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    Shopping for Stuff!


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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Sat Sep 30, 2017 8:35 pm

    Kameko was absolutely livid, even though it had been a couple days since her father's meeting with the Tsuchikage. She could barely contain herself from telling the old man to shove a stick up his ass, and her father's collected response was what held her in check. He too had been absolutely furious, and when he got back to the clan district and explained what had happened the entire clan had been furious. Some were angry the Tsuchikage had the nerve to ask such a thing while some were angry that Mizuki hadn't accepted what was given as a way to prevent future conflicts. Even now, two Amandi shinobi had been halted from proceeding on an assigned mission at the gates. The rest figured it out, and had taken missions within the village to begin supporting themselves until the Tsuchikage changed his mind.

    She thought he was simply losing his mind like the First Tsuchikage. Either that or he was just a truly callous man, neither choice being desirable here. Her father had commanded the clan to remain calm and to go about their days as normally as they possibly could. Maintaining innocence would be key to gaining support from other clans should the Second choose to do something entirely too rash.

    Today Kameko had decided that she was going to expend her energy in the heat of the forge. She didn't have much money for supplies so she knew she'd need to go cheap at first. So, at a shop that sold almost exclusively raw materials to the local craftsmen, Kameko would buy six pounds of bronze, twenty pounds of coal and ten pounds of wood. She was going to forge three bronze katana and make their sheathes herself. Once she was caught up on her skill, she could use what money she had remaining to buy the iron and coal needed to forge something out of steel. Then she only needed to find a buyer. Shouldn't be too tough, now that she was restricted to the village only. Not that she planned on going anywhere anyways. Once she had her stuff, Kameko would head home to begin planning her next projects.

    Bought 6 pounds of bronze, 20 pounds of coal, and 10 pounds of wood.

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:34 pm


    An unnamed Chuunin elbowed his partner while pointing at the ground over the market. Her spotted the target. From above Kameko could see several black dashes dart overhead using the rooftops as a highway to their destination. Though, above there were two that made their landing just several feet before Kameko intercepting her desired path out of the market. "Excuse me, Kameko Amandi. The Head Mistress Masuyo Kaede asked for your presence in the Hou Zhuan Square. Seeing that you're already here, we will let her know of your whereabouts." With that being said the partnering Chuunin would ascend into the air with a solid leap back onto the rooftops where he would race back to the location he was told to report to when the target was found. Meanwhile the Chuunin would introduce himself. "Oh, and my name is Izumo Aono. Pleased to meet you." He said with a sturdy bow introducing himself formally to the Kunoichi.

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:27 pm

    Kameko forgot to buy cloth! With that little delay, the chuunin almost missed her on their search. The shopkeep had been kind enough to give her a pack to sling across her back to carry all this heavy shit, which she was very thankful for. When they stopped her, she gave them a dirty look. It had been a rough couple days, and her mood still wasn't particularly grand after her meeting with the Tsuchikage. One left to go get some other person and the other one introduced himself.

    She dropped her pack on the ground and put her hands on her hips. "Well, I can't carry that all the way back to the market, talk to some person I don't know with it, and then haul it back to my house. So, if we're gonna be going anywhere, I need to drop this off first. Either that, or you can carry it. Your choice." Once the chuunin got her pack for her, since he would of course do that immediately as Kameko's feminine charms were absolutely irresistible, she would stop looking at him dirty. "Thank you! Now, who the hell is this Masuyo Kaede?"

    Bought some cloth too.

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:36 am

    A shadow flashed over Kameko and Izumo as it passed over the sun. In a spectacular series of somersaults a Shinobi descended from the air. A masterful display of acrobatics she landed on both feet, her body already bent into a bow as she straightened up. Masuyo wore the standard gear most Shinobi in Iwagakure wear. Her footwear consisted of standard black sandals fitted for comfort and security. With the toes and heel left exposed they provided additional balance, while the rest of the foot up to the ankle was protected by the thick material of the sandal. The soles of the sandals are reinforced with hardened material to resist heavy impacts and wear. Fishnet tights draw from her feet all the way up the entire length of her legs designed to fit snugly and providing minimal warmth while still remaining breathable in hotter conditions. A pair of tight black shorts reach down nearly five inches above her knees. White bandage wrap is wrapped around her right thigh which has a navy blue holster strapped over. Around her waist she wears the basic utility belt which carries two green holsters on her right side along with a tool pouch around her back side and a canteen to the far left. She wears a red lapel on her left side extending down to her knee not interfering with her access to her tools.

