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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]


    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2019-12-09

    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Kyousuke Fri Dec 20, 2019 8:23 pm


    WC - 1228
    Chakra - 50/50
    Golden rays of the rising sun pierced deep into the sleeping Sasaki’s eyelids. Still caught between the transition of sleep and complete consciousness Kyousuke’s pupils would lazily open as he struggled to gather his senses. Brows furrowed from the sudden light that entered his hazy vision, his right arm had instinctively risen to shield his eyes. It had been just about two days since he had left for Kumogakure no Sato leaving behind the only home and land he had ever known. Though it wasn’t exactly the first time he had left the Ganryu province, he had never traveled so far away from everything he had previously known. The samurai was venturing into the unknown, yet where others would feel fear he only felt a surge of excitement he had not felt since he had been but a child reading upon the adventures of his ancestor Sasaki Kenpachi. And who could blame him? He would be the first Sasaki to ever step foot in Kumogakure and be trained in the ways of a shinobi, though he attempted to muster the maturity that an adult would have in regards to bearing such a responsibility for his clan, in truth, he could barely contain the child within. It was his turn to begin his journey into the world and for now the destination was Kumogakure no Sato.

    Now fully awake, the Sasaki heir jumped to his two feet, standing himself up with a perfectly executed kick up. Daylight had finally arrived and only being a few hours away from his destination made him far more eager than he usually was. Immediately he reached for the rucksack he had brought along with him, digging for a piece of neatly folded paper and a black steel compass. He took a minute to look at his surroundings, struggling to find his position within the map of Kaminari no Kuni in his hand. A big red X marked his destination and according to the map he was only a few kilometers shy of his mark. Pocketing both the map and the compass, he fixed his belongings. The first thing he reached for was laid beside his bedroll as a precaution, his trusty katana, forged by the Sasaki clan’s finest bladesmiths. Swiftly he affixed the sheathed blade to the leather straps of his rucksack’s side, followed by doing the same for his bedroll. With everything packed, he lifted the rucksack on his shoulders, took a quick look at the compass, and headed straight south.

    Moving at a steady pace, the Sasaki heir would eventually come upon the footbed of a mountain where Kumogakure should have already been visible. He looked to the map again, concerned that he had led himself astray somehow along the way, yet there was no mistaking it. He had arrived. Kyousuke’s golden pupils inspected the mountain, eyeing it from bottom to top until it disappeared into the clouds. “The Village Hidden in the Clouds.” He mumbled to himself in realization. His head tilted upward to look above his position still unable to fathom what his mind had suggested. Eventually his eyes would descend from the heavens and crash back to the reality of earth. If what he suspected was true then he had a long hike ahead of himself, one he hadn’t anticipated nor prepared for. A deep breath escaped his lips releasing the hesitancy from his body and slowly he began to walk the mountain path.

    Encumbered by the rucksack that contained his belongings and the uphill terrain, Kyousuke began to feel doubt creep into his muscles with each step forward. Had he been mistaken about his assumption of Kumogakure’s location then he would likely be forced to camp somewhere along his descent. Not the ideal place to spend the night with the temperature likely to drop well close freezing point. Still, with not much choice to the matter he pressed on. At the very least he was accustomed to the terrain, being trained among the mountains of his home province, thanks to that stamina would not be an issue.

    A few hours passed and now it was past midday. The once harsh morning sun had all but faded into the overwhelmingly thick clouds of Kaminari no Kuni. Darkness was beginning to creep in. Just in time Kyousuke’s golden eyes would spot the end of the visible mountain path with all that lay ahead fading into the clouds. Just before entering he stopped, reaching his hand out to the cloud. Now came the moment of truth, would he reach his destination or be forced to an arduous trek downwards amidst the harsh conditions of night? With a sudden burst of determination he pushed through, rushing past the clouds and into whatever awaited him beyond.

