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    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
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    Transference Empty Transference

    Post by Kureji Toukei Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:29 pm

    Kureji spent a fair amount of time in Kirigakure, choosing to not participate alongside his fellow teammates for the Chuunin exam but instead, other ambitions strayed him from taking on the exam. He didn't see himself ready for the Chuunin exams either way, and would rather not waste his time when he knew that he'd most likely not make it as a chuunin, and that time could be better spent on other things. It wasn't until a tug against the side of his body one day had alarmed him, just to dig in his pockets if someone had pickpocketed... instead, it was a letter with the Mockingbird sigil at the bottom of the paper.

    It told him a date and time to be at the hospital, and to be in the waiting room until collected. It was an odd timing, but he does obey Mockingbird. He did precisely as asked, waiting until the right day and time, dressed appropriately and got to the hospital in a timely manner, waiting in the hospital's waiting room until collected by what he assumed to be another agent, but he wasn't sure what this whole business could be about.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:02 am

    It really didn't take long for Akihiro himself to arrive at the waiting room. Usually people could wait a much longer time for certain surgeries, but Akihiro was super excited about this one and wanted to get it done as soon as possible. For several reasons of course: first of all, never before had this kind of surgery been attempted. And he was confident he could pull it off. And second, time was of the urgency because Tats' corpse was decomposing at an alarming pace and he didn't want all of that potential to go to waste.

    It seemed that every time Akihiro met Kureji, Akihiro would be holding some papers. But unlike last time when he looked at Kureji for the first time with a slight nod of disinterest in just another fellow who wanted to join Mockingbird, this time Akihiro's eyes shinned bright when his gaze met Kureji's. "Hello there. I'm glad you could make it in such short notice, I do appreciate your professionalism." Which was about to be put to the test. Akihiro would signal Kureji to follow him. "Of course, not that you had much to do since you deliberately chose not to participate in the exams...ah well, I hope you're using your time properly. If you'd be so kind as to follow me."

    Akihiro couldn't resist but to take a jab at Kureji's dismissal of the Chuunin Exams. Truth to be told he was a bit disappointed, he kind of wanted to see the boy in action. Kureji was certainly a capable researcher and a good strategist, but Mockingbird officials needed firepower as well as cleverness and Akihiro hadn't had the opportunity to test Kureji's. Alas, perhaps after today the man with the strange mask would get a boost in the first department. The two would of them would go from the waiting room through a hallway into a surgery room. Both rooms and hallway were exceptionally well guarded by Kirigakure no Sato's military forces: They had, after all, suffered an incident at the hospital before.

    Inside the surgery room there were lots of furniture. One empty bed, and right next to it was a table where the body of a dead nine-years-old girl would lie. Everything was in its place except for the head, which was separated from the body and kept in a plate nearby."Mr. Kureji, allow me to introduce you to Tats Kotoshura, former Hokage, a Blast Release user, an exceptionally annoying pain in my ass for the last couple of months, and ultimately a corpse. I shan't introduce you to her, as she is indeed quite dead and it would be pointless. Now remove your clothing and lie down face up if you'd please." Akihiro would confidently walk around the surgery room setting everything up for the surgery. Kirigakure no Sato certainly had top notch equipment which would make everything much easier.

    "You must be a bit confused about what's going on here. Well Kureji, I rarely ever forget things. In fact it never happened. Not once. I can't help it. So I remember quite vividly the day when you joined this organization. You stated your interest in flesh, kekkei genkai, mutations, anything that affects the body in regards to chakra. And you asked for Mockingbird's access to this flesh." Akihiro grinned. But it wasn't a menacing grin, it was a confident one as he put latex gloves on and activated his Sharingan for better surgical precision.

    "Well, today you shall get first hand experience! I am performing my first ever Kekkei Genkai transplant, a surgery which hasn't been performed in centuries, and I'm about 99.73% sure I can do this successfully! Soon you will be able to utilize the Blast Release Kekkei Genkai and perhaps bring some good reputation to a clan whose recent offsprings have been nothing short of failures. Now that would be a miracle huh?" The way Akihiro spoke about the surgery irradiated confidence. He knew Kureji wouldn't die on the table but he wasn't 100% sure his body would be a match for Tats' organs.

    "Now I should tell you. You won't die on the table, nor will there be any adverse effects from the surgery but... You're a skinny lad, frail looking. Sort of like me. I can't guarantee your body won't attempt to reject the organ. But worst case scenario: Blast Release techniques will cost a tad bit more chakra to perform." Akihiro shrugged. "I'd say it's still worth the shot. So!"

    He made a short paused, clapped his hands and pointed at the corpse on the table. "We have a full buffet here today! Which 9-year-old kid's organ would you rather have? The heart? Liver? Stomach, maybe take the opportunity to lose a few pounds? You can have anything except for the head. Her decisions were rather questionable you see, and we wouldn't want you to inherit her intellect, no sir. That would certainly pave the road for disaster. So just pick an organ, aye?"

    Akihiro would wait a bit while a team of medical staff entered the room to aid in the surgery. The Uchiha activated his sensing technique to aid him in sensing the chakra flow of Kureji. After Kureji took his pick and lied down, the surgery would begin. Akihiro would use the chakra scalpel technique to cut what he needed to cut, the mystical palm technique to heal what he needed to heal and the Cell Activation Technique to improve his odds.

