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    Mind Games

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Mind Games Empty Mind Games

    Post by Kōshin Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:09 pm

    Today was the day.

    Seigi was both nervous and excited, but ultimately ready for what came next. He and Shimiko had gone over the details a dozen times, Shimiko assuring him that he had nothing to worry about. If this went right, then not only would he gain access to some of his old memories, but they would make history in the field of mind research. What they were approaching, no one had ever attempted before. In theory, it was fairly simple. By both of them connecting their minds, Shimiko would be able to sift through Seigi's memories, and both of them would relive it together, able to observe exactly what Seigi's brain had seen, and felt.
    He had removed his tools, placing them on a steel table in the corner, until he only had his robes on. He even kicked off his shoes, for good measure. His feet were cold against the floor, but was quickly out of his mind. With a deep breath, he would stride across the room, sitting in the large machine that would be used to enter his mind.

    Seigi had a theory, and he had shared it with Shimiko, but was still unsure of it himself. He knew that in his universe, his body had been riddled with other bloodlines, granting him the strength of different clans. Seigi felt it within him that something was still there, buried deep down. If his mind could observe and feel what he had felt, then maybe he could trick his own brain into reactivating those genes, or that was the theory, at least.

    "I'm ready when you are." Seigi would say to Shimiko, giving her an affirming nod.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:29 pm

    Shimiko entered the room alongside Seigi. The moment of truth had finally arrived. The Chinoike had studied the field of mind reading closely this past few weeks. She had crafted a powerful fuuinjutsu that would hopefully help unlock Seigi's memories. When used in conjunction with the Mind Reading Machine it would produce an effect so powerful that it could break whatever mental blocks were preventing Seigi from accessing his memories. Shimiko rolled up her pseudo-brother's sleeve and injected him with a mixture of her own chakra-ink and blood. Once inside, her blood would bind to a multiplicity of cells. Anchoring itself within and prepping his body for an invasive dive into his genetic memory. It was the most powerful form of Mind Reading every attempted and if successful their names would be etched into the names of history forever.

    Shimiko was smart but she was no scientist. She had consulted with ANBU Research and Development and while they had said it was safe enough to try, they made it clear that that didn't mean it was truly without risk. Seigi could die. He could be driven mad and if she went in with him, she'd be pulled down into the same abyss. They had discussed the risks and agreed that this was their best shot. It was perhaps their only shot. Shimiko didn't trust Seigi's mind in the hands of anyone else but her own and thus she had crafted the Celestial Cruor Peerage Review.

    Shimiko walked over to the viewing station and looked at Seigi.

    "I'm ready when you are."
    "Then let's begin."

    Shimiko returned his affirming nod and placed the mind reading helmet on her head. She activated the jutsu and Seigi would immediately fall unconscious. The Mind Reading Machine was fired up and in seconds her world went dark.

    It was time to re-discover the hidden past of Seigi Douchiwa.

    Celestial Cruor Peerage Review

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
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    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Kōshin Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:02 pm


    Seigi's world went dark, in a sensation that was not unlike dying, as his mind retreated into itself. Seigi felt like he was falling into a void, in a very dreamlike state. He body began to slow it's descent as it fell backward. He felt awfully at ease about all of this, however, his body relaxed. He actually found himself having to fight to keep himself awake. Was this a lucid dream perhaps? Further and further, the world seems to reform around him. The void of blackness gave way to clouds above him and mountains below him. The sun and moon traveled boundlessly as he fell, spinning in cycles of night and day before his eyes. Something was familiar about the day it came to rest on, the sun in the sky shining in a way Seigi remembered before.... but what happened that day?

    Slowly, his body came to rest on a large platform in the clouds, the feeling of warm stone on his skin, and a silhouette over him. A man with dark skin, an eye patch, and 8 small swords connected to his person. His hand reached down to Seigi, pulling him up, and the man's identity came rushing back to him.

    Takoyaiba Kira, Seigi's mentor, and one of the Raikage before him.

