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    Forcoy Leaf-nin


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2019-08-18

    Forcoy Leaf-nin Empty Forcoy Leaf-nin

    Post by Forcoy Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:57 pm

    Name: Forcoy Uchiha
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin
    Title: Messy Medic

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan Tomoe 1 [500]
    Element(s): N/A
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu [non-elemental reduction] Fuinjutsu [-chakra] Ijutsu


    • Strength: D [150]
    • Constitution: B [950]
    • Stamina: B [950]
    • Speed: B [950]
    • Coordination: C [450]
    • Intelligence: C [450]
    • Perception: B [950]

    3750-750 ea-1000 skills for 5500 [5350].

    Unique Abilities: One Hand Behind Back: Weave seals with one hand. -1 tier to coordination when doing so.  
    Experience Advantage: 50% into next class, needs to pay back 375 before spending EXP elsewhere. Next is at 4k normally.
    Grazing: +1 rank against NPC in another land, -1 rank against NPC inside his land.
    Forceful Focus: -1 strength tier for +1 coordination tier 5 CP to trigger after deactivation and activation. Strength disciplined into delicacy not reaching S-rank.
    Careful Talent: -1 perception tier for +1 intelligence tier 5 CP to trigger after deactivation and activation. Focusing perception has helped him train for this state not reaching S-rank.
    Ijutsu: A player may choose to be able to learn techniques of a particular skill or element at one rank higher than what their class allows. As a result, techniques performed outside of their class allowance has their cost increased by 50% on top of its original cost.
    Mo-Money: Starts with 500,000. A player may start off with additional income, which the max amount correlates to the player's starting rank. Upon doing so 50% of all future income counts towards that sum with an interest of 50% as well. 750,000 to pay back.

    Appearance: He has refined black curly hair and is 6 feet tall with pale skin. Usually black eyes. Forcoy frequently attends funerals with an outfit he'd wear outside them but he doesn't spend much free time in the light. Bodies were practiced on inside as per the standard as a medical student. At hospitals there's a gown usually on him. Dirty fingernails have always been kept by him as a matter of course for his profession.

    Forcoy Leaf-nin Untitl10

    History: The parents are gone. Memories of them laughable. He'd heard growing up they died as heroes in some regular mission with regular casualties. The wounds were simple and clean. Amateur wounds that any medical-nin could resolve. Growing up Forcoy couldn't help but look up to medical-nin. Miraculously healing others was what the young man pursued in his time of weakness. Nothing twisted Forcoy's personality because of his simple pursuit and he believes even to the day that there's no permanent illness from the medical arts. Even so, Forcoy outcasted himself early on even with the right mindset. Clansmen found he "played" with "dirtied" corpses to make sure he was ready to practice ijutsu. What's so bad about it? Forcoy didn't understand since to him the majority of medical-nin from what he heard practiced on donated corpses from kind villagers knowing their end was near. Organ donating was noble to Forcoy and lawful with what should be far less controversy inside the ninja world. Yes, Forcoy always was logical even when he was just entering the ninja world.

    Talent's lost on Forcoy. Early on in the academy he already struggled despite being an Uchiha. Nobody wanted to mentor an orphan with no potential. Forcoy didn't think he was that bad and graduation was still an easy task for someone with normal aptitude like Forcoy. Failures still pile on though and at the time it was extravagant to say the least if Forcoy practiced ijutsu. As a genin in his teens Forcoy was a materialized failure for years just to keep up with his peers. In the clan Forcoy survived off of his family and family friends who pitied him but more importantly were pressured to help under the guise of his parents as "heroes". The clan as a whole never took notice of Forcoy for not only was Fire Release unpracticed but Forcoy couldn't practice any element. Teaming up for missions wasn't something Forcoy avoided as he wasn't necessarily a loner. Without actual skill and risk Sharingan had no near opportunity.

    Begging and throwing aside all his pride yielded some results in Forcoy's progression. Or in essence became the end of his worries. Any chuunin or person that knew the least about ijutsu Forcoy was motivated to find for help. Eventually Forcoy was good enough that he could practice on his own, and with the help of his team's sensei got to chuunin easily by building up his body with healing. In the past few years Forcoy realized he'd hit a wall at chuunin for ijutsu almost immediately after promotion. The sensei focused on other students and Forcoy was left to his own devices. Still, income increased with even little knowledge in ijutsu and pressure lessened on Forcoy.

