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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:25 pm

    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTAx9DyGBds3i-B1kJ7vqmr_IeqZWbJZB0rcsdoLx-973hD5U6s

    Kitsuki was diligent in her approach to her shinobi career, but she was downright obesseive about the the development of her musical career. Under the gentle but demanding tutelage of Maestro Ko, Kitsuki had developed into a true virtuoso. Her skills when it came to playing musical instruments was on an international level and when it came to playing the piano she was arguably second to none. She had auditioned for a closing spot in the Kirigakure Christmas Concert. The Concert was widely viewed as the pinnacle of musical performance on the Isles, although in recent years there were other events that had begun to draw significant crowds. After multiple rounds of auditioning and interviews along with a good word from the Maestro himself, Kitsuki earned the spot.  She was set to go after the Triumphant Aquatic Orchestra, one of the most famous and skilled bands in the world. Needless to say the pressure was on.

    The thunderous roar of the instruments echoed through Tamanay Hall as the Triumphant Aquatic Orchestra played their final piece. The Hall was opulent even by Kiri standards. It was said that the Hozuki, other shinobi clans, and wealthy merchant houses pulled out all the stops on this theater. The joint venture was spearheaded by a Hozuki with a particular love for the arts. The Isles's richest citizens had showered the Hall with money and gifts for years and this was the result. A grand concert hall with silk tapestry, golden pillars, and a piano whose keys were literally silver and diamond. Kitsuki was backstage, dressed in formal musician's attire and pacing rapidly. She was on next and this would be her first time performing in front of a crowd so large. There'd be Princesses, Princes, wealthy Merchants, and perhaps even the Emperor himself. All sorts of people came to these events but each of them were both rich and powerful. They could all make or break her music career in an instant. The Kurahasa began hyperventilating as the orchestra reached the apex of its song. In a few seconds, she'd be called to the stage. This was her moment to make it big in the world of classical music. It was now or never.


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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Verdandi Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:44 pm

    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) TT4IVmx

    Verdandi was slowly tapping after her mother. She didn't care much for the festival going on in what seemed like... the whole empire. Some relatives of the emperor were supposed to roam tonight’s special concert as well. A few years ago, Motoko would have used this as a chance to try and hook Verd up with one of the fancy princes. But the times had shifted. With the Yuki bloodline coming to life within the youngest princess, she was suddenly free. No more political concerns were bothering her. There was no way any of the snooty noblemen would ever dare marrying a destined warrior, a witch of the frost, a kunoichi. This new path had opened up to the princess so long ago but on days like this one she'd still be smiling brightly in contemplation over how fate had given her this freedom over all the petty little squabbles the gentry and nobles tried to tediously bother her with before. Verdandi's sister were much more fit for this kind of lifestyle than herself. Verd winked at the noblemen that would bow to the royal family as it passed, she had a soft, slightly forced smile on her face. She knew what was expected of her, despite her freedom, she still had to represent the Dao Dynasty among the Yuki Clansmen, and the Yuki Clan among the Kiri populi. It was about prestige and image.

    Queen Motoko would eventually step ahead and pass through the gates inside the concerto hall. Verd would stop and linger outside with her sisters for a moment. Hugging each other. One could never really get fully used to the whole pompousness of these big events. Though it kind of lost a bit of its tension considering that, during all these holiday days, many festivals and official events were just lined up all one after the other. Verd pouted and glared empty into the distance.

    "He will be fine, it's just one eve without you. He'll probably raid the food supply and then doze off straight away..." - Skuld pat on Verd’s shoulder, knowing exactly what was bothering her little sister.

    "Still, he's too young to be left with the maids, they don't know how to treat a bear right!" - Verdandi would underline her worries still. If anyone ever had any sort of 'rich kid problems' then Dandi worrying over her very own pet polar bear was probably one of the snootiest things you could come up with, especially at an evening where every single detail of the event probably cost more than half the gentry earn here a month. Skuld poked Verd’s nose but the conversation was eventually breached as they were urged by their servants to move inside as the concert was about to start.

