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    Forward Operating Base

    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:39 pm

    As per the Raikage's word, Honiko had an entire wing of the Kumogakure hospital to use as the Society's base of operations. The group had arrived and had gotten settled save for the Cherry Blossom who had not spoken, nor responded, nor moved since stepping on Balerion's back. The Society had converted the wing into a forward operating base with rooms serving as barracks, war counsels, shrines, and various other functions. The banner of the Society was hung from one of the wing's windows announcing to the world that the organization was present. Balerion had landed on the rooftop and was still carrying Cherry Blossom. Nozomi and Raijin had left for their matches although she had sent word through her minions that they should come back to the hospital as soon as their matches were done. Honiko would have her spies watch their matches and report back to her so that she could knowledgeably speak with them about their performance by the time they arrived. Nozomi had given her the play by play about Rin and she'd need to have a lengthy conversation about Balerion regarding his presumptuous plan to recruit the Uchiha. For now, she needed to do something that was long overdue.

    Cherry Blossom had been residing on Balerion's back the whole time as she had never moved. The girl was sullen and while Honiko had no problem with sullen Strays she would not tolerate insubordinate ones. The girl had the audacity to ask about her family and when told to be silent on the subject she chose to engage in back-talk. Akira had been spared severe punishment only because they were in the midst of a fairly sensitive mission. Now that they were done with that though, it was time for Honiko to show Akira why it was unwise to disturb a dragon. Honiko climbed onto Balerion's back and unceremoniously grabbed Akira's head using Chakra Enhanced Strength. She attempted to slam the Kaguya's head into her knee with enough force to knock her unconscious. A pool of blood would then erupt from the young woman's scalp as it made contact with the Dragon Sage's knee. Honiko would sling the now unconscious Akira over her shoulder and step off of the dragon's back. She had plans for Akira and none of them were particularly pleasant. It was a shame because although she felt nothing for the girl, she had warmed to her prescence and was considering doing her a favor. It was the reason she had asked her initial question about any residual hatred for her clan. Unfortunately, a combination of angst and undeserved pride had caused her to say the wrong thing to the wrong person. The end result of course would be net negative for the Kaguya.

    Honiko walked to the exit but before she did she turned to Balerion who was resting with his eyes half closed and a smirk on his lips. Honiko's clone was on an opposite building nearby with Mind's Eye active along with the other previously active effects, passively gathering natural energy and awaiting any drama.

    "I'm going to the Wastelands to talk to C. Know that you are playing a dangerous game when you involve my disciples in affairs they have no business knowing. You think that because you're his son that makes you untouchable but you forget what my Master did to the last Dragon Sage and what he swore to do to you and yours if you cross us."

    The mighty black dragon shrugged and responded:

    "You mistake me Lady Honiko. The Dragons of Watashi Wastelands are ever at your service. You need not even ask and we will fight for your interests."

    Honiko did not even bother responding to the half-heartedly flattery that was supposed to serve as an apology. Instead the Dragon Sage left the rooftop through the entrance with and entered the hospital proper. She would inflict sufficient damage on Yanagi to ensure the girl would not be waking up on her own accord. Not enough to kill her or cause permanent brain damage but enough to render her comatose until Honiko had use of her. The girl would be put in a room adjacent to Honiko's office.

    Honiko's office was fair bare bones. It contained a desk with various reports, a bookshelf, the symbol of the Society hung on a wall, and a small shrine dedicated to Jashin. Honiko stood in front of the desk and waited for her disciples to arrive. She had read the reports on their matches and there was a few things that needed to be discussed before they were ready to move on to the next phase of the organization's plans.

    Strength: C -> A (CES v2)
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    +10 natural energy to clone

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Nozomi Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:51 pm

    Nozomi was incredibly annoyed, to say the least. Her opponent hadn't even showed up to their match, which meant that Nozomi won by default. She didn't care that she was going to the finals, she already knew she would have won the match up anyhow, but that didn't make her feel better about the situation. She had gone to fight, and had left the arena completely unsatisfied. She wasn't one to dwell on things though, so by the time she arrived back at the base, she was in a more neutral mood than she'd left the arena in.

    Due to training and the tournament itself, she hadn't had much time to be back at their forward operating base, nor really seen Honiko at all, so it was time to report in and see what, if anything, she wanted.

    She walked through the hallway of their wing, stopping by her section to drop off her items, namely her ninja tools and weapons. Since her standard outfit was more or less her casual wear as well, she left the flak jacket on and her head band as well. It prominently featured the large gash she'd drawn in it with her tanto years ago.

    As Nozomi walked to Honiko's office, she removed her headband and began to polish it a little bit. She liked to keep it shiny instead of dull, and it gave her hands something to do. She was still shining it when she walked into the office, but stopped to bow politely to her master before she resumed doing so, waiting for Raijin to appear as well. There were no words spoken unless Honiko spoke first, as usual.

