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    New Beginings

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:33 pm

    Unlike most days Jess had a drive to achieve, a goal for fulfillment. Today was the day that the young genin would meet her new teacher, a person to provide some much needed guidance to the orphan who grew up with so few authority figures. Thus she had dressed to the nines as opposed to her normal dark royal blue wraps and actually wore what could be passed off as civilized clothing.

    While clueless in general about the nature or personhood the fear of the unknown held no sway compared to the inherent fire that was curiosity firing through her synapses and flooding her body with chemicals that elevated an already spectacular mood. In the end while it would shape who she was in the future, it mattered little in the present to Jess.

    Arriving at the training grounds a bit earlier than she was told due to her anxiety and excitement Jess would start pacing in her scuffed black steel toed boots who's heels were made of rubber. This would cause her to completely miss the arrival of her sensei who was no doubt either already there or arriving at a similar time.

    Today would be a good day.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
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    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:45 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Needless to say, at the end of it all, it was her job. If she was going to be any respected shinobi, any respected ninja, she needed to pull her weight. If she wanted to do her job as she wanted, she needed to be a proper jounin. She had taken a few others under her wing, as well as others she had over seen for just a single task. She needed things outside of the village, but her own positions left her bound and chained to her duties. The only chance she got, was to train students to preform her own tasks. As well as ensure her own goal was still obtainable.

    A white tank top with her chest wrapped in black cloth, tied around her. Black sweats that stopped just below the knees. Bandages wrapped around her hands and forearms, just an inch away from her elbows. Her feet bound in the same way, with the same gap from the fabric of her pants. The tattoos on her body worn proud, and her ivory hair left untied and free. The leather harness wrapped around her by simple means. A vertical strap around her right, while from her right shoulder would cross around her chest and under her left arm. It had a single purpose, and it was to hold the massive blade on her back. A sword, almost comical in size, wrapped in bandages and cloth. Not like it needed to be hidden away, but still, it remained. One of the sacred swords of Kirigakure, the Executioner's Blade. the handle of the blade not attached, but in the hands of the woman as she approached.

    "Jess, was it?" she would say, tapping the stick upon her leg, as she would approach, she would move it from her right to her left, extending a hand to greet her. "Akeruseirei Hozuki, but Ake' is fine."

    It would be a easy day.
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B ||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    110/110 Chakra

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:03 pm

    Once her name was uttered like a beast from beyond the veil Jess was shoved hurtling into reality compelled by mere vocal vibrations. This was when she noticed how truly metal her teacher looked, bandages, tattoos AND a comically large sword compared to the frame of the weilder? Sign Jess up.

    "Hail Ake" the genin would respond in greeting grasping the extended hand that previously held a stick within it's no doubt strong grasp. While this seemed a formal greeting to most it was the way Jess addressed those she was willing to extend respect upon immediately.

    "Glorious markings" the ninja would say while scanning the tattoos across her new teachers body, "May I know the meaning behind them? Art or art as well as being fuuinjutsu seals?" Curiosity being the reigning emotion during this time Jess broke formalities and launched bluntly into something that she desired as opposed to her usual stance of complete compromise when it came to communication.

    After receiving the answer or being brushed off Jess would ask another question, "Well how should we begin? I am eager to prove my worth for this village that has sheltered me." Natirally if there was a differing response than the one detailed above it would erase this entirely from the flow of time.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
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    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:15 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    A simple greeting from a simple person. Bright hair, and brought colors seemed to follow her no matter where she went. Who was she to judge. Everyone was free to live their lives. Any judgement she had, would be reserved for her parents. But even so, it was not her place to speak, not unless her hair would turn into a beacon for danger. But even in that case, the eyes on her, would be taken away from herself. A simple piece of bait.

    She looked at her own skin, browsing over the bits of ink buried into her flesh. A strange way to put things, but none weirder than Emiki's own speech. "Not seals, just ink." she would say, not speaking too much about something that didn't matter.

