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    Cats and Water [Mission]


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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:48 pm

    Mission Name: Raw Rowdy Rocktails
    Mission Type: Chore
    Mission Rank: C
    Mission Goal: Help some fisherman to catch a bunch of Rocktails.
    Description: One of the strongest and hardest to catch fish is the Rocktail, which earned its name due to its sturdy tail with which it can deliver some powerful slaps that could hurt people very badly and is rumoured to even break rocks and the shells of crustaceans with it. It also has a pair of powerful boney jaws that can bite through the hardest leather with a single bite. No matter how tough they are though, their meat's a delicacy...
    Payment: 15,000 ryo
    Requirements: Chuunin or genin team

    Ikomiki had a complicated relationship with the ocean. She hated the water, but she loved the fish.

    It came in part with her feline heritage. Just getting close to the ocean made her anxious. It was a problem she faced during the boat ride here for the Chunin Exams. The fact that there were fancy ninja tricks that helped you walk on water made it a bit easier to deal with. After first learning that trick in the forests of Konoha she felt as if she had mastered water and would never have to fear it again. That was when the only thing she had known were rivers and lakes. Now, facing the ocean, it was a different story all together. It rumbled and growled at her. Just by the way it moved she could tell it was bloodthirsty, wanting to kill. The ocean was a terrifying beast. She hated it more than anything. One day she would tame it or conquer it or kill it. Something like that.

    Staring out into the roiling sea, the gentle breeze would carry stands of Ikomiki’s white hair off behind her. The sky was clear, without any indication of a storm, but there was a light breeze coming in from the ocean anyway. She didn’t understand it and it made her suspicious. The ocean clearly had mysterious powers. Nobody in the village seemed intent on giving her a straight answer on how best to defend yourself against its power, frustratingly enough, and so she would be forced to go at it with only her instincts.

    Carefully she would feel out the wood of the dock. Her weight would be testingly pressed against it, teasing the wood to feel how strong it was and what it could handle. It was nothing compared to the Senju Forests she was familiar with, and just seeing its decrepit appearance made her not trust it. As she felt out that it was able to hold her weight without crumbling into splinters she would slowly step out onto it.

    The dock was full of small fishing boats various intervals, along with the bustle of what appeared to be sailors and fishermen. Her ears would twitch at the crowd. Already she wasn’t so sure about this mission.

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:52 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    There was no such thing as simple tasks. People made simple things complicated. Small straightforward things would snowball into larger problems when unchecked. So to simply take care of a problem with others, was not simple. Even if she could easily do it herself, alone, it wasn't simple.

    People always made things complicated.

    She dressed simply, a gray shirt, the sleeves rolled up to expose both the tattoos that marked her skin, as well as the scars. Her pants replaced with black shorts that reached just past her knee, and her feet bare with nothing but bandages to cover her heel and ankle. Her hands matched, with bandages wrapped around each finger, exposing the tips, wrapped halfway up her forearm. Her hair, loose and uncombed, as the massive blade hung on her back in a massive makeshift holder of the same cloth bandage. The sword itself was wrapped in the same bandage cloth as she approached. But those that saw, knew what it was. And those that knew her, knew what she was.

    She walked down the docks, not exactly happy about the matter, but still, a job was a job. "So," she stood along the docks, the handle of the massive blade in her hands, she waved it around, pointing at the sailors. "Which one of you paid for some help today?" She would say, giving a smile and a laugh, "Because I'm ready to get my groceries."
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:00 pm

    The dock had no shortage of people, of humans, but there was one that stood out from the crowd. It was understandable, as they were waving around a massive sheet of steel that could generously be given the description of a blade if one were being charitable. It was massive, and just seeing her hoist it around as she did gave an impressive indicator to her strength. Ikomiki would be impressed, if the sheer thought wasn’t just terrifying. This lady could probably pick her up in one hand and with that same hand crush her entire rib cage. Maybe not anything that extreme, but that was the mental image that Ikomiki couldn’t help but get from the situation.

