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    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Hyuuga Empty Hyuuga

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:59 am

    Clan Name: Hyūga
    Clan Location: Konohagakure
    Bloodline Name & Type: Byakugan; Dōjutsu
    Current Clan Leader: Tsuyo Hyūga

    Current Clan Members:

    Clan History/Description

    Hyūga: The Chosen Ones


    Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics:

    Most Hyūga are born with black hair and the pale eyes of the Byakugan. It is a very rare exception that a Hyūga does not possess their clan kekkei genkai, and those who do not are often shunned. The Byakugan does not possess a visible pupil when not activated and is pale enough that clan members are mistaken as blind by those who don't know of their bloodline. When active, the veins around the eyes bulge and the invisible pupil receives an outline and becomes visible, though the color does not change.

    The clan as a whole wears more formal clothing in the public setting, believing themselves to be superior to most other clans in a general sense. Before founding Konohagakure, clan members would dress in light armor for combat. Many still do even with the introduction of flak jackets, preferring to stick with what they know. The clan knows their history of strength and dominance in the past and consider themselves to be akin to royalty in Konohagakure, though the new generation does not follow this belief quite as religiously as their parent's generation does.

    Clan members can be counted on to be calm and rational in most situations, as they're brought up essentially from the time they're toddlers on being masters of the Gentle Fist. Members are often utilized on missions as scouts, providing the clan with abundant amounts of veteran warriors. This makes them used to the rigors of combat both physically and mentally as a whole, with their pride making up for whatever lack of experience they might have. Members are fiercly loyal to their clan, believing themselves to be the greatest out of any in the Land of Fire and perhaps even the world.

    The Uchiha hold a special place of contempt in the hearts of most Hyūga due mostly to the centuries of war between the two clans. Most clansmen hate their red-eyed cousins with a burning passion kept in check by their unwillingness to hurt the tenuous unity of Konohagakure. If they had the choice however, the Hyūga would jump at the chance to rid the village of the Uchiha whether by driving them out or by other more... brutal means.

    Bloodline Description & Abilities

    The Hyūga possess the innate ability, due mostly to their training with Gentle Fist, to emit chakra from every tenketsu on their body with equal ability. Alongside this ability, they also possess the fabled Byakugan of legend. The Byakugan comes in five different stages, with additional training resulting in increased abilities as the clan member's eyes mature. All levels grant the user nearly 360 degrees of vision around them which penetrates all physical objects and smokescreens, with overall range and focus increasing throughout the user's life. The Byakugan is capable of seeing chakra to a degree above that of the Sharingan, granting it its unique abilities to see the chakra circulatory system . It's capacity is great enough that it can discern chakra emitted by different people and also possesses the ability to tell if somebody is trapped in a genjutsu as well as its nature and when it was used. They Byakugan's ability to discern genjutsu results in their Perception boost being counted towards recognizing Genjutsu. Clones that are not Shadow Clones can be differentiated easily from the original by the Byakugan as well, as Shadow Clones have chakra circulatory systems just like the original does.

    Stage One: Starting Level-

    The clan member can see in all directions for fifty meters and may see the chakra circulatory system at this range. They cannot directly see tenketsu at this level. They cannot zoom in on anything at this level. Very basic abilities, with most clan members advancing past this stage early in their life. After ten posts of usage in a thread, the user's eyes begin to become strained and they are unable to clearly make out targets. This limit is increased by two posts for each tier of Constitution above D the user possesses. The user must use the Snake Seal to activate their eyes, so unfamiliar with them the user is. Stage One Byakugan requires an upkeep of .5 points of stamina every post.