    Verd would find herself neatly seated close to her mom in one of their upper VIP booths. They had lots of space for themselves and aside from some of Verd's cousins there was only very close family up here. The princess planted her bum into the comfy seat she was appointed with and the lights already dimmed. The noises of the orchestra would fill the room out and completely lull the princesses in its rhythmical and very soothing noises. Time would pass, Urd was completely fascinated, Skuld and Motoko both seemed interested as well. It was only normal that Verd had to be the one that almost dozed off every few minutes, yet she tried her best. Poking herself into her thigh occasionally. Pain keeps the brain alive now.

    She was relieved when the orchestra calmed down but also intrigued as the show would soon come to its end, but not before the act of a solo performer. Verd wondered who bribed who so this next performer got a solo part on a grand concerto. Interesting... ~

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Dec 24, 2019 4:03 am

    For Kitsuki, the Orchestra's performance seemed to be the shortest in musical history. The girl was excited to go next, but she didn't think the moment would arrive so suddenly. She had hoped that they'd play an encore just so she could put off her own performance for a few more seconds. Her mind filled with excuses.

    I'm not ready!
    I have to go to the bathroom!
    I need to tune the piano!
    I have to flex my fingers!
    The trumpet on the third row, played off-key during the third song, they have to re-do it!

    Anything and everything went through her mind to justify her desire to not go on stage. But destiny simply wasn't having it. The Orchestra completed their performance with a solid crescendo and the audience clapped. Roses were tossed on stage and collected as the musicians rose and took a bow. The curtains fell and various attendants began taking away the instruments and chairs. The orchestra filed out of the stage area and went backstage. Their movements were orderly and precise. Many of the musicians that played as part of the Triumphant Aquatic Orchestra had been ninja themselves. Their dexterity and mental acuity were super-human, well beyond the capacity of even the finest civilian musician. Their movements were practiced and re-herased. The exuded discipline and determination with every step. Their leader was the conductor, a master strategist who would command them into the field of battle. At Tanamny Hall music wasn't just a form of art, it was a domain of war. A war for the hearts, minds, and souls of the audience. The Orchestra had arrived with a single purpose: to remove any doubt that they were in fact the greatest band in the world. As the musicians filed past Kitsuki they did not even look at her. She was beneath them. Someone whose job it was to clean up the battlefield after all of the major battles had already been won.

    Kitsuki gazed at them in awe. Yet when she saw that most of them wouldn't even dignify her with a glance, she became angry. They think they're so much better than me...they think they're better than every musician. The shyness, uncertainty, and stage fright that had plagued her moments ago had evaporated. She had something to prove now. Not just to herself and Maestro Ko, but to this orchestra. She was just as great a virtuoso as any of them and she was willing to bet that none of them were half the pianist that she was. Kitsuki sighed and waited for them all to pass before stepping behind the curtain. The host of the concert walked up to her and walked her through the basics one more time. There was a bit of worry in his voice. She'd be the final act. It was an important position and one that was often entrusted to someone with far more experience than her. He had taken a chance on this new girl and if her talent proved inadequate then he'd be the laughing stock of the concierto community. Kitsuki nodded and prepared for the curtains to rise.

    When it did, she was blinded by the lights around her. However, she didn't look away. The virtuoso stepped forward and bowed in response to the round of applause she received. It was a bit of a confidence booster. She knew that they were only clapping to be polite at this point, but it still felt good that they at least expected great things from her. Kitsuki walked over to the piano that had been set up in the center of the stage. She sat down and moved her fingers into position. Kitsuki Kurahasa's posture was absolutely perfect with not a single slouch or idle movement. She waited for her cue to begin. The host gave the signal from off-stage and with a deep breath, Kitsuki began to play:

    The song was slow and melancholy. She had selected the piece herself as many a closing musician did. The choice had been agonizing but ultimately she was proud of her selection. The Orchestra's grand finale would be a violent tempest that stirred up the emotions and passions of the crowd. She'd want to play something soft yet powerful to follow them. Her goal was to bring the audience back down from the high of the preceding act. It would ground them, mellow them, and stoke feelings of nostalgia and longing for places they had never been to and moments they had never experienced. Kitsuki's fingers flew across the piano with astonishing grace. She had struck the keys just right on every single note and once she got into the full score of the piece, she didn't even notice time was passing. It was as if she was in her own world. Lost in the notes, sounds, and pace of the music. Kitsuki was happy being a shinobi but music would always be her first love. When the piece was finally over, she reached out and turned the page to play the next song. By now she was thoroughly enjoying herself and the pressure of the moment seemed like some irrelevant and distant fantasy. She reset her fingers on the keyboard and began to play the next song.