    "First, what can you do?" Rei asked plainly, wanting to hear before she would see. "Every ninja has their purpose." she would say, "Even those sheltered."
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B ||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    110/110 Chakra

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:31 pm

    "Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu, along with chemistry. I've been assigned to be the in charge of the village armory and I have been studying military tactics. Aside from that I am a quick learner" Jess responded with a smile that fit the overall jolly nature of colors she arrayed herself as this day. To be observed served its purposes and being of use was something that allowed Jess to continue existence.

    As the ninja liked that she was determined to become extremely useful in her first steps to power. Once that was achieved she could set about fulfilling her own ambitions and until then it behooves one to keep such matters hidden.

    Jess was most certain that she would be of use to Ake in some regard and perhaps one day as a peer reveal some of those ambitions, but trust was one thing the genin did not give easily.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:02 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Assigned a job so early on in her career of a shinobi was both comforting to know her potential, but also off putting. It would prove to be more difficult for later tasks and plans she had in mind. Rei would nod, listening along. She needed to find a way to both teach, but not get in both in Jess's way, and her own. Silence fell upon her for a moment while she pondered. She wondered why simple skills were not along her list of skills. But time would tell.

    "Then the Mizukage must see something in you." She nodded, thinking along. Something Rei wanted to see for herself. "The military interest is intriguing, what brought about that? Is that the reason you took up medical ninjutsu?"

    She looked over the field. For what the girl was skilled in, it wasn't the greatest environment. Perhaps a setting to preform on bodies, cadavers and such would be better. But Rei would come up with something. To have a student who had already so much responsibility, meant that she at least, had one student who was not going to waste her time.

    " . . . Why are you training to be a shinobi?" she asked wondering what of it.
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B ||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    110/110 Chakra

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:31 pm

    "I am hoping not to let them down" Jess replied cheerfully before moving onto the other questions with a tad bit more of a serious tone. Business was business afterall so one had to act in a 'professional' fashion. "My interest stems from a fascination with it honestly, fighting in general is something I have a lot of curiosity for but I do enjoy large number tactics slightly more truth be told." The answer was truthful and was something that sprouted up later on in her age from observing various ninja. "I got into the medical field out of a desire to heal but also my desire to learn more about the human body and it's limits. The amount you can stretch until something would not function properly is an important line to know."

    "To achieve my goals" Jess said in an uncharacteristicly short manner her green eyes growing distance and cold before snapping back to normal.

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:52 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Hana. The name repeated in her mind. It was easier to have faith in an idea, than a person. To have faith in the Mizukage was to admit that any Kaguya was worth the effort. It was saying that they were redeemable after what they had done. But Hana wasn't so bad, not like the others. Perhaps it was just the mindset, maybe it had nothing to do with the blood. The belief that not even their children were worthy of closure long after your passing...

    Management of large numbers, it seemed as if she desired the feeling of being stretched too thing. She smiled, each of her arms extending an extra foot as she shrugged, "Then I suppose it's not a question of what you're willing to do, but what you are able to learn." She would nod, her neck growing and extending just slightly, a bit past a few inches, before her body returning to normal. "What healing techniques do you know now?" She smiled, "After all, later we can put your skills to the test."
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B ||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    110/110 Chakra

    Name: Soft Body Manipulation
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: self
    Speed: -
    Skill: Ijutsu/taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Ijutsu or Taijutsu
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    the user's physical flexibility allows them to activate her cells to such a degree that their body becomes mallable and able to extend certain parts beyond the human limits. This technique allows the user to extend their limbs, neck, etc to a max of 3 meters, with additional 3 meters possible with each rank of Constitution above rank D, maxing at 15 meters with S rank constitution.

    The speed at which Soft Body Manipulation can stretch limbs is based on the user's base Coordination rank.

    Weaknesses: Can't use this technique when stamina is below 10

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:05 pm

    "I can cut people open but unfortunately I have not had access to my chakra for long so I do not know any traditional medical jutsu aside from the chakra scapel." Jess regretfully replied noting but not saying anything about the slightly unusual movements she could deduce were brought on by a unique naure or a jutsu as she was forward enough earlier.