    Stage Two: Trained Eye-

    With Stage Two the user's range of vision is increased to 500 meters in every direction and may see chakra circulatory systems at this range. They may read individual tenketsu on any target within 50 meters of themselves, and may focus their vision to "telescope" in on one target within 250 meters. Telescopic vision grants the Byakugan the ability to make out finer details about something rather than just a general view of it. This gives the user a more accurate outline of whatever it is they're looking at, with objects of any size able to be focused on. After fifteen posts of usage in a thread, the user's eyes begin to strain. This limit may be increased the same way as the first stage. Hand Seals are no longer needed to activate the eyes. Stage Two Byakugan requires an upkeep of .4 points of stamina per post of usage. Costs 250 experience to acquire.

    Stage Three: Adept Eye-

    At Stage Three the range of the Byakugan is extended to one kilometer, making any member possessing this level of their bloodline a useful asset on a mission. Most Hyūga possess a Byakugan of this level, with only roughly one-quarter of clan members advancing beyond this point. They may read individual tenketsu on targets within 500 meters of their person, and may telescope in on one target within 500 meters of themselves. At this stage, the Byakugans vision is capable enough that users may discern dislocated bones within someone's body and gains infrared abilities. The Byakugan is capable of tracking higher tier movements than usual, allowing them to perceive and react faster to the actions of others. This results in a + to Perception. The Byakugan may be used for 20 posts in a thread before eye strain sets in, with this limit increasing at the same rate as the stages before it. Requires an upkeep of .3 points of stamina per post. Costs 500 experience to acquire.

    Stage Four: Mature Eye-

    Stage Four practitioners are generally seasoned veterans within the clan, many of whom are middle-aged. Very few Hyūga will ever pass this stage of development. The range of the Byakugan is increased to ten kilometers and may make out individual tenketsu on targets within one kilometer of their position. The range on their telescope and infrared vision is increased to one kilometer, with their perceptive abilities enhanced even more than before. The bonus to Perception is increased to ++. The Byakugan my be used for 25 posts in a thread before strain sets in, making only the most daunting recon missions an issue for seasoned Hyūga. This limit may be increased the same as the stages before. Requires an upkeep of .2 points of stamina per post. Costs 750 experience to acquire.

    Stage Five: Mastered Eye-

    This level of mastery is only told of in legends, with perhaps one Hyūga every couple generations achieving it. Range is extended to twenty kilometers, resulting in what is easily the best scouting ability available to a shinobi. Their ability to read tenketsu is increased to five kilometers, with their telescopic and infrared vision extending to ten kilometers. Those who get above A rank Perception utilizing the Byakugan gain an ability similar to the one granted by natural S rank Perception in that their eyes are powerful enough to mimic being able to track something by the most minute details in their surroundings in the same way having S rank perception would allow them to track something. This is because of all the abilities and the sheer, almost inescapable range these powerful eyes give the user combined with a supernatural attention to detail in the first place makes it very difficult to lose a target once acquired. This allows the user to keep track of all threads in their timeline within a primary subforum (such as Konohagakure, or Eastern Land of Fire, etc) as well as create a hunting thread anywhere within that subforum and any forums contained within. They must still have a reason to be hunting someone, meaning this ability CAN NOT BE USED AS A WAY TO RANDOMLY BUMP INTO PEOPLE YOU WOULD OTHERWISE HAVE ZERO INTEREST IN. Responses must also be realistic. If you see something happen fifteen kilometers away, you won't be interrupting whatever it was that just happened or any of the events immediately after. Staff discretion may be enforced if someone is believed to be abusing this ability.
    While the user may be able to see what is happening, something must snag their attention while within their sight to justify reacting to the thread. So the user may be able to see someone walk into a building, but would logically only react to the thread that is taking place in if something like the building blowing up occurred. After 30 posts in a topic eye strain will begin to set in, with length increased by 3 posts for every tier of Constitution the user possesses above D rank. Requires an upkeep of .2 points of stamina per post. Costs 1,000 experience to acquire.

    Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks:

    The Byakugan gives the user a near 360 degree diameter field of vision, with one blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra. This can be utilized to the advantage of one perceptive enough and coordinated enough to do so. When transplanted, the Byakugan is the only Dōjutsu which can be activated and deactivated at will by the transplantee.