    "K-Kira-sensei..." Seigi would say, bowing. Kira's expression was solemn, but a sly grin crept up on his face.
    "I'm impressed. I didn't expect you to break through that barrier." Kira would compliment, and the memory in question quickly snapped into place inside Seigi's head. He remembered this day. It was the day that he had met Kira and asked him to train him. Despite the rivalry between the Takoyaiba and the Dochiwa Clans, Kira had taken him under his wing anyways. 14-year old Seigi invisioned Kira similar to the family head he never really had. He had been the closest thing Seigi had to a father-figure.
    "Keep at it and you'll become a Fuuiinjutsu expert in no time. Especially with that Fuuingan of yours..." Kira would flip his own eye patch up, revealing his 3D Fuuingan.
    "Kira-sensei, I-" Seigi would say, but as soon as he spoke, his words gave way to the environment around him turning to dust. He stood for a moment, listening to the echoes of voies all around him. It was like there was 1000 different conversations all going on at once.

    Shaking his head, Seigi needed to focus. He was here on a mission, and theoretically, so was Shimiko.

    "Shimiko!" Seigi would yell out, hoping to get a response. He knew his luck and that she was probably standing right behind him.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-20

    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:12 am

    The second the machine was activated, Shimiko would flicker on her Ketsurygan. The woman could feel her blood melding with each cell in Seigi's body, unlocking its genetic memory and amplifying her ability to sift through and experience his memories. The young woman was thrust into a black void much the same as he was. She was bombarded with voices, thoughts, and feelings that weren't her own. The whole experience was disorienting and to some it might even have been frightening but Shimiko had seen far stranger things. She reached into her soul and found her faith. Jashin was her anchor and guide in times like these. Slowly, a picture began to materialize and she found herself looking at a young man clad in robes and armed with a several blades. He had an eyepatch and he wasn't a shinobi that she recognized despite his striking Kumogakure aesthetic.

    The blonde heard Seigi cry out her name and she responded:

    "Seigi! I'm here!" she called out from behind him. Shimiko looked down at herself and her hands. She was like a ghost, floating above the scene playing out before them. From this vantage point they could observe Seigi's memories although controlling it was proving to be harder than she initially imagined. At least they hadn't gone stark raving mad or died on the spot. That was a good sign.

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Kōshin Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:36 pm

    He heard her.

    Sighing heavily, he relaxed for a moment.

    "Hey, your technique worked. The Yamanaka clan would be envious if they heard about this." Seigi would say out loud, looking around for her.
    "I'm not sure how much you saw, but interacting with this memory jumpstarted a bunch of others. I have an idea."

    He remembered now, that one of the many things Kira had taught him the importance of was proper meditation. To clear his mind to see the bigger picture. Seigi sat onto the cold stone floor, a low mist permeating around him as the scene faded back into the void, crumbling everything away. Closing his eyes, he would breathe in, then out, repeating thid.
    "We need to find a memory. Of a monster. A goat man." Seigi would say, almost commandingly. He knew where they needed to go. What they needed to see. What Shimiko needed to see.
    The world around him began to rumble.

    And then silence.

    He sat in a medical chair, in that dark and vicious room. Standing much taller than any normal man, the goat monster snickering sinisterly. Seigi would stand, his arms entering the sleeves of his robes.

    "Rivu Hozuki. I have what you asked for." Seigi would say, presenting two scrolls.
    "The first one is DNA of the Origami Clan." Seigi would say, handing the scroll to Rivu.
    "and the second is the technique we spoke about."
    The Goat man took the scrolls, happy to trade with the Dochiwa.
    "Aahhh yesss, perrfeccct." He would say, delighted that he was getting the deal from the Raikage himself. "And I have what we agreed on assss wellllll." Rivu would say. Seigi would sit back onto the medical table, Rivu immdeately beginning the surgery. Seigi felt virtually nothing at first, his arm opened up, the disgraced doctor performing his work meticulously. This was their second time meeting, and wouldn't be their last.

    "I sold out my own village for this power." Seigi would suddenly say. This wasn't a part of his memory. The scene didn't react. But Seigi's mind remembered now. "I was preparing to fight someone. I wanted to make sure that I had every angle covered. I thought I was protecting Kumogakure, but... I was just trying to protect my pride."

