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2 posters

    Eevee Kamizura


    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2017-09-27

    Eevee Kamizura  Empty Eevee Kamizura

    Post by Eevee Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:28 am

    Eevee Kamizura  51b5d6f91e1cb2107d2ca05255845de4--human-soul-lan-fan

    Name: Eevee Kamizuru
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Village: Iwagakure
    Rank: Chuunin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Kamizura Clan [Skill Point]
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Doton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu,, Kuchiyose

    Stats 1050 + 1500 = 2550

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C  
    • Intelligence: B [Skill point traded in for C-B]
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities:

    Clan Genius: Eevee is able to utilize clan jutsu up to one ranks higher than her intelligence level would allow This is due to her fierce training in the way that her clan works. Alas in response to this her doton jutsu are viewed as one rank lower.

    Queen of the one handed seal: Eevee is capable of utilizing all forms of abilities with only one handed seals, she has adapted to using only her right arm to create handseals for all abilities within her arsenal. Why? Since the loss of her left arm she has had to learn to cope with only using one. Side Note: Eevee will never gain a new arm, as to keep this perk balanced.


    Eevee stands at five foot six feet, and has hair the color of the night sky, generally kept within a pony tail to keep from getting in her face. Her white skin shimmers in the sun light and her eyes are so dark that many believe them to be black, though in reality they are a very dark shade of brown. Her face is symmetrical and deemed classically beautiful though her cheeks are slightly puffier than she would like. Her hair is framed so that it sits out of her face.

    Her outfit remains the same to be honest, nothing dramatically changes due to the fact that black is her favorite color, she bears a ninja outfit that many would believe in the lore, all black from head to toe, with a hood that she generally wears down unless bearing her mask, a white sash is tied at the waist to reveal her curves, though her small breasts make her look more manlier due to the Iwagakure woman's frame. She stands tall knowing that she looks good and knowing that she is H.O.T.


    Eevee was born to the once great Kamizura clan, a family whom once held power in the land of stone, enough that they where given exclusive missions by the original Tsuchikage.  Eevee adored her clans abilities and growing up seemed to be rather great at at them, of course after the clans failure Iwagakure began to look down upon the clan and all those whom practiced it.
    Eevee stubborn as she is, chose to pursue her clans capabilities, and has made it her life goal to show everyone that ninja from the Kamizura clan are unique and powerful, that they aren't simply failures. Even when bullied in the academy she refused to break, she showed confidence in the face of others attempting to bring her down. This confidence led her to befriend people, even if they looked down upon her clan, they began to see Eevee for what she was, a human.

    Eevee as a genin began to show even more promise and focused a lot of her time on her appearance and clan jutsu. She mainly utilized her clan jutsu in all forms of battle and began to train in the way of summonings, the summoning jutsu and the contract of the bee's whom lived within Glittering Hives. Her sensei realized that she had an affinity for summonings, in her first time summoning she pulled forth an A-rank bee during training. With this her sensei began to train her in other forms of summoning, including those of torture devices and an attempt at showing her other summoning contracts. In this way she declined to learn another summon, believing that her clans abilities where all she needed.

    It was during her first attempt at the chuunin exam that she realized how wrong she was. Her abilities in her clan jutsu where outstanding, being able to summon forth hundreds of poisonous bee's and devastate in the first two rounds. It was the one on one rounds where she realized, focusing on a single aspect, even if you where super talented in that aspect, meant you were handicapping yourself. After failing to obtain the rank of Chuunin, she and her sensei began devoting more time to training other aspects of the shinobi life. It was during this training that Eevee became well versed in snake styled ninjutsu and snake style summonings along with her bee's and bee summons, her ability as a summoning user seemed to slowly reach the ears of those higher up who where impressed with the genins progress. Along with her newly trained doton style she began to show even more promise.  

    She would then proceed to pass and win her battles within the second chuunin exam, even at the cost of losing her arm within the final fight she fought on, though now a new issue would arise in the loss of her ninjutsu, though she ascended to chuunin, she had to train even harder to be able to utilize jutsu with only her right hand and now with a more versatile arsenal she realized a ninja wasn't a one trick pony and though she would always be a Kamizura, this did not mean she had to forgo other aspects of her training. Now as a chuunin she has grown  into a 21 year old woman who is slowly and surely beginning to make a name for herself. Hoping that this year will be the year that she be recommended for the jounin position.