    This piece was more complicated and far longer. She'd need to up the ante in terms of speed if she were to perform it correctly and with enough grace so as to inflict a lasting impression on the audience. Kitsuki played the piece without making a single mistake. The only reason she was slightly more aware of her playing was because this was one of her teacher's favorite pieces. He was an absolute perfectionist when it came to playing this song and he had threatened to whip her fingertips bloody if she "massacred" it. Of course, what an average musician considered "massacring" a piece and what Mastero Ko considered "massacring" were two different universes. He had been known to tear pieces of his beard out in frustration if a note was struck with too much emphasis, if the tempo was not perfectly adhered to, or if the musician was sloppy in their posture or expression. Kitsuki recounted the severity of his instruction and thus when she played this piece she did so with none of the lightheartedness of the first. This was serious business and she knew his representatives would be in the crowd listening. He had put his name on the line vouching for her and she had no intention of letting him down. The piece's purpose was to raise the stakes a bit. To create a flurry of anticipation and excitement. It was the climax of her performance. A fairly challenging piece for her young newcomer to the classical scene. The halls echoed with the beautiful melody and when she was finished, she could feel the restraint in the crowd. They desperately wanted to clap for such talent and skill but the iron law of Tanamany Hall held them back: No clapping until the end of the performance. Kitsuki wanted to smirk, but the visage of Maestro Ko's serious face bearing down at her stopped her. The battle wasn't over yet, but she had the crowd right where she wanted them. She turned the page and played her final piece.

    The last piece was a bit more "modern" to say the least. It was by far the riskiest selection she had made when choosing the three songs that would make up her performance. Some might consider it an affront to the concert community to play such a modern jive using the most classical instrument of all time. However, Kitsuki (and to a lesser extent her teacher) were of the school of thought that no musician ever became great by playing it safe. They all took risks when playing their signature instrument. Newcomers had to be bold, inventive, and norm-shattering. They respected tradition and the contributions of those that came before them, but they were not shy about adding to custom. They carved out their own unique identities and in doing so they openly ran the risk of offending the more conservative-wing of the classical community. She could imagine the looks on the conductor's face when the final song of the Christmas Concert would be a hip melody composed within Kit's lifetime. They'd be indignant, angry, and hot under the collar. But if the audience loved it, and the critics enjoyed it, then Kit would be the winner in the end. Kitsuki's fingers flew across the piano as she allowed herself a bit more wiggle room in jamming out in tune to the song. The older songs were constricted. They required perfect focus and zero wasted movement. She could have fun with this one and if the audience could see how much she was enjoying herself, maybe they'd like it even more. Eventually, the song would draw to a close and with that final piece her performance had concluded.

    Kitsuki rose from her seat and walked to face the audience. The applause was uproarious. A full-on standing ovation for the final performance of the Christmas Concert. Kitsuki bowed once more, a deep and satisfying motion. She soaked in all of the glory of the moment. She had practiced long and intense hours for this exact scenario. She had played wonderfully and had not made a single mistake. Not a note out of place nor a beat missed. She smiled at the audience and when she saw the first set of roses tossed before her feet, she nearly fainted.

    This is so awesome!

    She thought to herself in glee as she turned around and walked away from the stage. More and more roses joined as the stage was soon littered with flowers. It wasn't as much as the Orchestra but it was a very impressive start to her career as a classical musician. The host, concert director, and owner of Tamany Hall greeted her backstage with hugs, kisses, handshakes, and slaps on the back. The host went back on stage to close out the show and thank the guests for coming. The concert director meanwhile led her aside.

    "Stupendous! Absolutely stupendous Kitsuki! We were all skeptical about that final song you wanted to play but by God I swear I saw the Emperor's cousin tapping his foot. You are going to go very far my girl! Very far indeed! Now comes the easy part. I want to introduce you to some people. A few royals.....it won't be a big gathering. Just an exclusive get together so they can meet you in person."

    Kitsuki's heart skipped a beat. This Imperial House invitation was shaping up to do wonders for her career. She was now about to meet other royals. She didn't know what to say so instead she just smiled and nodded. The director would lead her to a private and exclusive room where musicians could rub shoulders with the rich and powerful of the Misty Isles.