    As mundane as catching fish was, this was a mission that she was on. She knew the description of those who she was supposed to be with. This lady was someone who she was, somehow, supposed to approach. It seemed the sailors all had the same idea, meekly getting out of the way of the lady who was waving around the giant cleaver blade. They all had the right idea.

    “Here!” The source of the voice was an old tired man. He looked the sort that made his living doing this sort of work, from his balding and sunburnt scalp. Overweight, but not grotesquely so. A patchy mess of fuzz on his face that gave him the impression of a deadbeat along with his other physical characteristics. Ikomiki couldn’t smell him from where she stood but she imagined him to smell like a mixture of alcohol and sardines. “I put out the mission request. Now hold on.” He would turn back to his boat, a generic trawler that had clearly seen better days. It had some name scrawled across it, but the messiness of the kanji made it impossible for Ikomiki to read it. It didn’t help that her ability to read in the first place was questionable at best.

    She approached as well now. The man had returned back onto his trawler, disappearing into one of the cabins on the interior. The fact that it seemed empty other than himself explained why he would need to hire shinobi to do a job like this for him. Parking herself behind the tall terrifying woman with a massive steel sword, Ikomiki would let her tail swish back and forth.

    “That sword must be especially useful for fishing.” She would squint as she stared up at it, glaring a bit at the weapon that was being so casually displayed. “Or did you think you were coming here to chop down trees?”

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:28 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    She had more than enough strength to pick up and hold the blade for lengths on end, but wielding it was a whole other matter. It wasn't one about her body, but her mind. Pointing the stick was a harmless action that was nothing more than to get more attention to make sure the one that was paying could find them. She didn't want attention, but she wanted to go home. To smell like fish, was not something she looked forward towards.

    The old man spoke out and answered her call. She could recognize him, or at least what was left of him. With all of these new people in the village, some people had a hard time. Business boomed for some, and for others, their lives fell apart. "Aye." She said, waiting his orders. She wanted to ask how he was doing, but she knew better. What could a man who lost his wife, his home, and was left nothing but the sea and his boat possibly do? A man that drowned not in deep waters, but booze. A familiar sight, a future she felt would have fell upon someone she loved, if things were different. Maybe, just maybe if she was the one that fell ill instead...

    The voice of a smaller, more feline type person. She could hear the words, but her mind did not understand her. Instead, her gaze was fixated on the strange appendages on her head. Were they real? How strange. Her left hand reached out, wondering if this girl truly had animal ears of her own. Just a touch, a light brush...

    "The sword's not for fish, nor trees. It's for chopping down people." she would say, her eyes drawn to the ears, regardless if she was allowed to touch or not. "I take it you've never dealt with pirates before?"
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:04 pm

    Her ears twitched, almost giving an annoyed swat at the woman’s fingers as she reached in close. The girl beneath would stare up, peering at the woman above with eyes that pierced green. Her tail, already having been waving freely to her behind would give a violent swat at the air. Defiance was strong within her, and even standing still her body language would expose what wasn’t immediately said. The target of her glaring had changed.

    “Do you usually touch people without their permission?” The girl would ask curtly, although steady in her earlier tone. “I’ve only ever had perverted men try it before. Someone like you is a first. I suppose gender must have nothing to do with lechery then.”

    She hadn’t considered the possibility of pirates, but at the same time she couldn’t imagine what good a sword would be for that. to be honest she wasn’t entirely sure what a pirate is, but the fact that it was some sort of hostile element was clear through just context clues. But to fight on a ship either meant jumping onto another ship or taking aim at something from the ocean. Neither were something Ikomiki looked forward to attempting.

    Ikomiki would take a step backwards, putting herself outside of the arm's reach of the woman. Hopefully. If she really wanted, there was nothing Ikomiki could do to stop her. This bothered her quite a bit.

