "chestliness" as she'd call it is made up for with natural curvaceousness, enhanced by how well-maintained her physique is as a taijutsu user. She usually doesn't wear makeup or do anything with her nails, preferring to leave them alone. Her clothing is commonly a variant between white, gray or black, with red or purple thrown into the mix. Regardless of what she's wearing, her wrists and/or ankles are usually covered by gauze or black cloth.

    Like the standard kunoichi, she wears standard open-toe boots. Her forehead protector is commonly hanging from somewhere on her person. Unlike the usual Kaguya, she's lacking the red dots toward the center of her forehead, suggesting her negative feelings toward her clan for being thought of as an outcast.

    History: Yanagi was born within the Kaguya Clan of Kirigakure no Sato. While her parents themselves still loved her for her complexion and her hair, she was still thought of as somewhat 'abnormal' for lacking green or blue eyes. Instead her eyes were red... and since there was nothing she could do to hide it, it was obvious that she didn't reach the expectations of her clan. Her obstruction from being thought of as a normal Kaguya lead to her gradually taking on a more rebellious nature.

    It wasn't long before she stopped adhering to her clan's traditions, especially the dots. She focused on just training her body and getting stronger for the sake of proving her worth. If she couldn't do it through appearance or tradition alone, she'd just have to beat all of them. Conquer them with the very genetics in her that they doubted, by using the Shikotsumyaku.
    Personality: Yanagi is reserved by nature, preferring to keep her opinions to herself. She speaks very little, preferring to use her words when they're actually required. Even then, she keeps it brief and gets her point across quick. Despite her somewhat shy and quiet nature, Yanagi has the tendency to be hateful of others, especially when they're quick to judge herself or others for her/their shortcomings. Her distaste usually leads to easy disagreement with them or rebelliousness on her end.

    The likelihood of her cooperating with someone that's made an effort to make her be distasteful towards them is low, something that can be proved by her relationship with her clan. She'd rather offer disrespect or doubt in return to those that give it to her in the first place. With such a mindset, Yanagi believes that she can be independent, and actively strives toward doing that. She doesn't believe in getting help from others unless they're people she can trust, or more so expect not to doubt her because she asked for help or needed it.

    Roleplay Sample: All of the posts I've made on Copycat. [I'll hit this up with a legit sample if it's necessary though.]

    Last edited by Humerus on Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Rin Matoi Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:44 am

    Humerus wrote:
    Kaguya, Yanagi 92b36e9c0a735d7d85bf4a0d42a46477b5a64ac7
    Name: Yanagi
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: None so far

    Clan: Kaguya
    Bloodline: Shikotsumyaku
    Element(s): None


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Experience: 1,550 [0 overall]

    • +1,050 Starter
    • +500 Exchange for subtracting One Skill Point

    EXP: 200/1,550

    Unique Abilities:
    Tuned Hands: Yanagi is good at using her hands and fingers alike, making her an ideal masseuse [as flavor] and also helping her slightly in the midst of combat. Coordination acquires one free (+), in exchange for one (-) for Strength.
    Master of her Craft: As Yanagi's clan abilities focus primarily around using the Shikotsumyaku to create weapons out of her skeletal structure, she's familiar with the construction of objects. Her familiarity cuts down the time in which she spends crafting something, be it weapons or armor. The time she spends crafting something is cut in half [rounds down if ending in a decimal], in exchange for her having to pay 2,500 x the grade of what she's crafting.
    E: 2,500
    D: 5,000
    C: 7,500
    B: 10,000
    A: 12,500
    S: 15,000
    Learning Specialist: This unique ability allows Yanagi to learn techniques one rank above her class limit, but only in fields she has the skill for. In exchange for this, techniques learned by this method require double the word count, since she's trying to learn them at a lower level of expertise expected to be able to perform them.

    Appearance: Like the standard Kaguya, Yanagi possesses bright, silver hair. It reaches down to her mid-back, but is typically put up in a ponytail with a thin, red bow. Unlike the typical Kaguya, her eyes are bright red in color. She has a fair-skinned frame that stands at five foot three [5'3], weighing in just over one-hundred pounds with a slender build, accentuated by her early-on physical development in the midst of puberty.

