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    Site Lore & Timeline

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Site Lore & Timeline Empty Site Lore & Timeline

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:39 pm

    Sage Pre-History

    Many years ago, one-thousand years before the present time, there were two brothers born to the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya  Ōtsutsuki. This goddess came from the stars with a beast sealed inside of her that contained more power than anything on the Earth. Their names were Hagoromo and Hamura, one bearing extraordinary physical prowess inherited from his mother while the other displayed a powerful dojutsu in the form of the Byakugan. Both brothers inherited incredible chakra from their mother, though Hagoromo's was larger and stronger in comparison to his brother.

    After spending several years in seclusion, Hagoromo had developed a philosophy and spiritual art known as "Ninshū". He had his brother Hamura traveled the world instructing the world in this art seeking to enlighten humanity through supernatural means. Eventually, their mother returned to the shinobi world as Jinchūriki of the Ten Tails. She brought death, destruction, and ruination to many before the brothers were able to finally destroy her. The Ten-Tails was sealed into Hagoromo giving him a divine and godlike appearance that would cement his status as a mythical hero in the shinobi world.

    Hamura would go on to sire many children, some of whom would be the progenitors of the world's strongest shinobi clans including: the Senju, Hozuki, Inazuma, Hyuga, Tetsudashi and Kazehana. Hagoromo had no children during his lifetime and instead continued to teach the art of Ninshū for as long as he lived. He appointed five disciples to carry on his message and to ensure that his art was not used for nefarious ends. He split the Ten Tails into 9 separate Bijuu who were entrusted to the disciples. The Sage's Five Disciples would live long, prosperous, and influential lives. Each of the five major nations were named after a disciple's corresponding signature element. Unfortunately, as time went on the disciples passed away and when they did they would leave behind a generation of shinobi that had never known the Sage's glory firsthand.

    This would usher in a period of war and instability known as the Era of Warring Clans.

    Era of Warring Clans

    The next era would see the rising and falling of various nation-states and empires. Major shinobi clans formed powerful alliances and fought bitterly over resources and territory. The Kazehana Clan (Magnet Release) dominated the Wind and Earth Country for a long period of time. The Uchiha and Hyuuga fought in the Land of Fire for supremacy, banding together only to repel foreign invasions. The Lightning Country was ruled by the Inazuma Clan (Storm Release) who excelled in naval trade and often ran afoul of their rivals the Hozuki Clan in the Water Country. The two battled for naval supremacy constantly throughout the years.

    The Modern Era

    Eventually, the constant instability and destruction wrought by the warring shinobi clans caused a shift in the political scene. Clans within the same country banded together to form a more stable and organized system of governance that emphasized nationalism rather than familial ties. The Hozuki were the first to declare a ninja village by the name of Kirigakure. This was followed by the founding of Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and finally Konohagakure. Each village was led by a supreme military commander known as the Kage. The village also swore fealty to the feudal political leader of their country: the Daimyou. Those smaller nations adjacent to the larger countries formed their own governments based on this model. The transition to the modern system of shinobi government has caused an uneasy peace to settle on the ninja world. However, with each nation vying for dominance and superiority the threat of war is ever-present...

    The above represents an abbreviated version of our site's lore. If you want the longer version of the story complete with more intricate details click the spoiler below!


    Last edited by Toonami & Konami on Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Site Lore & Timeline Empty Re: Site Lore & Timeline

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:50 pm

    This timeline will be using 930 A.S as the starting year counting the year of the Sage's death as the first year. The timeline will begin at the death of the last Disciple, though this is still considered LEGEND within our universe just like the Sage of Six Paths.

    Lore Timeline

    • 132 A.S- Hihoni dies, prompting the clans within the continents to begin executing their plans for domination of the land.

    • 135 A.S- The Hyuga finish their conquest of the Land of Fire, moving towards the Land of Wind immediately after.

    • 137 A.S- The last independent clans of the Land of Wind fall under the heel of Hyuga control while clans in the northern part of the continent forge an alliance to keep the Hyuga checked. This is the official start of the Hyuga Empire.

    • 189 A.S- The Hyuga attempt a foray into the Land of Stone with the largest army seen on the continent up until that point.