    Beyond the clouds was a world unlike any he had ever seen before in his wildest dreams. Where below the sun was hidden— greyed out by the clouds— beyond nothing could deny its true beauty. Blue skies met with the golden horizon painted by the warm sun as flocks of birds flew past him in formation. It was beautiful… all of it. For a moment all Kyousuke could do was stare, mouth agape as his amazement was laid bare. His eyes frantically switched from one object to the next, trying their best to encapsulate each sight to be etched in his memory. And then just when he thought he had successfully digested his surroundings, his golden pupils came upon the sight of Kumogakure no Sato in all its glory. It was a complete utopia.

    Still in a state of complete awe, the Sasaki heir began to walk towards the gates of the village, eyes wandering from one sight to another. Stood atop the walls of the village were a myriad of shinobi that sought to guard the entrance from any hostile individuals. The entrance itself was just as— if not more— populated as the manned walls. This time, however, it was a flock of civilians that either aimed to welcome entering visitors or sell their new products. Vendors were stationed at the sides of the road with stalls, each urging anyone who looked them in the eye to purchase their wares or try out samples of street food. Beyond the road and blocking Kyousuke’s path was a large crowd gathered in a circle around a man. Intrigued, the Sasaki joined the crowd, peering over the shoulders of those in front.

    At the center of the circle was a tall adult with an athletic frame, though clearly trying to flex every muscle in his body to the utmost capabilities of man. The adult held an oversized belt with a golden plate at its center across his shoulders, at the plate were the words ‘The Fastest Man Alive’ inscripted. “Come one come all!” The athlete cried. “I am Saisoku, the fastest man alive! I have come to your village to challenge your fastest shinobi… no THE fastest shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato in a race. Anyone who can beat me I shall reward my belt and ten thousand ryo!” The crowd began to murmur, though none answered his challenge seemingly intimidated by the man’s brashness. Deep into the crowd a voice emerged, “I don’t know about shinobi, but how about a samurai? I’ll race you.” Kyousuke said, his words parting the sea of people that encircled the man.


    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Yoshitsune Sat Dec 21, 2019 12:07 am

    “Come one come all! I am Saisoku, the fastest man alive! I have come to your village to challenge your fastest shinobi… no THE fastest shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato in a race. Anyone who can beat me I shall reward my belt and ten thousand ryo!”

    The man shouting this all, a tall man with an athletic frame, had already gathered a small crowd. The man’s offer certainly was intriguing. Both intriguing and bold, exceptionally so. Coming into one of the world’s greatest shinobi villages and claiming to be the fastest man alive? It was audacious to the point of demanding respect. Sheer mountains of confidence alone rarely could get one anywhere alone though. If this man were merely bluster, there would be no doubt he would end the day both humiliated and hurting. The concept itself was exciting, and enough to invoke a little giggle from Yoshitsune. With her right hand quickly raising up to cover her giggling expression, she would watch on from a short distance away.

    As much as the offer was tempting to her, accepting would have been inappropriate. For one, this Saisoku man had specified being the fastest man alive. Yoshitsune, a tengu, thus wasn’t in the running for such a title. Defeating him would have meant nothing, and under good faith she would be forced to refuse the championship belt and reward, thus making the entire experience a waste of time. This, and the case of her current state of dress. Cocooned in an ornate kimoni, Yoshitsune was in no condition to race. As beautiful as this silken dress was, it was nothing that one could easily run in. She was dressed more for show now than any sort of work, and this was emphasized by the large red bow that held her kimono tight in the back. It was ornate formal wear. Everyone had insisted that she dress prim and proper to make a pleasant first impression on the village that would be her new home. It made sense and Yoshitsune had been receptive to the idea, but only the persistence of Takeshi, Aki, and Chou had been able to convince her into something so regal.  

    A voice broke through the crowd, and through it would emerge a handsome young man. He would be the source of a challenge against Saisoku’s supreme boasting. It hadn’t taken long at all, which was to be expected. Shouting a challenge inside a shinobi village like that was bound to bring in ambitious young genin looking to prove themselves. What wasn’t expected was the  declaration that the challenger was a samurai. Very interesting. Yoshitsune, who considered herself more of a samurai than a shinobi, became more invested in the idea of a race. After considering it for a moment, the young woman would push herself through the crowd as well.