    A red top is worn with loose sleeves reaching down just a little past her elbows. This is reinforced with a brown leather flak jacket provided by Iwagakure's armory which serves as issued the issued armor. This is accompanied by an additional tool pouch which is wrapped around the abdomen facing the front instead of being on the rear. On both hands Masuyo wears a set of fingerless black gloves backed with small steel plates providing comfort and protection. Around her neck Masuyo wears her forehead protector as a collar. The black cloth is tied in a knot around the back side of her neck with the steel plate facing the front for identification. The steel plate has Iwagakure's emblem engraved on the front. Masuyo has straight black hair which extends down to her mid back. Two strands of hair drop down touching her chest which leads into her bangs which are cut shorter and swept to her right side. She stands at 5'9 weighing approximately 145 lbs. Her fair skin is complimented with her voluptuous form which is completed with a pair of hazel eyes.

    "Kameko Amandi!" Masuyo said rather zealously as the second Chuunin dropped from the sky next to her. "I am the Head Instructor of the Academy and Shinobi Forces of Iwagakure, Masuyo Kaede. As my title suggests, I am the organizer and enforcer of training standards in our military as well as one of the top rated instructors in Iwagakure. I am here today because you are selected to be under my wing by my decision. As a Genin you represent our village as our youth. My job will be to help hone you physically and mentally while give you experience as a Shinobi. Our first mission starts now." She said while reaching into her flak jacket's pouch. From there she revealed a scroll and handed it to Kameko.


    "I see Izumo has your groceries. He will take them back to your home. Makashi, go round up the others and have them return to the Admin building." Both Chuunin nodded obediently before dashing off to fulfill their tasks. There is was just Kameko and Masuyo among the crowd of civilians working their way around them. "A common task a Chuunin will take is patrol. I chose this task because it's easy and gives us time to talk. We will stay here until dusk, then turn in the mission. That'll give us about six hours to watch the markets. I hope you came prepared." From a moment of examination Masuyo did not see much physical development on the blonde. It was not too surprising knowing her skills and fresh status as a Genin. She was just like most other Genin, average in all fields. Masuyo was ready to mold this petite girl into a voluptuous Kunoichi.

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:21 pm

    Aaaaaand the chuunin never got the chance to say anything. Out of the sky dropped a woman decked out like a well paid jonin dropped in near their position. Kameko noted her own particular lack of weapons, something she had been hoping to remedy with what she bought today, but it didn't seem like that'd be happening anytime soon. Bummer. Briefly she suspected that this was some sort of ploy by the Tsuchikage, but it was possible that Kameko had been assigned beforehand and just hadn't been notified until now. The way of doing so was a bit odd however, so that is what gave her her doubts.

    Masuyo went through a very long winded explanation of who she was, what she did, and why she was there. The entire time, Kameko would keep a bored yet somewhat annoyed look on her face with one eyebrow slightly raised and the corner of her mouth downturned slightly. This was definitely not on her agenda. The jonin also handed her a scroll that contained a mission within. For some reason, there was a C rank mission occurring within the marketplace of the village. Her eyebrows twitched down in concentration as she thought about why that would be. Had the Tsuchikage pissed off other clans too, like he had the Amandi? Violence in what was essentially a police state was tantamount to suicide, especially if it's bad enough to garner the attention of the average soldier instead of just some regular old police.