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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Verdandi Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:37 pm

    Verd wasn’t necessarily displeased with the concerto. Or the orchestra as a whole. The primary problem here was, that she had seen and heard them perform these very same pieces quite a few times already. She was admittingly very excited at the first two or three times she would watch them perform. But now it was just her, finding herself unexplainably unhappy. There was a deep hole in her belly and the princess couldn’t tell if she was just being a drama, if this was just yet another effect of the rich and spoiled, if it was normal that things as fantastic as this show would become pale and bland to her, or if there was actually something eating at her soul. It didn’t help that she occasionally drifted off thought to regain a less obviously bored posture as to make sure that no one would point out how she must have been ‘displeased’ and thus owe some sort of explanation. Overthinking. She eventually concluded that her nagging noises that made her belly ache were overthinking and the simple yet silly fact that she was actually still worried about her baby bear at home and hoping he was doing just fine without his friend and caretaker. Verd actually managed to banish most of the silly thoughts at last, confiding in the silly truth that all would be fine. The last act slowly started. Many eyes were locked upon the performer above them on stage. Many critics were ready to tear apart whatever imperfection would be offered to them.

    Verd wasn’t really paying the closest attention as the music started. She clearly heard the piano in the back of her head but her thoughts, while purged of former worry, still drifted once again and quickly attuned to the melancholic noise that was filling her ears. Little tingles would slowly crawl up her neck as the pianist was doing a surprisingly well job at delivering music that the young ice lady was not too familiar with just yet. Dandi was sure some of it was supposed to be well known compositions, but hearing something new was always a revelation in its own kind. For reasons she could not pin down the tingles would rise her once again and interest would grow as at last her eyes tried to focus and get somewhat of a picture of the pianist working her magic down there in the halls. The distance of the VIP booths towards the actual center of the giant stage kind of made things a bit harder to make out much of the persons features from up here. She couldn’t quite tell if the girl on stage was necessarily really that small or if it was just the distance. The appearance she gave away seemed fit for someone playing at a concerto, but still she seemed unusually stylish, though the dress somewhat had a more male featured tailor which was quite unusual but also intriguing to see, raising a smile on Verd’s face.

    As the third part hit the crowd and slowly moved from melancholia over classic towards a more upbeat and lightening piece the people would start to visibly raise their moods and give away very open notions of positive surprise and amazement. Verd couldn’t help but giggle and look at her similar amused siblings while yet trying to keep it down and not disturb the concerto. As the final piece found its end the crowd cheered and would widely applaud to the emotional stairway up and down as it ended in a bliss of peace and joy. A wonderful choice for an incredibly difficult crowd to please to say at least. Now that the concerto as such was indeed the kind of success the host had hoped for, all parties involved seemed to feel the load that would slowly be lifted off their shoulders and that now everyone could just relax and enjoy the ultimately well drawn mood that had been raised within this spectacle. The applause eventually calmed and Verd was already being led, after her mother, towards the conference room downstairs. While it was time to celebrate and for mom to connect politically, the princess knew that with her freedom she could actually indulge into the way more enjoyable parts of the coming open diner. She could fill her belly and make sure to pick some good stuff to take home to young Avalanche, there surely had to be some sort of large steak around that would satisfy the hungry bear.

    Verd however found herself cut short in her plans to go after the food as she recognized that basically the whole orchestra was moving up in here too. She tried to grab a few of the munchies presented but couldn’t avoid some old musicians trying to awkwardly make conversation with the princess. She was once again rather struggling to hide her complete and utter disinterest to be seen in any relation to her mother’s political apparatus. Her elder sisters were already caught up as well and Dandi couldn’t really flee to them anymore. As the chance presented itself to go without being all too rude, Verd eventually escaped to the balcony. Not without hauling a massive number of little snacks in a very quick ninja-move of course. To her delight, no one was here already. As there was no particular seat to be found, Verd placed the snack pile on the piano that was neatly placed in the balcony corner. A perfect spot to hide for now. She took a short sneak peak off the balcony’s edge, enjoying the insane view as it was. Time passed. Voices were still going strong and loud inside the dinner hall. Dandi had planted her bum on the tiny chair in front of the piano and had already snacked away most of the food pile as she found herself between the boredom of nothing to do and the very soothing noise of distant rain and ocean waves clashing against the Kiri shoreline.

