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    Ronin's Heart [Private]


    Posts : 29
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    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by FlashWarCry Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:59 pm

    It had been nearly a month since her meteoric rise through the Academy, a little under two months since she reunited with her long lost sister, since she became a Shinobi. But things had taken a toll for the insanely dull. Albeit not for reasons Shunko would have thought.

    Niko had her apprentice, and duties as a Ninja. To the point that she wasn't even able to celebrate her first ever birthday that her Sister had promised to hook up. Times were apparently bleak on Kumo's horizons, and Smithy's like Niko needed to work hard.

    She had wanted to learn the crafts to try creating something, and having bonding moments with her Big Sis. But for some reason Niko didn't want her getting drawn into that life. And her apprentice being skittish, made it so the Forge was off limits. The other potential member, Andariel got the Plague, as did their eternal house guest Mako who was being treated and doted on by Yiu, who was apparently a friend of her Big Sis's.

    In the end it all boiled down to the same thing. She was teamless, wasn't able to take out her violent and homicidal tendencies on anyone, and had no way to get wealthier to help the Hell Forge become saved from the greedy hands of the banks. Just withering away, and not even her training students from the Academy or she had foisted upon her could fix that depression that had settled in from the growing sense of weakness she felt.

    This all came to a boil in her head as she reached the park near the Fuyuko Outlet that connected all the parts of this side of town. She'd find a park bench and would start doing dips as she contemplated what she needed to do to become truly strong.

    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

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    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:31 am

    The twins had been given an assignment there was a man robbing young girls and children and reports he also had sexually assaulted one of them. They hated these types of people, picking on the weak and doing such vile acts, he would be punished and lord Jashin would have his blood soon, such filth did not need a trail he was guilty and they would make sure his punishment was swift. They would bait him with Yua dressing in a casual dress and wearing a purse on his arm, she looked so frail and helpless surely this thief would target her. They made their way toward the district he had been terrorizing with Yua checking stalls for cute things to buy, Yui would be off in the distance but ready to pounce once the guy made a move. Yua saw a cute bunny plushie and bought it smiling and thanking the stall owner before he would begin to turn down an ally. This was when Yui saw a man moving behind him, surely this was the man that had been attacking and robbing.

    He would move behind Yua as he would suddenly lift his hand as Yua turned around and slam his hand across her face causing her to fall to the ground and her mouth bleeding just a bit. Yui was furious, the anger she felt was had to cover up. She would quickly rush toward the man gabbing his hand as he was about to strike her again. Yui would toss the man against the wall with her handheld tight around his throat cutting off his airflow.

    "I am Yui of the Jashinist church,you are hereby arrested and charged with crimes against the helpless and weak, your punishment is death. There will be no trail you are guilty as I have judged you so. There are no appeals and you have no say in what the punishment is."

    The man would attempt to free himself from her grip but it was to strong, this girl clearly had a lot of strength before he became extremely scared as he looked into her eyes they had changed, they were a monster in human form. A red sort of aura appeared around her as she had to calm, herself, the beast inside wanted to rip this man apart, but she could not use that here it was to dangerous to the public.

    "I know you want to rip this man apart but we cannot do so here, let us go somewhere else and I will let you feast on his corpse."

    The beast inside chuckled, while he hated being bound these twins were quite entertaining, they loved to go wild and kill, maybe having such a host wasn't so bad. They showed a lot of potentials and their bodies regenerated wounds making them quite a useful host.

    "Very well but when we get somewhere we can do this I want to consume and destroy his body, I agree filth like this weak man doesn't deserve to live, you should let me out more, we have so much in common I really do enjoy a host like you."

    She would simply agree in her mind as she would begin to drag the man off, walking past the woman she would simply smile, usually she would want to peach Jashin to such a sad seeming soul but right now she had other things to deal with. Yua would tag along behind her and stop for a moment to hand the woman the cute white plushie she had bought. It was a white rabbit, as she handed her it she would smile and wave to her, she felt sorry for her, she seemed so very lonely Yua wanted to invite her but this could be dangerous.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2019-06-07

    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by FlashWarCry Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:18 am

    Shunko had made to near the park when she saw the man strike a small girl wearing a dress and carrying around a purse, with another girl near her that looked like they were twins wearing a sun hat, and cute floral dress. Shunko's lone eye took a moment to glance them over before moving on. She didn't notice any weapons on them, and hoped that they didn't run into any problems today.

