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    Archer Meets Archer

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Archer Meets Archer Empty Archer Meets Archer

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:29 pm

    Archer Meets Archer E8n9BJ1

    Kitsuki Kurahasa waited at the gates of the Kiri Marketplace. Now that she was on the verge of becoming a Jounin, it was her responsibility to mentor the younger generation. She had already gotten a head-start on that process with Ryosei but one student simply wasn't enough. Kit had come to believe that the world was in grave danger and the only way to avert a catastrophe was to pass on the lessons she had learned from the WASP to as many genin as possible. Of course she couldn't just go out and pick any genin. If she failed to find a student that at least had a few things in common with her, then she wouldn't be able to make a lasting connection with them. Too many Jounin opted for random selection and ended up with a mentee completely at odds with themselves. It led to a breakdown of trust and a failure to retain the values that were to be imparted. Kit couldn't let that happen and so she was very discerning in picking who would study under her.

    Kitsuki settled on a rather average and assuming genin by the name of Nana Haruhara. The girl had knowledge of Kyujutsu and now that Kitsuki had perfected the art, she wanted someone in her squad that had an interest in the discipline. She wasn't bothered by Nana's lack of stellar achievement. Kit herself had been a bit of a slouch prior to attending the WASP and it was only when she found the right set of teachers that she truly hit her stride. Kit was confident that if she got the chance to demonstrate value, inspire, and protect, Nana would soar to new heights.

    The Chuunin was wearing her typical outfit. A well-tailored navy uniform consisting of a white blouse with frills in the center, a bole tie and pendant holding the collar together, and a navy suit jacket with matching dress slacks. Kitsuki's hair was styled into a set of afro-bunches with the ends being tied with golden bands. She rested both hands on the golden pommel of her elegant cane. As Kit waited, she recalled Nana's file.

    That wouldn't do. The life of a shinobi was filled with action. She'd need to get the girl's stamina and motivation up. The last thing Kirigakure needed was a generation of shinobi that were exhausted and uninspired to deal with the ever mounting problems of modern society. It wasn't all just about training, it was about fighting the weariness that came with living in a world ruined by perpetual combat.

    Not acceptable. Kit could sympathize with Nana's desire not to be bothered with the troubles of the ninja world. She had felt the same for some time. The Chuunin Exams had changed all of that. She learned how the world was filled with powerful and sometimes evil shinobi. She would never be able to live a quiet happy life with her music. They'd ruin it for her and hurt people that she cared about. Ever since the exams, she vowed to work herself to the bone to be strong enough to protect others. She'd keep up with her friends and allies while also being powerful enough to oppose her foes. Lazyness was not an option.

    An inevitable consequence of the first two character traits. If you succumbed to those base impulses then the result would be giving up before you even got started. Kitsuki couldn't let it get to that point. If Nana didn't find her stride soon, then she'd just give up on being a shinobi altogether. She wouldn't make it to Chuunin. The work was too difficult and the risk was too high.

    This was the one trait that was likely to annoy Kitsuki. She didn't particularly like whiners. She could relate to Nana's lack of motivation but she could not abide by rudeness. Whining and complaining about hard work was disrespectful to those you worked with. If Nana was going to be on a squad, she'd need to learn to voice her criticisms respectfully and intelligently. Kit would have to scrub the bellyaching from her psyche.

    Lacks Empathy
    This was by far the most dangerous trait. It worried Kit quite a bit to think that one of her students might be a sociopath. None of the other traits represented a risk to anyone but Nana, this one however, if left unchecked could lead to serious harm. Empathy was what governed basic morality. Do onto others as you would have them to unto you. Kit would need to be especially careful to excise this trait from Nana. There was something about this country that bred villains and murderers, she was going to find out what that was and annihilate it.

    Better but still not good. Kit had a sarcastic streak to her before she went off to private school. It was very unladylike and she cringed when she remembered her past behavior. Fortunately, it was quite easy to remedy. Social etiquette was one of her specialties. There was a time when she despised it but as she grew older, she had come to appreciate the value of acting like a true woman-of-estate.

    This trait was probably less about Nana and more about the village. There was a lot to be grumpy about when you lived in Kiri. There was a lot to be grumpy about when you were a shinobi generally. Kitsuki was confident that if she spiced up the little archer's life that she would be able to bring out the more fun side of her. Kit had a vigorous training schedule planned but she also had fun events planned too.

    And so as Kit tossed around Nana's personality in her head and how she could help better it, she eagerly waited for the girl to arrive. They had a day full of shopping and discussion to get to.

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Archer Meets Archer Empty Re: Archer Meets Archer

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Oct 14, 2020 1:32 pm

    Kit looked at her watch and signed. It appeared the little delinquent wasn't coming. It was a rather unfortunate turn of events given how excited she had been to train someone in the art of the bow. Kitsuki shrugged and headed into the marketplace. She needed to buy some ebony anyways and now was the best time to do it.

    Purchasing 5 Units of Ebony for 40,000 Ryo


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