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    Gate Sentry [Orihime]


    Gate Sentry [Orihime] Empty Gate Sentry [Orihime]

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:43 pm

    Sentry Duty:

    Things were tough with the tension on high. Jashinists almost came to assaulting the Raikage, and even killed a handful of people in the process. It frustrates Sven that such a thing came to pass, and in the end nothing was done to the Church of Jashin. It frustrates the Jounin to the point where he didn't realize that he was cracking his clipboard from how tight his grip became. It wasn't until a guard whispered to him.

    "Sir… you're breaking your clipboard." Snapping his eyes to focus on the present. He was on guard duty for a while. After what happened, Sven opted to just stay guarding the gates before the Church drives him insane. A sigh escapes from his lips as his grip loosens enough to not create anymore cracks in the wood.

    "Apologies. Sometimes I forget my own strength." Sven half-heartedly jokes to break the tension. Despite what's happened, Sven can't afford to let it affect him. Not when he's on shift right now. Sven wears his typical black suit with silver lines and buttons. So outside of the headband around his neck, Sven looks more like a businessman than a shinobi. Still his blonde hair is groomed to stay out of his eyes as his piercing eyes analyzed the people coming and going through the Kumogakure Gates.

    "If you say so sir. I honestly doubt anyone is going to try anything, but don't get distracted." Nodding his head in acknowledgement. Now was a time that Sven cannot afford to get distracted. A smile curls his lips before looking down at his clipboard. With a click of his pen Sven began writing down some of the information this merchant held. Identification, reason for stay, and for how long were the priority. However like the guards Sven checked the wagons including to look underneath the cart and in the wagons itself. Once it checks out, Sven gave the man an all clear signal and they were allowed to pass.

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2020-01-09

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: not much

    Gate Sentry [Orihime] Empty Re: Gate Sentry [Orihime]

    Post by Orihime Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:01 am

    Orihime walked behind the jounin responsible for her in this day’s mission. She had followed him through Kumogakure until the city walls. His name was Sven Chinoike, an odd name she had never known one could be called until him. She wanted to comment that it was, maybe ask its origin but, she had no doubts that many may have already asked before. Maybe asking the same question he has heard countless of time would make her look like a nuisance; maybe no one had asked before, either way if she ever was the first to ask it, it would make her seem rude.

    Today she had to maintain her dignified self if she wanted to make a good impression on him. There was nothing the jounin had that particularly made Orihime take an interest in him except for the surname Chinoike. The jounin had blonde hair and blue eyes much like the other jounin she had met before, Shimiko Chinoike. Although they hadn’t quite ended in good terms, so Orihime had thought.
      Master Sven had stood before the long line of merchants awaiting their validation to enter and exit the gates while Orihime had helped inspect the wagons. His posture remained still and collected as he checked everyone’s name with the clipboard he held although, something was disturbing him. She took a quick glance at him and her eyes had coincidentally shifted to his clipboard and the way he held it. A faint snap on its walnut edges, but not faint enough for Orihime not to notice.
       She wasn’t much concerned for the jounin— surely he can handle himself on his own—but she was rather curious. She tucked in the covering blanket of the merchant’s wagon who stood in front of the jounin and heavily moved its way forward. Orihime had followed.
      “Master Sven, are you all right?” She asked demurely, almost caring until she crossed her arms to the taller wiser man. “What’s wrong?” She raised her head to match his gaze.
      If he had answered with honesty, she would be willing to listen.
      If he had given the same answer to Orihime as he did to the merchant, she would apologize and go back to inspecting the passing wagons.

    Gate Sentry [Orihime] Empty Re: Gate Sentry [Orihime]

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:21 pm

    It seems like the guard wasn't the only one who noticed Sven was bothered with something. Granted Sven did participate in evacuating the citizens from Kumogakure. Into the ceasefire was issued and they were all called back. Sven knew that this Civil War wasn't over, and it's only going to get worse from here on out. Instincts would tell someone to just leave before escape becomes impossible. However his pride and loyalty towards the Raikage.

    Another voice spoke up that broke his train of thought. To which he looks over from his clipboard as the wagon was passing through the gates. The source was Orihime Chinoike, a Genin that Sven accepted to assist him into this mission. She's quick to learn the procedures Sven noted before, her record suggests that she's even a prodigy in the shinobi arts. Sven assures her with a small smile.

    "I feel marvelous, thank you. My mind must have slipped into being lost in thought." Sven answered as he didn't think that she would need to worry herself over politics or the state of unrest. Not yet at any rate. Although knowing that she's a Chinoike as well, Sven wouldn't doubt if Orihime is loyal to Vik. Perhaps even being Vik's eyes and ears. So he'll need to be careful on what information to give her regarding him personally.

    "By the way, hope you don't mind me asking, but would you kindly tell me what made you want to become a shinobi?" Sven asked the girl as it was a simple question on why she chose this career of all things. Granted there has been a couple of outstanding Chinoike in the Kumogakure military. Shimiko Chinoike being the strongest Chinoike and a high ranking officer on top of that. Still, he was wanting to know what Orihime's motives and goals are.

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