    Once Masuyo was finished speaking, Kameko would take another moment to gather her thoughts. "Not really, so...Right." She paused here for a moment, chewing over what exactly to say. The still sore wound on the inside of her cheek reminded her that it was possible to not be completely and totally brash when she was furious. She just needed to bleed a little to stop herself is all. "So, how often do fights break out requiring the presence of a chuunin ranked shinobi? Because if it's not very many, I don't suppose we could do this tomorrow so I could work on improving my skills at a forge and grindstone, hm?" Kameko didn't care too much about Masuyo's rank, nor what the mission really entailed. She didn't have the greatest desire to be a shinobi anyways, but her father had insisted upon it to try and show that the clan was indeed loyal to the village. She was more interested in making things, weapons in particular, and then trying to find a way to infuse a power so unique into them that it could eventually come to have the same fame as the legendary weapons of her time. Fuuinjutsu was truly the only useful skill she learned at the academy in her opinion. Everything else she learned, she learned right at home or in the forge of a blacksmith. She didn't plan on changing that anytime soon, if she could help it.

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:10 am

    Kameko certainly looked to be a timid person. The way she spoke and body language in general was lacking energy. But certainly that can be changed, and it was Masuyo's job to do so. Her first question was getting a little bit of background about their mission. "Fights? Why, brawls are not very common. You do get some drunk loons on occasion, but those usually occur at night. Crime is not super common to begin with in this village, let alone the market. People tasked with market duty serve as an example of our forces. You are expected to solve the minor crimes that do occur, but most of the time you're here to help with accidents and keep an eye out for suspicious activity. As for your little hobby it'll have to wait until we finish this mission. Besides, I know you could use some money after spending a little here and there. Playing with a forge could wait." Masuyo turned to face the direction towards the center of the market place waving her hand as she motioned Kameko to follow her deeper into the market area.

    Her presence urged most people to acknowledge her and try to make room. The uniform was one thing, but her height put her on most terms of some men. It forced some to acknowledge her presence. This made moving through the crowd of people easier than Kameko would have on her own. Reaching the perimeter of the town squad Masuyo paused at the corner of a candy store gazing into the crowd. "Chuunin are not chosen for their skill set for this task. A fresh Genin could quite easily clobber the average attacker in these parts. Chuunin are given this task for many different reasons, which I'm glad you brought up. For starters, their authority. Chuunin is the rank at which you are legally allowed to enforce the law. This is important, along with your uniform, as civilians will see you as a legitimate authority figure. Not just some kid who practices hammering iron all day." She said with a wry smile teasing the girl a little from what she knows about her. "Second, Chuunin have a lot more social experience. We don't expect young Genin to be outspoken and proactive about things they witness due to their lack of confidence in their skills and newness to the world. Genin overall lack integrity. Lastly, I will say a Chuunin's strength is much desired. Although I said they are not solely chosen for their skills we certainly want them to be in control of a situation. We want to always have the advantage to prevent any casualties on either side. A Genin may underestimate a situation having to resort to lethal options."

    Masuyo turned her head and grabbed a lollipop from a display outside the candy store. It was cherry wrapped in a clear plastic wrapping. "Chuunin aside, you don't run into a whole lot of trouble at the market.
    Though, that does not mean you should slouch. With any patrol and sentry task in mind your primary task is to scout the area and be wary of suspicions. You shouldn't rely on the gates to filter out potential terrorists or enemy shinobi.
    You should always keep your eyes open in case one finds a way in. As a Chuunin you would most likely have a partner who can alert others if you find anything off. If you happen to be alone don't try to engage the target alone unless you are confident in their abilities and your own. Report it immediately and we will send squads out in a search effort to neutralize the situation. As a Chuunin you should always rely on your ally."
    Pulling the twist wrapping the opened the lollipop closing her mouth over the sugary, tangy candy.

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:28 pm

    Oh my fucking... are you serious, Kameko thought to herself when she realized that Masuyo was going to give such a long winded response. Outwardly she simply kept a passive expression as the jonin described in detail what the philosophy behind the mission was during their trip back to the square. Typically she'd smile or something, but like mentioned before, it's been a really bad couple days. Kameko just wasn't in a good mood, nor was she in the mood to watch a jonin patrol the marketplace. Her own strength wasn't up to snuff yet, as she hadn't ever worked straight through a creation under her apprenticeship before. She left to go on her own before that been allowed, and now she needed to get some practice in to help tone her up.