    “Excuse me. Excuse me….” The short girl would stand up on the tips of her toes. This made it a bit difficult to shimmy forward through the crowd on her wooden geta shoes, but it did give her an extra inch or so. “I’d love to have the chance to race you as well. The both of you.” The crowd would part as she said this, allowing Yoshitsune to come forward unhindered.

    “Although, I do have to warn you, I am no man. As a tengu, I’d be unable to qualify for any reward you might offer.” She would offer only a small smile as she revealed her inhuman nature. “But a race! A race sounds very fun. I do hope you wouldn’t mind if I participated as well, even without competing for any reward.”

    Last edited by Yoshitsune on Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 65
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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Kyousuke Sun Dec 22, 2019 1:22 pm

    WC - 592
    Chakra - 50/50
    Chin up with a look of confidence Kyousuke offered himself as a contender for the embellished title, walking forward as the crowd made way for him to pass. Having just expended a good amount of energy to get to Kumogakure, Kyousuke didn’t think he would get himself into another physical task so soon, but with such a ridiculous challenge laid right before him his competitive nature could not refuse, besides it would be a good way to test his capabilities against those outside the Sasaki clan. Scratching his head as if inconvenienced for a moment the man known as Saisoku answered back. “Samurai, huh? I don’t think your kind could keep up with me, but I suppose I’ll let you try your luck.” And then suddenly it wasn’t all fun and games anymore for the young Sasaki heir. Whatever stamina he lost had just been replenished by his rage, he would humiliate this Saisoku before the entire village and gladly take his ryo. All eyes were on him now and he knew there was no way he would lose to some random scrub, athlete or not. It was about to be the easiest ryo he would ever get his hands on.

    Suddenly, as if to diffuse the tension another would answer the challenge dressed in a regal kimono that didn’t exactly look to make running easy. In contrast to the two tall and well built men she stood out like a sore thumb. Though despite her innocent appearance the first words she spoke gave away enough intrigue that told Kyousuke not to underestimate her. Having no knowledge of what exactly a Tengu was, however, he simply looked to Saisoku hoping to gain more knowledge from the man’s response. Unfortunately for Kyousuke the mysterious girl’s warning seemed to flow over the wannabe sprinter’s head, not even acknowledging her words outside of the acceptance of his challenge. “Eh? A samurai and a little girl wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but I guess the two of you will do well to demonstrate just how fast I am to the shinobi here.” Arrogance laid out, the man would explain the course set for their race. It was a one kilometer loop around the streets of Kumogakure that ended exactly where the three stood.

    With the rules set, Kyousuke placed his rucksack at the ground, confident he would return before anyone would even decide to take his belongings. Lastly, he opted for a better choice of clothes taking off the long black coat he had worn during his travel and laying it atop his belongings, after that Kyousuke moved himself beside Saisoku and lowered his stance. When everyone had been set in place, Kaisoku would announce the start of the race with an emphatic ‘Go!’.

    Just before, the Sasaki took a deep breath, eyes locked forward and muscles prepped for a sudden explosion of energy. Hearing the go ahead, he rocketed with a single step leaving only dust where he had once stood. With only a second passed he had already left behind the bumbling idiot who claimed himself the fastest man alive. Now it was simply a matter of maintaining his pace. Eyes still forward, he began to take steady strides, launching himself ever farther with each step. Thinking himself vastly ahead of the competition, he grew curious to know just how much of an advantage he possessed. Body moving forward, his head would turn to the left, hoping to catch a small glimpse of his expected far away opponents from his peripheral vision.



