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    Puppet crafting 01.


    Puppet crafting 01. Empty Puppet crafting 01.

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:01 pm

    Mikazuki stood over her assembled puppet, the ten meter long mass of metal and weaponry sat idle on the floor before her. With a few pulls of her fingers, it began to move before rising up to full height or it would have, had the ceiling not stopped it. Everything seemed to be working but with the obvious stupidity in using her own residence as a testing field, Mikazuki would be forced to test it elsewhere.

    As such, she walked out of her home, the puppet following her via chakra string manipulation. She soon hopped upon it and rode it out towards the training grounds, ruthlessly and aggressively applying every single part of it to the rigours of combat. Stress testing was highly important as she could NOT afford for it to break on her mid combat. Luckily, it passed with flying colours.

    The amputee would return home, happy that her puppet had done so well.

    [exit thread]

    (Crafting the puppet Stalker for for 100,00 Ryo. It was approved before the puppet price changes, and according to Nyg, its construction cost is still 20,000 Ryo, reduced to 10,000 Ryo when factoring the Suna production bonus in.

    This puppet burned up the following in its construction:
    x1 Mandibles.
    x3 Titanium
    x100 Kunai
    x25 explosive tag Kunai
    x50 Senbon
    x4 spring loaded Kunai launchers
    x2 Wrist mounted Senbon launcher.)

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:17 am