    • 190 A.S- The Hyuga lose a decisive battle and are driven back into the Land of Fire. The Tetsudashi asserts its dominance over the other clans in the Land of Stone by not partaking in the fighting and declaring war on the weakend clans after their war with the Hyuga. Most of the Land of Stone falls under their control.

    • 220 A.S- The Land of Stone is united under the Tetsudashi, providing a constant check to Hyuga power. The Hyuga finish putting down the last rebellions that would happen under their rule, this one led by the famous Senju. The Inazuma in Kumogakure begin trading in the Northern Sea.

    • 351 A.S- The Uchiha and Hyuga split, urging clans within the Land of Wind led by (Scorch Clan) into open rebellion once again. Thus begins centuries of war between the two clans.

    • 353 A.S- The Land of Wind officially breaks from the control of the Hyuga, with the northern half falling completely under control of (Scorch Clan). Uchiha take control of south-west of the Land of Fire, aided by the (Scorch Clan).

    • 354 A.S- Hyuga Empire officially collapses, with the Hyuga family maintaining control of the northern half of the Land of Fire and the Uchiha most of the south.

    • 360 A.S- The Tetsudashi moves to invade the weakened Hyuga, forces them into vassalage.

    • 361 A.S- The Tetsudashi conquers the rest of the Land of Stone as well as surrounding minor territories. The "Iron Empire" begins.

    • 410 A.S- The Tetsudashi Clan invades Uchiha held Land of Fire.

    • 412 A.S- Uchiha drive out invaders and liberate northern Land of Fire, creating the Scarlet Kingdom.

    • 420 A.S- Scarlet Kingdom leader assassinated, kingdom splits into numerous smaller parts. Iron Empire begins to see rebellions by The Muramatsu Clan and (Nature Clan) in northern provinces.

    • 431 A.S- Iron Empire surrenders to rebellion leaders, land split into numerous territories. The Inazuma use this opportunity to monopolize trade in the North Sea and expand their influence to encompass the western half of the Land of Lightning.

    • 464 A.S- The Hozuki take complete control of one of the islands in the Archipelago of Kirigakure and expand their trade to more than local areas.

    • 465 A.S- The Kazehana begin years worth of plans by assassinating and bribing various clan heads and seizing control of the southern two-thirds of the Land of Wind. (Scorch Clan) resists in the northern third.

    • 469 A.S- The Kazehana take control of entire Land of Wind after bloody civil war. The economy enters a depression.

    • 490 A.S- Land of Wind enters a period of relative stability under the Kazehana Emirate.

    • 507 A.S- Senju begin hiring themselves out to clans in the Land of Fire as mercenaries for hire. The Inazuma attempt to take land in the eastern half of the Land of Fire and are driven back by what is believed to have been an Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

    • 512 A.S- Kazehana Emirate invades smaller territories to the north of the Land of Wind.

    • 521 A.S- Northern territories fall, Kazehana Emirate expands at the cost of more lives. Plans to invade the Land of Fire never happen due to the cost of the war.

    • 537 A.S- Hozuki family is now recognized as the richest family in the archipelago, with their influence felt on every island.

    • 541 A.S- Kazehana attempt first attack into the Land of Stone.

    • 545 A.S- The Muramatsu Clan repels Kazehana's attack with the aid of many other, smaller clans. The Muramatsu Clan creates the Republic of Stone as a constant deterrence to the Kazehana.

    • 565 A.S- Kazehana clan leader assassinated by his son, causing a civil war over inheritance between three brothers.

    • 571 A.S- Land of Wind is united under second brother.

    • 575 A.S- Northern territories are recovered for Kazehana Emirate. Sarutobi clan conquers the Land of Sound as well as a few surrounding territories to establish a minor kingdom.

    • 590 A.S- Republic of Stone incorporates dozens of other clans, increasing their strength by almost half. Hyuga establish a large feudal territory in the north-west of the Land of Fire.

    • 592 A.S- Uchiha take control of south-west of Land of Fire, with the Senju maintaining a small tract of land in the central part of the country.

    • 596 A.S- Kazehana attempt to invade the Uchiha held Land of Fire. Senju answer call to arms. Hyuga do not.

    • 600 A.S- Kazehana officially retreat and a truce is reached. Hyuga use this opportunity to attack the vulnerable Uchiha. Senju again answer call to arms. Hozuki continue their expansion.

