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    A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen


    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen Empty A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen

    Post by Shinoskay Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:14 am

    Shinoskay had felt he needed to really crank up his gear and crafting to better prepare for the mission he had somehow managed to get from the kage. He manipulated the gold plated suit of armor like a puppet so that he wouldnt have to struggle with carrying something he doesnt have the strength to move. Since he was making way to someone elses shop, he wanted to try and come off as capable too so that they might respect him as one craftsmen to another so he also made a point to manipulate his Rabid Sentinel flying about 5 meters above him on his way to the shop. If nothing stopped him on the way then he would arrived, have his bee puppet land, before then entering the the shop followed by the suit of armor.

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2178
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen Empty Re: A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen

    Post by Ryuko Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:37 pm

    The sound of a soft bell ringing as the front door opened drew Ryuko’s attention from where she stood behind the front counter manning the register. Usually she left running running the store to her blacksmith apprentice Lutz since she was a very busy girl but she had to give him some time off now and then so as not to work the poor boy to death.

    She’d hire more staff but people with the armory skill where surprisingly hard to come by these days. A lot of people thought you could just slap on the flack jacket you got for becoming a chunnin and calling it a day neglecting their defense. Those that manged to survive a tough battle would learn from experience that wasn’t always enough and come to her seeking stuff that was about the crap you could buy on your average street corner.

    Well not that those items where a total scam. They where suitable for the average gennin who tended to face a low level of danger. They where great for dealing with bandits but when it came to actually dealing with other ninja they just weren’t up to snuff. Ryuko’s store was renown for it’s high quality which was reflected in the name the best defense. She only made top of the line armor here.

    As usual these days she was wearing an extremely high end causal but elegant white pink dress with golden colored threads woven in. By noblewoman standards it wasn’t anything that special but the cost alone would still have a normal person blanching.

    Glancing at Shinoskay as he strolled in she raised an eyebrow not at the man’s appearance itself which was ordinary enough if a bit on the plain side but the armor he was dragging behind him. Well dragging wasn’t quite the proper term for it since it wasn’t so much sliding along in a lump on the floor but walking behind him as if held up by some invisible force.

    Someone less experienced would assume that there was someone inside the armor wearing it since the visor on the helm was down but Ryuko was perceptive enough to know better. They way it was moving simply didn’t have enough weight behind it for that to be true. At the door closed behind the boy she managed to catch a quick glimpse of the contraption he had brought with him to transport the armor here and left stationed outside. It looked like some strange oversized mechanical bee which had her intrigued about how it all worked.

    “Welcome to the best defence. You won’t find any better armor anywhere else in the land of lightning.” She said giving him the standard sales slogan she had come up with. “How much I be of service today?” she asked wondering if maybe he was looking to trade in the current suit of armor he had with him for something better.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen Empty Re: A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen

    Post by Shinoskay Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:37 am

    Shinoskay, upon being greeted by Ryuko, would leave his left hand down to maintain chakra threads on the suit of armor as well as at lease 1 thread on the puppet outside as a means of being able to feel if anything else tries to manipulate it for either theft or just to mess with it for whatever reason. He could sense farther then he could use his threads so he wasnt really concerned about the common person approaching it but the best practice for a shinobi was to assume the worst and so he made a point to maintain the redundancy just in case someone with skill in suppression decided to approach.

    With that covered, with the left hand down, he would raise his right hand to cross his chest in a warrior like bow. He wasnt the type to think of himself as a warrior, but it was intuitive and instinctive to bow like that when one only had one arm as it was also half of how a noblemen would bow as they would normally place the other hand/arm behind them as if to form a box around themselves.

    Once more rising and defaulting his arms, he would quickly respond to her greeting with a slightly forced smile "Thank you for accepting me in." He preferred minimal communication, preferring to act rather then to talk, but in this situation he knew he would need to talk more then he already had "As I am sure you saw, I am a Kugutsu user, I came into possession of this suit of armor and find it useless for a shinobi in its current state. I can probably turn it into a puppet as it is but then I found it isnt actually gold and so it wont have the same aesthetic once damaged and will be expensive to maintain its image so I would rather see what I can do to repurpose it." He felt he was being way too wordy and yet he knew he also still needed to say more. "I was hoping you could offer suggestions, maybe help me out with the armor or just its raw material, or maybe there was someone else who would find something like this interesting."

    Chakra thread suppression/o
    Chakra threads/1
    48.5 chakra remaining

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2178
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen Empty Re: A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen

    Post by Ryuko Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:22 am

    Ryuko could use chakra strings herself for moving tools and such around thought she rarely chose to do so. Hers where always visible so the fact that Shinoskay’s weren’t spoke volumes about his skill level as a puppeteer.

    If she recalled right he was from the latest batch of gennin that had graduated the academy lately but beyond that she didn’t know much about him and what sort of other skills he might use. As prospective apprentices went he was a bit on the scrawny side though, it didn’t seem like at first glance they would be a good match. When it came to combat she was heavy assault mixed with a dash of support skills. What would she even be able to teach someone who’s role was to be as far away from the thick of the action as possible?

    Well at least he had his educate down if that bow he had just gave was anything to go by. Ryuko returned the bow by giving him a crusty pulling up her skirt slightly, bending her knees but not lowering her head. It wouldn’t do for her to be bowing to someone of lesser stats then her after all.

    “Useless? It seems perfectly serviceable to me” said Ryuko as she came around the counter to the public portion of her shop to get a closer look at the armor. “Tis might seem heavy and cumbersome at first glance but most armor is designed to distribute the weight evenly. When worn properly you’d hardly even notice.” she explained.

    “Do you know what material tis underneath? The gold plating itself shouldn’t be too hard to remove if maintenance is your main concern. If not well I do have some ideas.” she said putting a head on her chin contemplatively. Putting her ear agaisnt the breast plate she tapping the armor lightly with her knuckle listening to the reverberations that it made.

    “Ah iron then. I don’t usually work with such low quality material these days. If tis durability you’re after you’d be better off melting it down and selling the raw material to the local hardware shop for funds. Anything you picked from my shelf's would easily be tougher especially if you wanted to make a puppet with it.” she said trying to intice a sale from him.

    The fees she charged for her armor where almost criminally low. Barely above the material costs even. Her goal when opening this store was never about pure profit but providing her fellow villagers with the protection they deserved.

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2178
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen Empty Re: A Junior Craftsmen to a Seior Craftsmen

    Post by Ryuko Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:17 am

    Ryuko waited for Shinoskay to give her a response but after a long moment of awkward silence she turned away from the armor he had brought in which she’d been studying only to gasp in alarm as she watched him sway as if he was having trouble staying upright on two feet. The next thing she knew the armor clattered loudly to the floor and the boy would have followed if she hadn’t swooped in to catch him.

    What on earth could have caused him to faint and lose conciseness so suddenly like that? She knew the answer before she had even asked the question but she didn’t want it to be the case. He was showing all the classic symptoms of the plague that had swept thought the village at least twice now killing several in it’s wake.

    Ryuko out to know what it looked like after all. Part of the reason she’d become a doctor in the first place was because she’d wanted to help people like her friend Shimiko who had fallen victim to the disease. Off the many who feel into a coma like this only a few ever seemed to wake up but so far none of her research could show why that might be the case.

    With a long sigh she hefted Shino up with one arm, moving him around as easily as one might a sack of potatoes. She was going to drop him off at the hospital and then drop his crap off with him. Thought his odds of survival where slim she couldn’t just leave him here.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

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