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    Mission: Clean up the beach


    Posts : 119
    Join date : 2018-10-29

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: KKG, Ninjutsu, Sensory -- Fire
    Class: D
    Ryo: -

    Mission: Clean up the beach Empty Mission: Clean up the beach

    Post by Kurenai Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:50 am

    Mission Name: Clean up the Beach!
    Mission Type: Chore
    Mission Rank: D
    Mission Goal: Clean the trash and other unpleasantries off the beach in Ota
    Description: Ota recently had a bad storm hit and a few trade ships were destroyed in it. Now that the weather has calmed down a bit, the town council needs someone to pick up the wreckage that has been piling up on their usually pristine beach. Bring some gloves, it's gonna get grungy!
    Payment: 10,000 ryo
    Requirements: Genin


    Mission: Clean up the beach Kopie_10


    Posts : 119
    Join date : 2018-10-29

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: KKG, Ninjutsu, Sensory -- Fire
    Class: D
    Ryo: -

    Mission: Clean up the beach Empty Re: Mission: Clean up the beach

    Post by Kurenai Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:51 am

    Cleaning up trash. Not the most glorious of jobs, if you asked Kurenai, but she needed the ryo and administration had been rather adamant about the importance of activity in Ota. A storm had wrecked the place. Not just the ships. The docks and even some buildings had been the unfortunate victim of the storm, the tempest plaguing them rather locally. As if it had been specifically angry at this place.

    Strolling along the beach, the debris and wreckage of the ships that had been hit the hardest were littering the sand for miles to come. Rocks, ropes, wood. All sorts of pieces had turned a beautiful beach into a war front only appreciated by the crabs and seagulls trying to find treasures and nourishment alike. They'd flee to safety when the kunoichi approached, picking up the small pieces and putting them into giant plastic bags resting in a cart. She'd have hours of work to deal with this but the day was still young. Calculations dictated she'd be done by noon, probably. A good hour to finish, take a break and move on to the next section.

    At a slow but steady pace, the bags would fill and the cart got heavier. The sun slowly climbing to its zenith from which it would reign over the world and bless it with its warmth. Having done her part, Kurenai pushed the cart with great effort off the beach and onto the docks, then further to the meeting place where a burly sailor would handle the rest. He'd tap his head in salutation and recognition of her effort, and pick up where she had left. Stretching and allowing her muscles some rest, Kurenai found a little place at a nearby cafe for a quick bite and a drink.

    +20 XP
    +10k ryo

    [EXIT], to Ota


    Mission: Clean up the beach Kopie_10


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