    • 603 A.S- Inazuma reach a trade agreement with the last clan in the Land of Lightning which did not currently have one with them already.

    • 612 A.S- Kazehana Emirate establishes a long term bed of spies into the Republic of Stone.

    • 615 A.S- Fighting between Hyuga and Uchiha stop. Land of Fire enters economic downturn from the damage.

    • 643 A.S- Kazehana spies are successful in their coup attempt, turning roughly half of the Land of Stone over to them.

    • 644 A.S- Sarutobi clan forms alliance with Hyuga clan. Both agree to defend any territory the Kazehana invaded in the Land of Fire.

    • 653 A.S- Kazehana invade the rest of the Land of Stone.

    • 658 A.S- Kazehana Emirate is successful in their invasion, with the Emir declaring his lands the "Kazehana Empire".

    • 670 A.S- Kazehana Empire begins numerous attempts at breaking the eastern wall of clans that had declared the Kazehana their biggest threat.

    • 681 A.S- Kazehana Empire retreats into their borders after unexpected death of the Emperor. It entered a state of turmoil as a regency was declared for his infant son. The Hozuki fight and destroy the largest pirate fleet in the archipelago, a major turning point in the course of its history. Piracy begins to decline after this point.

    • 687 A.S- Uchiha inflict major diplomatic insult by nulling the engagement of their heiress to the Senju clan heir. Hyuga begin engaging in talks with Senju clan head.

    • 691 A.S- Hyuga marry their second daughter to Senju clan heir, cementing an alliance between the two clans.

    • 699 A.S- Uchiha and Hyuga engage in another all out war instead of just their usual petty tussles. The Sarutobi and Senju both enter on the side of the Hyuga.

    • 701 A.S- Nature Clan slaughters a village of mostly farmers who could not pay taxes in the Land of Stone. A minor rebellion springs up as the new Emperor takes the throne.

    • 703 A.S- Rebellion in Land of Stone is now considered a major rebellion, funded by the Inazuma in Kumogakure in a bid to weaken the Kazehana Empire as they had been infringing in their trade in the North Sea.

    • 706 A.S- The Kotōshura Clan is hired by Inazuma to move from Land of Fire to Land of Stone to fight on behalf of the rebels. Senju betray the Hyuga and side with their original allies, the Uchiha, after a hefty bribe from the Uchiha.

    • 709 A.S- Sarutobi clan head is assassinated and much of the clan killed by a coup led by Kidōmaru's Clan. Sarutobi flee into Land of Fire.

    • 710 A.S- Hyuga and Uchiha call another truce. Inazuma inherit land in the north of the Land of Lightning due to their numerous diplomatic marriages and interclan ties. Land of Lightning has not seen a war in eighty years.

    • 711 A.S- Rebellion in the Land of Stone is finally crushed by Kazehana Empire. The Inazuma embargo the newly reformed Empire. The Hozuki influence expands to roughly one-quarter of the islands in the archipelago. They begin to bribe smaller pirate crews rather than fight them.

    • 734 A.S- Famine strikes the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Lightning due to a pestilence of insects. Millions will die in the aftermath.

    • 762 A.S- Hyuga and Uchiha go to war again, with the Sarutobi staying out of this war. The Senju do not immediately join.

    • 763 A.S- Senju join on the side of the Uchiha.

    • 765 A.S- Senju are bribed by Hyuga to attack the Uchiha, leading to the death of the entire Uchiha royal family.

    • 766 A.S- Uchiha cede one-third of their territory to the Senju to coax them into fighting on their behalf again.

    • 770 A.S- Uchiha and Hyuga declare peace. The Kazehana declare war on the Inazuma after escalations due to the embargo.

    • 776 A.S- Inazuma and Kazehana Empire declare peace, with the Inazuma gaining a small territory in the Land of Stone.

    • 781 A.S- Kazehana Empire invades Inazuma again.

    • 783 A.S- Kazehana Empire and Inazuma declare peace, with the small territory ceded in the previous war returning to the Kazehana Empire. The Hozuki establish a small territory on the coast of the Land of Fire.

    • 793 A.S- Nara and Yamanaka clans invade the Hozuki territory on the mainland.