    The young man had a feeling he'd remain at chuunin the rest of his life and barely qualify to support squads as a medical-nin. Instead at 18 years old Forcoy found luck in unluckiness. A regular mission went south and Forcoy lay underneath a mound of corpses healing the fleshy wall to increase it's weight. Successfully avoiding the detection of the enemy, the chuunin crawled out and laughably wiped himself off in a dimly lit forest area. Crying silently he realized how fragile he was. It'd already been hours since he awakened a tomoe 1 Sharingan wasted on him. A weak breath sounded out behind him and Forcoy's heart stopped for a moment. Looking back, he saw a shaking Uchiha teammate and felt endless joy. Grabbing them, he rushed back to the village while keeping them alive. Soon after Forcoy was bizarrely promoted to Jounin and he got even odder support to improve himself to be acceptably at Jounin-level. Personally attending to a shadowy culprit at a hospital, Forcoy's steely glare had his most intense urge to kill a patient. To that date Forcoy still hasn't killed any sentient life.

    Personality: Forcoy has the mindset of a typical medical-nin. He isn't a genius mad scientist or anything of the sort. Out of necessity Forcoy was only able to pick up being a medical-nin through sheer passion. In many ways a doctor's daily life can revolve around twisting their profession or simply doing what's right. As a medical-nin Forcoy considers himself on call and thus the majority of his day is spent working or preparing for healing. Forcoy didn't get much support until recently to get to his Jounin rank. An innate wariness is present in Forcoy so he isn't used too much for his "talents"; this has prevented him from getting much social help in his ninja arts but also has spurred him on.

    Self-importance over the group is in him. Medical-nin ideally are the core of a squad as some legendary medical-ninja might say. Forcoy has avoided being assigned to a medical outpost permanently so he can focus on ranking up. To some he looks detached, but to those that got out on dangerous missions he's open and kind. Forcoy is thus honest in many ways as he much prefers fighting if need be in a group. Sacrifice has carried on to Forcoy's mindset as he's been the lone survivor and witness to many casualties from risky missions he required. To Forcoy those that remain in the village have their own luck and politics to advance in the ranks but the dirty truth is there are many expendables that don't have the luck. Even knowing the sad realities at his age Forcoy is still reckless and whimsical. Sacrifice is only his foundation to riskful success.

    Roleplay Sample: Weariness dripped off Forcoy as he grunted while limping up. Placing down a colorless cloth from his left palm he cringed inward and outward. It's a slightly damp and silent night in the Land of Fire. Visibility is low enough that it requires jounin-level means but this jounin is worn out enough his shaking is palpable. Someone's last breath just escaped from his side. A futile project escaped unfinished. Forcoy's whole team's status is unknown except this ally he failed to heal, and the enemy chases him further as his brief restful hesitation is squashed without a second look. Homeland advantage, or luck is Forcoy's choice. There's no way he escapes these stronger people by speed alone. Pure white clothing is slowly stained by blood on Forcoy's 6 foot figure before ceasing. Chakra is still abundantly available for this youthful jounin and with his ijutsu he's no longer injured. Two Shadow Clones separate from his shadow after a swipe of his hands.

    They go on ahead as a blaze births next to Forcoy and flashes his full appearance along with consuming the surrounding forest. No Fire Release was used by Forcoy Uchiha. He's not the foreigner that minds either being seen. The white ghost swiftly continues his dash and with his proficiency in escape the full appearance has already disappeared to the white night from his speed. Enraged shouts encircle Forcoy who comes to a clifftop. Knowing he can't win, Forcoy jumps on to a ledge on the walling of this cliff. It feels like half his bones and organs shatter on impact. Vomiting remnants the Uchiha looks back up to the cliff where his pursuers chakra walk down cautiously. Ruthlessly calculating his jumping is too weak Forcoy quickly crawled off the ledge down to the full unknown darkness below.

    Soft illumination on the ledge already revealed Forcoy healing and his enemies make soft calculation that they'll reach Forcoy far before he's healed. Reaching flat ground Forcoy also understands his healing will not complete in time. Twitching like a crushed bug his fingers barely form the clone seal and create another Shadow Clone. A short time later the enemy arrives. Forcoy looks not even half-healed on the ground. Concentration mixes together and the enemy slowly melts into the misty soil next to the cloned Forcoy despite their guard. Three shadows replaced the shadows of the enemy after working together to speed up Forcoy's healing. Even without Forcoy's healing the shadows remained. A ploy as his concentration peaked to maintain the technique not easy to flee with his base hardiness. Forcoy isn't sure though whether oily puke dripping off him is from his collapsed stomach or mouth. But now the risk's manageable.
    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

    Posts : 869
    Join date : 2018-08-06
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements:
    Class: X
    Ryo: a looot

    Forcoy Leaf-nin Empty Re: Forcoy Leaf-nin

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:26 pm

    Forcoy wrote:Name: Forcoy Uchiha
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin
    Title: Messy Medic

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan Tomoe 1 [500]
    Element(s): N/A
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu [non-elemental reduction] Fuinjutsu [-chakra] Ijutsu


    • Strength: D [150]
    • Constitution: B [950]
    • Stamina: B [950]
    • Speed: B [950]
    • Coordination: C [450]
    • Intelligence: C [450]
    • Perception: B [950]

    3750-750 ea-1000 skills for 5500 [5350].