    Her lack of "chestliness" as she'd call it is made up for with natural curvaceousness, enhanced by how well-maintained her physique is as a taijutsu user. She usually doesn't wear makeup or do anything with her nails, preferring to leave them alone. Her clothing is commonly a variant between white, gray or black, with red or purple thrown into the mix. Regardless of what she's wearing, her wrists and/or ankles are usually covered by gauze or black cloth.

    Like the standard kunoichi, she wears standard open-toe boots. Her forehead protector is commonly hanging from somewhere on her person. Unlike the usual Kaguya, she's lacking the red dots toward the center of her forehead, suggesting her negative feelings toward her clan for being thought of as an outcast.

    History: Yanagi was born within the Kaguya Clan of Kirigakure no Sato. While her parents themselves still loved her for her complexion and her hair, she was still thought of as somewhat 'abnormal' for lacking green or blue eyes. Instead her eyes were red... and since there was nothing she could do to hide it, it was obvious that she didn't reach the expectations of her clan. Her obstruction from being thought of as a normal Kaguya lead to her gradually taking on a more rebellious nature.

    It wasn't long before she stopped adhering to her clan's traditions, especially the dots. She focused on just training her body and getting stronger for the sake of proving her worth. If she couldn't do it through appearance or tradition alone, she'd just have to beat all of them. Conquer them with the very genetics in her that they doubted, by using the Shikotsumyaku.
    Personality: Yanagi is reserved by nature, preferring to keep her opinions to herself. She speaks very little, preferring to use her words when they're actually required. Even then, she keeps it brief and gets her point across quick. Despite her somewhat shy and quiet nature, Yanagi has the tendency to be hateful of others, especially when they're quick to judge herself or others for her/their shortcomings. Her distaste usually leads to easy disagreement with them or rebelliousness on her end.

    The likelihood of her cooperating with someone that's made an effort to make her be distasteful towards them is low, something that can be proved by her relationship with her clan. She'd rather offer disrespect or doubt in return to those that give it to her in the first place. With such a mindset, Yanagi believes that she can be independent, and actively strives toward doing that. She doesn't believe in getting help from others unless they're people she can trust, or more so expect not to doubt her because she asked for help or needed it.

    Roleplay Sample: All of the posts I've made on Copycat. [I'll hit this up with a legit sample if it's necessary though.]

    Master of her Craft: As Yanagi's clan abilities focus primarily around using the Shikotsumyaku to create weapons out of her skeletal structure, she's familiar with the construction of objects. Her familiarity cuts down the time in which she spends crafting something, be it weapons or armor. The time she spends crafting something is cut in half [rounds down if ending in a decimal], in exchange for her having to pay 2,500 x the grade of what she's crafting.

    If you want to cut down crafting time in half the drawback has to directly effect the craft. In your case, I suggest that a "rush job" drops your Coordination by one tier, thus limiting what you can craft in a shorter amount of time.

    Also Kaguya can only start in Kirigakure so far.
    Stray Dog
    Stray Dog

    Posts : 124
    Join date : 2017-11-12

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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 165,250

    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Stray Dog Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:13 am

    Made the changes.


    "Everything takes time, with the tougher the task always requiring more."
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    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:08 am

    Learning Specialist- To increase your limit in one area, you'll need to decrease your limit in another. You could substitute that flaw for something that inhibits class progression on some way, since this ability partially bypasses it; this would be something like an experience cost associated with each technique learned that's outside of your normal limit.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: S
    Stray Dog
    Stray Dog

    Posts : 124
    Join date : 2017-11-12

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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 165,250

    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Stray Dog Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:34 pm

    Could I have it be based on Shikotsumyaku techniques only then have the flaw be the ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu benefit or whatever be lowered by a rank in terms of what I can learn?


    "Everything takes time, with the tougher the task always requiring more."
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    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Rin Matoi Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:25 pm

    Humerus wrote:Could I have it be based on Shikotsumyaku techniques only then have the flaw be the ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu benefit or whatever be lowered by a rank in terms of what I can learn?