    There were reports of a thief and a pedo in the area. But no matter how much she hunted to track the person down, the slippery waste of flesh was nowhere near. And sadly Shunko knew she wasn't the type to match his chosen targets, with her muscles and bulk gained from a lifetime pursuing the mastery of combat.

    Still it was a busy time of day, and she doubted he'd do anything stupid now. As she trodded along she heard a smack and jerked her body to orientate towards the noise. A Senbon readily in her hand as she saw the site before her, the guy she'd been hunting to clean up her Big Sis's neighborhood had struck the twin wearing the purse.

    She felt a red aura of raw blood lust spring from her as a maliciously manic grin spread across her face. As she strode toward the man she saw the tables turn as the girl sprouted an malevolent aura just like hers as she charged the man for his crimes and the punishment of death. No courts, no jury, just natural law being enforced.

    As Shunko neared them, she spun her Senbon to be held between her first and second fingers of her fist, her aura still coming off strong with the thick feeling of raw blood lust and battle hunger, looked at the Jashinist, "Oi! Let me help ya with this guy, I've been tryin' ta get a hold of this waste of flesh for over a week. And don't ya worry, I have ways of preventin' runners.

    By the way, I'm Shunko Kanuchi, little sister of the Jounin Niko Kanuchi. This is one 'o the few people who've I ain't been able ta crush for ruinin' the peace of my Big Sis's neighborhood."
    She'd say with her thick accent, and voice even thicker with a dark joy.

    If the smaller Ninja agreed to it, Shunko would punch the first inch of the senbon into the T-6 region of the spine destroying the signals from his abdomen and lower. Leaving his arms to flail wildly as his body no longer supported him. And with a quick movement of her wrist, jammed the senbon under his mandible and out the front of his mouth.

    Rolling him onto her shoulder she'd, hold him on one shoulder while her other hand held him in place while squeezing around his larnyx, preventing any sound from coming out of his mouth. "Ya might want ta hold on ta my arms unless you want things to hurt more, looking over to the twin she'd feel her aura subside as she gave a soft smile, "There now we can carry him along 'till we get ta where ever your gonna kill him. I ain't never been near the Church. My Big Sis ain't ta keen on me hangin' around people that can make me slip back inta old habits apparently. Although I like your style, no corrupt courts of man, no bribable juries, just castin' proper judgement an' doin' it.

    "And ... ya can do that without gettin' a warrant out for your arrest? Cause if ya can ... I'd be interested in helpin' clean up Kumo without gettin' ... certain bits o' my past looked too deeply into."

    She noticed the other twin holding a bunny plushy, and felt her smile spread brighter, but only responded with a polite nod of her head and bumping up man to a more stable position on her shoulder.

    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:40 am

    The twins both were surprised by this rather large woman appearing, her aura made the pair smile, she was a killer like themselves this was a nice thing to see. She also seemed to have issues with this mans actions, she claimed her sister was a Jounin and very well could be as she asked if she could disable the guy the pair both agreed to nod to the woman. Being medical shinobi they watched what she did and smiled, they knew exactly what she had done, it was similar to what they usually do paralyzing their target body but making sure they could feel all the pain.

    As the woman did her deed she would pick the man up and place him on her shoulder Yui would begin to walk with her motioning for the girl to follow her. They would head to a special park that was made for followers of Jashin as the guard saw the pair he would quickly bw and step out of the way letting all three inside before blocking the entrance once again. They would motion for the woman to place the man on the stone table like structure as Yui would pull out her book of Jashin.

    "You can place him here, understand we have the authority to do this, those outside of the church do not have the rights. If you were to do this without the churches permision you would be punished as swiftly as this man will get punishment. With that said let us pray to Jashin."