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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Yoshitsune Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:05 pm

    With the course explained, the path became burnt into Yoshitsune’s mind. She was not entirely familiar with the layout of Kumogakure, but the description had been adequate. Looping around the streets for a kilometer was simple enough, although the idea of a race in a circle seemed a bit silly. Why race when your destination was exactly where you started? It seemed counter productive. She had already accepted the challenge though, and to refuse it now after learning the rules would be an embarrassing display of unsportsmanlike conduct. Closing her eyes for a moment, a path would be laid out. Once she opened them again, Yoshitsune would be prepared. Moving into place as the others had, Yoshitsune would simply stand. Each of the men had adopted some sort of stance, and so this set the casualness of Yoshitsune even further apart.

    Her only method of preparation would be to take a firm hold of the red bow that bound her kimono tightly to her body. As Kaisoku would release his empathetic ‘Go!’, announcing the start to the race, Yoshitsune would swiftly pull at this red cloth. Releasing it from its bow, the cloth coming loose would allow her entire kimono to release, and from that falling fabric Yoshitsune would burst forth. Clan now in only her undergarments, along with the pair of geta sandals that she had been wearing previously, Yoshitsune would burst forward into the face at full speed. Kaisoku, who had in all his arrogance fell quickly behind, would be a distant memory only after a few moments. The speed of the samurai would be something else. Having not assumed a stance in a fit of arrogance herself, Yoshitsune would thus have allowed the handsome young man a lead on her. His speed was unexpected, easily matching Yoshitsue’s own and then some. The prospect of someone casually revealing themselves faster than her, who had often been praised for her speed, was frustrating. Each of her footsteps would be punctuated by the clanking of her wooden sandals, a rapid drumbeat that mixed together into a passive drilling against all who could hear it. Still, she would be stuck watching the back of her foe in the moment, unable to speed past him even as she tried.

    Yoshitsune would be left with one option. As the first bend came, she would do her best to use it as an advantage. As fast as this man was, did he have the ability to control his speed when it came to sharp turns? It was a multifaceted art, especially when the limits of the race were not a straight line. Yoshitsune, who had natural vision apt enough to keep up with her speed, had no difficulties when it came to blur or tunnel visioning, but even then turning while at full speed was no easy feat. Her advantage would have to come then, when she would be forced to slow down in order to follow the contours of the track.

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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Kyousuke Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:02 pm

    WC - 481
    Chakra - 50/50
    Despite the race having just started out, Kyousuke had already expected an insurmountable lead in his favor the likes of which would have allowed him to simply coast towards the finish line with relative ease, but to his surprise he looked behind only to find the once kimono clad lady now completely laid bare before the world— save for her undergarments— just trailing him a few seconds behind. The sight of her was one that left him caught off guard, bewildered, and completely distracted for a few crucial moments at a time when every single second mattered. As someone who had relied primarily on his clan’s sensory technique to map out his surroundings at such velocity, going full speed with nothing but his raw senses had eliminated his peripheral vision completely. By the time he had managed to steal his focus away from her and returned his eyes to face forwards it had already been too late.

    The first bend of the looping course had come right in front of him and he had failed to take what would have otherwise been a fairly easy left turn, instead now he was headed full speed straight into a cement wall. With just a few meters to spare and little choice, Kyousuke summoned all of his acrobatic might to salvage his situation. He lowered his stance drastically, dropping his left hand to the ground with an open palm and shifting his weight towards his grounded arm with near superhuman balance. His body pivoted with his left hand as the axis, shooting his legs to run across the wall for but a mere moment to transfer his momentum before launching himself off of the surface, adjusting his body in mid air with a flip, and landing perfectly in his previous running stance now adjusted for the turn. Despite the flair of it all, he had given up significant ground enough for his unexpected competition to take advantage of, ground he would not have lost had he simply kept his focus ahead of him and accomplished the simple turn.

    Still, the race was far from over and he would have only been a few seconds behind even if she had managed the turn perfectly. This time he would not make the same mistake of underestimating her speed and drawing his attention elsewhere. His eyes were now locked forward, ready for any turn that would come his way, and with nothing to distract him he would once again reach his full speed gaining on her with every passing moment. Mind completely focused on the race unknowingly a smile had crept upon his face. What had seemingly started as a race to teach the self proclaimed fastest man alive a lesson had developed into an actual competition between he and the mysterious girl. The fierce competitor within him couldn’t help but enjoy every single minute of it.