    Eevee is talented in the way of the tongue, as well as in other aspects of being a shinobi, though this seems overshadowed mostly by her intense vanity, she leaks confidence all over the place in her persona, this can be seen mostly by the fact that she flirts non stop, or the way that she holds herself, utilizing her sex appeal to the best of her ability, as a shinobi one uses every aspect of what they have to win right? This does not mean she does not find beauty in all things, though her own view on her own beauty is superficial, she is not one to bring down others for their appearance unless its needed to complete a mark though this is highly unlikely, or when someone becomes her rival, then perhaps her claws could come out. Her superficial attitude halts solely on her own beauty and does not flow over to what she thinks of other people. She can become rather disgusted by those with a perverted nature if they hit on her first without her needing something in return, she also can become shy and flustered if her breasts are accidentally shown which due to the skimpy nature of her outfits is a possibility.

    Though this does not halt her wicked tongue, being that she is rather catty she was brought up with her brother and sister and she would often finds herself on the receiving end of a few pummellings for insulting her siblings on their appearance [it would seem that their mother decided to grant Eevee with all the looks while her siblings managed to get half a brain each] though she does not tend to mean it, she often insults people accidentally, it is mostly offhanded comments but enough to push their buttons. That's something she is good at, pushing peoples buttons until they crack, her father used to joke that she would one day bring the world to its knees with only her tongue. Though this was a joke she later began to feel as if that would be a great calling, she had a side that enjoyed causing those whom deserved it pain, whether emotionally, verbally, or physically it gave her a little thrill. Though not something she would generally open up about this seemed to be where her future was heading.

    Cowardly? Being easily frightened? Foolish? All traits in which describe her, she can be cowardly when faced against opponents whom are obviously stronger than her, which leads her to become frightened, yet her foolishness, her stubbornness, her love for her friends, for her village and for those around her over shadow these qualities every single time, she may stand in the face of danger, shaking, possibly even holding back the tears, yet Eevee will stand there, she will fight and not back down, even if it means getting seriously hurt, or even losing her own life. Persistent in almost everything she does, bitchy and over confident if she views herself as superior, being a shinobi wasn't really what she had planned with her life, though after her family fell from grace it became a way to make money, being a person whom loves creativity she has begun fashioning a new brand of shoe as well as making her own outfits for the more manlier woman.

    She would never actively give up information on those she cares about and has been known to survive torture when her family was targeted, in fact she has proven that she is incredibly durable and can endure pain despite her appearance, though she may scream and cry, her stubbornness, and willingness to die for the place she calls home or for those she cares about seemingly bolsters her forward. She is incredibly emotional, having cried for months on end when her first mentor was found dead.  Curiosity would one day get her in trouble that's for sure but she was sneaky, she was sly, she used everything she had.

    Roleplay Sample:

    "Hey Talia" Eevee shouted, her hand in the air as she waved towards the blue headed female. "EEEVEEEEEEEE" squealed the blue haired girl as the two of them screeched, the best friends ran into each others arms as they shouted and shrieked their delight, much to the annoyance of everyone else within the street at the moment. Yet they did not seem to register anyone else, the two females seemed to think they where the only ones within the whole village with how loud they where talking. "LIKE OH MY GOD, I LIKE TOTALLY DIDN'T THINK YOU WHERE BACK UNTIL NEXT WEEK" exclaimed the bug user. "LIKE TOTALLY LIKE WE TOTES GOT OUR MISSION FINISHED LIKE SOOO MUCH QUICKER"  "THAT IS TOTES RAD" shouted Eevee. Before the could say anything else, villagers began to swarm the duo, hushing them down. Quickly offering up their apologies the two girls would find a nice secluded boulder just shy from the villages gates, where else would they go right? What else would they find in a Land hidden in Stone.