    Due to their upbringing in the clan, all Hyūga must begin with the Taijutsu skill before any other skills or elements may be chosen.

    Certain barrier techniques and ninjutsu, such as Four Black Fogs Formation or the Hiding in Mist technique, block the vision of the Byakugan.

    Clan Techniques: 

    Name: Gentle Fist (柔拳, Jūken)
    Rank: C
    Power: C (True Damage)
    Activation Cost: 5 (3 if not disturbing tenketsu)
    Upkeep Cost: 5 point upkeep (3 if the user does not close/open tenketsu)
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Stage One Byakugan, C-Rank Speed & Coordination, Taijutsu Skill, Be a Hyuuga (if learning on your own)
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The Gentle Fist is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan of Konohagakure. The fighting style itself is one based on redirection, quick strikes, parries, and counters. It inflicts internal damage through attacking the body's Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects their own chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing C-Rank internal damage. If aimed right, this can cause damage to surrounding organs, as well.

    By employing the use of the Byakugan they can target the tenketsu to actively seal the opponent's reservoir. These 361 nodes are key gate-keeping interceptions in the chakra circulatory network, and can be actively opened or sealed by Gentle Fist users. The affected person's chakra flow can either be increased or disrupted completely, preventing them from using techniques or making them use more doing so. Since blocking a tenketsu takes only the slightest tap, the user can focus their entire attention on striking quickly and numerous times in a short span of time.

    As Gentle Fist users are able to open tenketsu, this is beneficial to those they do it for. For every 32 tenketsu opened, the afflicted person gains an additional 15 chakra points. This effect last five posts, and after they're done the target suffers an exhaustion penalty of one minus to all physical stats for two posts while they recover. This effect can also end early if the afflicted person burns through the excess chakra they've been given.

    When closing tenketsu, every tenketsu that's sealed drains 1 chakra from the target. Tenketsu remained closed for a total of six posts, after which they will open back up. They can also be forcibly opened by an outside source of chakra (i.e a bijuu or curse seal), though this requires that source of chakra to equate to the maximum chakra that's already been locked away from the user. If all 361 of a single person's tenketsu are sealed they die.

    Additionally, Gentle Fist can be used to perviate chakra-based substances, beit webs, armors and even barriers of up to B (in rank and/or durability). While in use, Gentle Fist boosts a user's Speed by a + and Coordination by a ++. Hyuugas are also able to stun opponents for one post based on how many strikes they've landed (and tenketsu they've sealed), in comparison to the opponent's Constitution.

    E-tier Con: 4 hits
    D-tier Con: 8 hits
    C-tier Con: 16 hits
    B-tier Con: 32 hits
    A-tier Con: 64 hits
    S-tier Con: 128 hits

    Weaknesses: Chakra armor that isn't Twin Lion Fists or a unique booster neutralizes a Hyuuga's capability to seal tenketsu as well.

    Name: Tenketsu Needle (柔拳・点穴針, Jūken: Tenketsushin)
    Rank: C
    Power: C (True Damage)
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Targeting a single chakra point, the user delivers a two-fingered strike at the opponent, in an attempt to plug the chakra that's being used and halt its flow. Due to the nature of the technique involving using two fingers instead of one, this allows a Gentle Fist user to inject more chakra into the single tenketsu in which they're targetting. This spreads the injected chakra from the single tenketsu that's sealed, spreading to up to four more to seal a total of 5 and seal 5 chakra points from the opponent.
    Weaknesses: General Gentle Fist weaknesses.