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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Yoshitsune Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:30 pm

    Yoshitsune’s prediction would end up coming true. Even though this mysterious samurai had been faster than her initially he did appear to have some difficulties controlling his speed. That was what she assumed, at the very least. That the truth was Kyosuke became distracted by Yoshitsune’s state of undress was not something she would have understood. Removing that kimono was simply a necessity if she wanted to participate in a race like this, which she believed both the men racing with her had understood from the beginning. What else had they expected? She would be able to collect it again and redress as the race came to a close, with the ending destination being exactly where they had started. It would be a bit dirty of course after having been dropped in the street, but there was no need to worry about that. A simple washing would be able to scrub out any filth that soaked into the fabric. Still, even if Kyosuke found himself struggling with the sharp turn, he was not alone. Yoshitsune’s reflexes were not yet great enough to turn as her speed would dictate, and so she was forced to hit the breaks in anticipation of the upcoming turn. Such a thing was an unfortunate necessity, and would cost her precious seconds, but would only last for the bend of the curve before her speed would take over again at its fullest potential. It was an amazing feeling, have the wind in her hair and all of that adrenaline bursting through her veins. Delicious.

    Having burst ahead of the samurai boy, Yoshitsune would do her best to maintain her lead. Given his initial speed boost over her it was unlikely she would be able to keep it forever, which added a layer of excitement to this race. Her usual speed was simply not enough, and so active thought would have to be put into how to keep her place. With no equipment though, and nothing on her body except her undergarments and geta, she was without tools that could help her sustain the lead. As such, she would wait for the samurai boy to catch up with her or match her speed to enact any such plans, which he would likely do before the next turn. Or perhaps not? Yoshitsune did not dare turn her head around to check upon his status behind her. It would only serve to distract her from what would come ahead. With the boy’s harsh crash into that wall there was the possibility that he hadn’t been able to recover- She had not watch anything more than the initial impact.

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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Kyousuke Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:49 pm

    WC - 456
    Chakra - 50/50
    Landing perfectly from the acrobatic stunt he had pulled off, Kyousuke immediately continued his sprint within one fluid motion, his movement assisted by the momentum he had created earlier that transferred over his velocity before nearly crashing into the wall. The Sasaki’s golden eyes were immediately locked forward to the girl in front of him. He ignored her lack of clothing, keeping his mind instead focused on the race at hand. The heir knew himself much faster than his opponent solely based on the lead he gained at the start of the race. Speed was in his favor. The other factor had been her ability to take turns without slowing down, and seeing as she wasn’t that ahead of him as he had initially predicted her to be, it seemed as though that aspect had been in his advantage as well. Still, he preferred to confirm it with his own eyes rather than speculate and to do that he had just the perfect plan.

    Soon he was able to cover the distance that separated the two of them with his speed alone, yet just as he reached her he halted his pace to match hers. He was directly behind her, moving at the exact same speed and lowering his stance to match her shorter height. While he could, he took advantage of the slipstream she provided, allowing her to tank the oncoming air resistance and save himself some effort. Though the race wasn’t exactly a marathon, he still aimed to preserve his stamina for one final burst in the event that had been holding something back.

    In the span of a single moment, the two racers had closed in on the second of the four turns. Finally it was time for him to take over the lead back and assure his victory. Just as the two would be forced to adjust for the turn in their own way, Kyousuke swung out past behind her, exiting the slipstream she provided and increasing his pace, powering through the corner and creating a sizable gap between them had she slowed down like he thought she had done back on the first turn. Full speed ahead even through the corner, he leaned his body in a ridiculous angle that was akin to a motorcycle turning at high speeds. He made use of the entire road, starting his turn from the outside going in and then back to the outside. Now once more faced with a complete straight road, there was nothing stopping him from ending the race then and there. Bursting once more as he did at the start of the race, this time he would reach his maximum speed, only slowing down slightly as he neared the next corner.



