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    Fujio, Son'Rei


    Posts : 230
    Join date : 2020-02-02

    Fujio, Son'Rei Empty Fujio, Son'Rei

    Post by Son'Rei Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:50 pm

    Name: Fujio, Son'Rei
    Age: 9
    Gender: Male
    Village: Suna
    Rank: D-Rank/Genin
    Title: The Sapphire Star

    Clan: Fujio
    Bloodline: Scorch Release {Shakuton}
    Element(s): Katon, Fūton, Shakuton {Affinity}
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu

    Experience: 1650/1650 Used
    750 exp used to unlock Mastery of Shakuton.

    Stats (6/20)

    • Strength: E
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:

    Prodigy: Son'Rei is capable of learning techniques one rank above of what his class allows, this *can* be stacked with other modifiers (Sensei, Intelligence, etc..). This results in stunted growth forcing Son'Rei to acquire an additional 10% experience to advance into the next class.

    Shakuton Expertise: Shakuton comes naturally to Son'Rei affording him to learn Shakuton techniques by 50%, however the base elements which make up Shakuton are not as easy for him resulting in an increase of 50% cost to train Katon or Futon Techniques.

    Half-Seals: Son'Rei is capable of weaving hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for the hand regarding hand seals.

    Assault Specialist: Son'Rei is looked upon as a one man militia, sent in to wipe out the enemy, When attacking a dwelling Son'Rei's rank counts as one rank higher when determining auto-hits on NPC, however when defending his dwelling Son'Rei's rank counts as one rank less.

    Appearance: Fujio, Son'Rei IMG-20200202-011408

    History: Son'Rei's past is a mystery even to himself, he has no memory of his life before the age of 6 when the Fujio discovered his skill with Shakuton was unlike any before him. The clan took great interest in his up bringing and gave him the name Son'Rei, keeping him hidden away from the rest of the world instead of sending him to a village academy to receive his training. By the age of 7 Son'Rei had shown not only a talent for Shakuton but other forms of Ninjutsu as well, by age 8 Son'Rei had mastered Shakuton, his flame taking on a sapphire blue coloration that earned him the title of "The Sapphire Star" among the Fujio. It was shortly after his ninth birthday that word of Sunagakure's Resurrection for the sea of sand reached the Fujio's compound. Knowing this would be his one chance to get out and see the world, Son'Rei would sneak out in the dead of night to reach the village hidden in the Sand and join it's ranks as a shinobi.

    Personality: Son'Rei has a very carefree view of life, possessing a child's curiosity to many situations, and often times has a tendency to be too relaxed. At the same time, he shows unwavering will and tenacity to succeed, determined to never give up against any adversity. Son'Rei enjoys the small thing in the world that most people don't pay attention too or they take for granted, such as the feeling of sand in between his toes or the feeling of the sun's light upon his face. Despite this however Son'Rei has a general indifference about life and those in it, causing many outside his clan to view him as remorseless or sadistic, through in truth he has no understanding as to why those not from his clan seem to frown upon his actions, while his clan praises him so highly.

    Roleplay Sample: Take Your Pick
    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

    Posts : 315
    Join date : 2020-01-21

    Fujio, Son'Rei Empty Re: Fujio, Son'Rei

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:08 pm

    Son'Rei wrote:Name: Fujio, Son'Rei
    Age: 9
    Gender: Male
    Village: Suna
    Rank: D-Rank/Genin
    Title: The Sapphire Star

    Clan: Fujio
    Bloodline: Scorch Release {Shakuton}
    Element(s): Katon, Fūton, Shakuton {Affinity}
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu

    Experience: 1650/1650 Used
    750 exp used to unlock Mastery of Shakuton.

    Stats (6/20)

    • Strength: E
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

    Unique Abilities:

    Prodigy: Son'Rei is capable of learning techniques one rank above of what his class allows, this *can* be stacked with other modifiers (Sensei, Intelligence, etc..). This results in stunted growth forcing Son'Rei to acquire an additional 10% experience to advance into the next class.

    Shakuton Expertise: Shakuton comes naturally to Son'Rei affording him to learn Shakuton techniques by 50%, however the base elements which make up Shakuton are not as easy for him resulting in an increase of 50% cost to train Katon or Futon Techniques.

    Half-Seals: Son'Rei is capable of weaving hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for the hand regarding hand seals.

    Assault Specialist: Son'Rei is looked upon as a one man militia, sent in to wipe out the enemy, When attacking a dwelling Son'Rei's rank counts as one rank higher when determining auto-hits on NPC, however when defending his dwelling Son'Rei's rank counts as one rank less.

    Appearance: Fujio, Son'Rei IMG-20200202-011408

    History: Son'Rei's past is a mystery even to himself, he has no memory of his life before the age of 6 when the Fujio discovered his skill with Shakuton was unlike any before him. The clan took great interest in his up bringing and gave him the name Son'Rei, keeping him hidden away from the rest of the world instead of sending him to a village academy to receive his training. By the age of 7 Son'Rei had shown not only a talent for Shakuton but other forms of Ninjutsu as well, by age 8 Son'Rei had mastered Shakuton, his flame taking on a sapphire blue coloration that earned him the title of "The Sapphire Star" among the Fujio. It was shortly after his ninth birthday that word of Sunagakure's Resurrection for the sea of sand reached the Fujio's compound. Knowing this would be his one chance to get out and see the world, Son'Rei would sneak out in the dead of night to reach the village hidden in the Sand and join it's ranks as a shinobi.

    Personality: Son'Rei has a very carefree view of life, possessing a child's curiosity to many situations, and often times has a tendency to be too relaxed. At the same time, he shows unwavering will and tenacity to succeed, determined to never give up against any adversity. Son'Rei enjoys the small thing in the world that most people don't pay attention too or they take for granted, such as the feeling of sand in between his toes or the feeling of the sun's light upon his face. Despite this however Son'Rei has a general indifference about life and those in it, causing many outside his clan to view him as remorseless or sadistic, through in truth he has no understanding as to why those not from his clan seem to frown upon his actions, while his clan praises him so highly.

    Roleplay Sample: Take Your Pick


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