    Name: Palm Bottom (掌底, Shōtei)
    Rank: B
    Power: C (True Damage)
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This attack consists of a quick, precise thrust of the user's palm to the opponent's body. The attack sends chakra into the area of the foe where struck to either stun them, or if a more sufficient amount of chakra is used, cause severe internal damage. Should the user inject the amount of chakra necessary, they are able to stun their opponent for one post. The amount of chakra and by proxy, activation cost required to pull this off varies based on the opponent's Constitution:

    E-tier: 3
    D-tier: 5
    C-tier: 10
    B-tier: 15
    A-tier: 25
    S-tier: 35
    X-tier: Unable to stun.
    Weaknesses: General Gentle Fist weaknesses.

    Name: Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven (八卦掌回天, Hakkeshō Kaiten)
    Rank: C
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: One rank below initial payment
    Range: 0-2m per rank past C
    Speed: User's Base Coordination
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: B-Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique utilizes the chakra control gained through Gentle Fist training to release a large amount of chakra from all the chakra points on the user's body. It is also a defensive maneuver to compensate for the Byakugan's blind spot as the released chakra blocks any possible attack on the user. After releasing chakra from every tenketsu in their body, the user then spins rapidly to parry the attack, both creating a rotating shield of chakra around themselves and tossing away any nearby attackers. The user can also actively control the size and power of the sphere to suit the situation. The technique is also capable of reflecting an opponent's chakra against them. It is an extremely chakra efficient technique, with most of its difficulty coming in keeping the form of the chakra up rather than the simple expenditure of chakra.

    Physical attacks are all repelled by this violent rotation, making it very difficult to penetrate the defense. Chakra of any kind may be repelled, as the rotating shield of chakra simply forces any chakra that touches it off for the duration of the spin. The user may increase the range and power of the Rotation at will to encompass a larger area or produce a denser shield for stronger attacks. This is done by increasing the amount of chakra used to activate the technique, with a C-Rank payment resulting in forming a rotating shield of chakra possessing C-Rank Power and spreading 2 meters out around the user. This allows the technique to defend against C-Rank and below attacks or techniques that do not destabilize the user's ability to spin. By increasing the amount of chakra paid, the user is able to increase this technique's defensive capabilities.
    Weaknesses: This technique is only effective when rotating, since the chakra itself is not enough to stop a physical attack thus if they cannot spin, the user becomes vulnerable. The chakra rotation can be disrupted by some kind of hardy threading such as chakra flowed ninja wire or chakra threads, which slows down the user, binding and tangling them in, and ultimately forces them to stop. The user must also remain stationary for the usage of the technique, meaning a foe must simply wait for the user to stop spinning before attacking again.

    Name: Gentle Fist Art One Blow Body (柔拳法一撃身, Jūkenhō Ichigekishin)
    Rank: B
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu)
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A technique born from their innate ability to expel chakra from every tenketsu on their body, a member of the Hyūga clan can hit their opponent with a blast of chakra that will send them flying away from the user, and potentially seal one of their tenketsu if aimed right. This chakra is expelled with quite a bit of force behind it in a manner similar to Rotation, just without the spinning. The amount of chakra that may be invested into the technique is entirely up to the user, with higher ranked techniques requiring more chakra to break out of.

    This technique may also break chakra based techniques and prisons by utilizing their Byakugan to pinpoint weaknesses and target them. When breaking jutsu like this such as Water Prison, the chakra expelled forcefully destroys the chakra holding the technique together and thus ends it. The cost for this is equal to the jutsu utilized against the user. When breaking free from a person, the cost is equal to their tier of strength with anything above S rank strength unable to be broken with this technique.
    Weaknesses: Fairly niche technique in its usage due in large part to its very short range. The user has to be in a very disadvantageous position in the first place in order to even use this technique, meaning it's almost never used to gain an upper hand. It's only used to get the user back to a relatively level playing ground.

    Name: Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm (八卦空掌, Hakke Kūshō)
    Rank: C
    Power: C (True Damage)
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0-5m
    Speed: User's Coordination -1 tier
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu)
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique is similar in practice to Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, but has a specific target rather than a general area. To perform it, the user precisely pinpoints the enemy's vital points with the Byakugan and releases a high-speed palm thrust. A "vacuum shell" compressed using the Gentle Fist is formed to attack the opponent's vitals from a distance, blowing them off their feet with tremendous force before they even notice they were hit.