    Unique Abilities: One Hand Behind Back: Weave seals with one hand. -1 tier to coordination when doing so.  
    Experience Advantage: 50% into next class, needs to pay back 375 before spending EXP elsewhere. Next is at 4k normally.
    Grazing: +1 rank against NPC in another land, -1 rank against NPC inside his land.
    Forceful Focus: -1 strength tier for +1 coordination tier 5 CP to trigger after deactivation and activation. Strength disciplined into delicacy not reaching S-rank.
    Careful Talent: -1 perception tier for +1 intelligence tier 5 CP to trigger after deactivation and activation. Focusing perception has helped him train for this state not reaching S-rank.
    Ijutsu: A player may choose to be able to learn techniques of a particular skill or element at one rank higher than what their class allows. As a result, techniques performed outside of their class allowance has their cost increased by 50% on top of its original cost.
    Mo-Money: Starts with 500,000. A player may start off with additional income, which the max amount correlates to the player's starting rank. Upon doing so 50% of all future income counts towards that sum with an interest of 50% as well. 750,000 to pay back.

    Appearance: He has refined black curly hair and is 6 feet tall with pale skin. Usually black eyes. Forcoy frequently attends funerals with an outfit he'd wear outside them but he doesn't spend much free time in the light. Bodies were practiced on inside as per the standard as a medical student. At hospitals there's a gown usually on him. Dirty fingernails have always been kept by him as a matter of course for his profession.

    Forcoy Leaf-nin Untitl10

    History: The parents are gone. Memories of them laughable. He'd heard growing up they died as heroes in some regular mission with regular casualties. The wounds were simple and clean. Amateur wounds that any medical-nin could resolve. Growing up Forcoy couldn't help but look up to medical-nin. Miraculously healing others was what the young man pursued in his time of weakness. Nothing twisted Forcoy's personality because of his simple pursuit and he believes even to the day that there's no permanent illness from the medical arts. Even so, Forcoy outcasted himself early on even with the right mindset. Clansmen found he "played" with "dirtied" corpses to make sure he was ready to practice ijutsu. What's so bad about it? Forcoy didn't understand since to him the majority of medical-nin from what he heard practiced on donated corpses from kind villagers knowing their end was near. Organ donating was noble to Forcoy and lawful with what should be far less controversy inside the ninja world. Yes, Forcoy always was logical even when he was just entering the ninja world.

    Talent's lost on Forcoy. Early on in the academy he already struggled despite being an Uchiha. Nobody wanted to mentor an orphan with no potential. Forcoy didn't think he was that bad and graduation was still an easy task for someone with normal aptitude like Forcoy. Failures still pile on though and at the time it was extravagant to say the least if Forcoy practiced ijutsu. As a genin in his teens Forcoy was a materialized failure for years just to keep up with his peers. In the clan Forcoy survived off of his family and family friends who pitied him but more importantly were pressured to help under the guise of his parents as "heroes". The clan as a whole never took notice of Forcoy for not only was Fire Release unpracticed but Forcoy couldn't practice any element. Teaming up for missions wasn't something Forcoy avoided as he wasn't necessarily a loner. Without actual skill and risk Sharingan had no near opportunity.

    Begging and throwing aside all his pride yielded some results in Forcoy's progression. Or in essence became the end of his worries. Any chuunin or person that knew the least about ijutsu Forcoy was motivated to find for help. Eventually Forcoy was good enough that he could practice on his own, and with the help of his team's sensei got to chuunin easily by building up his body with healing. In the past few years Forcoy realized he'd hit a wall at chuunin for ijutsu almost immediately after promotion. The sensei focused on other students and Forcoy was left to his own devices. Still, income increased with even little knowledge in ijutsu and pressure lessened on Forcoy.