    "So you finally made it to chuunin" Talia teased, Eevee nodded, though she self consciously moved her hand over the stump situated on the left side of her body. "Yup, but, i got cocky at the end and..." her voice trailed off. "So does that mean you can't use ninjutsu anymore?" Talia asked curiously, her green eyes staring at the stump, confusion, sadness and pity all swirling through her eyes. Eevee hated that look, it was the look everyone gave her when they tried to tell her that she would no longer be able to be a ninja. She refused to give up then, and she showed that she was still capable. With a smile on her face, she looked to Talia and smiled. "Nah girl. Iv already mastered one handed seals. As long as I have this hand, im just as good as ever" she said, giving a wink, though there certainly was doubt in her voice. "You don't sound so sure Eevee" Talia said as she stood up, jumping over to the next boulder she glared at her friend. "Prove to me, that your still gonna be the Tsuchikage, that your still going to be able to make that pathetic clan of your's great again" the provoker, Talia of the water said, sticking her tongue out.

    "If you lose more than an arm, then thats your fault" Eevee retorted as she too stood to her full height. Talia's hands moved quickly, both hands forming the signs. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" Eevee's own hand formed signs, they looked strange in their formation with a single hand, but from her mouth she spewed forward earth in a nigh instant. From Talia's own mouth water spouted, its liquid form taking the shape of a ferocious dragon, flowing through the air towards the bug user. "Earth Style: Mud Wall" Eevie said as she countered. The mud below shooting forward into a defensive wall. While the wall defended against the dragon, Eevee continued with a singular seal. "Buzzing Style: One Thousand Stinger Jutsu" She uttered. From around her, covering such a vast area within a large radius that also incorporated Talia, thousands of hornets appeared, the sound of rapid buzzing filling the air as the thousand of creatures hovered. The earth wall disintegrating. "I haven't just been standing still Talia, in the year that youve been a chuunin, you've honed your skills, but even as a genin, I'v been training harder than ever before. My clans jutsu, my new found skills, they will take me as high as I need to go, two arms or not, I am Eevee Kamizura, the future Tsuchikage" She said, holding out her hand, everything about her, from her smile, from her glaring eyes and her voice, every single part of her shone with conviction.

    "I believe you" Talia said, smiling as she put her hands up, admitting for the first time, that she had been defeated.
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Eevee Kamizura  Empty Re: Eevee Kamizura

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:02 pm

    Eevee wrote:
    Eevee Kamizura  51b5d6f91e1cb2107d2ca05255845de4--human-soul-lan-fan

    Name: Eevee Kamizuru
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Village: Iwagakure
    Rank: Chuunin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Kamizura Clan [Skill Point]
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Doton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu,, Kuchiyose

    Stats 1050 + 1500 = 2550

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C  
    • Intelligence: B [Skill point traded in for C-B]
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities:

    Clan Genius: Eevee is able to utilize clan jutsu up to one ranks higher than her intelligence level would allow This is due to her fierce training in the way that her clan works. Alas in response to this her doton jutsu are viewed as one rank lower.

    Queen of the one handed seal: Eevee is capable of utilizing all forms of abilities with only one handed seals, she has adapted to using only her right arm to create handseals for all abilities within her arsenal. Why? Since the loss of her left arm she has had to learn to cope with only using one. Side Note: Eevee will never gain a new arm, as to keep this perk balanced.


    Eevee stands at five foot six feet, and has hair the color of the night sky, generally kept within a pony tail to keep from getting in her face. Her white skin shimmers in the sun light and her eyes are so dark that many believe them to be black, though in reality they are a very dark shade of brown. Her face is symmetrical and deemed classically beautiful though her cheeks are slightly puffier than she would like. Her hair is framed so that it sits out of her face.

    Her outfit remains the same to be honest, nothing dramatically changes due to the fact that black is her favorite color, she bears a ninja outfit that many would believe in the lore, all black from head to toe, with a hood that she generally wears down unless bearing her mask, a white sash is tied at the waist to reveal her curves, though her small breasts make her look more manlier due to the Iwagakure woman's frame. She stands tall knowing that she looks good and knowing that she is H.O.T.