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Bayushi Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:27 pm

    If Nozomi was annoyed by her bracket opponents. Raijin livid. His opponent ended up forfeiting and did not fight Nozomi. If she had done that earlier Raijin would have fought Nozomi herself. Not for training but to show Honiko the mettle of both of her students at full throttle. But that was not the case, he had performed as best as he could against a foe that beyond him at the moment. Merely being classified as a C-rank ninja was nothing compared to Jounin level talent present. Raijin sighed as he made his way back to the temporary base acquired by Honiko in light of their visit.

    Now he had to face his masters disappointing reprimands. So be it. There were no mistakes, they just had to do. Raijin walked into the office still beat up from his earlier fight. His face now bandaged, and the blood had been cleaned but they remained. His face was still damaged and it was wrapped as well. The sharpness in of the Kaguya's bone sword and whip was unnmatched. Even making a chip with a single strike to his axe arm technique. Nozomi and Honiko were there. Bowing to Honiko and to Nozomi. They were comrades by association but she didn't care for him in any sense. Such was the life of Missing nin. They didn't make bonds. Now it was time to see what Honiko had to say.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A
    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:26 pm

    Nozomi was the first to arrive. The Sage's lieutenant was polishing her headband which still sported the etched out symbol of Kirigakure. It was a customary habit of Nuke-Nin to scratch out the insignia on their headbands as a means of renouncing their former ties. Honiko never cared for the tradition, she had always liked the idea of standing for something rather than just acting as a contrarian. Her own headbanded sported a pair of horns with the Kanji for Rebirth. It was a symbol of what the Society stood for and now that Nozomi was coming along quickly perhaps it was time for Honiko to fashion her a similar headband. Raijin came in not long after Nozomi. His face was bandaged and bloodied and the stink of defeat wafted from him. Honiko was disappointed to say the least but she masked it well as he entered the room. She folded her arms and addressed them.

    "The tournament is drawing to a close and with it our business here" Honiko turned to Nozomi.

    "You've performed well Nozomi. I expect nothing less from my lieutenant. You have learned to rely on your own power and my informants have told me that you handled Rin Uchiha without so much as breaking a sweat. Doubtless, the Kaguya preferred to flee in fear of her life than face you in single combat. You have represented the Society well. I predict that you will win this tournament and when you do, you will be receive your just reward."

    Honiko was not the type to butter-up her disciples so when she praised them, they could rest assured that they had done a truly outstanding job. Nozomi had cemented her place as one of the strongest shinobi in the world and her affiliation with the Society would speak volumes. Their organization was one to be feared and respected. If Nozomi could close the deal, which Honiko had no doubt that she would, the then young girl would receive compensation for her acts of valor and service. Honiko turned to Raijin. The woman's expression hadn't grown warm or cheery when she praised Nozomi. It had remained neutral as it almost always did, likewise she did not appear angry or distraught with Raijin's performance. Unfortunately her words would make her feelings on the subject clear.

    "Raijin. You lost your match quickly and decisively. I have been told by my informants that you were utterly outclassed from start to finish and while you fought admirably, effort is not an excuse for a lack of results. I have trained you for two years yet you remain unable to compete at the level that the Society operates at. Explain yourself."

    Honiko's crimson eyes cut into his soul and she expected him to return her gaze. He had lost to Tsubaki Kaguya and though he had put up something of a fight, it was not an acceptable result given that the whole world was watching.

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Nozomi Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:46 pm

    It didn't take much praise for Nozomi to feel pride in herself, at least not where Honiko was concerned. Where others threw around compliments that meant nothing, Honiko only gave her honest opinion, and thus any compliment was high praise indeed.

    Whereas Honiko had people viewing their matches, Nozomi had watched Raijin fight Tsubaki. The girl hadn't shown any abilities that Nozomi wouldn't have been able to outclass against Raijin. The fact that she outclassed him and Nozomi outclassed her spoke volumes to the difference in power between the two of them.

    That said, Tsubaki only displayed average Jounin capabilities, barring her bone usage. Raijin was strong when he used his own abilities, but he needed greater speed. Better endurance. Better fighting speed, specifically to keep up with faster fighters better. His coordination was lacking for certain.

    She was intrigued to say the least. What sort of response would he have planned?

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Bayushi Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:14 pm

    As he had expected. Honiko seemed impassive towards her disciples. Though she gave praise to the efforts of Nozomi. Beating the Konoha ninja Rin Uchiha. As such the Kaguya did a no show and threw the fight. It was well deserved. As she had fought magnificently. However Honiko turned her piercing gaze towards himself. Raijin shifted uncomfortably but met her gaze. She explained that she knew the power of his opponent. Though he tried as he might, failure was still inexcusable. She demanded to know why he was unable to compete with the higher ups in the Society.