    The surger was completed, relatively quickly. Seigi picked up one of the medical tools with his other arm, looking at it. He remembered how it felt the first time he used magnet release. He could almost feel the knife vibrating between his finger tips, how elegantly it connected with his own chakra. He opened his palm and the knife began to levitate.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-20

    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:20 am

    Shimiko's ghostly form blushed as he complimented her skill with Fuuin. The Yamanka were renown for their Mind infiltration techniques and if what Shimiko had made rivaled them then she could rightfully call herself a top-notch intelligence operative. Seigi said that starting the process had jump-started other memories. This was working out better than she hoped. He sat in a meditation stance and began to strip away the distractions. The scene around them shifted and melted away like building blocks. Meditation reminded her of Buddhism, which in turn made her uneasy as a Jashinist. She said nothing though. Now was not the time to spark a religious debate, especially not when agitating Seigi's state of mind could inadvertently kill them.

    He said that he was looking for a goat man.

    "Baphomet?" Shimiko asked. The only Goat Man that she knew was the Chinoike Clan Patron. A goat-headed demon that had been revered as a lesser deity for generations. The blonde's question was soon answered when she found herself floating above a medical room with a ghastly creature looming over her brother, or rather her brother's doppelganger.

    Shimiko watched in horror as Seigi did a deal with the devil himself. It appeared to be some kind organ trade. The goat man was apparently a doctor and got to work immediately after the exchange was performed. The memory reminded her of Menza and she immediately felt hostility towards the creature. Seigi confessed that he had sold out his village for power. He mentioned that he had told himself he was doing it for the village but in reality he was doing it for selfish reasons.

    Shimiko swallowed and held her tongue. She could relate. She had murdered her own parents in cold blood to gain the Hachidora Ketsurygan. She had told herself that it was for Kumo, for the twins, for Miyu, for her Church, for Jashin. But deep down she knew the truth. It was the same that Seigi was rediscovering here and now. Power was seductive and once you got a taste of it, you always wanted more.

    Shimiko watched as Seigi received the power of Magnet Release, the very same kekkei genkai he possessed now. It was all adding up. Seigi Douchiwa was not a native user of the Kazehana bloodline. It had been given to him in another world by this strange being. The ANBU stayed silent for a moment as she contemplated his words. She didn't want to alienate him, not now.

    "I....I know what you mean. I've been there trust me." she didn't have the heart to tell him her own story yet. "Your memories are important. They shape who you are and what you can still become. That's why we are sifting through them right now Seigi...but they do not dictate all you will ever be. They are building blocks but they can shaped and sculpted to create something divine"

    She had lifted the words from a Jashinist text, but she decided not to cite the source. She wasn't exactly sure where the young man stood on religion.

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Kōshin Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:42 pm

    Seigi was quiet for a moment after Shimiko spoke, Rivu still healing the insert in his arm where he had placed the bone marrow. "If instead of selling my country out, I had been there for them, perhaps I would not be here today." Seigi spoke, almost sounding regretful. His gaze was stern, staring off into nothing in particular. "But I cannot change the past. Only learn from it." .

    Rivu finished up the healing on his arm, completing his work and their deal. But with the completed implant, there was more than new strength. As Seigi laid in the seat, a sudden burst of pain would explode from the center of Seigi's brain as he lurched his head back in pain, letting out an audible gasp before clenching his teeth, his whole body seeming to flex all at once. Flashes. Images. Feelings. People and places Seigi once only saw in his dreams were filling in the spots where everything lapsed. He was remembering everything now, not just what had been shown to him. He remembered how he got here.


    The pain would stop as quickly as it began, Seigi rubbing his temples.

    "Flashback in a flashback, holy shit." Seigi would mutter.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:51 am

    Shimiko was startled when Seigi suddenly doubled over in pain. She immediately floated to his side and looked him over. She was starting to panic and wonder if he had praised her prematurely. Had she screwed up? Had she done something that would erase his mind or destroy his personality? The blonde would never be able to forgive herself if that was the case.

    "Seigi! Seigi! Are you alright?! Speak to me!"