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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Yoshitsune Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:21 pm

    Even without turning her head, Yoshitsune could almost feel Kyo’s presence behind her. Without backwards vision she could only guess at his exact position, but knowing his speed it would be more likely than not a position that was quickly approaching. While he wasn’t too much faster than Yoshitsune was, it was still enough that he would be able to likely catch her before the next turn, at least given what he had shown so far with his speed. She wouldn’t dare turn her head to confirm all of this, just as she hadn’t before. Her earlier thought of the boy perhaps crashing into the wall and being unable to recover had been discarded entirely from her mind at this point. She didn’t need to see it with her own eyes to know this for sure, but it was instead something she could feel from pure instinct. The goosebumps she was getting, with her hair standing on end, was enough to tell her that.

    It would come to a confrontation when the next turn approached. The dirty trick that she had been planning would rely entirely on a meeting, and there was no better place for this to happen when she would be forced to slow down, and presumably the samurai boy would as well. Just as she would be forced to slow her pace Kyosuke would swing out wide past her, exiting from his position behind Yoshitsune’s back. It was then, when Yoshitsune’s vision would catch upon the blur that was Kyosuke. While her vision naturally adjusted to be able to catch up with her own speed in order to prevent blur or tunnel vision, that didn’t apply to other fast moving objects. Kyosuke would be just a blur because of this, although his overall form would still be visible to her. She only had one chance with this, and to mess up would leave her without any further chances to prey upon the samurai boy in his unsuspecting state. Watching the boy twist and curve his body to manage the bending of the road, Yoshitsune would take a deep breath.

    The air in her lungs would be moulded together with chakra, and from it a drilling bullet of rapidly spinning air would be quickly exhaled. It would be released just as the moment he straightened himself, and from behind him Yoshitsune would have view of him just as she was slowing down to take the curve herself. From her position now slightly behind him as he turned for the bending road, the bullet would be behind his point of vision, and angled on a triangular path to hit him where he would be. She had been able to see his relative speed from her earlier position behind him, and as his speed seemed to be about the same as her air bullets, it made for some easy mental calculations as how far ahead she would have to aim it in order for it to hit where he would be. With that bullet spit off to the side she would continue on with her turn. If it hit him the bullet would likely send him veering off into a wall, and let her have a lead again. Should it miss? He wouldn’t notice the foul play. Something of a risk if it would accidentally hit say, a civilian or something of the like, but she would be far gone by the time anyone would be able to notice what had happened.

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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Kyousuke Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:14 pm

    WC - 519
    Chakra - 47.5/50
    A masterful turn that was more akin to machine than man was perfectly executed by the young Sasaki clad in black. What would come next should have been the end of the race, one final full speed burst from Kyousuke while the girl had been forced to slow down in her turn would have separated the two competitors drastically and allow him to end it then and there. However, it was nothing more than what could have been. Correcting the mistake he had earlier made of keeping his focus back on the competition, his golden eyes were now locked forward, looking ahead to his eventual victory. Nothing could have stopped him had the race gone on as it had so far, just a simple race, but that soon changed with a shot of wind moving across the road he had just turned. Targeting the unknowing Sasaki, the ball of condensed air would strike Kyousuke at the side of his left shoulder. Though it had just barely struck him, the force of the ball had been enough to alter his otherwise straight course and it didn’t particularly help that he was moving at full speed.

    The blast pushed him aside, forcing him to follow through with the shot and spin halfway counter clockwise until a collision to the wall on his right would halt the momentum suddenly with a thud. The shot would have given clear way for the other to speed past Kyousuke, while he gathered himself in a quick second. Suddenly it wasn’t such fair competition anymore, but what would have angered him most days only caused a smirk to form on his lips. He had already won. Had the race gone on fairly, he would have won clean and she knew it. Now she had simply given him the ability to obtain victory twice fold. His eyes burned with the golden flames of a competitor that couldn’t bear to lose, no matter how insignificant the race was in actuality. He wanted to win now more than ever, and the act of foul play the girl had just pulled off told him she had felt the same.

