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    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]


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    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by Kohana Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:17 pm

    Mission Details:

    The capital of Hana Island was in an uproar with merchants calling out their wares and deals to those unfortunate to hear. The young teen's emerald eyes wandered from one face to the next. Most of these people were preoccupied with something in their heads while lazily going along the flow. Kohana was dressed in a dirty short sleeved shirt of linen with a pair of grey pants that is torn and has some stains. Her feet were protected by a pair of worn-out sandals. She really had nothing on her person, and a patch of dirt can be seen on her cheek. As such most people that are better off tend to avoid her especially with their eyes.

    With a quick turn around a corner into the slums of this city, to many of her image flickers before it disappeared as Kohana dashed away from the crowd. She wanted to put as much distance as possible from the crowd simply because she didn't want to feel those mocking eyes at her back. Still in just a second Kohana moved 45 meters into this neighborhood. Of course she had to avoid bystanders, but Kohana was quick and light on her feet that she just moved around them. Today she was searching for a specific gang that's a local in the Hana Island Capital called the Iron Wolves. They're not big shots or at least not well known, but Kohana heard rumors that they're always looking to welcome new people into their pack as they call it. Kohana is here to see if those rumors were true or not.

    The slums was full of dark streets and thugs ready to mug somebody. Thankfully Kohana did appear that she had nothing of value on her so chances were Kohana didn't have to worry about being mugged. One particular person that Kohana knew of from the Iron Wolves was their leader. A man named Slypher Wolf, supposed to be one of the best brawlers in underground fights. The bright side is that Kohana hopes that she can learn from him, but if things go south Kohana would be by herself against the whole gang. Still her stoic expression doesn't waver as Kohana searches from one face to the next and looking at their clothes. Supposedly a member of the Iron Wolves likes to wear a grey and brown coloration like wool and leather. Another rumor is that the higher ranked of the gang will wear a silver necklace that is shaped like the head of a snarling wolf. However, so far Kohana hasn't come across any of them as she tries to walk normal. Although by normal is still faster than normal people.

    Used Quickstep (+1 tier Speed/ -5 CP) UA

    Speed: C > B

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
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    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2019-05-13

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by ShimmyToTheLeft Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:52 pm

    OOC: NPC - Sylpher Wolf, Leader of the Iron Wolves.

    Sylpher wasn't a complicated man by any means. He preferred to keep things nice and simple, it caused a lot less problems that way, and ensured that any of his pack could follow the plan. But he was also very ambitious. Having grown up in the streets, he had to struggle all of his life in the fight for survival. But he'd clawed his way to the top; beat down all those who stood in his way; and had slowly started to make a name for himself. Gathering people around him, to some it was a taste of a life outside the shadow of the slums, a chance for something better. For others, it was a place to be protected and have others at your back. But in the end they were all family. All a pack.

    As he was walking among his pack, checking up on his people before he started his afternoon work out. He spotted a gutter waif, ratty, dirty clothes; worn sandals; and from the looks of it hadn't bathed in days. Yet for all of her raggedy, and roughed up appearance. She had a sense of purpose about her, and showed not an ounce of fear walking through his Den. He'd cross his arms and look at her with a lightly intimidating glare. Not a full on promise for violence, but something that got the skittish to squirm. Sylpher thought to himself as he watched for her reaction.


    Stats and Skills:

    110 CP.

    Jutsu: Jutsu List

    Stuff Made: None yet.

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    Join date : 2017-11-16

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    Ryo: 0000

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by Kohana Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:31 pm

    It didn't take long before Kohana realized that this neighborhood, this part of the slums, is in fact the Iron Wolves' Den. Especially after Kohana started to see the patterns Iron Wolves usually wear and most importantly the big guy with that glare of his. Kohana sensed that she is being watched, and probably isn't wanted here. However, since when did that ever deter criminals from banding together? To be fair Kohana didn't recognize the man given that she has never seen Slypher before.

    Still she kept on walking into the Den until she was at the center. Her gleaming green eyes locked into the man's stare only blinking when she has to. Once at the center, Kohana spoke as she could feel multiple stares on her person now.

    "You gonna say something or are you gonna continue playing this staring contest? If not on the former, can you at least tell me where I might find Slypher?" Kohana asked as the other people weren't interesting to her. Sure she has nothing on her person, but Kohana can see the glass bottles and fabric that could easily be turned into weapons. But right now she wasn't looking for what she can defend herself with. Right now she needed to get into a group big or small.

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
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    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2019-05-13

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by ShimmyToTheLeft Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:35 am

    Sylpher was right. The kid had spunk, and lots of it, he tilted his head back and let loose a hearty, shoulder shaking laugh. After his mirth died down he gave her an appraising look as a cocksure grin spread upon his face, "I like your spunk kid, well it looks like your in luck 'cause you just found who you was looking for. Now what business do you have with me?"

