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    The Inner Workings of A Cat


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    The Inner Workings of A Cat  Empty The Inner Workings of A Cat

    Post by Bones! Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:22 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    The Macabre Marrionette
    Blood spilled from open wounds and dissected bodies. Blood poured from beheaded targets and detongued prisoners. Sufferings, were often blood if not bruising. Blood, it was blood. All of it was the same. You could not stop the spilling of blood. You could, at best however, control whose blood it was that was split. Blood was blood. A phrase tucked behind quick meaning and a life she put in her past, but still it poured from her mouth like blood from a amputated leg waiting to be wrapped. A puddle of words staining the ground and the clothing of anyone that wanted to help. Only those too late, those that only saw the wound after it closed would be saved from the wine colored stains. The ones immune, were the ones not present for the suffering. Blood was blood. And god was good. "Praise be to Jinos."

    Her duty today was nothing. She had a day off to relax to herself. That being said, she had taken an interest in a few key people in the village, or more accurately, those visiting. People who didn't know their way around. People who were outsiders. Kirigakure had no alliance, so none of them had any obligation to obey their house rules for just the exams. It was a free way to gain entry into a village that could be torn apart. A grand gesture by the young Mizukage, but a necessary one. That being said, just because Hana trusted these people to play nice, didn't mean Rei did.

    Silent feet wrapped in cloth. Tightly wrapped black leggings. A loose black shirt. Black wrappings under a black cloth hidden behind a brown coat. Her white hair in a loose and messy bun, and a large blade wrapped in black cloth. She chased her target. She was silent, diligent, careful to not disturb. Her patient was out and about. Even from a miracle, it did not sit right with her to simply return to your daily life. You should have taken it easy. So why were they now outside of the city gates? Her rats all scurried behind her. Two latched to her back, one on each shoulder, while the larger ones ran behind her, careful not to disturb leaves and sticks.

    She followed her prey. She watched. She observed.

    Like a toying with a mouse.
    Strength: B || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B ||
    Coordination: B+ || Intelligence: C || Perception: B
    110/110 Chakra


    Posts : 373
    Join date : 2020-01-02

    The Inner Workings of A Cat  Empty Re: The Inner Workings of A Cat

    Post by Ikomiki Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:37 pm

    Ikomiki would stand strong and tall, without the slouch that had been plaguing her the last few days. Out in the forests again, away from the stench of civilization, she felt like herself again. Free. Pure. Untainted. For a few moments she could forget and pretend that she was still like how she used to be. Here she didn’t have to hide anything. Not her eyes. Out where there was nobody to see her they could be activated freely, and so she did. The green-yellow that they had been would revert to their true colors. The purple Rinnegan. There was only a single ring in her eyes to surround the pupil though, signalling how she only possessed a singular path. For now. All she had was the Animal Path, and to an extent this was all she believed she needed. Anything else would be tainting her nature. Even if it was the destiny of the seven paths to collect into one body, it was a fate that she resisted. There was a certain amount of idealism that she had that made Ikomiki want more than anything to remain as she was now.

    She had no idea she had been followed, and was being stalked and hunted just as an animal might be. That she could be the prey once again. There was no way that she could have known.

    The single ring in her eyes would both spin, although it would be near impossible to tell unlike the spinning tomoe of the sharingan. The grand catalogue would be accessed again. Pulling creatures out from where they rested, summoning across dimensions. The animals that she used could sometimes perhaps barely be called animals. Just corpses and spirits given form and flesh and life again. Just puppets for her to play with.

    Two would be brought out. A massive rhinoceros resembling a normal rhinoceros but with small wings on its back, along with a number of body piercings and Rinnegan in its own eyes as well as dark marking around its eyes. And then a giant ox to match, with an appearance similar to a normal ox, and black receivers stuck on its head and legs, along with Rinnegan. Its entire body was covered in brown fur.

    It was just a test, to see what she was capable of. This new blood that coursed through her body was terrifyingly powerful, and allowed her to access new depths. These massive creatures, both as tall as a building in their own right, would have normally exhausted her to bring out. Now they were just the beginning.

    Character Sheet:

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    The Inner Workings of A Cat  Empty Re: The Inner Workings of A Cat

    Post by Bones! Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:19 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    The Macabre Marrionette
    The girl stood proud, as if something had changed. No, she may have been healed, but it was something else. As if she was simply happy to be where she was. She wasn't slumped over like their last encounter. No, she was here with a purpose. It was like she belonged here. Her own golden eyes, a prize to the Kaguya, were owned by a outcasted failure. She observed, her rats all beside her as she watched from a distance.

    She watched as a small winged but large rhinoceros appeared, and an ox. Both of them mostly normal, except for the large pieces of metal that seemed to protrude from them. They were different, they belonged to the girl. They were hers, and with it, they most likely possessed something new. She begun to creep a bit forward to look, her head popping out from the side of a tree and just above a bush, her body hidden, and the rodents nervously squeaking against themselves. Rei would reach down, her hand place on one to calm the sound, only to continue to watch.

    "What are you going to do next, cat?" she thought to herself.
    Strength: B || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B ||
    Coordination: B+ || Intelligence: C || Perception: B
    110/110 Chakra


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