    The young man had a feeling he'd remain at chuunin the rest of his life and barely qualify to support squads as a medical-nin. Instead at 18 years old Forcoy found luck in unluckiness. A regular mission went south and Forcoy lay underneath a mound of corpses healing the fleshy wall to increase it's weight. Successfully avoiding the detection of the enemy, the chuunin crawled out and laughably wiped himself off in a dimly lit forest area. Crying silently he realized how fragile he was. It'd already been hours since he awakened a tomoe 1 Sharingan wasted on him. A weak breath sounded out behind him and Forcoy's heart stopped for a moment. Looking back, he saw a shaking Uchiha teammate and felt endless joy. Grabbing them, he rushed back to the village while keeping them alive. Soon after Forcoy was bizarrely promoted to Jounin and he got even odder support to improve himself to be acceptably at Jounin-level. Personally attending to a shadowy culprit at a hospital, Forcoy's steely glare had his most intense urge to kill a patient. To that date Forcoy still hasn't killed any sentient life.

    Personality: Forcoy has the mindset of a typical medical-nin. He isn't a genius mad scientist or anything of the sort. Out of necessity Forcoy was only able to pick up being a medical-nin through sheer passion. In many ways a doctor's daily life can revolve around twisting their profession or simply doing what's right. As a medical-nin Forcoy considers himself on call and thus the majority of his day is spent working or preparing for healing. Forcoy didn't get much support until recently to get to his Jounin rank. An innate wariness is present in Forcoy so he isn't used too much for his "talents"; this has prevented him from getting much social help in his ninja arts but also has spurred him on.

    Self-importance over the group is in him. Medical-nin ideally are the core of a squad as some legendary medical-ninja might say. Forcoy has avoided being assigned to a medical outpost permanently so he can focus on ranking up. To some he looks detached, but to those that got out on dangerous missions he's open and kind. Forcoy is thus honest in many ways as he much prefers fighting if need be in a group. Sacrifice has carried on to Forcoy's mindset as he's been the lone survivor and witness to many casualties from risky missions he required. To Forcoy those that remain in the village have their own luck and politics to advance in the ranks but the dirty truth is there are many expendables that don't have the luck. Even knowing the sad realities at his age Forcoy is still reckless and whimsical. Sacrifice is only his foundation to riskful success.

    Roleplay Sample: Weariness dripped off Forcoy as he grunted while limping up. Placing down a colorless cloth from his left palm he cringed inward and outward. It's a slightly damp and silent night in the Land of Fire. Visibility is low enough that it requires jounin-level means but this jounin is worn out enough his shaking is palpable. Someone's last breath just escaped from his side. A futile project escaped unfinished. Forcoy's whole team's status is unknown except this ally he failed to heal, and the enemy chases him further as his brief restful hesitation is squashed without a second look. Homeland advantage, or luck is Forcoy's choice. There's no way he escapes these stronger people by speed alone. Pure white clothing is slowly stained by blood on Forcoy's 6 foot figure before ceasing. Chakra is still abundantly available for this youthful jounin and with his ijutsu he's no longer injured. Two Shadow Clones separate from his shadow after a swipe of his hands.

    They go on ahead as a blaze births next to Forcoy and flashes his full appearance along with consuming the surrounding forest. No Fire Release was used by Forcoy Uchiha. He's not the foreigner that minds either being seen. The white ghost swiftly continues his dash and with his proficiency in escape the full appearance has already disappeared to the white night from his speed. Enraged shouts encircle Forcoy who comes to a clifftop. Knowing he can't win, Forcoy jumps on to a ledge on the walling of this cliff. It feels like half his bones and organs shatter on impact. Vomiting remnants the Uchiha looks back up to the cliff where his pursuers chakra walk down cautiously. Ruthlessly calculating his jumping is too weak Forcoy quickly crawled off the ledge down to the full unknown darkness below.

    Soft illumination on the ledge already revealed Forcoy healing and his enemies make soft calculation that they'll reach Forcoy far before he's healed. Reaching flat ground Forcoy also understands his healing will not complete in time. Twitching like a crushed bug his fingers barely form the clone seal and create another Shadow Clone. A short time later the enemy arrives. Forcoy looks not even half-healed on the ground. Concentration mixes together and the enemy slowly melts into the misty soil next to the cloned Forcoy despite their guard. Three shadows replaced the shadows of the enemy after working together to speed up Forcoy's healing. Even without Forcoy's healing the shadows remained. A ploy as his concentration peaked to maintain the technique not easy to flee with his base hardiness. Forcoy isn't sure though whether oily puke dripping off him is from his collapsed stomach or mouth. But now the risk's manageable.


      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:47 am