    There were a few things that Sylpher could think of, for some urchin in rags to come wandering into his den of malcontents. If she was looking for hand outs, she'd learn the quick way that you had to earn what you had in life. No one would ever just hand out things for you. If she was looking to join, he find out what her strengths and weaknesses where pretty quick and get her into work where she'd be the most useful for the Iron Wolves. Or she could be a problem sent by the competition, but if that happened? ... Well he survived as long as he did for reason. Still he was interested in seeing what this little miss snarker had to say next.


    Stats and Skills:

    110 CP.

    Jutsu: Jutsu List

    Stuff Made: None yet.

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    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by Kohana Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:40 pm

    It was a relief that Kohana found the person she was looking for. She did not want to deal with the other gang's like the Coral Orcas or the Twisted Lions. Coral Orcas apparently deal in slave trade while the Twisted Lions often throws new people into cruel tasks that are practically impossible without getting caught. Kohana didn't need any unnecessary tests for one's amusement, she was here with a purpose especially if she's ever going to start her own gang. Maybe a group of mercenaries taking jobs from other nations. At least the dream is to live in the wealth and legacy of the nations' potential dirty work.

    "I'll get straight to the point," Kohana shifts her weight from both feet to mostly on her left leg with her arms crossed, "I heard that you are looking for fresh people. I want in, but the million ryo question is what are you going to make me do to earn a spot here?" Perhaps Kohana was too straight to the point, but she gets the feeling that this guy doesn't like drawn out conversations. Truthfully neither does she since people annoys her in general.

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by Kohana Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:19 pm

    The big guy still had that grin on his face after Kohana said her business. Sylpher didn't respond right away either until he finally came to a decision.

    "Tell ya what. I was just about to hit the gym for a bit. You want in? Participate in the jungle gym and depending on how well you do I might consider it." Sylpher gestured to the side with his thumb. His knuckles calloused and the back of his hand to his forearms has some scars. Kohana looked at what he gestured, and frankly, it was just a large stone building with broken windows and a door of driftwood. Whether there was a change in Kohana's appearance remains unnoticed to many foreign eyes.

    "Done. And I trust none of your lackeys is gonna prove to be a nuisance during this test right?" Sylpher shrugged his broad shoulders that basically said that he didn't know and/or didn't care. A couple of the guys behind Kohana snickered, and frankly that told her that they were gonna try something to make it difficult for her.

    Let them try. I'll prove to them how futile it is to stop me. Kohana thought arrogantly to herself as she was confident in her abilities. Sylpher gestured with one of his big hands to follow as he walked up to the door. The Nightbane followed behind, being quick and light on her feet. When Sylpher opens the door however, Kohana was surprised at what she sees before her.

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by Kohana Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:19 pm

    Inside this building the ground appears to have caved in. A sinkhole no less. It was easily 30 meters below ground surface as there were multiple rusty rebars and chunks of stone scattered randomly into clusters of platforms. There was a balcony-like platform in front of the door before it sharply drops down to what appears to be a pile of trash with rusty spikes pointing up through the mess. Sylpher lets out another hearty laugh as he gestures over to the sinkhole.

    "This here is our jungle gym! The task? Get down there and find your way back up here. Oh, and be careful around the spikes down there. Can't tell ya how many times one of our own skewered themselves from just jumping down there. Do this, and you might have a shot as one of the Iron Wolves!" Sylpher enthusiastically explained. Kohana's amber eyes looked down at the sinkhole, and Kohana noted that the sheer size of this hole is the size of this building. Leaving Kohana to believe this was a basement at some point.

    Without saying a word, Kohana looked for footholds to get down. While there wasn't exactly any notable footholds, there were patches of rebars exposed to the elements. A hop, a twirl, and hands stretched out. Kohana grabbed onto a rebar as it groaned under her weight. Yet it surprisingly held in place which suggests to Kohana it wasn't her weight. It was force behind it. Taking heed of this, Kohana deftly climbed down as she occasionally hopped from one patch to the other. With a light tap of her shoe, Kohana made it to the bottom of the hole. It was a flat surface, but this whole place held a putrid smell to it. Bad enough where it almost made Kohana scale up the wall to get away from here.

    "How those hands feelin' shrimp?!" An unfamiliar voice echoed throughout the building. Yet despite Kohana looking up and around there was no sign of the source. It wasn't until she heard the wind battering on clothing and a glint of metal from the corner of her eye. Where Kohana nimbly, albeit barely, swiftly leaned back as a knife nicks on Kohana's left cheek. It left a burning sensation as a warm line of liquid trickles from the wound. The knife smacks against the concrete wall with a metallic loud ring as some of the tip came off. Her eyes focused, Kohana snatched up the floating knife as she leapt up to 7 meters with a flip to briefly plant her feet against stone wall. Her eyes quickly scanning for the source, Kohana leapt off from the wall to what used to be a pillar 15 meters away.

