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2 posters

    Yokai Tsumi


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 152
    Join date : 2020-09-28

    Yokai Tsumi Empty Yokai Tsumi

    Post by Tsumi Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:42 am

    Name: Yokai Tsumi
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kumo
    Rank: D - Genin
    Title: The brave fool

    Clan: Yokai
    Bloodline: Yokai - Oni path - 1 skill point
    - Tier I: 250 XP
    - Tier II: 250 XP
    - Tier III: 500 XP - 1000 XP spent on this
    Element(s): Katon - 1 skill point
    Skill(s): Taijutsu

    Stats 1 skill point traded in for 500 exp - 1050 exp spent 100 exp left over

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities: Follow your own path - Character loses a - to intelligence and a -- to perception. Gains a + to strength and a ++ to speed

    Iron body - Character gains a bonus tier against physical damage but genjutsu damage is considered 1 tier more effective against them

    Yokai Tsumi CeDGfae

    History: Tsumi was a simple boy from a young age. He never knew his parents as it seemed to be a large secret. It was said his father had a moment of infidelity with a traveling gypsy and had given him up immediately upon discovering a baby left on his door step. The clan itself raised him from a young boy and provided him a small one bedroom apartment. Many in the clan were like a parent to him and he refers to them all as aunt or uncle respectively for it to this day. Tsumi never cried or complained about his lot but instead seemed to be a cheerful idiot.

    Tsumi always enjoyed stories of heroes overcoming villains and saving people so as soon as he was of age he enrolled in the academy. Despite his exceptionally upbeat attitude and efforts though he barely scraped by a passing grade. Having been expected to never get far as a shinobi. However he was determined to be a hero. Truthfully though despite his physical prowess Tsumi was an idiot. Only interested in head on fights and losing to anyone with genjutsu almost constantly. However members in the clan knew there was promise in him. Only the higher ups in the clan knew something special about him. Tsumi had been born with his demon eyes fully developed. The moment he had opened his eyes there was a spark of flame in them. The bloodline in him was strong. Now that he has barely graduated from the academy after being held back three times Tsumi is off to start an adventure.

    Personality: Tsumi is a simple boy. He doesn't care to hurt anyone who doesn't have it coming but revels in his own self defined purpose. To oppose the wicked and bring them to justice as any hero would. He opposes killing but isn't above putting someone in a hospital if they have it coming. He hates people who use "tactics" and "Tricks" against him because he feels fights should be a test of a mans will in straight on head to head combat. It's a statement to a mans character that he approaches battle head on! Still he is a quiet and gentle soul. Partially because he isn't smart enough to really follow big words. If he is beaten by anything other than straight forward attacks he will accuse his opponent of cheating. To Tsumi his fist is all he needs to be a hero. However he also feels a connection to spirits of all living things around him. Sometimes one can catch him talking to animals or tree's. Maybe he is a fool or maybe he actually does talk to spirits. Who knows?

    Last edited by Tsumi on Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Yokai Tsumi Empty Re: Yokai Tsumi

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Sep 28, 2020 1:30 pm

    Tsumi wrote:
    Iron body - Character gains a bonus tier against kinetic damage but loses a tier against genjutsu.

    Adjust the wording to Physical instead of Kinetic. In addition, clarify what "loses a tier against Genjutsu" means precisely. Is your Intelligence stat considered -1 tier less when breaking and identifying Genjutsu? Or do you take +1 rank higher in damage for Genjutsu?

    Flavor UA - Spirit Medium - Can speak to animals and plants. Speaking directly to the spirit within.

    Note this cannot be used for any gain ICly, since it lacks a drawback.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Yokai Tsumi Empty Re: Yokai Tsumi

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:02 pm

    Tsumi wrote:Name: Yokai Tsumi
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kumo
    Rank: D - Genin
    Title: The brave fool

    Clan: Yokai
    Bloodline: Yokai - Oni path - 1 skill point
    - Tier I: 250 XP
    - Tier II: 250 XP
    - Tier III: 500 XP - 1000 XP spent on this
    Element(s): Katon - 1 skill point
    Skill(s): Taijutsu

    Stats 1 skill point traded in for 500 exp - 1050 exp spent 100 exp left over

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities: Follow your own path - Character loses a - to intelligence and a -- to perception. Gains a + to strength and a ++ to speed

    Iron body - Character gains a bonus tier against physical damage but genjutsu damage is considered 1 tier more effective against them

    Yokai Tsumi CeDGfae

    History: Tsumi was a simple boy from a young age. He never knew his parents as it seemed to be a large secret. It was said his father had a moment of infidelity with a traveling gypsy and had given him up immediately upon discovering a baby left on his door step. The clan itself raised him from a young boy and provided him a small one bedroom apartment. Many in the clan were like a parent to him and he refers to them all as aunt or uncle respectively for it to this day. Tsumi never cried or complained about his lot but instead seemed to be a cheerful idiot.

    Tsumi always enjoyed stories of heroes overcoming villains and saving people so as soon as he was of age he enrolled in the academy. Despite his exceptionally upbeat attitude and efforts though he barely scraped by a passing grade. Having been expected to never get far as a shinobi. However he was determined to be a hero. Truthfully though despite his physical prowess Tsumi was an idiot. Only interested in head on fights and losing to anyone with genjutsu almost constantly. However members in the clan knew there was promise in him. Only the higher ups in the clan knew something special about him. Tsumi had been born with his demon eyes fully developed. The moment he had opened his eyes there was a spark of flame in them. The bloodline in him was strong. Now that he has barely graduated from the academy after being held back three times Tsumi is off to start an adventure.

    Personality: Tsumi is a simple boy. He doesn't care to hurt anyone who doesn't have it coming but revels in his own self defined purpose. To oppose the wicked and bring them to justice as any hero would. He opposes killing but isn't above putting someone in a hospital if they have it coming. He hates people who use "tactics" and "Tricks" against him because he feels fights should be a test of a mans will in straight on head to head combat. It's a statement to a mans character that he approaches battle head on! Still he is a quiet and gentle soul. Partially because he isn't smart enough to really follow big words. If he is beaten by anything other than straight forward attacks he will accuse his opponent of cheating. To Tsumi his fist is all he needs to be a hero. However he also feels a connection to spirits of all living things around him. Sometimes one can catch him talking to animals or tree's. Maybe he is a fool or maybe he actually does talk to spirits. Who knows?


    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

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