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    Testing, Testing


    Posts : 284
    Join date : 2020-02-26
    Age : 26

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0

    Testing, Testing Empty Testing, Testing

    Post by Mort Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:57 pm

    "Are you sure this is a good idea? Bijuu are feared for a reason."

    The clone with green eyes looked at it's replica with purple eyes, thinking the same thing. It was a plan they'd been working on ever since their first meeting with their Kage and mentor, one Ryuko von...something. Ever since they had been given the files and were introduced to the concept of other bijuu-like beings outside of the tailed beasts, they had wondered if it were possible to permanently split the Ego Mort and the Id Nova into two separate bodies. In theory it was possible, as shadow clones were a thing that existed, but they weren't a permanent solution, no, there was still a small link back to the user in a nearly undetectable way. As such right now his own main body was meditating, focusing on their own mindscape.

    "Of course it isn't a good idea, but we're slowly running out of options, And neither of us are ready to mess with natural energy on our main body, at least not in large quantities.

    That was another thing; despite Ryuko showing them how to gather nature energy, the best they could manage was gather it to balance it within themselves, but couldn't actually use it to become a sage as once they began moving it just...left them. At first Mort got a few laughs out of it as Id was somewhat frustrated, but now it was just a pain as they couldn't apply it in any meaningful way. Maybe they could survive being pumped with nature energy or absorbing it, but that was about it, and if Ryuko was right almost no one could actually learn the darn thing. Attempting to make a way to regulate it with seals hadn't been very successful either, but at least with that they had made progress. There were signs it could work, but it also proved to be a bit too risky given that the last few times they had put it on a clone it varied in what happened. One clone just popped instantly, while another started to deform for a few seconds before it to poofed. They didn't even want to recall the pain it was to dispel the third clone, but they'd cross that bridge when they came to it.

    "Hopefully this will at least give us an idea of what we need to do next. Applying seal."

    Mort would draw the Separation seal onto his own body, being careful to get the design right. After he had placed it, he'd motion to his Id clone to take over.

    "Applying the Five Elements Unseal technique. Let's hope it works."

    The Ego clone would nod, and Id lighting their fingers up with a flame-like chakra and put it onto the seal placed on the main body's chest. Several seconds would pass as the seal slowly became undone and it's effects would start to take hold. The clones would watch as their main body twitched, the seal disappearing and then pain. Neither seal was supposed to cause pain, but pain came and the shock of it caused the clones to disperse, the shock too much for them. For a brief moment inside his mind, he could feel it start to work, his Id and Ego separating, but it didn't take hold as...something was forcing them back together. After a few minutes, the effects of the seal would subside, and he'd open his eyes.

    "Well that didn't work as expected. Still, it did do something. Maybe it just needs more time to set in...But I could feel it. I may be onto something."


    Segregation Of The Mind and Body 350/350
    Five Elements Unseal 250/250

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:49 pm