    "Too slow freshie!" This time another knife emerged from the shadow corner as the lighting here was terrible. If it wasn't for the hole in the ceiling there wouldn't be any natural lighting at all in here. Still Kohana saw it coming from the bottom left which happens to be a corner of sorts. With a swipe of the stolen knife in practiced precision. Kohana deflected the opposing knife away before flipping her blade against her palm. As the young Nightbane landed on top of this broken pillar, Kohana throws her knife at the shadow cloaked corner. Only to be met with a similar clang followed by a metallic ring. A cocky laugh was all that Kohana was rewarded with.

    "Hey where did you learn to aim? I'm right over here, freshie." This time the voice sounded much closer, like directly behind her. Kohana's eyes widened before she quickly turned aiming with a sharp elbow slam. Unfortunately this dark silhouette was not only quicker, but stronger too as he leaned out of Kohana's reach while simultaneously lashing out to snatch Kohana by the throat. Surprised at the turn of events, Kohana was lifted from her feet as the grip tightened to the point where it was getting hard to breathe. Gasping for air, Kohana placed both hands on the muscular wrist that was surprisingly small. Attempting to pry the hand off from her throat to no avail.

    "Aw c'mon! I'm just getting started here!" The voice definitely came from the silhouette and it wasn't Sylpher. A grunt, young Kohana cocks back her left foot, and with a kick straight for the groin the figure groaned from the impact. In a deft maneuver, thirteen years old girl pressed both thumbs against the pressure point in the guy's wrist. Bringing her lower body up simultaneously, Kohana locks her knees against the man's throat as she twists the man's wrist with the pressure point still held before pulling on it. Effectively putting the man in a choke hold that forced him to let go of her throat. A couple of coughs from Kohana as she took a few deep breaths albeit dispising the stench from this place. Yet she held firm in her lock. A blood curdled gasp could be heard as he weakly said, "wait… wait don't…"

    Out of desperation he even began pulling with his free hand against her thigh. When Kohana felt like she was losing strength, Kohana pivot and twisted around the man's body until she practically rolled over his body on his back while still having control over the right wrist. Pulling the arm back with a strong foot planted against the square of his back, Kohana continued with her hold. Albeit this man was no doubt stronger, Kohana quickly gained the upper hand in a literal sense as she can feel the man crying out in pain. He even double tapped on the ground which was cue for surrender. However Kohana was relentless to the point where with a final tug Kohana dislocated the man's right shoulder with a sickening pop which was rewarded with even more cries of agony.

    "What the hell?! You crazy son of a…" He remarked sharply before letting out another cry. Now that Kohana had a better look at him. The guy was maybe in his late teens with blonde short hair with a stubble to him. He wore a torn short sleeved shirt with a belt of knives on his chest. Still Kohana pulled the now crouching man back and practically forced him prone on his back on this pillar. Where the girl quickly pivot around his body once again as he was falling to where she was on his chest now. With a quick swipe of her hand, Kohana snatched one of the knives from the belt as his hazel blue eyes widened at the sight of it. Kohana goes to bring down her knife at the man's throat, but he moved his left hand just in time to block against her forearm thus blocking the knife from striking him.

    A couple of sharp punches against his side where the liver was protected made the guy waver in his strength to which Kohana pressed the blade ever closer from reaching his neck. There was fear in this man's eyes now, but Kohana's were sharp and deadly like a hunter killing their prey. "Help me boss! This bitch is crazy!" The teen shouted between the grunts of pain and effort. That remark however really set her off though as Kohana left hook across the man's jaw. Just enough to daze him momentarily, but enough for Kohana to raise her knife hand once more before bringing it down harder. This time it was aimed slightly higher and while the teen was still able to block it. He finds himself literally biting on the tip of the knife as the blade is between his teeth. Loud groans of muffled words can be heard from him now as he was starting to panic. The pressure between teeth and blade great enough to drive fear into desperation to survive. Yet he couldn't push Kohana off especially now since she can just slice open his mouth.

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission] Empty Re: Iron Wolves Entry [Criminal Mission]

    Post by Kohana Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:56 pm

    "Enough Kohana! We need him alive!" A thunderous voice boomed throughout the sinkhole. Still Kohana immediately stopped from pushing the knife further between the guy's teeth. He was hyperventilating as his eyes were crossed to look at the blade of the knife. Kohana paused for a moment as she continued to stare into the young man's hazel eyes. Then Kohana spoke in a firm tone.

