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    A Quick Stop

    Gin Akiyama
    Gin Akiyama

    Posts : 152
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire | Water | Bukijutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    A Quick Stop Empty A Quick Stop

    Post by Gin Akiyama Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:01 pm

    Konami went off ahead to deal with a disruption at the gates. Gin would be unable to join her as he had an emergency mission to take care of. Before leaving he had to prepare the necessary supplies. Gin would buy supplies for his enchantment as well as stock up on generic gear. He needed to work on enchantments pronto.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B


    Character Sheet HERE
    Gin Akiyama
    Gin Akiyama

    Posts : 152
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire | Water | Bukijutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    A Quick Stop Empty Re: A Quick Stop

    Post by Gin Akiyama Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:58 am

    Gin found everything he needed after seeking the Secret Shop and gathering his supplies for his enchantment. He would spend his time enchanting his plate armor and his flak jacket which he wore beneath his field plate. Gin would be all set after becoming familiar with the enchantment. His body and soul were attuned to the enchantment as he reaped the benefits of it. His body felt stronger and he felt much more durable.

    A pair of black combat sandals cover both feet leaving the toes and heel open securing up to his ankles. He wears a pair of common synthetic black pants personally having the bottoms wrapped in white bandage wrap to prevent it dragging or getting snagged. On right his thigh is a blue rectangular holster secured and backed by white tape. Gin wears a black single utility belt tightly secured to his waist. It holds one blue holster on his right side as well as a beige carry pouch around the back side of the belt. To his left was a short, studded club. His torso is covered by a sleeveless black shirt. Among this he was suited in a set of plated armor. A breastplate, set of arm guards, pauldrons, and faulds dyed red. Over all of this was a thick, black cloak which concealed the majority of what he wore making everything more of a surprise. Covering his face is a simple black mask up to his nose. Gin is a tall, lean male standing at 6'2 and weighing 175 lbs. He has a broad, moderately toned figure. He has a tan skin tone accompanied with rich hazel eyes and medium length brown hair stopping briefly past midway down his neck and shortly past his forehead.

    He'd exit the market place and make his way towards the village's training grounds. It had been quite some time since Gin took training serious. It was not like he didn't need it, but part of  him lacked motivation. Konoha was a lazy village. The lack of real action gave Gin a lack of real experience to work off of. He had no idea where he needed improvement. His last real mission was years back when the Society made their first major, notable appearance in the Land of Lightning. Honiko's destruction and her ability to toss the Shinobi around like nothing was a clear indicator where he needed to better himself. But that event was so long ago and he had grown significantly since then by becoming ANBU and now ANBU Captain. He once bared a desire to join Honiko in those times, but now his motivation had more or less waned. He realized he was powerful enough on his own. He had no need to leech off Honiko to become a better version of himself. What the Society offered was simple religious practice.

    The Stone Yard was a large claim of land owned by Iwagakure. Despite being such a large claim it was dotted with outposts and skilled scouts to ensure enemies are not ambushing training groups within. It was still very much mountainous, though water and greenery was a lot more abundant. Being at a lower altitude the air was a bit warmer than usual. Normally around this season in Iwagakure the air was rather chilly in the day and cold at night. Being at a lower altitude it was a somewhat warm change.

    A large reservoir of water was filled by several small waterfalls with one large one cascading down the higher mountains. The reservoir led to a small one through a small waterfall which began a river further down. This was one of the side rivers which ran into a much more major stream feeding water into the Land of Waterfalls. There were lake trout, aquatic plants, pike, fine stones, and with a sharp enough eye and familiarity with the location or marine life in general, freshwater mussels. It was quite a habitat, though outside of the water was equally alive. Butterfly and dragonfly were a common sight as they were naturally attracted to the vitality of the land. It was very obvious this particular ground was highly underdeveloped by human civilization.