    Meanwhile he was expecting Taiga to join him in the room and start chopping off the rest of Tats' body for liquid preservation. She was the only chemist he knew-from Konoha's archives, and if anyone was capable of doing something like this it would be her. So he'd sent for her and awaited her arrival. In the meantime tho, surgery was performed. The procedure itself was rather quick and efficient, it was quite simple for Akihiro and hsis Sharingan allowed him to work quickly and precisely, with an efficiency rarely ever seen in civilian doctors.

    After the surgery was done and Kureji sewed up, Akihiro would adjust the levels of drugs going into Kureji's bloodstream so he'd wake up. Akihiro needed to knpw how he felt before he sent himto his room for recovery. "How are you?" he would ask his patient as Kureji woke up.

    Sharingan, Sensory
    Cell Activation Technique

    Performed Surgery:
    +10 Hospital
    +20 Natural S-rank Intelligence
    +0 Kureji's crappy D-rank constitution :c
    +10 Cell Activation Technique
    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Kureji Toukei Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:13 am

    Kureji was expecting to meet a Mockingbird agent, but he certainly didn't expect to meet Akihiro, of all people. "I have." he'd reply to Akihiro, in regards to his time being spent properly. "As you can probably tell, I lack firepower that some of the more gifted genin have. It's regrettable, but I can already tell from a mile away that I wouldn't of passed the Chuunin exams. There's always next time." he's ambitious, but he's not stupid. He knew when to restrain himself and when to go all the way.

    After following Akihiro, the question of why he was here had kept ringing in his head, but he imagined Akihiro would get to it soon. He thought of a few scenarios as to why he's here, but walking into a room with the first thing he sees is the Hokage's head was quite a surprise. There isn't much emotion that usually gets spiked from Kureji, but this one seemed to do the trick. He was rather calm afterwards, as he had heard about the missing ninja status that had been put on Akihiro. Although he is a ninja of the leaf, he is ultimately loyal to Mockingbird and in extension, Akihiro.

    The request to remove his clothing would normally struck a cord with somebody else who'd see the situation as weird, but he trusted Akihiro's judgement. He wouldn't ask him to strip if there wasn't a good reason for it, so he proceeded to do so, pants, shirt, everything. They placed on the side and he gently got onto the operating table, lying down on his back with his face towards the ceiling.

    Then came what this was finally all about... the implantation of an organ. Funny, he always imagined he'd be the one performing the surgery and not being the one the surgery is performed upon... still. His earlier words rung true about having a frail body, and he needed other means of making up for that weakness.

    He seemingly remained emotionless to the whole scenario, as it's quite literally a dream come true. He was always one who was envious of those who had KKG, and he's about to receive one himself. He wasn't no fool however and being a practitioner of ijutsu, knew the risks of implantation... but as it stands, he's not going anywhere in his development and he needs the extra firepower. He only answered him in regards to the body part. "Liver, as that'd be the most logical." he'd say. Livers are one of the more replaceable organs so if something were to indeed happen, he could easily recover from it in the aftermath.

    After the team came in, it seemed to be blur as he was put to sleep. He was exposed to the surgery throughout his sleep.

    [Rolling for Surgery Dice.]
    King of Games
    King of Games

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    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by King of Games Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:13 am

    The member 'Kureji Toukei' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Surgical Dice' : 29
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Age : 27

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    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:09 pm

    Having understood that the surgery had been a success, Akihiro had the team of medical aides take Kureji to the recovery area. Taiga hadn't arrived yet and that was a problem, but Akihiro figured out he'd just do some of her work while she didn't get here and got started on butchering Tats' corpse, removing every vital organ amongst others and placing them on another table nearby, ready for Taiga to simple dip them in the formula she had been tasked with preparing.

    After having done that, the Uchiha would wash his hands and exit theroom. Things were improving to his side and Mockingbird was finally seeing some real progress but there were still many things to do before they'd be ready for the next phase of his plan and Akihiro couldn't afford to remain iddle anymore.


    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Kureji Toukei Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:06 pm

    Kureji did eventually wake up, but he woke up to a world of pain. He could definitely the replaced organ and before he had to experience anymore, the team of doctors were quick to sedate him so he didn't have to feel anymore pain, at least until he woke up again and even then, he'd be under heavy drugs to ensure the pain isn't as agonizing. Despite Kureji needing to recover for the next few days from the looks of it, he won't be leaving the hospital anytime soon.


    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Age : 27

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    Ryo: a looot

    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:20 am

    New interrupter timer for this surgery starts from today, 11:08 AM EST

    Dread may now post a re-roll of the dice

    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Kureji Toukei Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:58 pm

    OOC: Re-doing the roll as per the request.

    King of Games
    King of Games

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    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by King of Games Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:58 pm

    The member 'Kureji Toukei' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Surgical Dice' : 19
    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Transference Empty Re: Transference

    Post by Kureji Toukei Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:14 pm

    Kureji did eventually wake up, but he woke up to a world of pain. He could definitely the replaced organ and before he had to experience anymore, the team of doctors were quick to sedate him so he didn't have to feel anymore pain, at least until he woke up again and even then, he'd be under heavy drugs to ensure the pain isn't as agonizing. Despite Kureji needing to recover for the next few days from the looks of it, he won't be leaving the hospital anytime soon.


    OOC Note: The 2 week period is done, Kureji has finished healing up and now only has to do the 2k words.


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