    This technique's vacuum shell is a cone 2 meters in diameter. It seals 10 tenketsu if it strikes directly, and keeps them sealed for six posts. Furthermore, unless the opponent possesses Constitution equal to or higher than the technique's Power, they're knocked back 5 meters. This technique can also be used with two hands, which raises its cost to 10. In exchange, it seals 15 tenketsu, and the cone expands to 4 meters in diameter. This is referred to as the 'Vacuum Wall Palm' method, and can simply be used by two Hyuugas using the base technique for the same effect.
    Weaknesses: Requires extremely impressive aim to effectively land the tenketsu sealing effect.

    Name: Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher (八卦破山撃, Hakke Hasangeki)
    Rank: A
    Power: B (True Damage)
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0-15m
    Speed: User's Coordination
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu)
    Parent Technique: Vacuum Palm
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A more powerful variation of Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm. The user hits the target at close range with a powerful wave of chakra emitted from their palm, which sends them flying back, causing severe damage. This technique creates a blast of chakra invisible to the naked eye and 8 meters in diameter. The large chakra projectile is capable of sealing up to 25 tenketsu if the user hits their target dead-on, and keeps them locked for six posts.

    Opponents struck by this technique are also knocked away 10 meters, unless they have Constitution equal to or higher than the technique's Power.
    Weaknesses: Requires extremely impressive aim to effectively land the tenketsu sealing effect.

    Name: Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms (八卦三十二掌, Hakke Sanjūni Shō)
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0-6m (to target), Contact (to hit)
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu), Stage Two Byakugan
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms is a manoeuvre of the Gentle Fist fighting style. It is essentially a halved version of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, but seems to be no less effective. This technique is used to close off the flow of chakra through thirty-two chakra points of an opponent's chakra pathway system. This eliminates their ability to use chakra for quite some time and makes it difficult for them to move, barring them off from the use of A-Rank and above techniques for a total of six posts.

    Once someone is within range of the user's field of divination, they assume their Gentle Fist stance and begin to deliver their attack: This technique boosts their Coordination by two pluses (++), and their Speed by two pluses (++) for the duration of the thirty-two strikes. Each plus is added for every step of the technique completed, starting out with Speed and then transitioning to Coordination. This technique takes a full post to complete.

    • First, two consecutive strikes to make two. This seals away an initial 2 total chakra.
    • Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four. At this point in time, the opponent suffers the standard 4 points of total chakra reduction from four tenketsu being sealed.
    • Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight. This tacks on the sealing away of 4 more chakra points.
    • Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen. This adds another 8 sealed chakra points.
    • Fifth, another sixteen consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of thirty-two. At the apex of the technique, the opponent is knocked 5 meters away and 16 more points of the opponent's total chakra are sealed from use. This technique drops their Coordination & Speed by one minus (-), and lasts six posts with the rest of the tenketsu.

    Assuming a user is able to land all thirty-two strikes, this seals away a total of 32 points of chakra from the opponent for the duration specified above. If they're able to escape the technique beforehand, they only suffer based on the amount of palms they were struck with. If the technique is cut off by the opponent avoiding the second last 32, it becomes 32 Palms and its drain to the user changes to fit that.
    Weaknesses: Stated above

    Name: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms (八卦六十四掌, Hakke Rokujūyon Shō)
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0-9m (to target), Contact (to hit)
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu), Stage Three Byakugan, C-Rank Coordination & Speed
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: With the Byakugan's near 360° field of vision, the user envisions an Eight Trigrams circle. Then the enemy within this circle is hit with a series of violent blows. By striking sixty-four of the tenketsu throughout the opponent's Chakra Pathway System, their chakra flow is debiliated tremendously. This eliminates their ability to use chakra for quite some time and makes it difficult for them to move, barring them off from the use of B-Rank and above techniques for a total of six posts.