    The problem is there's no way we can be certain you will take Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, or invest in Taijutsu that isn't Shikotsumyaku. I feel like the best way to approach this is something that inhibits class progression, since you're already benefiting from the next class from the get-go it would simply take a little longer through more exp to advance into the next class. A 10% increase experience for the next class should be sufficient. So instead of 500 exp to hit D-class you would require 550 exp. Or 1500 exp to hit C-class you would need 1650 exp.
    Stray Dog
    Stray Dog

    Posts : 124
    Join date : 2017-11-12

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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 165,250

    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Stray Dog Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:51 pm

    Jus' removed that UA along with the stat-based one. I'll add a RP sample if it's needed or make changes if there's any others necessary.


    "Everything takes time, with the tougher the task always requiring more."
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    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

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    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Kaguya, Yanagi Empty Re: Kaguya, Yanagi

    Post by Rin Matoi Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:52 pm

    Humerus wrote:
    Kaguya, Yanagi 92b36e9c0a735d7d85bf4a0d42a46477b5a64ac7
    Name: Yanagi
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: None so far

    Clan: Kaguya
    Bloodline: Shikotsumyaku
    Element(s): None


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Experience: 1,550 [0 overall]

    • +1,050 Starter
    • +500 Exchange for subtracting One Skill Point

    EXP: 200/1,550

    Unique Abilities:
    Rushing Crafter: As Yanagi's clan abilities focus primarily around using the Shikotsumyaku to create weapons out of her skeletal structure, she's familiar with the construction of objects. Her familiarity cuts down the time in which she spends crafting something, be it weapons or armor. When selectively using this,  the time she spends crafting something is cut in half [rounds down if ending in a decimal], in exchange for her Coordination losing a tier.

    Appearance: Like the standard Kaguya, Yanagi possesses bright, silver hair. It reaches down to her mid-back, but is typically put up in a ponytail with a thin, red bow. Unlike the typical Kaguya, her eyes are bright red in color. She has a fair-skinned frame that stands at five foot three [5'3], weighing in just over one-hundred pounds with a slender build, accentuated by her early-on physical development in the midst of puberty.

    Her lack of "chestliness" as she'd call it is made up for with natural curvaceousness, enhanced by how well-maintained her physique is as a taijutsu user. She usually doesn't wear makeup or do anything with her nails, preferring to leave them alone. Her clothing is commonly a variant between white, gray or black, with red or purple thrown into the mix. Regardless of what she's wearing, her wrists and/or ankles are usually covered by gauze or black cloth.

    Like the standard kunoichi, she wears standard open-toe boots. Her forehead protector is commonly hanging from somewhere on her person. Unlike the usual Kaguya, she's lacking the red dots toward the center of her forehead, suggesting her negative feelings toward her clan for being thought of as an outcast.

    History: Yanagi was born within the Kaguya Clan of Kirigakure no Sato. While her parents themselves still loved her for her complexion and her hair, she was still thought of as somewhat 'abnormal' for lacking green or blue eyes. Instead her eyes were red... and since there was nothing she could do to hide it, it was obvious that she didn't reach the expectations of her clan. Her obstruction from being thought of as a normal Kaguya lead to her gradually taking on a more rebellious nature.

    It wasn't long before she stopped adhering to her clan's traditions, especially the dots. She focused on just training her body and getting stronger for the sake of proving her worth. If she couldn't do it through appearance or tradition alone, she'd just have to beat all of them. Conquer them with the very genetics in her that they doubted, by using the Shikotsumyaku.
    Personality: Yanagi is reserved by nature, preferring to keep her opinions to herself. She speaks very little, preferring to use her words when they're actually required. Even then, she keeps it brief and gets her point across quick. Despite her somewhat shy and quiet nature, Yanagi has the tendency to be hateful of others, especially when they're quick to judge herself or others for her/their shortcomings. Her distaste usually leads to easy disagreement with them or rebelliousness on her end.

    The likelihood of her cooperating with someone that's made an effort to make her be distasteful towards them is low, something that can be proved by her relationship with her clan. She'd rather offer disrespect or doubt in return to those that give it to her in the first place. With such a mindset, Yanagi believes that she can be independent, and actively strives toward doing that. She doesn't believe in getting help from others unless they're people she can trust, or more so expect not to doubt her because she asked for help or needed it.

    Roleplay Sample: All of the posts I've made on Copycat. [I'll hit this up with a legit sample if it's necessary though.]


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