    Bayushi felt shame boiling in his stomach, but the young boy knew it mattered nothing. There was only one thing he could say to that. "I have no excuses Honiko-sama. I failed the tournament. But I will not fail the Society. I will train harder, much harder. Otherwise I shall be of no use to you or the Society. I will do better." Raijin said bowing his head. He accepted the philosophy that had been imparted on him during the two years in the Society. For him to gain the power he needed. Raijin had to first show he was ready to receive it. Defeating the Specimen was only a partial step. More was needed.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A
    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:48 pm

    Honiko was glad that Raijin was willing to take responsibility for his failure. If he had made excuses or laid the blame at someone else's feet then he would truly face her wrath. He had admitted fault had sworn to do better which was an important first step but it simply wasn't adequate. Words are wind and Honiko wanted to see more than a contrite expression of sorrow from her disciple. She took a step forward without breaking eye contact.

    "I have placed a considerable degree of trust in you. I was hoping to reward you for overcoming the odds against such fearsome opponents but now I am beginning to question your worthiness for this reward. I told Nozomi that she is not to unduly rely on her Tailed Beast in order to overcome her adversaries. Her artifact is a gift and a treasure that is only to be used when the situation calls for it. She must rely on her strength first and foremost. I apply the same principle to you and for that reason I hesitate to give you a scrap of power for fear that'd you abuse it and become reliant on it."

    Honiko turned to Nozomi who has increasingly proven herself to be a disciple whose opinion carried more weight than a number of her other subordinates.

    "What say you Nozomi? Do you think I should give Raijin another dose of power to increase his effectiveness? Does he deserve such an upgrade?"

    Honiko was genuinely asking. She had her own perspective on Raijin's shortcomings but if Nozomi wished to speak in her comrade's defense then the Dragon Sage was willing to hear it. As wise and intelligent as she was, Honiko was aware of her own blindspots and while she pushed her disciple's hard she was not entirely opposed to the idea that maybe she should give Raijin greater power with which to work with. How well Nozomi articulated herself in either support or opposition to Raijin receiving a reward would also give insight into how she was developing as a leader.

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Nozomi Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:12 pm

    Nozomi frowned when she was asked her opinion, completely caught off guard. Up until that point she had been leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, but as she was asked to give her opinion, she stepped forward and placed her hands at her sides.

    Instead of answering immediately, she thought about it a little, walking over to Raijin and inspecting him. His wounds told the story of the fight she had watched. It didn't matter how strong he was, he simply couldn't connect his attacks. He could attack Nozomi all day and she would simply weave out of his way, no need to block. Strength meant nothing in his hands.

    She shook her head in response and stepped away from him. "You forbade me from utilizing the 3 Tails until very recently. In the time I was under your service, I spent my entire time honing my base skills and abilities. It was rigorous, absolutely, but I am now at a point that I only need rely on my own power."

    She nodded towards Raijin. "Even with his nature clan abilities, which he wholly relied on in this match, he couldn't touch Tsubaki. His strength is impressive enough I suppose, but power means nothing if you can't even hit an opponent when you use everything you have. Any new power or gift would need to be trained and his base abilities need training further before he works on any of that."

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Bayushi Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:57 am

    Listening to the two powerful Kunoichi had a lot of food for thought. His nature abilities granted him an edge but as Nozomi pointed out, was not enough. If he could not hit his opponent then his crazy strength was for nothing. So he had to work on his body, to make sure it was strong enough. Without the need of his clans abilities or any others. Honiko looked to her protege to choose if Raijin was ready for a gift to help his efficiency. Nozomi thought about it while inspecting the battered Raijin. He agreed with her analysis as well.

    His body needed a honing on close range fighters. He would not meet many like the Kaguya in close range combat. But there were plenty others who were just as dangerous. "I agree Nozomi-sensei. I will work harder on my core strengths." After not being able to lay a finger on Tsubaki. He was determined never to be that outclassed again. Power would come in time, his own strength however would have to be his defining quality.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A
    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:51 am

    Nozomi gave Raijin a close look before summing him up and giving her analysis. The jinchurikki stated that he was strong but lacked the precision and speed necessary to make full use of his raw power. Honiko nodded in agreement. Unless Raijin was fighting in a confined space (like he did against the Specimen) he could not hope to outmatch a shinobi opponent that was quick on their feet. Much to her surprise, Raijin concurred even after hearing that she was considering rewarding him. Many youth his age would clamor at the chance for more power. Honiko was similar in her teens, as she often hungered for any and every opportunity to increase her capabilities as a ninja. Of course, she was a natural genius at the ninja arts given her heritage and when she was trained by her Master she had only become more proficient. Raijin knew that he was not strong enough to receive any additional power and while she was still disappointed in his performance, Honiko was willing to take his acknowledgement as proof of his worth as an acolyte.