    Once someone is within range of the user's field of divination, they assume their Gentle Fist stance and begin to deliver their attack: This technique boosts their Coordination by one tier, and their Speed by two pluses (++) for the duration of the sixty-four strikes. Each plus is added for every step of the technique completed, starting out with Speed and then transitioning to Coordination. While this technique takes two posts to complete, its duration is also able to be reduced by one post, so long as the user's base Coordination and Speed exceed the requirement by one tier (B-Rank in this case).

    • First, two consecutive strikes to make two. This seals away an initial 2 total chakra.
    • Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four. At this point in time, the opponent suffers the standard 4 points of total chakra reduction from four tenketsu being sealed.
    • Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight. This tacks on the sealing away of 4 more chakra points.
    • Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen. This adds another 8 sealed chakra points.
    • Fifth, another sixteen consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of thirty-two. This deducts 16 more points of total chakra from the opponent.
    • Sixth (carries over to a second post), another thirty-two consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of sixty-four strikes. The sixth consecutive attack needs a strong step forward, because without it the technique will fail. Once the remaining thirty-two strikes are delivered, 32 points of the opponent's total reservoir are barred off from them. This effect lasts six posts, along with a debuff of two minuses (--) to their Coordination & Speed.

    Assuming a user is able to land all thirty-two strikes, this seals away a total of 64 points of chakra from the opponent for the duration specified above. If they're able to escape the technique beforehand, they only suffer based on the amount of palms they were struck with.
    Weaknesses: Stated above

    Name: Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms (守護八卦六十四掌, Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō)
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Varies
    Speed: User's Coordination
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu), Stage Three Byakugan, B-Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is a highly versatile technique which affords both offensive and defensive capabilities whereby the user emits a constant stream of chakra from her palms, which are formed into extremely thin, sharp, blades. These blades vary in quality and sharpness based on the way the technique is used. Whether offensively or defensively used though, these blades cut through most materials effortlessly, and preventing them from halting the use of the technique like they would the Revolving Heaven technique, through binds such as wiring.

    While using this technique offensively, the user shapes the chakra into thin, sharp, flexible blades allowing them to hit hundreds of targets with extreme precision and can cut smaller targets, like bees, into pieces. This is a more contact-based variation of the technique, only stemming a given range based on how far the user's arms can reach. For this variation of the technique, the blades are considered A-Rank in quality and sharpness, and allow the user to move at their Speed -1 tier while performing it.

    When used defensively, the user creates much larger, stronger, more flexible, arc-shaped chakra blades that spread out across the user's entire attack range, effectively forming a barricade between themselves and their opponents, rebuffing even the largest and smallest of targets. This net of chakra around the user is composed of blades that are B-Rank in quality and sharpness, more reliant on simply protecting the user like the Revolving Heaven technique might. This spans a total of 3 meters around the user's frame, maintained by the user's constant arm movements.

    With the addition of the user's flexibility, the technique creates an "absolute defence" effect similar to that of the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, though the cutting nature of the chakra prevents any outside force from restricting it.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms (八卦百二十八掌, Hakke Hyaku Nijūhasshō)
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-12m (to target), Contact (to hit)
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Byakugan (to pinpoint tenketsu), Stage Four Byakugan, B-Rank Coordination & Speed
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms is a technique of the Gentle Fist fighting style. It is essentially a doubled version of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms performed at twice the speed. This technique is used to close off the flow of chakra through one hundred and twenty-eight chakra points of an opponent's Chakra Pathway System. This eliminates their ability to use chakra for quite some time and makes it difficult for them to move, barring off access to chakra-based techniques C-Rank and above for six posts. Alternatively, it can be used to hit a great number of targets very quickly.