    Gaining knowledge was one of the goals of hers and thus while she lacked now, the young genin would make up for in the future. The spiral of acquiring information had to start somewhere and for Jess, this was the place.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:23 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    She listened, and with the lowered interest in her changes, she could start to get a gauge of where her new student's mind was at. She nodded, "Then pay attention." She would take a slow and deep breath, closing her eyes. Her arms in front of her, as if ready to box, open palms slowly turning into fists as she widened her stance.

    "Medical techniques aren't just helpful, but destructive." Her knuckles cracked as she closed her fist, her wrists rolling as she cracked her neck, lifting her left foot up, "Precision. Focus your chakra, then release it right as you hit." She exhaled, her foot stomping into the ground, the ground shifting and cracking with the impact, her other foot still planted firm. She wasn't going to destroy the earth, only enough to show. Hopefully, her student would show much less restraint, and create a crater, so Rei would truly know where her powers lay.
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B [A+]||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    110(-10)/110 Chakra

    Name: Chakra Enhanced Strength
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Iijutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: B Intelligence & C Coordination
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A technique that uses the refine chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet, and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike if they lack the necessary resillience.

    This gives a one tier boost and + to Strength while being utilized.
    Weaknesses: Users of the technique require immense focus when it comes to concentrating chakra required for it, and releasing it at the right timing.

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:47 pm

    Internally Jess was storing the knowledge of the soft body technique and wondering of its mixed application with other techniques. For now she simply used it to help her stretch her joints as her teacher began to utilize a medical technique the young genin had only heard about.

    Jess' full attention was upon Ake as the jounin fell into a stance clearly gathering and doing something with her chakra. Unfortunately this was going to display how the young genin had not eaten in a week, physical strength was the current thing Jess lacked the most but it was useful to learn for in the future she could eat her fill.

    Watching her teachers movements she would replicated and mirror them to a tee releasing her own breath as she would stomp down. The force cracked a bit of the soft ground but mainly reverberated the dirt and pebbles upon it.

    With a sheepish smile and a shrug Jess would say, "I havent started my physical exercise routine as I lack the funds currently but one day I'll break a tree for you fear not." It was not an empty promise, Jess was not the one to make such things. Instead she devoured knowledge and thus shared freely in kind.

    -11 chakra

    Soft Body

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:52 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Disappointing to say the least, but even so, she had hope. If she was able to at least gather the premise of the skill that fast, then it didn't matter what physical power she had. She was able to pick up the skill almost instantly. With just a few words and an observation, she housed the new skill

    She nodded. Unsure of what else to share with her, for now, she did her best to teach, with saying even less. She would reach out, grabbing her shoulder lightly, doing the same with her chakra. Maybe it wasn't enough to do anything.

    "Now, do the same, but allow it to flow out of you like water." she would say, funneling her chakra lighting into her. If there was any wound, it would begin to heal, but otherwise, she would most likely start to feel nice. Almost soothed.
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B [A+]||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    100(-10)/110 Chakra

    Name: Mystical Palm Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Ox → Tiger
    Description: The Mystical Palm Technique is a Medical Ninjutsu which allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries.

    In most cases it will take three posts to fully heal a single fatal wound. This number can be alleviated by having more Ijutsu users using this technique present, each Ijutsu user taking a post off.

    Weaknesses: When healing a wound the effects take place immediately, slowing bleeding and producing new cells. Failure to complete the full healing process will have the wound open up again. The amount of time how this happens is dependent on how long you treated the wound (Healing for two posts and leaving will take two posts for the wound to open again.)