    • 795 A.S- The Hozuki withdraw back to the archipelago. The Nara establish a minor kingdom on the south-east coast of the Land of Fire with the Yamanaka and Akimichi clan serving as nobles within.

    • 801 A.S- Kazehana Emperor dies; the "Bloody Emir" ascends the throne.

    • 810 A.S- Kazehana Emperor orders the assassination of 43 different clan heads throughout the empire. 34 succeed.

    • 812 A.S- The first assassination attempt is made on the Bloody Emir. In retaliation he exterminated the Yuna clan in the Land of Stone.

    • 823 A.S- After a reign of complete lunacy, the Bloody Emir is assassinated after 12 previous attempts. A cousin of his line is elected by various nobles to ascend the throne.

    • 835 A.S- Small parts of the Northern Territories break from the Kazehana Empire, backed by the Hyuga and Senju. The Hozuki power encompasses one-third of the archipelago at this point, and the Inazuma have begun eyeing the waters to their south.

    • 854 A.S- Funded by the Inazuma, the Land of Stone revolts against the Kazehana Empire.

    • 858 A.S- The Uchiha and Hyuga declare war on each other again. The Senju join on the side of the Hyuga. The Inazuma begin to trade in the southern sea in direct competition with the Hozuki.

    • 860 A.S- The Land of Stone assumes its independence from the Kazehana Empire and splits into one half controlled under a daimyo while the other half was split between numerous minor warlords. Nature Clan nearly eradicated, with survivors retreating to various lands on the continent. What remained of the Kazehana Empire in the Land of Wind entered an economic depression with much of its high population emigrating to other lands.

    • 861 A.S- Hozuki establish their trade hub and would begin their era of true dominance over trade in their waters. Inazuma are driven out completely.

    • 863 A.S- Hyuga and Uchiha declare peace.

    • 864 A.S- The Kazehana, in a bid to try and appear like they could change to encourage people to stay, elected their own daimyō and renamed themselves the "Sand Kingdom."

    • 900 A.S- The Hozuki seize complete control of the archipelago and declare themselves a kingdom. This absolute dominance, far beyond a monopoly, stirred the Inazuma to action.

    • 901 A.S- The Hozuki and Inazuma declare war on each other, beginning the first major naval conflict seen on the continent.

    • 908 A.S- The Hozuki are defeated by the Inazuma and a truce is called. The Hyuga and Uchiha declare war on each other for the final time. The Senju join neither clan.

    • 910 A.S- Kirigakure is formed.

    • 912 A.S- Iwagakure is formed.

    • 915 A.S- Kumogakure is formed.

    • 920 A.S- Konohagakure is formed.

    • 922 A.S- The Kazehana Empire reforms itself into Sungakure.

    • 930 A.S- Sunagakure and Iwagakure collapse due to internal dysfunction. [Site Starting Year]

    • 931 A.S- The Lightning Country is attacked by a strange pale woman. Several nations mobilize to engage her and the ensuing battle ends in a draw. The woman is later identified as Honiko Yoshidara, leader of a mysterious terrorist organization known as the Enlightened Society of Rebirth and Reordering.

      934 A.S- The Empire of Kirigakure is founded after a series of local conquests initiated by Mizukage Takeo Yuki and continued by his successor Kyoji Hoshigaki. The Blood Prison is attacked by the Enlightened Society of Rebirth and Reordering. As a result, the prison is destroyed and hundreds of criminals and anomalous creatures are released. Nozomi Himitsu is declared Winner of the First Shinobi World Tournament. Ken Tetsudashi conquers the Land of Demons in what is widely considered to be the most brutal military campaign in shinobi history. While on his way to the Land of Waterfalls, Nidaime Hokage Satomi Uchiha is assassinated. Shimiko Chinoike convinces Sandaime Raikage Nariko Mizushima to legalize Orthodox Jashinism. This is the first time in history a Major Nation has legalized the Jashinist religion. Kurama re-awakens from underneath the earth in the outskirts of the Fire Country. Yui Kotoshura and Rin Uchiha lead a sortie against the Kyuubi and with the help of an unlikely ally, they manage to subdue the beast. The Bijuu is then sealed inside Rin Uchiha.

