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    Above the High Seas

    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Above the High Seas Empty Above the High Seas

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Tue Aug 13, 2019 8:07 am

    When Honiko arose, it wasn't a slow and gradual process like most. The second her chakra reserves regenerated enough to keep her conscious, her eyes snapped open. The young woman sat up from Nozomi's lap immediately. She had fallen asleep in front of her disciples which was something she avoided doing. A feeling of anger and frustration welled inside her but she let it go. She had done a significant amount of fighting at the Blood Prison however as she looked at Nozomi, she could see the girl was entirely unscathed. The blonde was unhurt, undirtied, and did not even appear tired. Honiko was so exhausted and injured from her previous fight she hadn't realized the gravity of what Merryweather had said. Nozomi killed the Warden and there isn't a scratch on her! Either the Warden had been weakened, betrayed, or somehow sabotaged or Nozomi had reached a new level of power and efficiency that even her sensei was not aware of. It wasn't unheard of that shinobi made breakthroughs in power in their hour of greatest need. Perhaps this prison break was just what she needed. The realization only made her more confident that she had made the right decision.

    Honiko resisted the urge to stretch and instead stood. Balerion was flying through the air, smoothly gliding over the seas surrounding the Land of Water. The Sage held out her arms and looked at Nozomi.

    "Let's see how good your control over water is."

    Honiko already knew that it was pretty good, but she was curious to see a non-violent application of the Water Heavens Convergence technique. The woman was filthy, with caked and dried blood covering whole patches of her body. Her own blood and that of her enemies covered her from head to toe. She hoped that Nozomi would catch her meaning and use WHC to clean her off. Once that was taken care of they could talk about the Society's future.

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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Nozomi Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:04 pm

    High up in the air, flying on the back of a dragon with Honiko in her lap. The worries of the world currently nothing but a memory for the time being. Nozomi was at peace. Raijin didn't seem to be all that talkative, getting his rest as his injuries had been fairly intense. Honiko's sleeping form was incredibly peaceful, a type of vulnerable that Nozomi was privileged enough to watch over. She had been diligent, in case something happened. Of course, nothing would actually interrupt them.

    Honiko woke up with a start, perhaps not intending on having nodded off so deeply. She stood up, and beckoned to Nozomi, to se how good her control of Suiton was. Nozomi got the hint and started to knead her chakra, using the hand signs for Water Heaven's Convergence. Pulling out the moisture from the air, Nozomi moved it to condense on Honiko's body, clothes, hair, and face, making sure to leave Honiko's mouth and nose open so she could breathe. The water started to wet the dried blood, and Nozomi carefully extracted the blood to the edge of the water.

    From there, she launched the water and blood over and into the ocean. She repeated the process a few times until all the blood was washed from Honiko's clothes and body and hair, pulling out all the moisture she could from her clothes and hair as well to dry them off. Nozomi did the same to her own clothes, to clean off the blood her master had gotten on her. Wetting her sleeve, Nozomi wiped the remaining blood from around Honiko's nose and mouth, although she didn't bother to clean off her sleeve from that point. It wasn't that big of a deal, given her black clothing.

    "My control over water is probably as perfect as anyone's could be." Nozomi said, shrugging. She'd been working with it all her life, and the 3 Tails only expanded her affinity for it.

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Bayushi Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:57 pm

    Raijin had awoken but kept to himself. The two next to him on top of the Dragon were not the talkative type and so he knew his place. The battle had concluded, and Raijin had healed from the trials and tribulations. The Sharingan eye flashing in his mind leaving lasting PTSD images within his mind. He could not forget those eyes.

    Honiko awoke from her exhausted nap. Seeing as this was the first time they had seen her so...normal. Defenseless even. She must've pushed herself greatly for them to see this side of her. She immediately went returned to her normal self and ordered Nozomi to show her control over a particular jutsu. Raijin opened an eye for that, seeing Nozomi perform an extremely difficult jutsu but using it in such a calm manner. She cleaned herself and used it perfectly.