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:11 pm

    Jess would observe and then apply the same technique upon her throbbing leg, while the chakra enhanced strength mainly was chakra being expelled to supplement strength that did not mean that Jess was not sore even from it. Thus as her right hand came upon the slightly damaged leg Jess could feel the technique working in real time and thus gained a deeper knowledge of its abilities. That was three jutsu now in a short time frame with two of said jutsu being far above the reach of a normal genin, though Jess assumed she was not a normal genin. She did not have a squad, joined the academy late and often read in the tree that she called a home for as long as she could remember. None of those things seemed like normal genin material, the hardships had forged some hunger in her more than just the physical sense.

    "All of these techniques seem to have extremely worthwhile applications on and off of the battlefield. Do we use all three in the dock workers? I think we could vastly raise productivity if we did so" Jess blurted out quite presumptiously being far too overeager thanks to her training.

    -10 Chakra

    Mystical Palm Technique

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:24 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    She was hopeful. Almost annoyingly hopeful. But such was to be expected. She picked it all up rather fast. And to that, Rei was wondering what else she could show.

    She would smile, looking at her student. Even so, she was proud. "Not everyone can use jutsu." she would say, "But after this one, you should go home and rest." She would smile, before taking up the same foot as before. She would lift, and with an angle, she would kick the ground with her heel, shooting her chakra through the earth. A fifteen meter long burst of jagged and rough stone, just to show what the technique itself can do.

    "You don't have to do that much, but get the fundamentals down." She would smile, "Then of course, I'll know what you can do for sure."
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B [A+]||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    85(-10)(-5)/110 Chakra

    Name: Cherry Blossom Tearing Impact
    Rank: B/S
    Power: B/S
    Activation Cost: 10/25 (based on level of CES being used)
    Upkeep Cost: --
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: User's Strength -1 tier
    Element: --
    Skill: Ijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Standard CES requirements, Taijutsu skill
    Parent Technique: Chakra Enhanced Strength
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Using the Chakra Enhanced Strength technique, the user slams their fist into the ground, forming a line of split earth and releasing their chakra from their fist. The released chakra is released in the form of a wave that runs along this line of split earth up to thirty meters, before dispersing automatically. It has the capacity to knock away what it comes in contact with, including projectiles. The strength boost the technique offers is based on the level of Chakra Enhanced Strength being used with it.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:55 pm

    "That probably would be a good idea" Jess said noting how much chakra she had already burned through as she studied her master's movements. It was an advancement of the chakra enhanced strength displayed earlier and thus Jess quickly caught on. This brought the young genin to tensing her leg muscles before jumping up and using her coordination to fluidly lean forward and come down with her first, it would hurt a bit but she could easily heal from it and decided to add a bit of flair onto her final technique.

    Upon hitting the ground a crack would form racing towards where Ake had fractured the earth in a line, upon hitting it would travel a bit further at an angle away from her teacher for a total distance of ten meters. Huffing a bit Jess would stand up and bow to her teacher, "Thank you for expanding my knowledge."

    -10 Chakra 19/50 Total

    Cherry Blosom Tearing Impact

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 382
    Join date : 2018-07-14
    Location : https://www.luckycatsclub.com/

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Bones! Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:35 am

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    If she was exhausted, any injury she would cause herself, she would be able to mend herself later. Anything at this point would just be a minor inconvience to a shinobi that could close their own wounds. She watched as she would punch the ground, a bit more power than before. Whatever caused it, her last attempt was showing she wasn't going to end on a low note. With a smile, Rei would bow in reply to her student.

    "Thank you for being such a grand student." she would say, "Now, when you've recovered, you can find me at the hospital. Then we can discuss other methods of training, as well as other things I might be able to teach you."
    Strength: C || Constitution: D(C)|| Stamina: C || Speed: B [A+]||
    Coordination: C+ || Intelligence: D || Perception: B
    85(-10)(-5)/110 Chakra

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    New Beginings  Empty Re: New Beginings

    Post by Jess the Plague Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:08 am

    "The hospital....in a couple days....see you then" Jess would respond much akin to a collegiate athlete whom was too impatient to catch their breath before speaking. The act in and of itself summed up Jess' currently personality quite well and thus it was a hopeful genin who left the training grounds to go and rest upon that day.


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