    “It’s all the same.” Her eyes would turn over to the boat, along where the space where the captain had previously been. “I’ll be boarding the ship with you. Don’t cause me any trouble.”

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:15 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    It was just natrual reaction. Maybe certain things had certain meanings to other people. She wasn't entirely sure. She shook off the thought, now fully content of the tast at hand. She sighed and cleared her throat as she made her way towards the ship. "Well, miss, I hope you like water then." She would say with a bit of laughter. She always did want a pet kitten.

    "Or at least know how to swim. If not, if you stay close I can make sure you won't go overboard." She rolled her neck and arched her back, her spine cracking along with the other bones. She was ready for work. And work she was ready for.

    She was prepared to fight pirates, as well as deal with the old man's unique way of sailing. It didn't matter how they got there, only that they would. Rei would quickly make her way to the boat, rather than walk along the boarding plank, she would jump over it entirely, landing on the boat to lean over to look at the sea. It was beautiful, but frightening.

    When the girl would get on, it was only then she would extend the courtesy. "Oh, I suppose it's all the same. If you wanted to touch my ears, I would allow it." She would say, turning, parting her hair behind her ears as she looked at the girl. Everything was made in fair deal. It was wrong to be in debt to others.
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:29 pm

    “I hate water.” She said it with a strong deadpan. It was all taken as hostility to her, and she responded in kind. What sort of cat likes water? It must have been intentional as well, given how quickly this woman took notice of her ears. There wasn’t any ability to claim ignorance or any sort of misunderstanding. It was clearly some sort of underhanded taunt. It was punctuated with maybe something that could be interpreted as kind, but Ikomiki wasn’t sure how she felt about staying close to this strange woman going forward.

    Ikomiki watched the strange woman as she jumped from the dock over to the boat. The boat was large enough that these sorts of slight movements didn’t register in a reaction, which gave her a bit of a secure feeling in its strength. At the same time, Akeruseirei’s behavior just became another indicator of her personality. The sort to flaunt their overwhelming strength. With narrowed eyes the catgirl would glare daggers into the woman’s back, although it would only last for a moment.

    She would board as well, though through taking the boarding plank rather than leaping the gap like a marmoset.

    Hearing the repeat of ‘it’s all the same’ would provoke a frown in Ikomiki. For some reason she didn’t enjoy hearing other people say the phrase.

    “Why would I want to touch your ears?” The fact that she parted her hair to show them off was odd. She didn’t understand any of it. “Don’t be strange.”

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:48 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    She shrugged it off. It wasn't rare to hear those words. The Kaguya were all strange, even to her, whom herself was born into the family. Even if she didn't carry the name, she was still in weird company, as was her husband, her son, who both could turn into the sea. This girl seemed to be born of a feline, almost something out of make believe. But, the same could be said of people who could remove their own bones.

    "Orlie!" She turned to call to the captain. "If ya still got that juice, I'll take a glass." She smiled at the old man, a habit more than actual joy. She would stand upright again, twisting her head to let her hair fall as it wanted, again messy.

    She would look upon the girl, a bit disappointed that today would be all work and no play. "My name is Akeru Hozuki." she would say, "I will do my best to keep you away from the water, then." And she would bow, the captain nodding at the sight of them and disappeared below deck to fetch the drinks, waving a hand to dismiss Rei.

    He hated her formalities.
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Sat Mar 07, 2020 7:04 pm

    The swaying of her tail stopped for a moment, and she would look over to where the woman yelled at for a moment. The old man without much hair , who is apparently a captain or something. Her eyes flickered back immediately afterwards, back to the woman. Ikomiki stood straight and tall, a proper posture with the exception of her drooping shoulders. Her arms would fold behind her back, and her tail would curl up to press into her open palms against the small of her back.


    Perhaps humanity had odd customs. She couldn’t imagine it being pleasant to drink juice while on a moving ship like this. It would surely lead to sickness. Although perhaps those native to this land were of a stronger constitution. Perhaps then it wouldn’t be unpleasant for her to try something so bold as well. Juice is good. It was something Ikomiki was fond of. She did admit that there were some clever things that humans came up with, especially when it came to food and comfort.