    Once someone is within range of the user's field of divination, they assume their Gentle Fist stance and begin to deliver their attack: This technique boosts their Coordination and Speed by one tier, for the duration of the strikes. Each plus is added for every step of the technique completed, starting out with Speed and then transitioning to Coordination. While this technique takes trhee posts to complete, its duration is also able to be reduced by one post, so long as the user's base Coordination and Speed exceed the requirement by one tier (A-Rank in both in this case). This effect doubles up when someone with two tiers over the technique's stat requirements perform it.

    • First, two consecutive strikes to make two. This seals away an initial 2 total chakra.
    • Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four. At this point in time, the opponent suffers the standard 4 points of total chakra reduction from four tenketsu being sealed.
    • Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight. This tacks on the sealing away of 4 more chakra points.
    • Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen. This adds another 8 sealed chakra points.
    • Fifth, another sixteen consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of thirty-two. This deducts 16 more points of total chakra from the opponent.
    • Sixth (carries over to a second post), another thirty-two consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of sixty-four strikes. Once the thirty-two strikes are delivered, 32 points of the opponent's total reservoir are barred off from them. This effect lasts six posts like the sealing of the other tenketsu.
    • Seventh (carries over to a third post), another sixty-four consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of one hundred and twenty-eight strikes. These remaining sixty-four strikes bar off another 64 points of the opponent's total reservoir from them. This adds on a debuff of one tier (--) to their Coordination & Speed. Both effects last six posts.

    Assuming a user is able to land all one hundred and twenty-eight strikes, this seals away a total of 128 points of chakra from the opponent for the duration specified above. If they're able to escape the technique beforehand, they only suffer based on the amount of palms they were struck with. If this technique is cut off by an opponent avoiding the last 64, it becomes 64 Palms and its drain to the user changes to fit that. If the technique is cut off by the opponent avoiding the second last 32, it becomes 32 Palms and its drain to the user changes to fit that as well.
    Weaknesses: Stated above

    Name: Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists (柔歩双獅拳, Jūho Sōshiken)
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25 (12.5 w/one lion)
    Upkeep Cost: 10 (5 w/one lion)
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Hyūga Clan Exclusive
    Requirements: Stage Five Byakugan, A-Rank Coordination, All Previous Gentle Fist techniques
    Parent Technique: Gentle Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user changes the shape of chakra released from both hands into large guardian lion-shaped shrouds. Doing so greatly increases range and destructive power. The lion heads drain the chakra network of those they touch. It is an extremely difficult ability to learn, as the slightest mistake in chakra control will lead to failure, meaning it is a feat requiring the Byakugan. This technique can be used in conjunction with the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.

    Unlike Gentle Fist, this technique is stronger when it comes to penetrating chakra-based armors. It can bypass their defenses so long as they are A-Rank in below. Furthermore, for every point of physical contact a lion head manages, it clamps its jaws down upon the opponent, yanking their chakra away from their tenketsu directly instead of sealing them. As opposed to standard Gentle Fist techniques, this effectively steals the opponent's chakra away from them as well instead of simply draining it from their maximum reservoir, making it more deadly based on how much chakra the opponent has used.

    This rate of chakra drain is done at 10 points every time the user makes contact with them, eating the opponent's chakra away actively. When used with palm techniques, it amps up Gentle Fist's base drain by .25, so instead of draining 1 total chakra per strike, it drains 1.25. This increases the total chakra sealing to 40/80/160, for 32 palms, 64 palms and 128 palms. This however, removes the general chakra drain that Twin Lion Fists grants for the duration of the palm technique.

    This technique expands the user's striking range to about a meter around their forearms given the size of the chakra-imbued lion heads. While active, this technique boosts the user's Strength by one tier for the purpose of striking with densified chakra, and their Coordination by one tier.
    Weaknesses: Cannot use hand seals or hand-based techniques, only able to use palm-based techniques.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:10 am