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    Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer]

    Hirano Issei
    Hirano Issei

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2020-08-08

    Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer] Empty Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer]

    Post by Hirano Issei Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:20 am

    Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer] 09e19a05dce807eb39017c929c8386cd

    Name: Hirano Issei
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin (C - rank)
    Title: N/A

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Fuuton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu (Fuuton), Taijutsu, Sensory. Stat Trade

    Exp: 1650 + 110 (Retirement Exp) +  200 (Refferal exp for Jacobi, Kaseki, Jess, and Ausept) + 300 (Birthday Exp) + 300 (Transfer Exp from Gladius to Neo-Gladius) + 500 (Transfer Exp from Neo-Gladius to Gladius) + 500 (Stat trade) + 150 (Solo training posts on neo-gladius) + 10 (More solo posts exp:1 2)  =


    I had 430 exp left of my exp debt before transfer, so the 500 exp from transferring back over here would place me at a total exp of 1070 and a spendable exp of 70.

    3650 - (450 x 6) - 950 = 3650 - 2700 -950 = 0


    • Strength: C [450]
    • Constitution: C [450]
    • Stamina: C [450]
    • Speed: C [450]
    • Coordination: C [450]
    • Intelligence: B [950]
    • Perception: C [450]

    Unique Abilities:

    Ninjutsu Prodigy: Issei is capable of utilizing Non-Elemental Ninjutsu with no hand seals. (Clanless UA)

    Hysterical Strength: Issei is capable of boosting his strength by +1 tier in exchange for lowering his intelligence by -1 tier and at a cost of 5 cp.

    One-handed Seals: Issei may weave hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for that hand regarding hand seals.

    Field Specialist: +1 tier to fighting npcs outside of current allegence’s land, -1 tier to fighting npcs inside of current allegence’s land.

    Chakra Drain:  Issei is one of the precious few people who can drain chakra from people. This UA allows him to app techniques that can drain chakra, although those techniques leave him more open to receiving damage from chakra as well. Without using techniques, he can choose to drain 5 chakra from someone by making physical contact with them using his forearms or hands, although he has to consciously do so. This is able to be used through gloves and clothes, but does not extend to other tools or weapons.Every time he makes contact, he can draw out chakra from a person (capped at 15 per person per post) or 15 chakra per person if he sustains contact the entire post. However, doing so opens Jingo up to increased damage (+1 rank of damage) from tangible chakra techniques for the rest of the post round. This is all elemental jutsu, and all attacks with tangible chakra, such as Chakra Flow and other such techniques. The amount that this UA allows for non technique absorption in a thread is capped at half of Jingo's base stamina cap, even if taken from multiple different people. This can not set him over his maximum pool of chakra either.

    Focused Mind: By focusing very hard on his thinking processes Issei is capable of boosting his Intelligence by +1 tier in exchange for lowering his Perception by -1 tier and a cost of 5 cp.

    Second Wind: When Issei gets to less than 10% of his total stamina amount he can get a "second wind" of sorts. This is a flat restoration of 25% of his stamina total, but if he uses this ability he gets a doubled exhaustion penalty that applies immediately. This can only be used once per thread.


    Issei is a rather generic looking young man. With brown hair and a boyish but average looking face, he is unlikely to stand out in any crowds. If one were to look at him it would be difficult to find any features that make him unique. He has no visible birthmarks or blemishes upon his skin and his hairstyle is similar to what one would expect of a teenager his age; a somewhat unkempt moptop. While nobody but his parents know this, it may come as a surprise to some that his real hair color is actually a vibrant, almost bleached blonde color. Issei’s severe inferiority complex and imposter syndrome led him to trying his hardest to stay out of the spotlight, thus he dyes his hair a dark brown color. The only feature he has that could come close to being remembered are his dark blue eyes. While Issei maintains his basic hygiene, he doesn’t put much effort into his appearance past that initial investment, leaving him with that awkward appearance often associated with socially inept teenagers. This awkward appearance is reinforced by the lack of confidence he exudes through his facial expressions.

