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    Momoch, Ariza

    Momochi, Ariza
    Momochi, Ariza

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2020-12-02
    Age : 24
    Location : Kirigakure

    Momoch, Ariza Empty Momoch, Ariza

    Post by Momochi, Ariza Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:06 pm

    Name: Momochi, Ariza
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: The Assassin Of The Mist.

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Suiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu


    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities: Super Hearing/Weak Eyesight: As he was trained to become an assassin of the hidden mist, Ariza trained his ears to find the location of his prey. However his eyesight would grow weaker while focusing. For a cost of 5 CP Ariza may increase his Perception by +1 tier for the purposes of hearing which lowers his Perception by 1 tier for the purposes of seeing.

    Reduced Chakra Cost: Learning of his element before the academy had started allowed Ariza to practice Suiton jutsu more often than others. As he was proficient in Kenjutsu and Suiton techniques Taijutsu was one of his weaknesses as it required him to use his body in different ways. Ariza’s Suiton techniques cost 1 rank less in chakra, though his Taijutsu techniques cost 1 rank more.

    One Handed Seals: Arizu may perform one-handed seals, this does not incur a one tier penalty to their Coordination.

    Appearance: Momoch, Ariza Momochi

    History: Born in the land of the Hidden Mist, Ariza was a interesting child. He had grew up with a mother and a father. Both who were trained in Kirigakure's Art of Assassination . His father was a expert swordsman who was able to wield a blade to a great extent. His mother however was a Master when it came to the art of Ninjutsu, Her Suiton could wipe out villages with it's sheer destruction and power. He was living a normal and perfect life, As he grew older and time to join the academy was about to begin. His parents pulled him to the side and told Ariza that it was time to begin his training. His father would hand him a giant Zanbatou and nod towards him as they walked out towards the Family Training Grounds. His mother pondered on what sort of element he would get. So she would decide to head to the Kage Mansion and ask for a single chakra paper for her son to see what type of Shinobi he was going to be. As she returned she would hand Little Ariza the piece of paper. "I know you might not be able to control your chakra yet my child..But put your chakra into this paper and it will tell you your elements." Ariza would ponder the thought of this but would give it a try anyway. As he held the piece of paper and began to put his chakra into it. It would go damp. His mother was ecstatic! Cheering for joy as his dad began to nod. He was going to be one hell of a Shinobi one day.

    As Ariza would begin to train with his father and mother they would teach him everything he needed to know as well as a few techniques for him to master. As registration for the academy was being made he would go by himself. His parents were called out to a mission for them to handle and they said they would be back home soon...The only problem...Is that they never returned..Now he was all alone in the world..No one but him and his Zanbatou that he never used..He would simply keep it locked away in his room as a reminder on what he had to become..He needed to avenge his family. Each day he was in the academy he made no friends..The only thing on his mind..was his family that was now gone. But..Now that they were gone..He would unsheathe the giant blade that was locked up and put it on his back.

    Personality: Ariza's Personality is Serious, He does not care about anyone other then himself. And for those that get in his way are expected to get a blade to the throat. He is one that does not play games and if you had a problem with it he was right there to handle it. Ariza however does like food as it reminds him of the good times he and parents used to sit down and eat as a happy family..Now that he had no one to enjoy it with he was going to turn himself into a killing machine.

    Roleplay Sample: N/A

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    Momoch, Ariza Empty Re: Momoch, Ariza

    Post by Sayuri Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:03 pm

    StaySmoke wrote:Name: Momochi, Ariza
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: The Assassin Of The Mist.

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Suiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu


    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities: Super Hearing/Weak Eyesight: As he was trained to become an assassin of the hidden mist, Ariza trained his ears to find the location of his prey. However his eyesight would grow weaker while focusing. For a cost of 5 CP Ariza may increase his Perception by +1 tier for the purposes of hearing which lowers his Perception by 1 tier for the purposes of seeing.

    Reduced Chakra Cost: Learning of his element before the academy had started allowed Ariza to practice Suiton jutsu more often than others. As he was proficient in Kenjutsu and Suiton techniques Taijutsu was one of his weaknesses as it required him to use his body in different ways. Ariza’s Suiton techniques cost 1 rank less in chakra, though his Taijutsu techniques cost 1 rank more.

    One Handed Seals: Arizu may perform one-handed seals, this does not incur a one tier penalty to their Coordination.

    Appearance: Momoch, Ariza Momochi

    History: Born in the land of the Hidden Mist, Ariza was a interesting child. He had grew up with a mother and a father. Both who were trained in Kirigakure's Art of Assassination . His father was a expert swordsman who was able to wield a blade to a great extent. His mother however was a Master when it came to the art of Ninjutsu, Her Suiton could wipe out villages with it's sheer destruction and power. He was living a normal and perfect life, As he grew older and time to join the academy was about to begin. His parents pulled him to the side and told Ariza that it was time to begin his training. His father would hand him a giant Zanbatou and nod towards him as they walked out towards the Family Training Grounds. His mother pondered on what sort of element he would get. So she would decide to head to the Kage Mansion and ask for a single chakra paper for her son to see what type of Shinobi he was going to be. As she returned she would hand Little Ariza the piece of paper. "I know you might not be able to control your chakra yet my child..But put your chakra into this paper and it will tell you your elements." Ariza would ponder the thought of this but would give it a try anyway. As he held the piece of paper and began to put his chakra into it. It would go damp. His mother was ecstatic! Cheering for joy as his dad began to nod. He was going to be one hell of a Shinobi one day.

    As Ariza would begin to train with his father and mother they would teach him everything he needed to know as well as a few techniques for him to master. As registration for the academy was being made he would go by himself. His parents were called out to a mission for them to handle and they said they would be back home soon...The only problem...Is that they never returned..Now he was all alone in the world..No one but him and his Zanbatou that he never used..He would simply keep it locked away in his room as a reminder on what he had to become..He needed to avenge his family. Each day he was in the academy he made no friends..The only thing on his mind..was his family that was now gone. But..Now that they were gone..He would unsheathe the giant blade that was locked up and put it on his back.

    Personality: Ariza's Personality is Serious, He does not care about anyone other then himself. And for those that get in his way are expected to get a blade to the throat. He is one that does not play games and if you had a problem with it he was right there to handle it. Ariza however does like food as it reminds him of the good times he and parents used to sit down and eat as a happy family..Now that he had no one to enjoy it with he was going to turn himself into a killing machine.

    Roleplay Sample: N/A


    Momoch, Ariza TjQ3hVh

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