    "Nod once for yes, nod twice for no. The second I remove this knife you are not to strike at me ever again. Try your luck, and I'll show you exactly what your liver and kidneys look like," Kohana leaned closer to whisper in his ear as she was driving her point deep and home. "From outside of your body that is." Then Kohana leans back from him with the blade of the knife still caught between his teeth. Her eyes still sharp as the blade that she's holding.

    "Am i clear?" The teen hastily nod once, and Kohana presented the faintest curl of a smile on her face.

    "Good boy. Now lay there until I get to the top." Kohana withdrew the knife from his mouth and placed it flat on his chest. Kohana stood up on her feet as the teen began coughing and gasping for fresh air. It was barely a glint of light from the corner of her eye, but Kohana's reflexive instincts kicked in and she quickly crouched as something whistled past over her head. A glass shattering sound could be heard a second later, and with a glance over at the source there was another guy carrying a bunch of beer bottles. He grabbed one from his box and chunks it at Kohana's direction. Kohana snatched up the knife from the teen once again as she rolled off the pillar. Causing the bottle to miss once again as Kohana laced chakra under her feet to plant her feet on the pillar's side. Away from the bottle thrower's view.

    Forming a single tiger hand seal, Kohana conjures a clone of herself and makes it leap off to the side. Sure enough Kohana heard the sound of glass rattling against each other momentarily. The young girl pivot clockwise around the pillar where she would throw her knife at the thrower as he was throwing the bottle at her clone. The clone dispersed immediately upon contact, but the knife sunk into the man's left shoulder. Hiss and groans coming from the man, Kohana leapt off from the pillar in blurring speeds that the guy didn't have time to grab for another bottle. That is until Kohana drop kicks the guy right on the jaw that sent him flying backwards for a couple of meters. Not letting up, Kohana dropped to the ground like a crouching tiger where she picks up two bottles between her fingers. Nimbly throwing one bottle at the staggered guy towards his face knowing his immediate reaction is to duck. Then she rushed him as the guy ducked underneath the bottle only to meet the second bottle shattering against his temple. It wasn't enough to completely knock him out, but the guy had some glass pieces on his head creating minor wounds at most with head trauma.

    As if that wasn't bad enough, Kohana heard before she saw, but a third person managed to hide in the shadow long enough for Kohana to get closer. Close enough to wrap his arms around Kohana's small frame into a tight bear hug. This one caught her off guard as Kohana felt pressure around her torso. Making it harder to breathe by the second. She gasped as she flipped the broken bottle in her hand and brought it downwards. It stabbed something and it wasn't her body. With a twist of her hand the glass broke off leaving the piece into the body. He flinched from the pain, but it wasn't enough to let her go. Kohana kicked at his thighs, but there was a lot of muscle and fat in those thighs. So this led to Kohana tilting her head downwards like she's going to bite him. However Kohana was just gaining leverage to bring her head back up hard to slam the top of her head against the man's chin. That rewarded a loosen grip on her small body.

    Kohana deftly brought her arm up just to deliver a sharp blow of her elbow against the man's jaw through the loose grip. It was enough to stagger the man to the side and drop Kohana even. Kohana spun on her heel to deliver a swift roundhouse kick right on the glass piece pierced into the man's thigh. Which wedged it deeper into the skin and cause more pain to the grappler. A hiss from the lips, and down on one knee he went. A quick punch towards his throat, the guy raised his arms to block the blow. Kohana followed up with an uppercut punch that went under the block and straight to the chin again. This time he lurched back from the force and eventually falls down prone.

    Kohana was cautious as she looked around with quick succession for the next threat. After a few solid seconds, there was no surprise attackers this time. Or anyone hostile coming at her. A clatter of glass broke the silence as Kohana dropped the bottle. Then she essentially went through some series of obstacle courses. Either using the exposed rebars or even used chakra coating her feet to magnetize herself to the walls and even partial ceilings. Her grace and speed was equivalent to an acrobat as there doesn't seem to be an effort wasted. Eventually she hopped from one of the slabs of stone and gracefully lands on the platform next to Sylpher.

    Broad shoulders with thick arms of muscle crossed over his chest. His intimidating eyes glaring down at Kohana who just appear to be stoic expression. Lifting her eyes up to meet Sylpher's, "Well? I made it back to the top." A moment of silence fell between them before a sigh escaped from his lips.

    "You are one hell of a fighter for someone so young. Very well then, you're now part of the Iron Wolves from here on out. However, because you put two of my men out of commission for a while you will be doing tasks in their place for the time being. Also, do not attack other Iron Wolves either. They are your family now, so you should be protecting them not killing them." The last bit annoyed Kohana since she didn't want to bother with these people. Either they help her or stay out of her way. For the consequences as Kohana demonstrated can be quite lethal. Still, Kohana nodded her head and thus she was finally enrolled into a gang.


    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

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