    Masuyo also made sure to note her desire to dedicate time to weapon crafting as a mere hobby. That... really wasn't helping to endear Kameko to her any. Kameko was polite and waited for Masuyo to finish speaking before speaking herself. "Okay, so be a good team mate instead of a bad one. Got it. You know, I actually didn't spend that much, and I am completely unprepared for a mission of any sort right now," she continued in protest. It was true, too. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had on a white cut off and shorts similar to Masuyo's though without the fish net stockings. Her headband wrapped around her arm was the only other thing she had on in her belief that she could dress comfortably the first part of the day. Being a shinobi sucked sometimes, man.

    She had on her shinobi sandals at least, but no weapons of any kind. "It'd more or less just be me watching you, you know." At this point, Kameko realized exactly where they were; at one of the Amandi Candy Shops. She blinked, unsure why Masuyo would bring her here first of all places. And then she took a lollipop without paying for it! Kameko just blinked, unsure of what to do. "Uh, yeah, I guess that one's on the house," she said with a bit of a confused tone in her voice. After a briefly awkward pause, she continued. "What're we doing first, then?"

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:08 am

    Masuyo listened to Kameko and her concerns. It was obvious she did not want to be present with her at this time. Having heard it before many time she had plans of her own, which was understandable. But currently Masuyo needed her time. As she unwrapped the candy and stored it in her cheek with the white stick hanging out Kameko was inclined to have a reaction. Although it wasn't the one Masuyo was looking for, it was a start. "Is that what you're going to say when everyone takes food off the stalls?" Masuyo stuffed her hand in her pant's pocket as the sound of loose change was heard being jingled around. Grabbing a small coin she pulled it from her pocket handing it to the blonde. It was a small silver coin equivalent to five ryo. At this particular store they sold these lollipops two for five ryo. It was flavored corn syrup on a stick. With the Amandi's presence in the village one could say their candy runs for an incredibly low price for their master crafted quality. Of course that just makes their work easier in the long run. "Give this to the clerk. Grab yourself one, too."

    Masuyo did not particularly care what she did with her share of the ryo. She could grab a lollipop like her, or any other candy they sold within the same budget. Despite this being a test of Kameko's perception Masuyo was still one to uphold the law. She waited for Kameko to return from the clerk's counter, presumably with some kind of treat in her hand or mouth as well. As she did Masuyo casually leaned on against the outside wall of the store with her finger and thumb spinning the sucker back and forth against her puckered lips as she gazed into the crowd. Although her attention was drawn mostly to the crowd she kept Kameko within her peripherals as much as she could.

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:01 pm

    Kameko didn't react beyond looking at Masuyo a bit funny when she asked if Kameko would say that to anyone who took candy from a stall. Kameko was just shocked that Masuyo would take one right in front of her like that is all. Catching a thief who isn't supposed to be your sensei is also much easier. "Well, no, but most people who take candy from stalls are ten years old and aren't a jonin," Kameko said matter-of-fact like. Masuyo handed her some coins, having apparently grabbed the cheapest lollipop available. Likely one crafted by an apprentice and put in the bargain bin. Kameko took the coins and and dropped them in the empty coinpurse she had on her waist. "I'll be sure to give them to my dad later. They won't question me taking one."

    The genin walked over to the better candies, waving at her kinsman inside the shop that had the door open. He looked up from his paper from behind the counter, obviously a bit tired, and waved back before turning back to his paper. Kameko snagged one of the higher quality suckers, typically costing twenty ryo by itself, unwrapping it and sticking it inside her cheek. It tasted exactly like freshly picked strawberries dipped in chocolate, one of Kameko's favorite candies to get. Being the clan heiress had its benefits, free candy every once in awhile being one of them.

    She looked back at Masuyo, moving the sucker around in her mouth to the other side and getting a good taste of the delicious candy. Man, sugar could really make your day better even when it just absolutely sucks. Kameko took the sucker out of her mouth with a "pop" before speaking to Masuyo. "Alright, so I think we're done stealing candy for today. What valuable skill am I going to learn next, Masuyo-sensei?"

