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    Shepherd the Herd


    Shepherd the Herd Empty Shepherd the Herd

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:55 pm

    [Empowered Lightning Clone 1]

    Sven hurried along the streets, shouting orders in a clear commanding tone. His headband to Kumogakure visible on his forehead as his suit jacket shifts with the motions. The sounds of his boots heavy on the concrete ground, occasionally the Jounin will have to jump over a crowd or three. From the crowd, Sven spots a couple of familiar faces. Genin, and hopefully not associated with the Church. Sven would rather not deal with children blinded by the religion's faith. Sven didn't have negative emotions about the Church before, but now it became a bit more personal.

    Regardless, Sven will magnetize his feet on a stone wall of a building as he will speak out to them. Obviously in a hurry, but Sven breaks it down for them.

    "A riot has occurred, evacuate with the civilians to outside of the village through the main gates! You three escort these civilians to safety and stay with the group!" Sven shouts orders over the white noise of people mumbling and cries of panic. Sven wished he could calm them, but right now Sven is focused on keeping them alive. His eyes scanned the crowd and the surrounding area for hostilities. To be honest Sven would rather not disperse, especially in close proximity to the crowd. Still he can't allow the people come to harm, not even to Genin. He waits for them to give their confirmation and to hear what other concerns they may have.

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Shepherd the Herd Empty Re: Shepherd the Herd

    Post by Yoshitsune Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:16 pm

    The chaos had not yet reached Yoshitsune’s ears. She was simply in the process of going off to look for work, kimono and katana in tow. Her new headband, marked proudly with the symbol of Kumogakure no Sato, would be hung loosely around her neck. Not truly broken into the grind yet, she was still slow. Slower than she wanted to be. Ideally, she would be able to burn through missions as fast as possible. There was no reason to dilly-dally with them, not roses to stop and smell. Just a steady income of money coming from the ginder, while Yoshitsune raced towards bigger and better things. New heights.

    Her lack of speed was what caused her to still be in the Fuyuko Outlets, not too far from the apartment that she called her home, when Sven arrived. She was still unaware of what was happening, and was largely ignorant of the church and political situation. Once Sven’s orders became clear, regardless of this ignorance Yoshitsune would do as she was told, immediately snapping into attention. Even without knowing the context of the riot, she could still assist. For a second her hand would reach down to the handle of her blade, before she would pull away. It wouldn’t be necessary, hopefully.

    “Everyone! Please do not panic! We will take the straightest and shortest route to the village’s gates!” She would shout out into the crowd. Sven’s shouting had caused the ambient noise to slightly dim, but even then Yoshitsune still had to shout at the top of her lungs to be heard. She would do her best to stand strong and tall, despite her short size, in an effort to appear as a beacon of safety. Taking a moment to meet Sven’s gaze, just to confirm that she would follow his lead, before turning to the others in the crowd. He had mentioned three, so at the very least she wasn’t alone in this. So who else was there?

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    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2019-12-31

    Shepherd the Herd Empty Re: Shepherd the Herd

    Post by Tomonosuke Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:12 am

    Tomonosuke sat at a place called a tea shop. He only heard of what great wonders existed here. There was tea from other lands as well as other parts of the country. It was unfamiliar to him that someone could sell tea in a shop and not just a specific kind. This would be a new experience that he was ready and accepting for whatever was about to happen. The place had an intricate smell. The various scent of the different teas filled his nostrils. He enjoyed the mixture of aromas. Before he asked, someone inside. He noticed two Kumo shinobi outside. They briefly were talking and then rushed off. There was an uneasy feeling that could be read on the face of one of them through the storefront window. Tomonosuke walked out as quickly as he walked in. There was then a mass of people making their way to what seemed to be the village gate. This was a bit surprising to him. This was definitely a new experience that he wasn’t ready for.

    As he exited the shop, he attempted to walk against the grain of exodus of civilians, but was starting to get with the flow of the crowd. Tomonosuke would parkour up the walls onto the rooftop to try and get a better view. It wasn’t very long before he heard the voice of Sven screaming over the bustling noise. He could barely make it out, but he wasn’t sure if he heard correctly. “Three genin?” There must have been something he was missing. It was obvious to him that he was the target to that order. Who could be the other ones? He shook the thought off as he would need to follow orders and try and get as many people to safety. Tomonosuke would stay on the rooftops to see if he could see any stragglers or those who were moving slower in the crowd. It would be tragic if someone were to get trampled. He wanted to make it a point to go above and beyond the call of duty. The young Sasaki wondered what the true cause of all this was.

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    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Shepherd the Herd Empty Re: Shepherd the Herd

    Post by Kyousuke Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:16 am

    WC - 422
    Chakra - 49/50
    A sole figured remained still, perched atop the edge of a roof overlooking the streets of the Hidden Cloud's bustling market district. The samurai's golden eyes surveilled each individual walking down below. He shifted his pupils from one man to the next, ever wary of the potential danger that could have arisen at any given moment. The Sasaki heir had been sent on the everyday patrol duty tasked to all shinobi when no other mission of importance had been assigned to them. In some ways this had served as his day off, certainly it had been far less vexing than his recent B-rank mission that saw him out in the Kaminari no Kuni lands assisting with the assassination of a kingpin.

    He was finally back home and that meant returning to life as a genin.

    Uneventful. That was a brief summary of his latest string of city guard tasks, patrolling the streets and occasionally dealing with minor crimes. Nonetheless he continued on with his duties, moving to the Fuyuko Outlets seeing as nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be happening. He moved from rooftop to rooftop, jumping past the gaps at a steady pace when suddenly the atmosphere shifted. For a moment everything seemed to come to a halt, the busy streets cluttered with the everyday sounds of the metropolis all turned silent. All too soon those very sounds he had grown so accustomed to slowly turned grim.

    Screams from the far distance echoing, steel of swords clashing, and fires of battle raging. It would all come to ahead upon the arrival of a man shouting information of a riot. That was all the Sasaki needed to hear to take action, and it was just the same for a familiar shinobi. "Everyone, listen to her. Stay close and we'll be able to protect everyone." He'd shout from the rooftop.

    Immediately his chakra would spread to the maximum range he could muster, allowing him to feel everything occurring within the block. There wasn't yet much to be worried about, but that could have changed at any moment. Aside from Yoshitsune he would feel the presence of another familiar individual, and a quick turn of his head would confirm his senses. "We should stick together. I can help lead the way and avoid the ongoing riot with my sensory." His words would be directed to everyone in the vicinity and with that he'd drop down from the rooftops to the streets beside Yoshitsune.



    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Shepherd the Herd Empty Re: Shepherd the Herd

    Post by Yoshitsune Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:24 pm

    Yoshi would work together with the others in order to protect any civilians. Sticking together with Kyousuke, Tomonsuke, and the clone of Sven, she would do her best to ensure that all nearby civilians were carefully evacuated to the exterior of the village through the main gates. With her speed she was able to effectively shepard the civilians in a similar manner to a sheep dog, rushing around their exterior in order to ensure that none separated from the group in a panic or wandered off. It wouldn’t take too long until the group was removed from the village limits and directly successfully to the main gates. Once they were all safe and sound and confirmed to be unharmed, Yoshitsune would re-enter the village in order to investiage.


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