    "Dear lord hear our call, we offer you another wicked soul and demon to be removed from the world. We call for you to accept his sacrifice from your loyal and loving followers Yui and Yua, we also have another guest that appears interested in you my lord let us show her the light."

    Yui would pull out her kunai as she would throw a quick strike to the men back below his neck, this would fully paralyze his body but he could still feel all the pain. She would pull out a black kit rolled up as she would lay her tools on the table next to the man. She moved the scalpal to ehr hand as she went to the man's eyes, she didn't want him to close and miss the actions as she would carefully remove both of his eyelids.

    "If you like you can help, we plan to skin this man alive, we will also treat his wounds so he doesn't go into shock before we are finished. After his sacrifice, we will consume his flesh in order to become closer to our Lord and savior Jashin."

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2019-06-07

    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by FlashWarCry Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:32 am

    Shunko carried their prey into a special park. She'd noticed the guarded entrance a few times during her morning exercise and afternoon rounds around the community. But had never really given it thought before now, as she followed the twins, she was surprised by how normal it all looked outside the various stone pillars. But she did notice the blood stains on them, and as she placed the man upon the stone slab she knew pretty much what was in store for him.

    As she tossed him onto the slab she gave a malicious grin as a dark chuckle sprung from deep within her, as she removed the Senbon from his gaping mouth wound, "Ya liked targetin' the weak, an' ya loved preyin' on those who couldn't fight back. Now ya ain't gotta prayer, an' are gonna be the one ta pay." Shunko whispered vindictively.

    Normally she wasn't one to gloat, a target, even one who was seemingly at a disadvantage could find some inner spark to be a danger. But having seen the twins have the same murderous intent as she did, and apparently having hunted the same predator as she had. She couldn't help but spit in the face of his life choices.

    She listened as Yui as she explained that only Jashinist could preform acts of judgement upon evil, and much like the lands she traveled before reaching this nation. Her taking an assassination job, or an act of vigilante justice resulting in loss of life. Would have her marked for death as well. She then listened to them pray.

    She didn't close her eyes, not feeling comfortable letting a potential threat out of her sight while it still breathed. But she would respectfully lower her head, and take a moment of silence, as they prayed for the accepting of their sacrifice, and for her to see the light.

    Afterwards the man was quickly made a quadriplegic as the C-4 vertebra was cleanly severed, and his eyelids removed. She was then given the opprotunity to help with his punishment and the consummation of his flesh, "I ain't never ate a human before, is that somethin' all Jashinist do or just y'all? Not that I got a problem with it persay, I'm jus' used ta takin' what I need and sealin' away the rest. My kindnappers were more keen on conditionin' me ta react ta every situation with violence an' ta kill efficiently for 'em. 'Fore I managed ta kinda escape.

    "None of the people who've ever hired me in my formative years were ever interested in torture either. They needed a nameless weapon ta weild an' bein' nameless till recently. I fit the bill ... but I guess my experience can lend ta helpin' ya out. An' I can make sure there ain't a lick of physical evidence ta show that ya killed him.

    "Just tell me what'cha need me for an' I'll make sure ta get the job done right. Just as long as it ain't medical in nature. I know how ta disassemble a person, and injure 'em how I wanna. But I ain't exactly the type who knows how ta create stuff ... or make things whole. Ain't somethin' I grew up learnin'."

    But with that out of the way, she'd let the Twins let her know what she needed to do, and make sure the man's shirt was removed before they did anything else so she could place an enclosing seal upon it for later. Using the man's blood as the ink for it.

    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

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    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:17 am

    They were glad she agreed with them as they had begun to start the process she said if they needed help just tell her what to do, Yui knew the best way to describe how to skin someone was like flaying a fish. You would put the knife just under the skin and separate it from the flesh being careful not to cut into the flesh. They would begin to cut away the skin, it was clear they had done this many times showing a delicate yet fast ability to remove the skin. No knicks of the flesh below the skin as she would continue to peel it off before inviting the woman over.

    "I want you to try this will be like flaying a fish, you will lift the skin slightly and cut just under it making sure not to cut into the flesh. It may feel a bit tough at first as human skin is tougher than fish scales, we believe you can do it, however. I also want to ask you, have you killed before the aura and persona you have tells me you have, you like to remove filth like this if so I suggest you come to the church. We can read over the text and scriptures with you, and you can make a decision if you think it is within you to accept our lord."

