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    Drug crafting 01


    Drug crafting 01 Empty Drug crafting 01

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:34 pm

    Fujikawa stood over a slowly heating pot of liquid, stirring it constantly as the herbs within were broken down, the chemical elements within being extracted. It was a slow, arduous and quite frankly unpleasant process, subjecting her store’s back rooms to the potent scent of what could only be described as sweet. That may have sounded nice, but it was an aggressively sweet scent, more akin to the scent emanated by pitcher plants than something like sugar or cakes. Fujikawa hated it. That much was clear.

    She stopped mixing for the time being, reaching towards a nearby bowl of white powder, emptying its contents into the heated pan before her only to step back, dropping a lid over the fizzing and foaming pot of liquid. The chemist lowered the heat, preventing the mixture from foaming over the rim and utterly ruining the mixture. It had taken five hours of almost constant stirring and mixing this mixture and there was no way she would let it get ruined.

    Hours past, the liquid began to simmer and die down, the fluid having totally evaporated leaving behind a rather large amount of white powder. The chemist would spoon this powder, rolling it into a circular pill shape with two spoons and wrapping it up in sugar paper, sticking it together with a sugary glaze. It may not cover the taste, but the sugar did little to impair its performance and served as an effective means to make it easy to transport. The prepared pills were placed into the fridge, being left to chill for the three hours they would take.

    Once done and ready to go she packed up her products and decided to take a trip to sell her products at the place she could always find a buyer. One may have wondered why she was investing her time in the pursuit of personnal profit when she SHOULD be making materials to support the war but alas, they were not paying the bills.

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    Crafting x2 NCVA (chemistry items) for 20,000 each.

    Total: 40,000

    Sub-total after factoring in Kirigakure production bonus: 20,000 Ryo

      Current date/time is Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:22 pm