    In fact, Issei is so average looking that many would be surprised that someone of his physical build is a trained soldier. He stands at a height of 5’8 with a small frame, making him seem even more diminutive when compared to some of his slightly older peers. Despite constant exercise, he doesn’t eat as much food as should, leaving him at a weight of around 135 lbs. Despite his lack of proper nutrition, his exercise has had a visible effect on his body. Though this is impossible to tell when he is wearing clothing, his musculature is well defined and perfectly suited for physical combat. Unlike his face, his body has occasional blemishes and scars that have been acquired over his time as a genin, with there being a particularly nasty blade scar that goes from the bottom left side of his stomach to the top of his left shoulder. Though it is rare, people often express surprise when they see his body, given his timid appearance and personality.

    When Issei is in the village and not performing a mission, he tends to wear clothes more suited for being a civilian than for being a ninja. The outfits that he wears around town tend to be simple, involving things like short sleeve white button up shirts over an undershirt, tucked into something similar to khakis or chinos. He tends to wear the shinobi equivalent of tennis shoes if he isn’t doing anything important.

    The outfit he wears when he is going on missions is much different from his casual wear. Given his personality, he wishes to avoid standing out as much as possible, so he opts for the most generic and efficient clothing he could find. Made of solid black and breathable material, he wears a long scarf-like piece of cloth around his face and neck which he claims is a means of hiding what his face looks like, though it’s quite obvious that it is to prevent people from seeing his lack of confidence. Said material is wrapped around his head many times, covering his face to the point just below his ears. Upon his forehead he wears the headband of his village, leaving only his eyes and ears visible to those who look at his face. Upon his body he wears a classically styled shinobi shozoku that allows for him to blend in with his surroundings even more. All of the fabric used allows for easy breathing, movement, and combat, while also not being loose enough to get caught on something. It is also a very light fabric to allow for such flexibility. He wears a simple cloth sash upon his waist to store larger than usual weaponry. He does not like to wear gloves because he feels as though they might dampen the force of his blows, though he does wear heavy combat boots upon his feet to protect them and to provide a harder blow. In general, this getup makes him look much more intimidating than his actions may imply.

    History: Issei was born into a family of career mercenaries who were often hired by the local clans of Kirigakure to do battle on their behalf. Their clan was nothing special of course, as they had no kekkai genkei or secret jutsu to speak of. All they had was consistently useful soldiers that were often used as cannon fodder for the more powerful and influential clans in the area. His parents were not particularly skilled among their clan leaders, but both of them at least had capabilities equivalent to that of a village jounin. As career soldiers with many years of combat experience, his mother, Hideki Kaede, and his father, Hirano Shuzo, were offered jounin positions when kirigakure was formed.  After a few years spent in the village they gave birth to their son, Hirano Issei, and began to impose their militaristic views and methods upon him as soon as he was old enough to comprehend them.

    From the time that he could walk, his parents did their best to try and mold him into a genius shinobi, teaching him all sorts of different fields of study. They had even tried to teach him how to throw shuriken before he could properly run on his own. Despite their intense focus upon his progress, both of his parents were often busy with village affairs, leaving him to fend for himself within his house. This constant bombardment of training and learning made Issei dislike the idea of being a ninja by the time he was around 8. While many other kids were out playing with their friends without a care in the world, Issei was forced to train and study, and while this allowed him to be ahead of his peers in many aspects, he was missing out on the joys of childhood. Any attempts to deviate from the path his parents had set out for him resulted in harsh punishment and verbal lashings, admonishing him for not doing better.

    Around the age of 9, Issei was sent to the newly established academy of Kirigakure, enrolling with many other children his age. His parents didn’t really have any knowledge or trust in the academy system, but it was mandatory for anyone attempting to become a ninja of Kirigakure to attend, so they forced him to go and take part. On top of his work at the academy his parents also forced him to do extra work at home. This workload coupled with his lack of motivation slowly led to his grades dropping to the middle of his class. This intensified his parent’s displeasure at his incompetence, further goading them into making him train more and more. The lack of results combined with his massive amount of effort continued to make Issei more and more sure that he was just incompetent and not fit to be a ninja, despite his obvious competency. As the years passed by Issei maintained his middling grades and graduated the academy at the age of 13. At this point his parents had all but given up hope of him being some sort of genius and instead focused more on their own duties to the village, growing more distant toward Issei as a result. He then spent three more years performing missions for the village, in some strange attempt to rekindle his parent’s affection for him despite his own lack of ambitions or goals, leading him to the present day.