    “My name is Ikomiki. Just Ikomiki.” She would say, peering down to the woman as she bowed. It was strange. So strange. Ikomiki diverted her eyes after a moment, looking off to the side. She stood like this, proper for a moment, before relenting and giving the woman the slightest bow in response. It was pure mimicry. She didn’t understand the meaning behind the movement.

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:23 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Everyone in Kirigakure had something about them. Everyone had their claim to fame, however small. It didn't matter if you had money or power. Everyone had one thing they were known for. Some for the bussiness they brought, others for pink hair, but this single captain, was known for his strange collections of fruits and drinks. A cocktail of mixed fruit that brought Rei back to a simple time. A fisherman who always did as requested of him, a favored supplier for her parent's unique meals. Fond memories of happy times, back when she had a name worth something. Now, all of her value in herself lay on the shoulders of a single person. Someone she tried to hard to fill with confidence, only to watch him fail. But her definition of failure was not the same as her mother's. Failure, was to die. To have his story cut short. She had no value, but she wanted him to carry his own. As long as he returned, as long as he was alive... she would be happy. It would happen at his own pace, but until then, she would make a world for him, a world she could leave behind to him.

    She returned to an erect stance, only to look upon the girl. She was strange, something she had seen before, not in someone else, but herself. Alienated and segregated from the world, unknown of the outside traditions. She had learned a good deal, sure, but she wasn't at all normal by society's means.

    "Well ikomiki, I take it you aren't from here then. I haven't seen a cat, and to have someone hates the water doesn't make your fit for the Land of Water." she looked around, the rest of the sailors going about their day. Rei tucked the handle into her belt, the large wrapped blade still on her back. She leaned against the railing of the boat. "Where are you from? Not like it really matters, I'm glad someone, no matter where you came from, is here helping out the people here."
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:40 am

    Her eyes trailed, following the greasy man as he came back to the top of the ship. For some reason he followed the woman’s orders as she gave them. Perhaps this lady had some sort of a reputation. It seemed that, at least judging from the color of what he brought up to Rei, that her request for juice was a literal one. She had almost expected it to be non-literal and instead some sort of code for something most suspicious. Ikomiki’s attention was obvious, following the cup clearly with her eyes sas the gross man traveled with it and then focusing on Rei’s hands as it was placed into them. Rather than keeping eye contact this was much more important to her. The juice was such a pretty color. Ikomiki stayed silent.

    “I’m from Konoha.” Her attention was eventually torn away from the glass in the woman’s hands. “The Land of Fire. Sora-ku, in the Senju Forests. I haven’t actually spent very long in Konoha.”

    A few names were littered out in succession, with the first being discarded as quickly as it was announced. She didn’t wear a Konoha headband at the moment, despite being a Genin from that village. With the recent political turmoil in the village she was more eager than ever to distance herself from Konoha. Especially with the way she looked. The only reason she had reached out to the village in the first place was for safety, but now with how she looked she was lucky to not just get lynched on the street for the crime of looking like a cat. The idea of taking an extended leave in Kirigakure until the mess in Konoha blew over had crossed her mind a few times before, but at the same time that plan had its own vulnerabilities.

    And she wasn’t really fond of the idea of living on an island either. Her eyes would turn out to the sea, staring at the slight movements of the water in the distance.

    “It’s different here. I don’t like it, but I don’t want to go back either.” Helping the people. That was what she was doing, apparently. The idea was strange.

    “Where are you from?”

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:23 am

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    From the Hidden Leaves was not going to be her top guess, but it didn't matter to her. The Clouds, Sand, or wherever else, if they were here to help even the smallest of fishermen, then they were fine in her eyes. It wasn't that long ago she worked with a murderer. Doesn't mean she wasn't alert and suspicious, just meant she would do the job with them, with as little issue as possible. Rei nodded to the man as he handed off one of the clear amber liquids to herself, then extended a second to the other girl, nodding as if telling her it was alright.