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:42 am

    "Aye, but a thief is still a thief regardless of what they steal or their intentions." Masuyo added while handing Kameko the spare change. She added the coin in her own pouch instead saying she would give it to her father later. Masuyo could care less what Kameko did with the money. The crime would be as petty as using a water cup for soda. She was not entirely inclined to pay the clerk herself trusting the Genin's words enough. Kameko parted from Masuyo the inside of the shop where the more "valuable" candies were kept within closer eyesight of the clerk. Masuyo was not a huge fan of sweets as they are, thus the quality not being a major issue to her as it would a natural born candy freak like Kameko. Masuyo knew enough of the Amandi's presence to know they are renown candy makers. They were like a Willy Wonka gene in their success. Even their cheap "bargain bin" items were a cut above the average candy store.

    As Kameko went inside Masuyo used the window of time to execute her plan. Masuyo would be standing outside of the doors which led into the candy shop. As Kameko disappeared into the store Masuyo held the hand seal for Shadow Clone, conjuring a single Shadow Clone by her side keeping the clone out of sight. immediately as it was created the clone vanished with max speed making its way out of sight away from town square. This window of time was large enough to be done successfully before Kameko came back. When she did Masuyo casually played with her sucker as she leaned against the store's exterior. "I'm sure you can put two and two together to understand that was a test of your integrity. You were sharp enough to see the action and say something, so I'll give you a pass on that." As if it was timed at the end of what she had to say there was a high-pitched, feminine scream coming from what could only be the bath house located on the other end of the town square. "Sounds like it might be a peeper.
    I think you can handle this one by yourself."

    Masuyo paused briefly as her face lightened up recalling what Kameko initially said about being unprepared. "You could probably use this.
    You shouldn't need anything lethal on your belt yet. Good luck!"
    Masuyo extended an open palm offered Kameko a single kakute, which was a black iron ring with three sharp spikes on its face. It could either be worm extending outwards to increase the lethal potential of punches, or inwards to conceal and improve the power of the user's grip by driving the spikes into their flesh with a tightened grip. With a wide grin Masuyo would wait for Kameko to accept the tool or not. The situation escalated as two females exited the bathhouse in a panicked rush, partially dressed as they were still trying to get their shoes and over shirts on.

    Within the steamy chambers of the bath house the wall that once separated the men's room from the women's has been broken in. A small hole has been caved in just large enough to fit a crouched man. "Block the exit!
    Don't let them get away, faggot!"
    The voice of an adolescent man hollered at one of his lackey friends as he rushed to reinforce the women's entrance doors. A table and a few chairs were enough to reinforce the door closed shut until one had tremendous strength to plow through the door and furniture all in one blow. The plan was successful. A good sum of women were left trapped in the bathing area with the men effectively raiding their side of the area. "Finally I get to touch some real boobs for the first time! Heads up, ladies! Wohoo!" The boy screamed with droll falling from the side of his mouth. The young man, who could be assumed to be sixteen, was clothe-less and standing roughly 5'9 with tan skin and black hair. Diving into the bath waters he swam towards the group of remaining girls, who all seemed to have huddled into the far end of the bath away from the guys.

    Emerging from the water the boy began aimlessly groping the group of women in attempts to make the most of his mischievousness. The chaos extended into the actual house as well. The women who escaped in a hurry to leave and chaos caused by the rest of the boy's friends. It seemed like a much planned "attack" in the women's bath house. Within the commotion, however, there was a darker goal to be had. A patterned knock gave access from the inside of the bath house to the actual bath area. There were two boy who seemed older, one being eighteen while the other nineteen. They dressed casually and heavily concealing most of their appearance with baggy clothes and a cloth rag worn around their face. From the looks of it one had medium blond hair while the other short and brown. "Ah, there she is." The blond teen exclaimed as he approached the far end of the bath house. With aggressive hands he reached into the pile of girl and retrieved a rather cute one with pink hair and green eyes. She had a small frame and could not have been older than fifteen. An obvious freshman by school standards.

    "You're coming with me!" The man held the small girl from under her arms and carried her to the door again. Reaching in his pocket he retrieved a crude knife and held it against her throat. "Do anything but moan and I'll cut your throat open. You should love it. Get out of my way." The blond moved quickly through the door not to waste any precious time. He would carry the girl to the nearest storage closet within the female locker rooms.

    Masuyo spectated the town square, but kept close tabs on the bath house gauging its activity. She sat on top of the candy store with sucker still in her mouth, legs hanging off the side of the building. Although she did watch Kameko closely she still had her duty as designated guard of town square. There were other potential matters she had to keep her mind on and could not let peeping toms distract her work entirely. It was the perfect exercise for Kameko to handle alone.