    Personality: Issei is a timid young man who lacks ambition of any sort. His years of constant pressure from his parents to be a genius ninja have left him with a severe lack of confidence in his own abilities. Despite being a competent genin with physical and mental prowess similar to that of a chunin, he feels as though he is an imposter hiding among the ranks of his village. This lack of confidence manifests in the way he speaks about himself and about others. He is very quick to put himself down, but also quick to praise others for their strengths. He also tends to assume others are far above him in their skills and combat prowess, and if he were to best someone in some way, he would just attribute it to luck or some other factor not related to his own skills. It is very difficult for him to take leadership roles or even teach others, as he doesn’t believe he is capable or worthy enough to do so. Just the idea of people having any sort of trust in his abilities is enough to make him anxious and afraid.

    Despite doubting himself to an almost silly degree, Issei will still strive to make the best and most efficient decisions when it comes to a serious conflict involving battle. Even if he doubts his decision making and combat prowess he is willing to take the plunge into battle if it’s to protect his own life. This does not mean he doesn’t feel fear of course, as he tends to be afraid of any sort of conflict he encounters. It’s just that he fears dying more than he fears the concept of battle, so he will do whatever he can to avoid that fate. Of course, if fleeing is the most likely thing to keep him alive, he will do so.

    When it comes to friendships and interacting with other people his age, he tends to be a bit awkward on account of his parents keeping him cooped up in the house training and studying for much of his early life. He doesn’t have anyone close that he could call a friend. He had gone through the academy without much interaction with the other kids outside of group activities, and this has left him somewhat isolated and without connections after his parents stopped caring about him as much. This is especially true with women, as Issei has absolutely no experience in interacting with them. An attractive woman speaking to him is likely to leave him flustered and tongue tied, unable to think of proper responses.

    The largest facet of Issei’s personality would be his lack of ambition. He has no real desires outside of making his parents proud of him, but the fact remains that he doesn’t particularly like being a ninja, nor is he confident that he is fit to be one. The only reason he continues to do so is to support himself and to hopefully one day regain the affection of his parents. His life as a ninja has been nothing but a negative experience, leaving him empty; a blank slate with no particular ideology or dreams. As of now he just seems to be going through the motions, trying to find some meaning or value in his existence.


    Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer] IWsULYD

    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2179
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer] Empty Re: Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer]

    Post by Ryuko Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:46 pm

    Hirano Issei wrote:
    Hirano Issei [Neo-Gladius Transfer] 09e19a05dce807eb39017c929c8386cd

    Name: Hirano Issei
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin (C - rank)
    Title: N/A

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Fuuton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu (Fuuton), Taijutsu, Sensory. Stat Trade

    Exp: 1650 + 110 (Retirement Exp) +  200 (Refferal exp for Jacobi, Kaseki, Jess, and Ausept) + 300 (Birthday Exp) + 300 (Transfer Exp from Gladius to Neo-Gladius) + 500 (Transfer Exp from Neo-Gladius to Gladius) + 500 (Stat trade) + 150 (Solo training posts on neo-gladius) + 10 (More solo posts exp:1 2)  =


    I had 430 exp left of my exp debt before transfer, so the 500 exp from transferring back over here would place me at a total exp of 1070 and a spendable exp of 70.

    3650 - (450 x 6) - 950 = 3650 - 2700 -950 = 0


    • Strength: C [450]
    • Constitution: C [450]
    • Stamina: C [450]
    • Speed: C [450]
    • Coordination: C [450]
    • Intelligence: B [950]
    • Perception: C [450]

    Unique Abilities:

    Ninjutsu Prodigy: Issei is capable of utilizing Non-Elemental Ninjutsu with no hand seals. (Clanless UA)

    Hysterical Strength: Issei is capable of boosting his strength by +1 tier in exchange for lowering his intelligence by -1 tier and at a cost of 5 cp.

    One-handed Seals: Issei may weave hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for that hand regarding hand seals.

    Field Specialist: +1 tier to fighting npcs outside of current allegence’s land, -1 tier to fighting npcs inside of current allegence’s land.