    "Its settled then. Raijin you are dismissed. Take what I have said and weigh it carefully. Do not disappoint me again."

    Honiko would wait for Raijin to leave the room before she continued.

    "Follow me" Honiko would say to Nozomi before walking past the blonde. She took the kunoichi a few feet down the hospital hallway until the reached a nearby room. Honiko would open the door and make her way over to the bed that contained Yanagi. The Stray Dog's head was swollen and bloodied, there were various tubes running throughout her body and an oxygen mask on her face. It was clear that the Dog had received a thorough hiding and was now at the mercy of her former allies. Honiko would stand near the bed while addressing her lieutenant.

    "The Stray Dog has outlived her usefulness. We will take what we need from her and then discard her. I have promised the Raikage a portion of her DNA and I have a mind to put the rest to use although I remain uncertain of who within our organization should receive such a gift. Am I correct in assuming you have no interest in receiving Shikotsumyaku?"

    Honiko raised an eyebrow curious to see how Nozomi would respond. Normally Honiko wanted the absolute truth from her lieutenant but this was a situation where it was best to tell the Sage what she wanted to hear. A wise and effective leader knew when to show their hand and when to hold their cards closer to their chest. Honiko knew Nozomi lusted for power but she expected the girl to restrain herself when it came to receiving implants from those weaker than herself.

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Nozomi Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:44 pm

    True to form, Nozomi didn't care what judgement Honiko passed down on Raijin. He wasn't really her concern, although she seemed to be appeased rather easily by his admittance. He was given another chance, but that was presumably it.

    She followed Honiko as she was bid, and saw, to her surprise, the Kaguya they had been hiding. She looked like she had been on the bad side of some brawl. She shot Honiko a glance, knowing it had been her. The girl had been a risk taken by the former Mizukage, and Honiko had never really liked her, but still. A small pang of pity moved through Nozomi, but it was little more than that. Her life had been sad and at least it was drawing to a close.

    She was then informed of her use, and posed a question as to whether Nozomi wanted her Kekkai Genkai or not. Nozomi responded with what could be described as an uncomfortable grimace. "You are absolutely correct. I have no interest in possessing her talents. I might sound like a bit of a broken record, but the only power I need rely on is my own, not some hand me down scraps from a next to useless girl."

    She shook her head at the thought of it. "No, if I get any powers, it will be from the 3 Tails, myself, or from someone who is my superior or equal."

    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Bayushi Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:08 pm

    Raijin nodded as he was dismissed from the meeting. It was apparent that either he was to become stronger and whatever came his way he would handle accordingly. The stray dog that had been brought to the Society around the same time was now a captive. She barely helped with the mission against the Specimen and the pods. Did not participate in the tournament as well. Behind the scenes she even pissed off Honiko separately from all of that. Outliving her usefulness. Hopefully he would not be next. He bowed to the two as they walked off and Raijin left as well.


    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A
    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:05 pm

    Honiko grinned at Nozomi's refusal of the Stray Dog's kekkei genkai. Honiko did not believe that the girl needed the bloodline and she was glad that her lieutenant recognized that fact. Honiko cast another glance at the unconscious Yanagi before saying:

    "Well said. I will decide what to do with her at another point and time. For now, you have a finals match to prepare for. From what my informants tell me this one is not likely to forfeit. She soundly and rather quickly defeated your former ally Halycon Yomi. Do not underestimate her. Secure your victory and you will receive your just reward"

    Honiko walked away from the Stray Dog's beside and ushered Nozomi out of the room and into the hallway. She wasn't one for lengthy pep talks or gestures of affection but she did place her hand on her lieutenant's shoulder and gazed into her eyes.

    "You have yet to fail me Nozomi. Don't start now."

    And with that, the jinchurikki was dismissed to prepare for her match. Honiko for her part would begin examining the surgical materials that the hospitals had to work with.
    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:03 pm

    Honiko had spoken with Balerion regarding the search for a new Dragon Sage. The Dragons of Watashi Wastelands were growing impatient and she had failed to deliver a worthy apprentice to them. Honiko didn't like Balerion talking out of shop. He had used their dealings to infuriate her disciples and seduce Rin into working for the Society's interests. It was not something she could let slide and so she agreed to meet with the Boss of Dragons, C. Once the arrangements had been made, the dragon reverse-summoned her to the Wasteland.

    Exit to Watahshi Wastelands
    Honiko Yoshidara
    Honiko Yoshidara

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    Forward Operating Base Empty Re: Forward Operating Base

    Post by Honiko Yoshidara Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:38 pm

    Honiko returned from the Wastelands having secured an understanding with the Boss of Dragons. The tournament was drawing to a close and that meant the Society would soon have business elsewhere. Honiko prepared her things for departure but first she would need to give Balerion a piece of her mind.


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