    Gin stood before the body of water with all of his gear on. He preferred to train in his armor and weapons to simulate a real battle. He could no afford minor bits of comfort here and there. They did not serve him any purpose in improving his current ability. Comfort and luxuries only dragged him down into a life of neglect and decadence. "To practice, one must first clear their mind. I can be summon at any moment. I can be called for reinforcement at any moment. But that moment is not here. I must capitalize on my time and practice when I can. The first subject is Lightning Release. A very powerful element that represents chaos and power. It has the ability to cut and pierce while delivering a body-numbing shock. Lightning naturally fires off the nerves in a living organism forcing their muscles to control making movement stiff. A successful attack with Lightning release ensures a victory as the victim is helplessly targeted by follow up attacks." The first techique he had in mind was Wave of Inspiration. It was a basic lightning technique which was effective on its own, controlling a wave of electricity towards your target. It doubled in efficiency when applied to water. This helped the lightning spread and actually hijack the chakra in the opponent's water to increase its power output. Standing at the shore a good five meters from the water he performed the five hand signs necessary for his technique. It would be wise to be as far away from the water as he could to avoid getting blow back from his own technique. With each hand sign he molded his own chakra as it grew inside of him. Clasping both hands together he discharged his energy through his hands sending a wave of electricity forwards. It did not move very fast as his chakra manipulation was subpar, but it sure did pack a punch as the lightning met the surface of the water.

    His energy pumping into the body of water it spread out covering a good portion of the lake. The fish fell victim to the technique as their bodies were inevitably fried by the lightning which forced their carcass to surface from below. The impressive light show would come to an end as he ceased flowing chakra into the technique. A slight chuckle escaped his mouth in awe with his own Ninjutsu. This was only a fraction of what he had in mind to learn.

    Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration | B-rank
    Lightning Release: Thunder Binding | B-rank
    Lightning Release: False Darkness | B-rank
    Chidori Katana | B-rank
    Shadow Clone Technique | B-rank
    Lightning Release: Lightning Shadow Clone | A-rank
    Chidori | A-rank
    Chidori Current | A-rank

    1,262/2,150 Words]

    Mesh Shirt | 10,000 ryo
    Heavy Cloak | 25,000 ryo
    Sacred Mask | 50,000 ryo
    Boots of Blinding Speed | 100,000 ryo
    Captain's Long Sword | 50,000 ryo
    Cosmetic Enhancement Potion | 75,000 ryo
    Strong Antipoison | 50,000 ryo
    Potion of Lightning Resistance | 25,000 ryo x2
    Potion of Fire Resistance | 25,000 ryo x2
    Bandage of Binding | 15,000 ryo x2
    Soul Gems | 20,000 ryo x5
    Radio Headset | 10,000 ryo x2]


    Plate of Vitality | 50,000 ryo
    Fortify Strength | 50,000 ryo]

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B


    Character Sheet HERE
    Gin Akiyama
    Gin Akiyama

    Posts : 152
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire | Water | Bukijutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    A Quick Stop Empty Re: A Quick Stop

    Post by Gin Akiyama Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:16 pm

    This was only step one with what he wanted to learn, but he could tell he was already running out of time. The front gates of Iwagakure were reduced to molten rock. It was an amazing feat to accomplish such a task. Only a legendary Fire user would be capable of such capacity. Iwagakure was dealing with a formidable foe. Unfortuantely Gin would be unable to stick around and aid Konami and Toonami with the destruction. She had the ANBU with her which gave her some edge in combat. She figured they would be fine as they were the former Mizukage after all. "I leave it to you, then." The sensation of energy surged through his body unwillingly as in a flash he was gone without a trace or tell where he went. He would appear in a minor country kilometers away, ready to fulfill his duty.


    Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration | B-rank
    Lightning Release: False Darkness | B-rank
    Shadow Clone Technique | B-rank
    Chidori | A-rank
    Chidori Current | A-rank

    +1,350/1,350 Words]

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B


    Character Sheet HERE

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