    Good for her. He sat up fully, nodding to his senseis. Now that they had concluded their business with Merryweather. It was time for Raijin to start focusing on more endeavors. Perhaps Honiko was willing to progress to a grander stage.

    Strength: C
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    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:28 pm

    Nozomi dutifully used Water Heaven's Convergence to clean her sensei. Her skill with the jutsu was as sharp as she had boasted. Honiko allowed herself to be washed and dried as she stood there thinking of the best way to break the news to her disciples. Grooming one's sensei was an affectionate and intimate act. It was usually a task reserved for a sensei's favored pupil and while the tradition had fallen out of style, Honiko was old school and enjoyed the old way of doing things. When Nozomi finished, Honiko poofed a golden tomahawk into existence and tossed it to her.

    "That tomahawk was given to me by my Sensei. It represents the authority to speak and act in his name. The Enlightened Society of Rebirth and Reordering exists to fulfill my Master's agenda and that weapon is held by its leader. Nozomi Himitsu, I am officially naming you as my successor. You will lead this organization for the time being...."

    Honiko had decided to lead with the "good news" first. It wasn't so much that she wanted to soften the blow (at least not consciously), it was more that this was the part that was relevant for the both of them. The circumstances of her absence shouldn't concern them as much as who their new leader would be. What she'd say next would probably surprise them. She expected Nozomi to take it hard, but she also hoped that she had trained the girl to understand the importance of unflinching devotion to their cause.

    "I am leaving this world for an indeterminate period of time." Honiko said in a cold and matter-of-factly tone. Honiko gauged both of their reactions before continuing: "My mother promised a rare item to each group who participated in the break-in. One of the precious artifacts that our organization needs to complete its mission is being held off-world. It cannot be found on Earth because it is not located on Earth. These past three years have brought me to the conclusion that what we seek, will not easily be found. Merryweather knows where it is and she has agreed to help me find and secure it. There is no telling how long this journey will take and Jashin forbid if I do not return, I am entrusting the fate of our group to you, Nozomi. It is has been an honor training the both of you and you each have come a long way. I know this may come as a shock or surprise to you, but my mind is made up and this is set in stone. I must find this artifact. Even if it means risking the possibility of never coming back."

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    Age : 28

    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Nozomi Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:32 pm

    Nozomi relinquished her control over the jutsu she had been casting, and as she dropped the last bit of water over the edge of the dragon, Honiko summoned a golden tomahawk into her hand, tossing it to Nozomi, who caught the weapon, a blank expression on her face. She wasn't necessarily confused, instead opting to wait for the explanation she knew would be coming shortly. Perhaps she wanted Nozomi to kill someone with it. Nozomi's gaze shifted to Raijin, ready for the order should it come. Of course, it never did, Honiko had seemed pleased with Raijin's showings, and had even healed him a little earlier, so Nozomi hadn't expected to receive any such order in actuality.

    What Honiko said next truly did catch Nozomi off guard though. Not just because she was named the leader of the Society, but also because Honiko was going to be leaving, for an indeterminate amount of time as well. Nozomi couldn't help but feel her heart sink. She wanted to go with Honiko on her journey, be by her side and help her find the artifact she wanted. But she couldn't, and she wouldn't see Honiko for.... a long time.

    Nozomi nodded in silence for a second, mulling over her thoughts. "I understand. While I'd love to help you, to stay by your side, I know you don't need me with you as much as you need me here. You've been training me for this since we met. I won't let you down." she said, the words droning out with little emotion in them, as if automatically trained. Clutching the weapon in her hand, the urge to strike with the blade, to let the weapon sink it's blade into her own neck surged through her, a feeling she'd never experienced before.

