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    Statement to the World


    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Statement to the World Empty Statement to the World

    Post by Nozomi Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:50 am

    Nozomi sat in front of a camera in a room of Sunagakure's administration building. She wore a simple white kimono and had several things set in front of her. Her headband from her days as a genin, the scratch etched into the metal plating from her declaration as a missing nin. A bundle of scrolls, the former property of Konohagakure, now under the control of the Society. That was all Nozomi had brought with her. Behind her was a whiteboard with a map of the nations, color coded. Otherwise, the room was barren, the table was clear, and no identifying marks could be distinguished in the room. No windows gave away her location, and nothing about her own appearance would either.

    Nozomi, while having grown up in Kiri, and having been a pale girl to begin with, was just as pale in Suna as she was anywhere else. No tan graced the girl, no sun burn, nothing. The simple reason: Nozomi didn't spend time outside. She hated the sun, she hated the heat, and she hated the brightness. The girl spent most of her time cooling herself off with Water Heaven's Convergence manipulation, or keeping shade above her with the water.

    But Nozomi had a message to send to the world, and so she found herself here, in front of a camera. A simple light flashed red as the person operating it, a Society member, turned the camera on and the Live Recording began. Nozomi was tapped into a direct feed for the news, much the same as Kyoji had been, and she began to speak.

    "Hello to the world. As many of you may know, my name is Nozomi Himitsu. I've achieved fame and glory for my part in the Shinobi World Tournament, where I was proclaimed the champion. Following that, I am aware that my part in the Blood Prison contributed as well. I've heard rumors about things people are saying about me and the Society, and I would like to address them in an official capacity."

    Nozomi took a breath and began. "Many of you know the Society as a group of terrorists. That's what the villages would have you believe. However, it's all propaganda. We are a collective of people who exist outside of any nation's influence, operating on our own without a village in control of us. That makes us scary to them. But let me tell you, your villages are all, each and every one of them, worse than the Society."

    "Many of you won't believe me, but frankly, it doesn't matter what you think, the truth is the truth. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, I'm simply here to speak my truth. Your fates and decisions are your own. I don't presume to own anyone else's lives."

    Nozomi's face was devoid of emotion, as usual, and she spoke very matter of fact. She was an honest girl, who didn't really know how to lie, nor saw a reason to. When she said something, it was a genuine thought or belief, for better or for worse. This was no exception.

    "I should start with the Society. What are our crimes? A village in Kumogakure was raided by our former leader, Honiko Yoshidara, who became my teacher. Yes, that much is true. I was there as part of a task force to investigate a, so called, threat to the great nations, from when I was a member of Kirigakure. However, let me tell you: Not a single shinobi life from the nations was lost that day. Honiko offered myself and Bayushi Sojima a place in the Society. Left to her own devices, life needed not be lost, she wasn't in it for malicious intent. I cannot deny that lives were lost, but there was a mission, and it was unavoidable. Villages do worse."

    "After that, the Society was dark for 2 years. Not a single mention of us. We did nothing. And then came our next mission: The Blood Prison. Of course, before that, my master wanted to test our skills, so she allowed us to participate in the World Tournament in Kumogakure. With the blessing of all the Kage, we were allowed to participate, unaccosted, even given residence for the time. Obviously, we weren't too big of a threat, we were allowed to leave, I even took the Championship. Bayushi lost, but wasn't killed. Everything appeared to be fine and we were treated like any others."

    Nozomi's face shifted from blank to serious, drawing in with a brief glimpse of anger, before that faded back. "And then came the Blood Prison. By now, everyone knows the story. We stormed the Prison, and destroyed it. That much is true, yes. However, once again, you've been deceived. The Prison was a lie." Nozomi motioned to someone in the room with her. She had been given a piece of a video, which was already plugged in. Her image shifted on the monitors, and was replaced by a video surveillance of some girl strung up by tubes and suspended in the air. Nozomi's voice continued over it.

    "My target, the target of all of us who attacked the Prison, was to free this girl,  Chiheisen Otsutsuki, a girl of 15. Her crime? Simply existing. When I broke her out, she was strung up with a feeding tube, robbed of her senses, and hanging in a suspended cell. Tortured endlessly. Testing on a girl, constant supervision, it's unethical and wrong. The Prison was funded by the Major nations, and her story isn't the only one of its kind. She was scared and alone, and we returned her to her mother. The Prison break was a simple mission."

    The scene shifted back to Nozomi as the feed had been cut out and the live video commenced. "So yes, I destroyed the Blood Prison. I had a mission to complete, and they'd have rather killed Chiheisen than allow her to escape. The place was a nightmare. Prisoners held that didn't have crimes, just because they were dangerous. Political criminals, people sent there to disappear."