    There was no holding back now.

    Forming the half tiger seal with his left hand, Kyousuke would unleash his chakra. Energy coursed through him, enhancing his already monstrous physical speed for but one step. With that one step he rocketed himself forward with a silent explosion of energy that left nothing but dust in the wake of the young samurai. Within a second whatever gap she had managed to forge through the use of her air bullet had come undone by his speed. Now they were neck to neck, and with his natural speed being double that of hers, that too would soon change in his favor. The third turn came, and as earlier he would power through it sprinting past ahead of her and taking the lead. This time, however, he would come to expect her trickery. A deep breath of his own would open his pores, spreading a faint chakra throughout the surrounding area from his skin. Matagi Shingan.



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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Yoshitsune Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:39 pm

    Seeing the blast of air hit the man’s frame confirmed the success of her plan. The blur involved prevented her from realizing exactly where she had hit him, but the manner in which his body spun off to the side until it’s eventual collision made it clear that she had tagged him enough so that she would be able to comfortably take the lead. She hadn’t stopped for a second to check if he had been okay, instead rather dashing ahead to retake her place in the lead. It was something of a cruel decision. That had been a C-Ranked jutsu. Getting hit by a wind bullet when just standing normally would be tough to take. Having it collide into you when moving at such an incredibly fast speed would add in pre-existing momentum into the collision. Especially with the track they were racing on being just the general streets of Kumogakure, there was more than a good chance that the samurai boy would be seriously injured from a fall like that. Whether he ended up breaking a bone or not wasn’t a concern of hers though. Turning around to watch would only distract her from the track ahead. Confidently she would rush forward, preparing herself for the third turn.

    When Kyo appeared again, blasting past her with an incredible speed that he had not shown himself to be capable of before, Yoshitsune would be legitimately shocked, especially given what he had shown before. She had been just a touch slower than him before, but now there was no competition. With how he sped past her there was almost no need to compete anymore. She had just barely been able to tag him earlier with that wind bullet, there would be no chance now. The race was over, and this was especially clear as the two of them passed the third turn, with Kyosuke having a significant lead over Yoshitsune at that point. A bright big smile crossed across her face. Despite her earlier trickery, she refrained from trying anything again. That compressed air bullet was the fastest thing she was capable of using, and it had then only been able to match Kyosuke’s earlier speed. There was no chance of it hitting now, especially with the distance between them. Despite this she wouldn’t give up, although with her lesser speed she wouldn’t have any chance of catching up. The race would likely finish in this manner, with Yoshitsune arriving at the finish point shortly after Kyosuke did. The moment she did, Yoshi would be off to recollect her kimono, brushing off whatever dirt might have stuck to it before beginning to slip back into it, retying the red bow afterwards. Only after this would she address her competitors. Only Kyosuke would be there now, with the man who originally challenged the two being far behind.

    Pulling her bow tight once again, she would address the race’s victor with a smile. “You’re quite fast, Samurai Boy!”

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    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Kyousuke Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:51 pm

    WC - 618
    Chakra - 47/50
    His sudden burst of speed had caught the shinobi off guard once more, this time however, it had come coupled with the use of the Sasaki’s Matagi Shingan. Within his sensory range he could feel her presence and her movements. Had she tried to fire another blast of air to alter his course as she had done earlier, he would have been aware. Whilst he turned, the boy would be prepared to evade with all his might. He was ready, attention split between his movement and the girl behind him, but the blow that he anticipated to come would never arrive. She had conceded action and with it the race. It seemed she was out of tricks, and now the contest would be completely decided by their speed. Continuing, Kyousuke managed the turn smoothly, as would he the next and final turn. Despite victory well in his grasp, Kyousuke refused to let up, cautious that she was planning one final burst of speed similar the body flicker technique he had used just moments ago. No such techniques would come from her, and within a second the race had ended with Kyousuke as its victor.