    The feeling dulled, but didn't leave. Life without Honiko? Impossible. But.... Honiko wasn't leaving forever. She'd be back. Nozomi would be here, and the Society would flourish all the same. Her resolve came back once again, and she shoved her suicidal thoughts deep within. "I have a request, then. My skills are at their peak, and I can't physically push myself any further without using Isobu, and I don't like damaging my seal using his abilities. I would like to sign the Snake Summoning contract. The dragons don't really like me all that much," she motioned to Balerion as a case in point, "and I think I could make good use of the summons. I don't know what that technique was that Merryweather gave you, but it's probably not my style. I feel like I could learn a lot from the Snakes though. They fight well enough, and I'm always looking for more.... inspiration. And I know there's more I can learn that you haven't taught me yet, or can't teach me, that, given time.... I might be able to earn."

    A simple request from Nozomi. It would help her grow more powerful as a shinobi, not that she needed to. But beyond that, it would help her feel closer to Honiko. Sharing in a contract with her Master. Taking command of their organization. Following in Honiko's footsteps. It was only natural that Nozomi would want to do that.

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Bayushi Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:14 am

    The conversation between his two sensei was surreal. Honiko tossed Nozomi a golden tomahawk. Then began to explain the next stage of her plans. It was surprising to first hear but it made sense after a few seconds. However the next reveal would break his expressionless poise.

    She would be leaving off world. The concept sounded so foreign and impossible. But he had seen their powers firsthand. His face broke into a surprised expression. But he understood the mission. He got on his knees bowed his head to Honiko for her services in saving and training him all these years. He would continue helping the Society as they helped him.

    Strength: C
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    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:18 pm

    Honiko used her Mind's Eye of Kagura to gauge Nozomi's reaction to the news. What she sensed upset her. Nozomi felt hurt and saddened. Far beyond the bounds of what was normal or healthy. The girl excelled at suppressing the worst impulses of her emotions in this instance but Honiko could tell that it was a struggle for her. She loved Honiko as much as Honiko loved her own Sensei. Nozomi spoke with conviction and certainty yet Honiko could feel the girl's soul ache.

    I've trained you well....too well?

    A part of her was disappointed that Nozomi was not visibly overcome with grief. It was a very small part, but a part all the same. For the most part, she was pleased with her student's ability to compartmentalize their relationship. While she may want to stay by her side, she was able to recognize the logic behind the decision. Complete and utter loyalty won over petty feelings of love. it was another victory for the Society and its vision. Nozomi then brought up the subject of the Snake Summoning Contract. Honiko tilted her head upward and inch, a bit surprised at how forward her student was being. Nozomi had never requested a specific artifact from her before. She was always content with making her own techniques or taking what Honiko gave her. The Sage nodded as she gave the request some thought.

    The technique Merryweather had given her was not her's to give Nozomi. Nozomi had earned the jutsu, sure, but ultimately it was an ability so powerful it belonged in the hands of her Sensei. Not even she would dare to learn it (tempting as it would be if only to mock Menza). Flying Thunder God was a dangerous tool in the hands of anyone and Menza had refused to teach it to anyone within the Society including her Sensei. It was one of the few conditions he gave for him joining the organization.

    Now they'd have their own copy to do with as they pleased. Honiko's Master would hold the jutsu and in time he'd decide who to give it to. Nozomi said she wasn't really interested in it though which spared the Sage the problem of having to explain the politics surrounding the technique. The summoning contract wasn't an impossible ask although it did come with its own complexities. She had planned to only allow her prospective Snake Sage apprentice to sign the contract. Nozomi wasn't a bad candidate for such an apprenticeship but the snakes like their serpentine cousins were awfully picky as to who her successor would be. They didn't have the same prejudices regarding the Nature Clan and Jinchurikki but they did have a preference for more scientifically oriented shinobi. Ninja whose understanding of medicine was on par with their own. They'd sooner take Menza then an unschooled warrior like Nozomi or Raijin. The fact that the Dragons had already passed on them made things even more difficult. Still, it was an option. And signing a contract did not guarantee apprenticeship. The Snakes of Ryuchi Cave understood that a bit better than their counterparts in the Wastelands.