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:29 pm

    Kameko blinked when Masuyo created a shadow clone in front of her, as Kameko had never actually entered the store. She pretended as if nothing were odd about it, and Kameko couldn't help but watch as the clone took off at a high rate of speed, faster than she could accurately even track, which kinda disturbed her. Was there really such a gap between the ranks of shinobi? Holy shit, was that a sobering experience. Now she wondered how much guts it really did take for her father to outright deny the Tsuchikage every one of his demands. That could have been a very messy encounter, but she was too angry to take a complete observation of the situation up until this moment.

    Her sensei then leaned against the wall and pretended as if nothing had happened, continuing the conversation as it normally would have gone. Within a few moments, a scream emitted from the direction the clone ran off to. Kameko rolled the sucker in her mouth, looking back and forth between Masuyo and the location of the scream. Again, she played it off as if nothing was awry. Once revealing the kakute, Kameko would tilt her head and scrunched one side of her face a little bit as if to say "really" without actually speaking.

    "Did you just... send your clone to attack someone," she asked with more than a little suspicion tinting the question. Like, was it really that important to teach her stuff? All she wanted to do was make a few knives and stuff, but noooooooo, instead she gets stuff with a deranged woman trying to teach her life skills like stealing candy and attacking random women to try and teach her something. Then it hit her. Was Masuyo even a jonin? Did she just escape from the psych ward after a bout of PTSD? The thoughts did amuse Kameko, but they worried her more.

    Assuming Masuyo would ignore this or come up with an otherwise brash result, Kameko would shake her head a couple times before replying. "Yeah, okay, sure. This is fine, totally fine." That was meant more for herself than it was for Masuyo, but Kameko would reluctantly take the weapon and slipped it onto her left middle finger with the points on the underside of her hand. The genin took off at a decent pace towards the bath houses, nowhere near as quick as Masuyo was in her approach, meaning it took her some time to get there.

    She didn't see the young girl get taken, but she did spot all the guys sexually assaulting the women. Like, the actual fuck? Anyways, Kameko finally got there after thorough amounts of groping had been committed with the women completely unable to defend themselves for some reason. Kameko, dressed as skimpily as she was, probably wouldn't be taken serious by any of these guys, but hey it was worth a shot. There was one guy near where she came in from who turned towards her to try something. Kameko slapped him as hard as she could with her ring hand, driving three deep gouges into his cheek. He fell, stunned and holding his cheek as blood began to flow. "Fuck off, got it?" He got up, scrambling out of the baths. Nobody else seemed to notice, sadly.

    "HEY!!!!!" she screamed over the commotion. Most of the guys stopped, startled by her voice. "So, you're all going to stop doing that. Right now. And then you're going to stay right here. If any of you try to leave, I promise you, I will break. You." She paused for a moment, eyeing the men and letting her tone and what she had actually said set it. Some took note of the headband on her arm, getting second thoughts from their ideas of bravery. "Am I clear?" As soon as she asked this, she heard a scream come from somewhere else in the bath house that was quickly stifled. Sounded like it came from the locker rooms. Kameko wove a few seals, creating a couple of the basic clones. She knew they weren't real, but to the average citizen who never dealt with ninjutsu of any sort they would appear to be as real as she was. With three of her there, the real Kameko would leave her two clones behind and head towards the locker room.

    Once inside, she would listen carefully for the sounds of a scuffle. She heard some banging and muffled cries coming from the other end of the locker room, so she took off after the noise. It was coming from a storage closet, and Kameko immediately threw open the door to see what was going on. Inside was a man with his pants around his ankles with a girl no older than Kameko on the floor. He was armed it seemed, and was about to do something truly awful.

    Kameko glared at the man who was staring at her, still a bit stunned. "This was a really bad decision on your part," she said honestly. Her eyes, usually kind, were cold and would have unnerved anybody who looked at them directly. Instead, this guy began to try and kick his pants off so he could move. Kameko walked up to him quickly and then, taking a lesson from the Arhat Fist, tried to drive her palm into his sternum. He slashed with the knife, something she expected. Her arm moved in under his. As her right hand came up to grab his hand, her left forearm blocked his slash by hitting his wrist. Her right hand, combat training finally coming in use, came in from above to slam down on his hand and wrench the crudely made weapon from his hand. Something snapped, likely his wrist, causing a nasty popping sound.