    Verd would open up the piano’s casing for it’s keys. There was one short piece she had once learned from her mum back when Verd was still destined to be a fancy snooty girl. She had long since abandoned her interest in it… but if one could ignore the obvious failures in her performance it would sound a bit like this…

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:19 pm

    When Kitsuki entered the room she was astonished at how many people were already present. The Triumphant Aquatic Orchestra had been making their rounds. The illustrious conductor was chatting with some very important looking people, and his various "favorites" were likewise preoccupied. Kitsuki didn't have long to appreciate the moment. The director took her by the hand and began introducing her to various important people. The normally shy and reserved girl put on her networking face and did her best to appear enthusiastic and bubbly. Concert directors, benefactors, and politicians enjoyed that sort of thing and Kitsuki felt it was in her best interest to play to their biases. Maestro Ko had told her that her greatest failing as a musician would not be for lack of skill, but for lack of charm. Kitsuki was well-mannered and socially graceful but that wasn't enough in their world. You had to win the people over. Convince them that they should select you as their chief musician as opposed to the other talented souls around the world. Kit did her best to smile pleasantly, laugh at lame jokes, and make sophisticated conversation when appropriate. The charade was tiring but she was not about to dismiss herself until she had made at least ten professional contacts. Eventually, the director grew bored with her and left her to her own devices. Satisfied that she had shaken enough hands to launch her music career, Kit slowly sauntered towards the exit. She was about to leave when she heard the unmistakable sound of someone playing the piano.

    The virtuoso stopped in her tracks as she listened carefully. The music was good, not orchestra worthy, but decent. She could tell by the way that they keys were being struck that this person was out of practice. She didn't look down on people who weren't as talented or practiced as her though. If anything, it always inspired her to see someone playing regardless of how skilled they were. Kitsuki moved in the direction of the sound. She found herself on a balcony, silently watching as a young woman with silver hair played beautifully. Kit didn't interrupt the performance, but a grin found its way on her face as she watched the young woman finish the piece.

    She gave a modest clap from behind and the grin evolved into a genuine smile.

    "Bravo! Bravo!" she exclaimed. Whoever this was, if she managed to afford a seat at the orchestra she was worth charming and impressing. The fact that she appeared to have a genuine interest in the piano meant that this was less about shmoozing and more about meeting someone with a shared passion. "That was splendid" she complimented. It wasn't. At least, not as far as Kit's mentor would be concerned. She played on an entirely different level than this girl but that didn't mean her efforts were worthless. It only meant that she had many more years of practice before she could reach Kitsuki's level.

    "When did you learn to play?"


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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Verdandi Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:56 am

    Verdandi was quite lost in her own world and her mind was far away from anything that could be touched or seen in reality. She was mentally floating in the clouds… slowly descending upon the water surface of Kiri’s shores. Gliding through the waves as her piano piece mixed calmly with the noises of water movements far off in the distance. The rain was getting thinner. It’d probably stop soon. But while it lasted it did add to the melancholic feeling she was trying to get into. However, Verd barely finished the last stroke of the piece as she could hear clapping noises behind her. She must have been so distracted that she didn’t even notice the ‘intruder’ that somehow found her way out here onto the balcony. Dandi slowly turned her head before getting up from the tiny seat. It didn’t take all too long to recognize whom was standing before her. After all, she took an effort earlier during the concert to kind of scan this very persons appearance clearly. The grand solo act that had triumphed and ultimately created the successful ending to this very evening. Verd didn’t know why, but for some reason she felt shortly intimidated by her presence. The young lady exhaled a feeling that sent an exciting shiver down Verdandi’s spine. Maybe it was just because of all the emotional build up during the concert. Verd quickly bowed as it was custom and polite, letting the young lady express her bravo’s.

    Verd’s regalia adorned to her dress composed of many tiny golden trinkets and accessories. Yet nothing specifically hinted to whom Dandi was except maybe for a few small snowflake shaped symbols at the neck of her dress. Even if Kitsuki were to gather from it, that Verd must be of the Yuki due to this crest, there were so many Yuki in Kiri by now that the number of rich and snooty princesses within their ranks was considerable large as well. Verd was used to be known among her people, but mainly when travelling with her mother, the queen. Alone she could still just be one of many. No one of particular importance. Just how she liked it.