    Chakra Drain:  Issei is one of the precious few people who can drain chakra from people. This UA allows him to app techniques that can drain chakra, although those techniques leave him more open to receiving damage from chakra as well. Without using techniques, he can choose to drain 5 chakra from someone by making physical contact with them using his forearms or hands, although he has to consciously do so. This is able to be used through gloves and clothes, but does not extend to other tools or weapons.Every time he makes contact, he can draw out chakra from a person (capped at 15 per person per post) or 15 chakra per person if he sustains contact the entire post. However, doing so opens Jingo up to increased damage (+1 rank of damage) from tangible chakra techniques for the rest of the post round. This is all elemental jutsu, and all attacks with tangible chakra, such as Chakra Flow and other such techniques. The amount that this UA allows for non technique absorption in a thread is capped at half of Jingo's base stamina cap, even if taken from multiple different people. This can not set him over his maximum pool of chakra either.

    Focused Mind: By focusing very hard on his thinking processes Issei is capable of boosting his Intelligence by +1 tier in exchange for lowering his Perception by -1 tier and a cost of 5 cp.

    Second Wind: When Issei gets to less than 10% of his total stamina amount he can get a "second wind" of sorts. This is a flat restoration of 25% of his stamina total, but if he uses this ability he gets a doubled exhaustion penalty that applies immediately. This can only be used once per thread.


    Issei is a rather generic looking young man. With brown hair and a boyish but average looking face, he is unlikely to stand out in any crowds. If one were to look at him it would be difficult to find any features that make him unique. He has no visible birthmarks or blemishes upon his skin and his hairstyle is similar to what one would expect of a teenager his age; a somewhat unkempt moptop. While nobody but his parents know this, it may come as a surprise to some that his real hair color is actually a vibrant, almost bleached blonde color. Issei’s severe inferiority complex and imposter syndrome led him to trying his hardest to stay out of the spotlight, thus he dyes his hair a dark brown color. The only feature he has that could come close to being remembered are his dark blue eyes. While Issei maintains his basic hygiene, he doesn’t put much effort into his appearance past that initial investment, leaving him with that awkward appearance often associated with socially inept teenagers. This awkward appearance is reinforced by the lack of confidence he exudes through his facial expressions.

    In fact, Issei is so average looking that many would be surprised that someone of his physical build is a trained soldier. He stands at a height of 5’8 with a small frame, making him seem even more diminutive when compared to some of his slightly older peers. Despite constant exercise, he doesn’t eat as much food as should, leaving him at a weight of around 135 lbs. Despite his lack of proper nutrition, his exercise has had a visible effect on his body. Though this is impossible to tell when he is wearing clothing, his musculature is well defined and perfectly suited for physical combat. Unlike his face, his body has occasional blemishes and scars that have been acquired over his time as a genin, with there being a particularly nasty blade scar that goes from the bottom left side of his stomach to the top of his left shoulder. Though it is rare, people often express surprise when they see his body, given his timid appearance and personality.

    When Issei is in the village and not performing a mission, he tends to wear clothes more suited for being a civilian than for being a ninja. The outfits that he wears around town tend to be simple, involving things like short sleeve white button up shirts over an undershirt, tucked into something similar to khakis or chinos. He tends to wear the shinobi equivalent of tennis shoes if he isn’t doing anything important.

    The outfit he wears when he is going on missions is much different from his casual wear. Given his personality, he wishes to avoid standing out as much as possible, so he opts for the most generic and efficient clothing he could find. Made of solid black and breathable material, he wears a long scarf-like piece of cloth around his face and neck which he claims is a means of hiding what his face looks like, though it’s quite obvious that it is to prevent people from seeing his lack of confidence. Said material is wrapped around his head many times, covering his face to the point just below his ears. Upon his forehead he wears the headband of his village, leaving only his eyes and ears visible to those who look at his face. Upon his body he wears a classically styled shinobi shozoku that allows for him to blend in with his surroundings even more. All of the fabric used allows for easy breathing, movement, and combat, while also not being loose enough to get caught on something. It is also a very light fabric to allow for such flexibility. He wears a simple cloth sash upon his waist to store larger than usual weaponry. He does not like to wear gloves because he feels as though they might dampen the force of his blows, though he does wear heavy combat boots upon his feet to protect them and to provide a harder blow. In general, this getup makes him look much more intimidating than his actions may imply.

