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    The Stone by the River


    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    The Stone by the River Empty The Stone by the River

    Post by Masaru Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:15 am

    It had been a few days since Masaru had taken the time to get some training in, with it being a nice day he decided to take that time now much to his daughters objections who decided she was going to the park. The conversation still ringing in the man's ear as he found a beautiful and peaceful river to train next too, his daughter was young and naive she was yet to understand the truth in the world. He did not like her being away from him, however she needed her space and he needed to train. Not for his own benefit but for hers, he had to protect her and he has slacked off too much to do it efficiently. The peaceful life he had lived was making him weak, if he is to acquire his dream and deliver his daughter the peace he deserved he needed to be more than he is now.

    The male would form the tiger, hare, boar, dog handseals molding his chakra into the earth to create a wall. At first it looked as though the wall would form, half of what he was trying to create formed through quickly fell apart into clumps of dirt. Masaru would curse himself under his breath as he brushed his bangs out of his face with his hand before trying it again, forming the hand seals once again to see the rocks form a wall half his height and before crumbing once more. Masaru would take a step back, he was over thinking everything. His focus was split and his mind was unclear, he would inhale a slow deep breath as he tried to calm himself and focus his mind. Once more the man formed the tiger, hare, boar, dog handseals molding his chakra into the earth. With his mind focused the man saw fruition in his task, an eight foot by eight foot wall of solid earth in front of him. Masaru would smile as he touched the earth wall, fearful at first that it might crumb like the last ones only to be met with a solid firm wall. Masaru's focus on the wall would change as he began to pour more chakra into the wall, this time rather than creation his focus was on destruction. Using all of his will to cause the wall to crumble, closing his eyes the man would imagine the wall crumbling under the pressure of his chakra, becoming nothing more than rumble. Opening his eyes Masaru would see his will bring what he saw within his mind to reality, the wall falling apart into several small rocks at his feet.

    Finally the male was starting to get back into the groove of things, trying to keep his momentum going he went straight into the next Jutsu. Forming the horse, dog, bird, ox, snake handseals Masaru would will the fallen rocks into the form of a dragon. It would take several minutes of the man standing still concentrating on what he wanted the rocks to do before finally the small rocks would begin to move, while slowly at first it would eventually take the shape of the dragon Masaru willed it to. It would have been the perfect creation and exceptional for him to accomplish such a feat on his first try, except for the fact that the dragon was only six feet tall barely bigger than Masaru himself and certainly not like the dragon's he had seen his former master's create. A sigh of disappointment would escape the man's lips as he waved his hand and the dragon collapsed back into the pile of rubble he had used to create it, "Let's try that again, shall we." The man said aloud to himself as he began to form the handseals at another attempt for the stone dragon.

    Word Count: 645

    Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall | B-Rank: 200/200
    Earth Release: Rock Collapse | B-Rank: 200/200
    Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon | B-Rank: 200/200

    Leftovers for next post: 45

    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:32 am