    When the moment subsided and Seigi returned to his senses, he mentioned that he had just experienced a flashback. The girl blinked. That was a rather unintended consequence of her technique.

    "What did you see?" she asked.

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Kōshin Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:01 am

    Shaking his head, he would chuckle.

    "I saw how I got here. I saw my final moments in my world, I...." Seigi would quickly reach towards his stomach, where his seal used to be located, feeling the remnants where his friend used to reside. Taking a few deep breaths, he would swing his legs over the table, feeling the ground beneath him once more.

    "I was the host for the 7-Tails, Chomei. Just before I came here, he was ripped from my chest. I saw Makita and Tatsuya... Makita betrayed me, selling me out to Otogakure while providing me sanctuary in Kirigakure. She kept me there until Tatsuya, the Otokage, arrived. Makita and I fought, both as Tailed Beasts, the both of us partially leveling Kirigakure." Seigi would stare off into space as he spoke. "It was the last bit of Chomei's chakra, and the sacrifice of my Fuuingan, that brought me here, as I was on the bring of death." Lifting up his eyepatch, Seigi would reveal to Shimiko his ruined eye, once golden, just like his good one, until it formed into the Samsara Fuuingan. The eye itself was now grey, and in the iris, a single word in the form of Kanji


    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:28 pm

    Shimiko listened as Seigi explained that he now had all of his memories back. He had learned the truth of how he had come here. He explained that he was the host for the 7 Tailed Beast, Chomei and that before he had come here he had experienced a horrifying betrayal. His friend had sold him out to an enemy nation and they had nearly killed him if it wasn't for his Doujutsu. When he revealed his eye, she covered her mouth with her hand in amazement. It was nothing she had ever seen before and the name of the Doujutsu was strange and foreign. It was one that did not exist in this universe or perhaps it had yet to reveal itself on the world stage. Shimiko was at a loss for words.

    "Seigi, I'm....I..." she didn't know what to say so she let her heart do the talking. She embraced him.

    They had finally discovered the truth of his past together. He wasn't her brother. They didn't share a blood bond. But after today, perhaps they could be the sibling that the other did not have.

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Kōshin Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:40 pm

    Shimiko hugged him, something he wasn't expecting. Something he hadn't had a long time. He would freeze for a moment, then hug her back. He had lost so much, lost his entire world. But maybe he could build something better here. He wasn't Seigi Chinoike, and he wasn't the Seigi he was in his universe. He was a man caught between worlds, but it gave him the unique chance to create his own. He had been released of his fate, and now, was truly.... free.

    He wouldn't cry. he wasn't sad about what happened. If anything, he was angry, but that anger was instantly shifted to motivation. He needed it, where he was going.
    "Shimiko, I..." He would whisper, letting go of her. "Thank you." He would chuckle, smiling at her. "Thank you for fixing my brain." He would look to Rivu, or his memory of him at least, and give him a big hug too. It made him feel better. The goat man wouldn't react.

    "If you see Kira, tell him I said hi, will ya?" He would tell Rivu, before turning back to Shimiko. "Let's get out of here. I'm sick of being in my own head."


    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
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    Mind Games Empty Re: Mind Games

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:59 am

    When Seigi returned her hug, Shimiko felt that all was right in the world. He had been through so much. Betrayed by his friend, losing his Bijuu, ripped from his homeworld and thrown into a new one, being incarcerated in the Blood Prison. All this pain and suffering had brought him here where he got to experience it all over again. But when the two embraced she felt all that misery slowly dissipate. He wasn't a crier like she was but she could tell his voice was heavy with emotion. He thanked her and she broke the hug and looked him in his eyes.

    "Anytime Seigi" she said with a smile. Seigi bid his final farewell to the mysterious Goat Man. He couldn't hear them, or could he? There was something about the creature that disturbed her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but needless to say she was relieved when Seigi told them it was time to go.

    "Hahaha, no offense but I agree" she said. The world Seigi had come from sure was wild. He released the world and in that instant the technique ended. Shimiko removed the helmet and walked over to Seigi. She helped him off the table and put a hand on his shoulder. "Now that we know where your from and what your story is....we gotta figure out what to tell the public"

    [Thread End]


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