    Nozomi's mouth formed a frown. "The Major nations are worse. We've all heard the stories. Brushed under the rug, but we've heard the stories. The wars, the battles, the conquests. Kirigakure and the attack on the Land of Demons was a travesty. But that wasn't the only one, just the worst. So many nations conquered by Kirigakure. So many conquered by Konohagakure, including the Major Nation Iwa. None of it was done without slaughter. Even the sacking of Iron by Kirigakure was broadcast as something that was acceptable."

    Nozomi's frown twisted into one of contempt and disgust. "And the worst part about it? Everyone thinks its normal. Innocents get hurt and only the villages benefit, at the expense of everyone else. Their own shinobi, the minor nations, their civilians." A moment of silence and Nozomi's face shifted back into its blank state.


    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Statement to the World Empty Re: Statement to the World

    Post by Nozomi Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:46 am

    After going back to her default state, Nozomi began to speak again. "My story illustrates that perfectly. Villages don't care about brainwashing children and training them into soldiers. I was one of those people. Trained all my life to be a ruthless killer and tool for my nation. I had a demon placed inside of me, and my emotions were suppressed. I wasn't allowed to form attachments, or grow up with friends as a normal girl, since I only needed to know how to follow orders and complete missions."

    A small smile played on Nozomi's lips, and the blue and green eyes shifted into the red tinged rings of Isobu's. "Of course, it worked. I was trained to be an efficient and emotionless killer from childhood, and when I fight, that's how I do things. But Honiko, the Society, offered me a chance to escape that life, to live outside the influence of the villages. To forge my own destiny, and to cease being a tool of the nation's whims. And I conquered that demon because of it."

    "There were others like me. Akeno Tatsuda, originally an Iwagakure kunoichi, who moved to Konohagakure following a plague that wiped out her nation. Many Iwa ninja and civilians moved to Konoha seeking refuge, and all that Akeno wanted was for her people to be taken care of, and for them to eventually return to Iwagakure, their home. Years later, Akeno Tatsuda returned to her home, to find that Konoha didn't allow Iwagakure to have its independence. They sent conquerers to wipe the remainder of those who stayed. Taking advantage of the downtrodden, once more only thinking of the benefits. Akeno had joined our cause because she understood that. The villages don't care about anyone but themselves. Akeno was ruthlessly cut down by Konoha, although the exact person to do so is, as of yet, unknown. Her crime? Attempting to free her home from the control of its invaders. All she sought was her freedom and she was murdered for it. She wasn't as lucky as I was."

    Nozomi fell silent for another moment, in solidarity and remembrance of Akeno. "So now I come to the reason that I'm making this. I have a statement for the world. The Society itself is not evil. We free those who are oppressed. Like any other place, there are different people with different moralities. Some consider me a monster. They would be correct. I am mostly devoid of emotions, and can kill without a thought. But I'm a product of Kirigakure, I was raised this way, made this way, and now I choose to direct my skills to the freedom of those under the thumbs of the Major Nations. I'll fight the wars myself, because I enjoy combat, and I don't need help. I don't need to use people. The Society doesn't use people. They assist us willingly. They come to us, offer their skills and talents, because they believe in our message."

    "The crimes of the villages will be paid, in full. Those hurt by the villages will be avenged. Akeno Tatsuda, will be avenged. Those like Chiheisen and myself, will be avenged. Those who seek to escape justice will be met with our justice. And one day, our goal of ultimate peace shall be achieved. The nations are no longer fit to rule. They've shown their hand. Don't let them control you any longer."

    Nozomi smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "More personally, to Konoha, and to Akihiro Uchiha. The assassination attempt outside of Kirigakure was a resounding failure. The raid on Konoha and loss of your exclusives and artifacts was due to that failure. My score is settled. However, you have many crimes to answer to. I will be returning for those answers."

    "To Kirigakure. My old home." Nozomi picked up her headband and put it on. "I am free from your control. For your crimes in the Land of Demons, for the sacking of Iron, and for the conquering of countless other nations, you have many crimes to answer for. I will be returning for those answers."

    "To the people of Iwagakure. You will be liberated. You will be once again allowed to thrive. This was Akeno's goal before her death, and as her ally, I must see it through to completion. And to the Minor nations of the world, and Sunagakure and Kumogakure as well. The Society is watching. What you do will determine our interactions."

    Nozomi's smile dropped. "And to put them down a peg, the following are the coordinates for Konoha, Kiri, and Kumo." Nozomi listed the locations of each of the nations. "Because Iwa, Suna, and the Minor nations are unable to defend themselves, I will not be revealing them at this time, however, should they ever reach a point where they are capable of expansion and holding their own, I will reveal them at that time. No more sitting safe behind the veil of secrecy. The nations have proven themselves incapable of command, unfit to rule."


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