    Crossing the finish line, the samurai boy would turn sideways, allowing his momentum to slowly be grinded down until he was halted by gravity. He would skid past the dirt, greeted by the applause of the crowd which had only last seen them a few seconds ago. Though it had felt long, the race was in actuality decided within mere moments, seconds that felt much longer for the two speed demons. As he arrived so would his competitor just a few seconds behind. Before anything he would make sure to commend her, she had after all made the competition much enjoyable than he had initially thought it to be. He turned to face her, but his eyes would immediately look away awkwardly upon the site of her still in the midst of clothing herself with the kimono she had stripped off before the race. After a brief moment allowing her to gather herself— and doing the same himself— he approached the mysterious girl, though she would be the first to greet him.

    “I could say the same about you, tengu girl.” He replied with just as much enthusiasm, though not exactly knowing what a tengu was. “I didn’t expect such fierce competition. Not to mention, you got me pretty good with that hit.” He said, now rotating his left shoulder. The shot had just barely grazed him, but it was powerful enough to send him crashing, and now that adrenaline had begun to exit his body the pain became vastly more apparent. “You’re a shinobi aren’t you?” He asked, almost certain of his query. “I’m Sasaki Kyousuke, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” With a formal bow he would introduce himself, though whatever conversation they were in the middle of would be cut short by the arriving third competitor.

    Out of breath, panting, and very close to passing out the so called ‘fastest man alive’ had finally arrived long after the two had finished. Immediately the man would crash to the ground, face first just as his hubris. “As… promised.” He mustered, taking long pauses mid sentence to gather his breathing. “Ten thousand… ryo… and my belt…” As on queue, the man’s travelling companion would approach the two, handing a pouch of ryo to each of them, though confused as to who the belt would go to. Kyousuke took the pouch gladly, stuffing it into his pockets, the belt— however— was something he refused completely. It was far too flashy, even for him.

    His reward claimed, his attention would return to the girl.




    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune] Empty Re: Amidst the Clouds [Yoshitsune]

    Post by Yoshitsune Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:37 pm

    “It’s true! I was lucky to get in a good hit like that. I’ve never had to aim at something moving so fast.” As he rotated his shoulder, Yoshitsune would watch in awe. Without even bothering to ask, she would reach up to feel at his shoulder, pressing at it to test for bruises and to feel out the level of Kyo’s musculature under his clothing. “It’s impressive you can even move it at all! I suppose it makes sense though, since you feel rather strong…” She would only take her hands away after a moment, and only to answer his question. “I am a shinobi! I didn't think it would be so obvious though, in such an oranate and delicate looking kimono... I am a novice here at Kumogakure no Sato. I’ve come here to find anyone who could help me further my training, after I had surpassed my old master. Meeting you has just confirmed that this was the right decision. I can only hope that there are plenty more as strong  and fast as you are.”

    “Sas-ah-kee… Kyou-suu-kay” She would sound out each syllable of his name, before nodding as if the way it sounded when she said it answered some sort of question. “Right! The pleasure is all mine though. I am Yoshitsune, of the Tengu.” Despite having more to say, she would find herself cut off by the eventual appearance of … uh. What was his name again? Yoshitsune couldn’t recall now. It had been such a long time since the two of them finished that she had forgotten about him completely. As she hadn’t been competing for anything other than the thrill of the race, the fact that a large pouch of money was placed into her hands would be somewhat surprising. She would take a moment to regard the money she had been given before similarly refusing the belt. Yoshitsune hadn’t earned it. She hadn’t come in first, and she wasn’t even eligible for the title in the first place.

    “Tell me though, Samurai Boy of the Sasaki! Do you have living arrangements here in Kumogakure? I don’t want to let the opportunity of racing you again to slip through my fingers! After meeting someone so amazing, it would be a sin to let you just walk away!”


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