    “Thank you. It certainly does not compare with your flawless performance of course… As for your question…. It was just a mother’s try on making her daughter reluctantly learn a more refined form of art. I think I was 12 when I first tried? I admit, while I enjoy doing it, I probably do not have any particular talent for it.”

    Verdandi would raise her palm and cover her lips as she laughed. Her eyes returned to rest on her visitors’ appearance. Somehow, she seemed a bit less intimidating now. She slowly placed her bum back down on the small seat in front of the piano and slid to the far left. Patting her palm down onto the free space next to herself. Turning her head to gaze back at Kitsuki.

    “Maybe you can show me a thing or two, senpai?”

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:07 am

    Kitsuki was pleased that the stranger's manners were as pure and pleasant as her playing. She flattered Kit's own skills and the girl blushed and shrugged in response. Verdandi mentioned that she had learned to play from her mother who had insisted it as part of the refined upper class education that many rich people got. It was a fairly typical story and one that Kitsuki shared. The only difference is that Kit was gifted beyond reason and had continued to play until she had mastered several instruments. She admitted that she had no real talent which was perfectly fine. Some of the best players in the world were not necessarily "talented", but their level of dedication exceeded even Kitsuki's. They were superhuman musicians much in the same sense that shinobi were superhuman warriors.

    Verdandi then giggled and then asked for some lessons to which Kitsuki immediately took a step back. She could play but she was no teacher. She had mentored and tutored before but only when she had a very thorough idea of what someone needed to work on. To teach and give pointers on the fly was not something she ordinarily did. The girl scratched the back of her curly bunches in hesitation.

    "Sure I guess......I've always been a better player than a teacher but I can definitely give you some pointers."

    Kit sat down in the place Verd had patted and looked at the keys. She was vaguely familiar with the song that Verd had been playing although not nearly enough to give specific advice. Instead, Kitsuki decided it was best to sharpen Verdandi's general skills and instincts when playing the instrument. The piano was tuned well but the girl could use some work on her timing and speed. Kitsuki launched into a basic explanation of begineer rudiments and then played a few scales for Verdandi. She went through two minor scales and two major ones before having the girl practice a bit in her prescence. Kitsuki would observe her playing and give correction here or there. Naturally, she leveled her expectations to Verdandi's skill level so that the crash course would be informative, low pressure, and fun for the both of them. Rather than continue on and one, Kitsuki closed with some advice to use a metronome for when she practiced. Once the mini-lesson was completed, Kitsuki would demonstrate what practice and rudiments could do. She played a slightly better rendition of the same song Verdandi had played. Definitely not concert worthy but better than what she had just learned. Maestro Ko had taught her how to play by ear alone without the need of sheet music. All she needed to do was hear a piece once and she could reproduce it on the piano. This wasn't true for her secondary instruments but for her signature one it was par for the course.

    "A few more months of practice and you'll be able to do it in your sleep" she said with a gentle smile. "I'm Kitsuki Kurahasa by the way. What's your name?"


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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Verdandi Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:08 pm

    Verdandi’s eyes followed the movements that Kit would make with her fingers until eventually trying to copy those moves with her own palms. For a while it’d go quite well. Dandi didn’t seem as completely talent free as expected. Her skills were however probably more related to a natural talent with her hand-to-eye coordination, one that would come useful once she actually spent some time honing her shinobi skills and reaching for her potential limits. When Kit suddenly pulled the original song from Verd and added her own expanded wits to it, Dandi would make wide eyes. It was one thing to copy the song just from hearing it. Since it wasn’t a popular one, Verd doubted that Kit had really trained or rehearsed this one ever much, even if she was familiar with it in the first place. For a moment she could feel envy rising in her core. The skill on display was something she would love to have, to flaunt it and impress, to show off and get all those amazed gazes and compliments. But Verd could also see the exhaustion working on Kit. While this here now was a piece of cake, the large concerto earlier must have really worn out many nerves within the young lady. Yet despite all that, she was still concentrated and undisturbed. It seemed as if this little safe space out here, with no one around to judge other than a friend, allowed her to recharge those drained batteries. Verd smiled. To see someone, live within music like this was an artwork in itself. Dandi was a scholar of her ancestors’ traditional teachings. A collection of wisdom continuously refreshed and restructured within the Yuki clan’s aging dynasty. These teachings took a very strong turn towards being humble, diligent and kind, ever since her grandfather’s days. Verd accepted the envy within her. She accepted that there was once again someone better and ‘stronger’ than her. She glared at the beauty and the marvel of this talented and refined creature and would remember it as another piece that made it to the very gallery of beautiful things within her heart. Eventually Dandi would snap out of her own philosophical dreamscape.