    Eevee was born to the once great Kamizura clan, a family whom once held power in the land of stone, enough that they where given exclusive missions by the original Tsuchikage.  Eevee adored her clans abilities and growing up seemed to be rather great at at them, of course after the clans failure Iwagakure began to look down upon the clan and all those whom practiced it.
    Eevee stubborn as she is, chose to pursue her clans capabilities, and has made it her life goal to show everyone that ninja from the Kamizura clan are unique and powerful, that they aren't simply failures. Even when bullied in the academy she refused to break, she showed confidence in the face of others attempting to bring her down. This confidence led her to befriend people, even if they looked down upon her clan, they began to see Eevee for what she was, a human.

    Eevee as a genin began to show even more promise and focused a lot of her time on her appearance and clan jutsu. She mainly utilized her clan jutsu in all forms of battle and began to train in the way of summonings, the summoning jutsu and the contract of the bee's whom lived within Glittering Hives. Her sensei realized that she had an affinity for summonings, in her first time summoning she pulled forth an A-rank bee during training. With this her sensei began to train her in other forms of summoning, including those of torture devices and an attempt at showing her other summoning contracts. In this way she declined to learn another summon, believing that her clans abilities where all she needed.

    It was during her first attempt at the chuunin exam that she realized how wrong she was. Her abilities in her clan jutsu where outstanding, being able to summon forth hundreds of poisonous bee's and devastate in the first two rounds. It was the one on one rounds where she realized, focusing on a single aspect, even if you where super talented in that aspect, meant you were handicapping yourself. After failing to obtain the rank of Chuunin, she and her sensei began devoting more time to training other aspects of the shinobi life. It was during this training that Eevee became well versed in snake styled ninjutsu and snake style summonings along with her bee's and bee summons, her ability as a summoning user seemed to slowly reach the ears of those higher up who where impressed with the genins progress. Along with her newly trained doton style she began to show even more promise.  

    She would then proceed to pass and win her battles within the second chuunin exam, even at the cost of losing her arm within the final fight she fought on, though now a new issue would arise in the loss of her ninjutsu, though she ascended to chuunin, she had to train even harder to be able to utilize jutsu with only her right hand and now with a more versatile arsenal she realized a ninja wasn't a one trick pony and though she would always be a Kamizura, this did not mean she had to forgo other aspects of her training. Now as a chuunin she has grown  into a 21 year old woman who is slowly and surely beginning to make a name for herself. Hoping that this year will be the year that she be recommended for the jounin position.


    Eevee is talented in the way of the tongue, as well as in other aspects of being a shinobi, though this seems overshadowed mostly by her intense vanity, she leaks confidence all over the place in her persona, this can be seen mostly by the fact that she flirts non stop, or the way that she holds herself, utilizing her sex appeal to the best of her ability, as a shinobi one uses every aspect of what they have to win right? This does not mean she does not find beauty in all things, though her own view on her own beauty is superficial, she is not one to bring down others for their appearance unless its needed to complete a mark though this is highly unlikely, or when someone becomes her rival, then perhaps her claws could come out. Her superficial attitude halts solely on her own beauty and does not flow over to what she thinks of other people. She can become rather disgusted by those with a perverted nature if they hit on her first without her needing something in return, she also can become shy and flustered if her breasts are accidentally shown which due to the skimpy nature of her outfits is a possibility.

    Though this does not halt her wicked tongue, being that she is rather catty she was brought up with her brother and sister and she would often finds herself on the receiving end of a few pummellings for insulting her siblings on their appearance [it would seem that their mother decided to grant Eevee with all the looks while her siblings managed to get half a brain each] though she does not tend to mean it, she often insults people accidentally, it is mostly offhanded comments but enough to push their buttons. That's something she is good at, pushing peoples buttons until they crack, her father used to joke that she would one day bring the world to its knees with only her tongue. Though this was a joke she later began to feel as if that would be a great calling, she had a side that enjoyed causing those whom deserved it pain, whether emotionally, verbally, or physically it gave her a little thrill. Though not something she would generally open up about this seemed to be where her future was heading.