    Her right hand was thrust forward in a fist, driving the air from the man as her left arm bent at the elbow in anticipation of him bending forward from her first blow. He did, and her palm with the bloodied kakute slammed into his face. The spikes were driven into his cheek, puncturing his face. To cap it off, Kameko's left knee came up into the man's thigh to give him one hell of a charlie horse and a nasty bruise for tomorrow. He hit the ground after the last attack, not having expected a girl to have been able to do so much on her own. Kameko offered her hand to the girl who was about to have been raped, which she gratefully accepted. Kameko pulled her up, taking her own shirt off to reveal the lone black band across her breasts that was underneath. She handed the shirt to the girl, who put it on to cover her upper body while a quick snatch at a towel in the storage room provided a makeshift skirt for her bottom. Kameko escorted her out, expecting Masuyo or her clone to be somewhere nearby. She was probably the one who put the hole in the wall, if Kameko's suspicions were true.

    Used: Arhat Fist

    Stamina used: 3/40

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:58 am

    Kameko asked a rather brash question, one that even caused Masuyo to stared blankly at the Genin's face. "Uhh...no? I would have no reason attack citizens of this village unprovoked." Despite what she said, Kameko's response was prepared as if she did not care what it was, only being appalled at whatever she had to say. At the very least she did accept the tool which was a bit of a relief. Deep down Masuyo was worried that given the circumstance she might have waltzed into the place unarmed. Masuyo knew Kameko was a rather fresh Genin, so she did not rely on her to use Taijutsu as a primary weapon like most Jounin would. The Kakute would give her physical attacks a little more meat-tenderizing action, or nasty lacerations depending how it was used. It was one of Masuyo's prepared less-than-lethal tools due to its superficial appearance and her personal focus on Taijutsu. Plus it could be laced with poison because doubly more effective. Kameko hustled off to the bathhouse in which Masuyo perched herself on top of the candy store. She watched as the Amandi girl vanished inside the building.

    Several minutes passed as Masuyo watched the scene unfold. Out of the main doors was a single boy holding the side of his face with a napkin against his cheek. With a sharper glare she spotted a bit of red. Looks like she got one of them. Falling from above in a precise landing was the clone Masuyo sent out earlier. In her mouth she held a takeout bag like a dog as she fell to her knees. "Mmmm, chow mein is good to munch on even when you just ate not long ago. It's one of those foods that fill you,
    but not really. Did you bring hot mustard?"
    The clone silently nodded retrieving a few packets from her pocket. ]"Excellent work! Back you go." In a burst of smoke the shadow clone disappeared as the smoke itself vanished in the wind. Digging in her hip pouch she pulled out a nice pair of chop sticks, much better than the ones that came in the bag. Setting her snack up she began to chow down as she waited.

    Another arbitrary amount of time passed since the man left the bath house, there being no more disruptions it seemed. The empty box of chow mein sat next to her on top of the frayed plastic bag it came in. Masuyo licked and slurped her chopsticks clean before returning them back in her hip pouch. It's been a short while since I last seen Kameko. I should check up on her. A small, muffled belch followed as she slid off the ledge of the roof top and onto the ground. On solid earth the ground weakened significantly slipping the Jounin through before it hardened back into its original integrity.

    Masuyo tunneled her way towards the bathhouse, the chakra of everyone above her being sensed. She kept tabs on everyone's location before falling into the earth allowing her to visualize the bathhouse from everyone's recent location. As she got closer a stronger chakra signature stood out among a small crowd of people. Masuyo could only assume this one was Kameko lest another Shinobi was present and Kameko was discarded. A slight crumble could be heard next to Kameko as loose dirt fell from an object ankle-height. Masuyo's head popped out from the earth as light brown dirt dusted her black hair. She looked up to Kameko from the ground. On the other side of her was the rescue victim Kameko saved earlier. She wore tattered clothing and what appeared to be the Genin's shirt. Upon closer inspection she saw Kameko was only wearing what appeared to be a chest suppressor which, unlike a bra which cradled and gave volume to a woman's chest, instead pressed down harsh and firm attempting to hide it. "Looks like a spicy encounter." Turning her head to the wall which was clearly busted, glancing at the corner of the bathhouse crowded by men and women alike, Masuyo turned her head back to Kameko.