    "It'll help ya feel better on da sea." he would say, offering the glass to her. Rei would nod, taking a sip of her own drink.

    "Born and raised here." She would say, looking at the old man, nodding with a smile and lifting her glass as if to cheer or toast to time they had. "Don't get me wrong, Konohagakure is a nice place too, but those forests always gave me a funny feeling." She cracked her back again, almost out of nervousness. She didn't have the best of memories from that place. "How you taking it here then, Ikomiki?" She said her name again, getting used to the taste of the word. It was strange, new, and a bit refreshing.

    But it only made her have more questions.
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Sun Mar 08, 2020 2:41 pm

    “I hate it.” Her response was immediate. She didn’t spare the woman’s feelings as a native, instead just speaking the truth. “The city and the ocean and the humidity. It’s all terrible. I don’t understand how people live here. Although, the jungle outside the village is nice.” It reminded her of home, but seeing how this woman seemed to dislike forests there was no reason to share that. It seemed they had opposing views on the matter. Civilization was something she had difficulty appreciating. The city was just dirty and crowded. Full of feet and noise and filth and bugs. There was nothing in it worth having. This was the same as Konoha, and Kiri was no different. If she had the power to choose all of it would be burnt to the ground. “I’m only here for the Chunin Exams. When they’re over I’ll be leaving. Unfortunately. Assuming I haven’t died first.”

    The glass that was offered to her would be inspected carefully. It appeared to be of the same amber fluid as the one that had been handed over to the strange woman. Ikomiki would lean forward as it was still in the man’s hand, giving it a testing sniff. It didn’t have the aroma of poison, and so Ikomiki would carefully take it from the man’s hands. She wouldn’t drink it just yet, choosing to watch how Rei digested it first.

    “You’ve been to Konoha before then?” She had caught that bit as Rei said it. It was something to be picked at, even if she didn’t care to hear the answer. Just another curiosity that could be exposed to pass the time.

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:12 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    People had a right to choose their lives. They had a right to choose a small house over a large mansion. That was life. To live in a cave or atop a tree. Everyone had their reasons for enjoying what they did. Rei found herself in a large estate, something that painfully reminded her of home. But even so, she preferred the small cramped rooms she shared with friends and allies on their missions and journeys. She hated the maze of hallways and rooms. To have everything in reach, was her desire.

    "The Jungle is nice, makes for a good vacation when I'm sick of the water." she commented on the tail end of the cat's comments, only to follow along. But to hear about the chuunin exams, only perked up her own ears, though, not as much as the girl's would. Assuming they perked at all. She never really spent time with a cat before. She wouldn't say a word, but drift off in thought, wondering how Chigetsu was dealing with it all. Whoever his teacher was, was sure to be in for a surprise. That, or disappointment. Maybe that would be a meeting to have at another time.

    She lifted the drink, taking it in a single sip. Watching her mull it over only reminded her of the treasure she held. "It's just fruits." she would say, "Delightfully sweet, worth its weight in gold, at least, to certain people." She smiled, enjoying the sweet drink.

    "Been around. Didn't stay long. Dropped off a few things, picked up a few things. It was years ago. When I wasn't here, I spent most of my years in Sunagakure, though, that was mostly moving around with the sand." Her free hand lifted up to her side, pointing, her palm dancing with the breeze of wind. She smiled, "Weird place. Very weird place..."

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:12 pm

    Ikomiki, despite how she dressed with her human trappings, could hardly be called domesticated. She was feral at heart, even if she barely looked the part. Or at least that was what she wanted to be. The things she had adopted wholesale since coming into civilization, being clothing and little supplementary hygiene devices like brushes and combs, made an incredible difference in her outwards appearance, but the way she behaved wasn’t all too different from when she had lived in Sora-ku. Defer to strength. Watch your surroundings. Keep your head down low. Show no weakness, but don’t make yourself a target. These were all rules that should work regardless of her surrounding, even if things became strange and confusing when involving the civilized world.