    After a few more moments of silent consideration, Honiko gave herself a final nod and looked her disciple in the eye.

    "I will grant your request. The path ahead is treacherous and you have proven your capacity to stand on your own as a warrior. You know how to use your tools rather than abuse them and so I will permit you to sign the Snake Summoning Contract once we arrive on the Isle of Whispers"

    Out of respect to the Dragons, she would not do such a thing on Balerion's back. The black drgaon had heard every word of the conversation but he had learned not to cross Honiko. Not a word of this communication would make it back to C. She could read that Raijin was surprised and he made no bones about showing his shock. The boy got on his knees and bowed respectfully. She sensed his gratitude and devotion. It didn't warm her heart but it did reassure her about his future.

    "Raijin....in time your loyalty will be rewarded with strength, Jashin-willing."

    He had proven himself ready to receive a new level of power. She'd talk to her Master about them both. They were long overdue for a reward as a result of their service.

    Honiko turned around and sat back down in the lotus position and closed her eyes.

    "Nozomi. There are a few matters I need you to resolve for me. I have to prepare for my journey so that does not leave me time to settle certain accounts. The first is our ally in the Earth Country. Akeno Tatsuda will either have taken over the Earth Country by now....or have been neutralized by Konoha. Find out her status and use your judgment to proceed from there. Whatever you decide, Shin Kazehana must be notified. Find him and let him now of her fate. If she has been killed, I strongly recommend that you find out who did it and retaliate. If we allow others to kill our own with impunity, we weaken the respect that our name commands. Secondly, Rin Uchiha has critical information regarding Kumogakure. Balerion told him to spy on them without my leave, while that was inappropriate, it may still prove to be useful. Find him and get the information from him. Use your judgment to determine if he will prove to be a trustworthy ally in the future.."

    Honiko opened her eyes and stared straight ahead to the horizon.

    "Nozomi. Now that you are the leader of the organization. I believe it is time you met my Master....the true visionary behind everything that we do and hope to accomplish"

    Exit to Isle of Whispers

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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Nozomi Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:16 am

    Nozomi's eyes were on Honiko, the urge to hurt herself still present, and she was still hoping, yearning, for Honiko to revoke her decision to leave. To decide to stay, and continue on as they had been. Nozomi would gladly give back leadership. But it wasn't going to happen. Honiko agreed to let Nozomi sign the Snake Contract once they landed, and that was that. It was real. Honiko was leaving her. She fluttered between the pain of loss, denial, and acceptance. Then a kernel of anger. Merryweather was taking Honiko from her. She should have killed that bitch, then Honiko would have stayed.

    Then Honiko was speaking again, giving Nozomi new orders. Or, rather, tasks, since she wasn't technically in charge of her anymore. Nozomi understood the importance of Akeno's progress, and avenging her as well, should she have failed. Of course, she had to find Shin as well, something she didn't really want to be doing, but Akeno was Shin's, so whatever happened, he did need to be informed. Too bad she would have to actually track him down, wherever he'd gone to.

    She didn't quite understand the importance of the Rin boy, but it didn't appear that Honiko knew whether or not he'd be useful yet either. Still, Honiko wanted her to collect on Rin's findings, so she would.

    And then finally, it was time. Time for her to meet the man behind the curtain.

    -Exit to Isle of Whispers

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Above the High Seas Empty Re: Above the High Seas

    Post by Bayushi Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:50 am

    Honi had noted that his loyalty and devotion to her and the Society would be rewarded with strength. He nodded silently. They had landed and it seemed that the two had another mission to attend to. He may or may not hear what happened next. But it was time to start planning his own ventures. His own power was shown at the Blood Prison. Though going against the Uchiha wasn't exactly his finest moments. He would make better ones.

    [Exit to Isle of Whispers]

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