    Cowardly? Being easily frightened? Foolish? All traits in which describe her, she can be cowardly when faced against opponents whom are obviously stronger than her, which leads her to become frightened, yet her foolishness, her stubbornness, her love for her friends, for her village and for those around her over shadow these qualities every single time, she may stand in the face of danger, shaking, possibly even holding back the tears, yet Eevee will stand there, she will fight and not back down, even if it means getting seriously hurt, or even losing her own life. Persistent in almost everything she does, bitchy and over confident if she views herself as superior, being a shinobi wasn't really what she had planned with her life, though after her family fell from grace it became a way to make money, being a person whom loves creativity she has begun fashioning a new brand of shoe as well as making her own outfits for the more manlier woman.

    She would never actively give up information on those she cares about and has been known to survive torture when her family was targeted, in fact she has proven that she is incredibly durable and can endure pain despite her appearance, though she may scream and cry, her stubbornness, and willingness to die for the place she calls home or for those she cares about seemingly bolsters her forward. She is incredibly emotional, having cried for months on end when her first mentor was found dead.  Curiosity would one day get her in trouble that's for sure but she was sneaky, she was sly, she used everything she had.

    Roleplay Sample:

    "Hey Talia" Eevee shouted, her hand in the air as she waved towards the blue headed female. "EEEVEEEEEEEE" squealed the blue haired girl as the two of them screeched, the best friends ran into each others arms as they shouted and shrieked their delight, much to the annoyance of everyone else within the street at the moment. Yet they did not seem to register anyone else, the two females seemed to think they where the only ones within the whole village with how loud they where talking. "LIKE OH MY GOD, I LIKE TOTALLY DIDN'T THINK YOU WHERE BACK UNTIL NEXT WEEK" exclaimed the bug user. "LIKE TOTALLY LIKE WE TOTES GOT OUR MISSION FINISHED LIKE SOOO MUCH QUICKER"  "THAT IS TOTES RAD" shouted Eevee. Before the could say anything else, villagers began to swarm the duo, hushing them down. Quickly offering up their apologies the two girls would find a nice secluded boulder just shy from the villages gates, where else would they go right? What else would they find in a Land hidden in Stone.

    "So you finally made it to chuunin" Talia teased, Eevee nodded, though she self consciously moved her hand over the stump situated on the left side of her body. "Yup, but, i got cocky at the end and..." her voice trailed off. "So does that mean you can't use ninjutsu anymore?" Talia asked curiously, her green eyes staring at the stump, confusion, sadness and pity all swirling through her eyes. Eevee hated that look, it was the look everyone gave her when they tried to tell her that she would no longer be able to be a ninja. She refused to give up then, and she showed that she was still capable. With a smile on her face, she looked to Talia and smiled. "Nah girl. Iv already mastered one handed seals. As long as I have this hand, im just as good as ever" she said, giving a wink, though there certainly was doubt in her voice. "You don't sound so sure Eevee" Talia said as she stood up, jumping over to the next boulder she glared at her friend. "Prove to me, that your still gonna be the Tsuchikage, that your still going to be able to make that pathetic clan of your's great again" the provoker, Talia of the water said, sticking her tongue out.

    "If you lose more than an arm, then thats your fault" Eevee retorted as she too stood to her full height. Talia's hands moved quickly, both hands forming the signs. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" Eevee's own hand formed signs, they looked strange in their formation with a single hand, but from her mouth she spewed forward earth in a nigh instant. From Talia's own mouth water spouted, its liquid form taking the shape of a ferocious dragon, flowing through the air towards the bug user. "Earth Style: Mud Wall" Eevie said as she countered. The mud below shooting forward into a defensive wall. While the wall defended against the dragon, Eevee continued with a singular seal. "Buzzing Style: One Thousand Stinger Jutsu" She uttered. From around her, covering such a vast area within a large radius that also incorporated Talia, thousands of hornets appeared, the sound of rapid buzzing filling the air as the thousand of creatures hovered. The earth wall disintegrating. "I haven't just been standing still Talia, in the year that youve been a chuunin, you've honed your skills, but even as a genin, I'v been training harder than ever before. My clans jutsu, my new found skills, they will take me as high as I need to go, two arms or not, I am Eevee Kamizura, the future Tsuchikage" She said, holding out her hand, everything about her, from her smile, from her glaring eyes and her voice, every single part of her shone with conviction.

    "I believe you" Talia said, smiling as she put her hands up, admitting for the first time, that she had been defeated.


      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:46 pm