    Her ears did indeed perk, although it came at the description of the cocktail she had been handed. Just fruits. She was still cautious, understandably so after what happened the last time she accepted food from strangers. That was an experience she didn’t want to repeat. At the same time the allure of the juice was powerful. Rei had already sipped at it too, and so it was unlikely that it was poisoned or anything along those lines. Slowly Ikomiki would raise the glass to her lips and take a small sip of the amber fluid.

    The sweetness as it hit her tongue and the back of her throat immediately changed her demeanor towards it. She would take another sip. The glass was too tall for her to lick at it with her tongue like she would have liked, and so she was forced to drink in a human-like manner, but all the same it was delicious.

    “I like this.” She declared, in the same way that a monarch would declare their approval for a servant, or a parent for their child.

    She continued to sip at it, taking the smallest bit against her tongue each time. Little itty bitty baby sips. The rest of what Rei had said would be ignored, as it wasn’t important in comparison.

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:26 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Rei was nothing more than a well dressed mess with a smiling mask. Deep down, she was a woman who was was raised on animalistic behaviors; Survive, Kill, Repeat. She wasn't a trained assassin. She was not skilled in taking out people silently and efficiently. She was taught to take down her target at all and every cost, even at her own life. Sometimes even the lives of others but when it came down too, she saved that boy, and he and turned himself into a great ally and friend; Kaisaki. He owed his life to her, a debt never to be repaid, but one he attempted at every turn. He would serve her, as she was enslaved to her own mental state.

    She watched curiously as her new pet, I mean friend, had taken small curious sips of the drink, only to make her tilt her head in observation. "You know, if you want, he can pour a bowl for you, rather than a glass." She meant a simple soup bowl, but it almost seemed like she implied one for animals, but still, she didn't correct herself, she extended his courtesy for him to the guest. She was still an outsider, and Rei was prepared to make her feel welcomed.
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:09 pm

    Ikomiki would turn up from her glass as Rei gave the offer. Somehow she had managed to read her mind. Or was it just that this woman was familiar with cats? Ikomiki didn’t know which it was, but it was more likely that she had a pet cat than she can read minds. Her desire to drink the juice like a cat was purely instinctual. She had opposable thumbs and hands, so drinking like a human would have been fine for her. Ikomiki lacked the whiskers that cats did as well, and so she had no real reason to enjoy drinking out of bowls. It was something that she did enjoy though, just after years of habit. Perhaps it could be described as something cultural.

    “I would like that.” It came out quickly. Usually she was a bit more hostile towards strangers like this, especially ones who were so suspicious. Having been offered free food took away a lot of that attitude she normally would have had. “...How did you know?” She looked up at the woman, eyeing her for a moment, although her attention would be captured back down by the glass in her hands after a moment. She held it with both of her hands at the same time, wrapped around carefully. Part of it was her lack of experience in drinking in this human style, and half of it was fear of dropping it through the gentle movements that the boat had.

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:39 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    She couldn't help but stare, fighting every urge to reach out and touch her ears once more. Didn't cats like that? Or perhaps, being partially human had changed the meaning of a touch. Was it strange? Was it something sensitive? Her eyes drifted, until she looked down at the tail. Was this the same as staring at someone's butt? Could she touch it? Was she allowed to? Maybe later, perhaps better to ask first this time.

    "Orlie, could you uh, get her a bowl please." She would say, lifting her own glass, "And a refill. I promise to make this worth it later." She'd smile, only processing the differences between herself and the cat. They seemed so similar though. Or did she see things completely different?