    "But everything wound up fine." The door cranked open as a handful of Chuunin stormed in the room. They were mostly female given the circumstance to provide some degree of comfort to the victims in the room. "It looks like the boy was right. Take these men in,
    and search the bathhouse for any more evidence. Oh, Masuyo-sensei! I didn't see you there. No need to worry, we will take care of everyone from here."
    The Chuunin finished as she motioned the others to take action, one of them relieving and pulling a warm, white blanket over the girl Kameko saved. "I'll meet you outside the front door, Kameko." Masuyo said before submerging back underground and tunneling her way only to surface again, dusting her dingy hair off getting as much dirt as she could before Kameko arrived.[/color]

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:07 pm

    Kameko almost yelped when Masuyo's voice came out of nowhere. She looked around for the source before spotting Masuyo in the ground next to her. What the hell is this she thought to herself. Now she could just pop in and out of the ground like a ninj- oh, right. Her sensei made a comment about the encounter being "spicy" but turning out okay in the long run. A group of chuunin came in through a door, mostly female as it should be, and once the girl had been taken by them she managed to get her shirt back. Masuyo said she'd meet her outside, so that's where Kameko headed. She slipped her shirt on before leaving the building, and would arrive at Masuyo's location slipping the dangerous ring off her finger.

    She hadn't noticed the poison on the spikes, mostly because she hadn't been paying any particular kind of attention to them, and still didn't notice it. Due to this, Kameko haphazardly tossed the ring back at Masuyo once she spotted her sensei. "Here's your ring back." Once Masuyo caught it, Kameko would continue speaking. "So, how long are supposed to do this for again?"
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

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    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Rin Matoi Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:29 pm

    Masuyo waited casually outside the scene as the criminals were escorted out. She was surprised how such a minor incident could escalate into something out of control. Alas, Kameko arrived outside clearly showing the kakute in her hand before tossing it back. It was dipped in blood. She grabbed a tissue from her front pocket to wipe it clean before tossing it back in her hip pouch. "It's important to make time for your village when the time calls upon you.
    I understand you have your own interests and plans, and from the start you were uninterested in this activity. If you went your own way as intended we wouldn't be the first responders to this incident. And who knows. Maybe the girl you saved in the brink of time wouldn't have been so fortunate to have you there. In most cases, against organized Shinobi, you don't have the chance to second-guess your plans. You need to be able to react when the time comes."
    Masuyo was a lot more sincere in her words and a more serious demeanor to her typical, jovial vibe. "I'll give you a week to clear your head and have some time off. Meet me in the Stone Yard at noon. I have something to teach you."

    With a nod she vanished in a blur reporting back to the administration area to exchange the mission and give a report. Kameko was free of those boring duties. At least for now.


    Posts : 153
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    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu, Ninjutsu, Scorch, Katon, Fuuton, Suiton
    Class: B

    Shopping for Stuff! Empty Re: Shopping for Stuff!

    Post by Bryn Sat Oct 21, 2017 12:05 pm

    Kameko listened with a passive expression, though her eyebrows drooped and her eyes turned down slightly in a note of somberness once Masuyo started explaining that timing isn't always perfect. The teachers at the academy had said the exact same stuff, she just hadn't been able to apply it until now. Still, Masuyo sensei had been in the area along with those other two chuunin. It was very likely they would have gotten here before her, especially since Kameko was fairly slow compared to them. Masuyo then told her to meet her at the stone yard in a week for a lesson. Sounded like Masuyo was going to teach her a technique, though she wasn't sure what she could learn with her meager abilities in most fields unrelated to crafting.

    Kameko would nod, replying with "One week. Got it." Then, Masuyo was gone. Just like her clone had been earlier, faster than she could really track. Blinking once, the genin would turn back towards home and took off at full speed. She had some stuff to do.



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