    “I’m Verdandi Yuki and it is an absolute pleasure to see your talent at work Miss Kurahasa….” She smirked, knowing well it as a bit too honey coated of a compliment, but she couldn’t express her honest feelings otherwise. The night was still young and both kunoichi seemed very comfortable without the need to constantly chit chat. Instead Verd would pull Kit into a duet, four palms now moving away at the same piano, with Verdandi setting the pace and tone while Kit would use her vast, seemingly endless talent to add perfection to any and all of Dandi’s little exhales of musical noise.

    Sometimes, all that is needed is to remain silent and enjoy life as it happens.

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:11 pm

    Yuki? That explained Verdandi's attendance. One did not get a seat in the Kirgakure Christmas Concert without being decadently rich or well-connected, often both were required. The Yuki Clan was one of the founding shinobi clans of the village and they had fielded two Mizukage in the past few years. It appeared Kitsuki's assumptions of people from noble clans were being shattered. She had assumed them to be stuck up and haughty people. Always looking down at others who were not born into prestigous shinobi clans. Yet Chigetsu and now Verdandi defied those stereotypes. It made this musician very happy. Kitsuki smiled and returned the compliment. "Its a pleasure to help you grow yours Miss Yuki" It was getting pretty late and Kitsuki was indeed growing weary. Maestro Ko had taught her how to play at 100% until the exact point of collapse. Kit had no desire to pass out on the balcony though so she rose from her seat and excused herself.

    Kitsuki slid out from the seat and bowed to Verdandi.

    "Miss Verdandi Yuki, you'll have to excuse me. Its getting late and I'm pretty tired. I hope to meet you again soon. If not at another concert then maybe a mission or something sometime?"

    Kitsuki was assuming that the girl was a ninja. Her coordination was elite for someone who wasn't a trained coordination. Usually someone with that kind of precision had formal instruction in the ninja arts at a young age. Either way, Kitsuki would give the Yuki a final wave before heading out. She had made a lot of professional contacts tonight but more importantly she potentially gained a new friend and ally.



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    Age : 34
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    Grand Concierto (Verdandi) Empty Re: Grand Concierto (Verdandi)

    Post by Verdandi Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:39 am

    Verdandi enjoyed herself plenty for the duet and was trying to do her best to enrich Kit’s experience of this situation as well. But the tiredness she saw earlier in her eyes would grow and thus it was pretty clear what was needed. Verd couldn’t be so selfish as to hog the grand musician for her own amusement despite their obvious decay into a sleepy shell of themselves. She giggled a bit; it was almost cute to see the otherwise super professional and cool young lady in such a predicament. Verd started to slow down with her fingers and allowed many pauses until Kit at last asked for themselves to be allowed to retire from this place at last. She had experienced many things tonight, but Verd was sure she’d remember their meeting as well, despite it being just a side activity next to successfully bashing a concert in front of hundreds of people.

    “I have but just started becoming a kunoichi, but I have a feeling we’ll meet again soon… Thanks again for your visit Miss Kurahasa. May the coming days be as successful for you as this one.”

    Verdandi had raised as well and bowed to her guest. Seeing her take her leave from the balcony and disappearing downstairs. Once she had moved, a head would peek out from the balcony door, Verd’s elder sister Urd. “First you sneak away from the banquet and now you getting piano lessons from the lady of the final act, can you for once stop hogging all the fun?” she moved onto the roofed balcony part. Closing the door behind her. Verd would hug her sister and giggle with her together. Sitting down on the piano chair as Verd would try to show her big sis the new moves she just learned, shoulder to shoulder. Soon this night would be over for them as well. It had been a fun one indeed. One to cherish.



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