    "Your hands." she pointed over at how she held the cup. "I can't remember where, but somewhere I had drank sake off a plate. Cups were just smaller bowls." She lowered her hand, her fingers wrapped around the glass from above like a machine claw picking a prize, she held it at her side. "I assume that's probably more preferable to you."
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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:18 pm

    Her tail swished through the air behind her. It caught the ends of her hair, silvery strands that flowed far too long down her back. The hair would be parted by the movements of her tail and then sent moving with its own current from the momentum. Her tail stayed fluid throughout the entire encounter, moving as if it had a mind of its own and rarely coming to a rest. As another form of body language it was hard to tell if Ikomiki was even aware of her own movements. If one was familiar with their intent they would be easily able to read her mood, but even then the capricious nature of a cat made utilizing this difficult. Now it snaked upwards, standing tall above her back and amidst her hair. The tip curved inwards, forming almost into the shape of a question mark.

    “It is. Bowls are easier to drink from than cups, and harder to spill. I don’t see why humans always insist on drinking from cups and bottles. It’s too inconvenient.” She looked down at her own hands, wondering how exactly they gave away all that information. Social interaction was an artform she had yet to master. Perhaps it would come easier to her in time, with more experience.

    “What’s sake?”

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    Post by Bones! Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:38 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Her eyes drifted again to watch the tail move as it did. Was it just instinctive? Was it as simple as using puppets to play music? No, it was part of her, perhaps something in the recess of her mind, doing things itself without need for provoking. She blinked, a motion she held perhaps in some sort of similar way. Something you did without thought. She tilted her head, watching the tail disappear behind her.

    Rei would sigh impatiently as Orlie still had spent some time looking for the bowl. Surely he had one, right? "It's liquor. Alcohol." The word itself left a sour taste in her mouth. She blamed herself for what happened to him. She turned him to her favored drink, and he had drowned himself in the taste. A fortune spent on a wine from a ways away, using his company to try and score a contract. A lost brewery that no longer churned it. Once her favorite thing, reduced to the taste of ash when she saw what he did to others.

    "Erm." She felt the uncomfortable question surfacing, and still she could not hold it back. "Are you old enough to drink?" A question asked, only to be followed by the man with a bowl of the juice in one hand, and a small pitcher in the other. He handed each to the requested party, before leaning against the boat to light his own cigarette.

    Rei would pour herself another drink.
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    Last edited by Bones! on Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : coding fix)


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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Ikomiki Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:49 pm

    It was an odd question, but someone so deep into human society might not be able to understand that, or why it was so strange. Ikomiki had an understanding of what liquor was. Fermentation could happen naturally. She was aware of these things when they occured, and even if she hadn’t been there was a certain amount of scavenging that she did while in Sora-ku. There was so much filth and excess that came from cities that it would sometimes end up even out in the forests where she made her home. The smell of it was something she could recognize, although more often than not it came disguised with something else.

    But what was old enough to drink? Ikomiki didn’t know how old she was. In terms of a cat, she would be reaching the end of her life, but at the same time she felt spry and young. She matured slowly compared to other cats. Faster than a human would, but still slow compared to kittens who were springing around and starting to first go into heat at six months. There was no conception of time in her mind, at least not in the same way that humans had it. There were only milestones. Winters and summers maybe, but these all blurred together at a certain point.

    “I don’t know how old I am. Or how old you need to be in order to drink.” She admitted, not having any shame in the fact. It was unimportant to her. All that mattered was that she was still young, which she could tell clearly just by how spry and quick she was still able to move. Nothing else was important.

    The man would appear again, swapping the cup she had with a bowl. Ikomiki would look at him as he pulled away, learning back to light some paper stick in his mouth. She would silently thank him and then turn back into the wonderful amber liquid filling her bowl. It would be brought up to her chin carefully, and with her tongue she was lap at it in a very similar way to an animal.

    “Why does it matter?”

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    Cats and Water [Mission] Empty Re: Cats and Water [Mission]

    Post by Bones! Mon Mar 09, 2020 5:11 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Usually it was the simple questions that seemed to have the most complicated of answers. It wasn't like it would change anything if she was able to or not. If anything, Rei would speak less about it, not having to over explain herself. But she wasn't one to speak to a child in a lesser manner. If they could not comprehend words simply put, then that was their loss. Even children could have complex minds, and adults simple ones.