    She would continue to wait if the woman took the scalpel Yui would begin to guide her on how to use it properly and show her how to lift the skin at certain spots. Yua would watch closely if he showed signs of shock she would begin to heal him to calm down his body and keep him living as long as possible.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2019-06-07

    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by FlashWarCry Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:17 pm

    Shunko listened to what they wanted, and having skinned a large quantity of animals on her journey's as well as fish themselves, she took to it like a proverbial fish to water. Her hands showing a skill with a blade that spoke of years of intimate familiarity, every movement calculated, controlled, and precise, without an ounce of wasted movement.

    And as she went through the process of flaying the man like a wild animal, she gave a nod, "It's how those who stole me raised me, and how everyone wanted ta use me growin' up. Assassinated a lot of people, those who wielded a weapon such as myself were pretty numerous ta be honest. But since gettin' here, my Big Sis has been tryin' ta get me outta that mindset, an' lettin' me see what it'd be like ta be a normal girl. The life I could'a had if such a thing wasn't ripped from us ... hell ta be honest, with the amount of hunters they got tryin' ta bring me back. I'll probably get yoinked an' spirited away sooner or later.

    "But yeah. I mean I ain't the most devout of people, but my Sister loves Kumo. And bein' able ta keep filth like this, an' Ori-Senpai's rapists from hurtin' anyone else, an' bein' able to help protect the innocent legally. Means I'd need ta join. I'd join if for nothin' else, than ta be able ta protect those that'd otherwise be naught but prey ... if'n that'd be good for now? Who knows Jashin might speak ta me, an' guide me some how. But I doubt he'd be interested in havin' another weapon when he's got actual humans ta serve him.

    "If those words are sacrilege I apologize, I ain't got a problem with Jashinism, jus' ain't ever really come across it before, an' never really gave thought ta faith. I'm jus' lettin' ya know straight up how I am at the moment, cause it'd be wrong ta lie too ya. Jus' ta further my goals. An' I ain't got the time ta waste on lies an' deceptions where other's beliefs are involved."

    As spoke the twins would be able to hear her earnest and straight forward manner in her speech and tone. While blunt, the truth of her wanting to help save her Big Sister's village, and protect those who couldn't protect themselves would ring through.

    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

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    Ronin's Heart [Private] Empty Re: Ronin's Heart [Private]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:27 am

    The twins listened to her, she had potential despite not having faith the twins had found the way to Jashin. They had such terrible lives and were lost in the world soon they would have been swallowed up and tossed aside by the world but Shimiko saved them. The pair would listen intently as they continued to work with the girl before Yua indicated the man was about to die.

    "He will die of shock soon and we cannot stop it but we want him to suffer in death so this is when we castrate him. If you wish you can do the honors no need to be nice cut however you like just make sure to cut it off. Once he is dead we will begin to consume his flesh if you want to enjoy a meal than by all means but you are not forced to. Do not worry about the corpse it will be cleaned up by the church"

    The would wait if she did not want to do the deed Yui would take out a dull Kunai and slowly begin to grind and cut it off, making sure it was as painful as possible. The look in her eyes if she did this would be frightening, the aura of red around her from the tailed beast would begin to glow no matter what choice she made. He was as hungry as the twins for the consumption of this flesh, the destruction of humans could not please the beast more.

    If the girl chose to castrate him Yui and Yua would wait until she finished and began to bite into his legs and arm, using scalpels to cut off flesh and eat it. Yuis eyes would swap to a more beastlike state as it was clear the beast was enjoying this may be a bit too much, he would love to destroy everything not just this man but Yui quickly stared him down in her mind with her killer aura it even gave the tailed beast pause.

    She, however, did not partake as the pair finished their meal they would have the mess cleaned up and leave the woman, they only hoped for her sake she kept very quiet about their actions. Yui would stare at her as she passed by her eyes glowing red a warning for the woman to keep her mouth shut.

    -Exit Thread-

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

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