    History: Issei was born into a family of career mercenaries who were often hired by the local clans of Kirigakure to do battle on their behalf. Their clan was nothing special of course, as they had no kekkai genkei or secret jutsu to speak of. All they had was consistently useful soldiers that were often used as cannon fodder for the more powerful and influential clans in the area. His parents were not particularly skilled among their clan leaders, but both of them at least had capabilities equivalent to that of a village jounin. As career soldiers with many years of combat experience, his mother, Hideki Kaede, and his father, Hirano Shuzo, were offered jounin positions when kirigakure was formed.  After a few years spent in the village they gave birth to their son, Hirano Issei, and began to impose their militaristic views and methods upon him as soon as he was old enough to comprehend them.

    From the time that he could walk, his parents did their best to try and mold him into a genius shinobi, teaching him all sorts of different fields of study. They had even tried to teach him how to throw shuriken before he could properly run on his own. Despite their intense focus upon his progress, both of his parents were often busy with village affairs, leaving him to fend for himself within his house. This constant bombardment of training and learning made Issei dislike the idea of being a ninja by the time he was around 8. While many other kids were out playing with their friends without a care in the world, Issei was forced to train and study, and while this allowed him to be ahead of his peers in many aspects, he was missing out on the joys of childhood. Any attempts to deviate from the path his parents had set out for him resulted in harsh punishment and verbal lashings, admonishing him for not doing better.

    Around the age of 9, Issei was sent to the newly established academy of Kirigakure, enrolling with many other children his age. His parents didn’t really have any knowledge or trust in the academy system, but it was mandatory for anyone attempting to become a ninja of Kirigakure to attend, so they forced him to go and take part. On top of his work at the academy his parents also forced him to do extra work at home. This workload coupled with his lack of motivation slowly led to his grades dropping to the middle of his class. This intensified his parent’s displeasure at his incompetence, further goading them into making him train more and more. The lack of results combined with his massive amount of effort continued to make Issei more and more sure that he was just incompetent and not fit to be a ninja, despite his obvious competency. As the years passed by Issei maintained his middling grades and graduated the academy at the age of 13. At this point his parents had all but given up hope of him being some sort of genius and instead focused more on their own duties to the village, growing more distant toward Issei as a result. He then spent three more years performing missions for the village, in some strange attempt to rekindle his parent’s affection for him despite his own lack of ambitions or goals, leading him to the present day.

    Personality: Issei is a timid young man who lacks ambition of any sort. His years of constant pressure from his parents to be a genius ninja have left him with a severe lack of confidence in his own abilities. Despite being a competent genin with physical and mental prowess similar to that of a chunin, he feels as though he is an imposter hiding among the ranks of his village. This lack of confidence manifests in the way he speaks about himself and about others. He is very quick to put himself down, but also quick to praise others for their strengths. He also tends to assume others are far above him in their skills and combat prowess, and if he were to best someone in some way, he would just attribute it to luck or some other factor not related to his own skills. It is very difficult for him to take leadership roles or even teach others, as he doesn’t believe he is capable or worthy enough to do so. Just the idea of people having any sort of trust in his abilities is enough to make him anxious and afraid.

    Despite doubting himself to an almost silly degree, Issei will still strive to make the best and most efficient decisions when it comes to a serious conflict involving battle. Even if he doubts his decision making and combat prowess he is willing to take the plunge into battle if it’s to protect his own life. This does not mean he doesn’t feel fear of course, as he tends to be afraid of any sort of conflict he encounters. It’s just that he fears dying more than he fears the concept of battle, so he will do whatever he can to avoid that fate. Of course, if fleeing is the most likely thing to keep him alive, he will do so.

    When it comes to friendships and interacting with other people his age, he tends to be a bit awkward on account of his parents keeping him cooped up in the house training and studying for much of his early life. He doesn’t have anyone close that he could call a friend. He had gone through the academy without much interaction with the other kids outside of group activities, and this has left him somewhat isolated and without connections after his parents stopped caring about him as much. This is especially true with women, as Issei has absolutely no experience in interacting with them. An attractive woman speaking to him is likely to leave him flustered and tongue tied, unable to think of proper responses.

    The largest facet of Issei’s personality would be his lack of ambition. He has no real desires outside of making his parents proud of him, but the fact remains that he doesn’t particularly like being a ninja, nor is he confident that he is fit to be one. The only reason he continues to do so is to support himself and to hopefully one day regain the affection of his parents. His life as a ninja has been nothing but a negative experience, leaving him empty; a blank slate with no particular ideology or dreams. As of now he just seems to be going through the motions, trying to find some meaning or value in his existence.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:10 am