    Having empty words spoken only rose more questions, none of which Rei actually cared for the answer of. But it did give a bit of insight. Someone that preferred the forests of jungles of the world, didn't know their own age. Perhaps someone who grew into a tribe that was secluded from the world than a village. There was places like that. Maybe they were send out, exiled for their strange nature and anatomy. She could guess, and maybe eventually she would know the answer. But for now, on this moment, on this docked ship, she cared none about.

    But Rei held a certain curiosity to how she drank. It really was like having a cat stand in front of you, but in a human shape. Would it be against the law to put her on a leash?

    "No reason. Just curiosity." She would say. "if you hate the water, why did you take a job on a boat? Unless... it was for the fish?"
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    Post by Ikomiki Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:28 pm

    “The fish.” She didn’t question it. Two times in a row of the correct guesses just made Ikomiki assume this woman was exceptionally intelligent. “The fish here are different than the ones in Konoha. They’re different shapes and more colorful. In Konoha there are mostly only long fish, and the most colorful ones are green or have a stripe of pink down the middle. I’ve looked in the rivers here and the fish are all sorts of different colors and shapes. Some of them look like they have hair, and some are flat and circular.” It was the most she spoke, and that she chose to open up on this topic continued her stereotypical feline behavior.

    She had a lot of experience fishing in rivers before. That was mostly at the riverside though. Even though she said she hated the water, this was only true if her hair got wet. As long as her hair didn’t get wet she didn’t mind it. As her hair flowed down approximately to her thighs that meant not traveling any more than knee deep into water. This wasn’t difficult when in rivers, but when it came to the ocean it was an entire different beast.

    “I want to see what fish from the ocean are like. What size and what shapes they are. I just wish it was easier than having to go out on a boat.”

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    Post by Bones! Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:40 pm

    Akeruseirei Hozuki
    Kirigakure's Exporter
    Sometimes it was easier to answer a question with a given option. She didn't need to come up with an answer if she could just choose what Rei had said, and did. Perhaps it was the real motive all along, or maybe it was something she had put into the cat's head.

    "Et's because of all the traffic 'round here." he would speak up. "They gots to adapt with the boats. And with all the chakra in the waters they be changin'."

    He answered a question unasked. Rei nodded, not sure how much of it was true or just rambling from an aging mind. She hoped if she ever got to a point where her mind failed her, her son would put her out of her misery. Would that be too much to as of him? She would do the same for her parents, but was that just how she was, or was it how she was raised. Chigetsu could kill her if she asked, right?

    "Could just sail on your own jutsu." she would say, "That or learn to walk on water." She shrugged, sipping her drink, offering her own glass to the man, only to get a wave of dismissal before she finished, and poured a third.

    "Why are we still docked anyways?"

    "Waitin' on a third."


    "I don't wanna have to sail a second time if ya muff it up."

    Rei shrugged. It was a fair point to make. But who else would join them?
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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:30 pm

    Kitsuki breathed in the salty sea air as she headed towards the dock. When she heard that this mission was to catch a Rocktail, she couldn't pass up the opportunity. Kitsuki loved a good Rocktail. Being a pescatarian, it was one of her life's goals to sample every fish the world had to offer. Unfortunately, that was rather difficult when you kept eating the same types of fish again and again. The girl couldn't help it, there were some species of fish that were just too tasty to pass up and this was one of them. She expected to be paid in Ryo but if the fishermen threw in some Rocktail as an extra reward then that would be even better.

    Kitsuki wore a black rain coat with golden buttons and a pair of stylish boats. When she came across the boat ties to the dock, she gingerly stepped aboard and called to the inhabitants in the cabin.

    "Hello? Hellooo! I'm here for the mission....catching Rocktails"


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