      935 A.S- Sunagakure is revived as a fully functioning state. Nozomi Himitsu becomes leader of the Enlightened Society of Rebirth and Reordering. In a televised speech, she discloses several state secrets, chastises the Major Nations for their crimes, and issues a warning that vengeance is soon to follow. Chigetsu Hozuki is crowned Winner of the 935 A.S. Chuunin Exams. The Empire of Kirigakure sacks the Land of Iron and makes off with the nation's Exclusives and Artifacts. Yondaime Hokage Tatsu Kotoshura declares Akihiro Uchiha to be an international fugitive and a threat to world peace. Additionally, she reorganizes the Fire Country into the Nekoian Empire. Not long after, she is assassinated while in Kirigakure and her declarations are annulled. A member of the Society named Menza Sukiyama kidnaps the Nine-Tailed Jinchurikki Rin Uchiha. He gives an ultimatum to the Gokage in a taped message. He further threatens the world with destruction if his outrageous demands are not met. Eventually, Menza secures a deal with a mysterious benefactor and Rin is freed.  (OOC:  December 7th 2019 - June 7th 2020)

    • 936 A.S- First Shinobi World War Begins. Carmine Quarantine Crisis, Meteor Wars, and Epsilon Eventuality are all fought during this time period. Satomi Uchiha is resurrected by Arisu Ōtsutsuki's Outer Path in order to cool tensions between Konoha and Kiri. The Great Uchiha Clan Meeting occurs. Akari Uchiha gives Masaru Tetsudashi permission to declare Earth Country's independence from Fire Country. Ryuko Shizu von Rose becomes the Yondaime Raikage and is simultaneously crowned Queen of the Kingdom of Thunder. (OOC: June 7th 2020 - August 19th 2020)

    • 937 A.S. - In a stark reversal of his predecessor's policy, Nanadaime Hokage Nyguyen Uchiha announces Earth Country's declaration of independence to be unlawful. Konoha and the Mountain Alliance then attack Iwa. Kumo intervenes on Iwa's side but ultimately the war is lost. Konoha and Iwa sign a peace treaty that provides for an eventual path to independence. Nozomi Himitsu secretly installs Ei Kanagawa as the Kazekage. She is later killed and then impersonated by Nozomi after failing to uphold her duties. Damien Darhk is assassinated by the Mizukage and Mockingbird. Kumogakure declares war on Kirigakure and Konohagakure declares war on Kumo. The resulting conflict is known as the Gurētodaiingu, or Great Dying. Scores of shinobi are killed at land and at sea. Upon learning of the Mizukage's involvement in the attack on Moonspire, Princesses Kitsuki Kurahasa and Arisu Ōtsutsuki confront Mizukage Hana Kaguya at the Eastern Gates. Hana tries to escape capture and is aided by her lover Chigetsu Hozuki as well as her predecessor Kyoji Hoshigaki. The resulting clash ends with Kitsuki killing both Hana and Kyoji, effectively overthrowing the ruling government. In the aftermath of the coup, the Princesses Sayuri Yuki, Kitsuki Kurahasa, and Arisu Ōtsutsuki rule the nation as a trio despite the bitter politics between each of them. In Konoha, the Hokage's student and leader of the Hyuuga Clan Chikamatsu Hyuuga is accused of treason. He is then executed by Satomi Uchiha much to the horror of the Hokage and his now fractured squad. The Princess Triumvirate come to a consensus that the war must be ended. Sayuri gets Seigi Chinoike to agree to a partial ceasefire while Arisu presents incontrovertible evidence linking Akihiro's Mockingbird to numerous crimes. Faced with losing his chief ally and the prospect of an internal civil war, the beleaguered Hokage agrees to sanction the arrest of Mockingbird. (OOC: August 19th 2020 - February 1st 2021)

    • 938 A.S. - Akihiro Uchiha and his accomplice Ikomiki Ōtsutsuki are arrested at the hospital by a joint Kiri-Konoha strike force consisting of Kitsuki, Arisu, and Satomi Uchiha. Akihiro is brought to a secret dungeon and tried for treason by the Hokage. The trial is interrupted, however, by Akihrio's fiancée Kimiko Uchiha. Kimiko's rescue attempt fails and Akihiro is put to death by Nyguyen. Ashitaka Senju leads a devastating attack on the Land of Hot Springs. Nyguyen names Tengoku Shinku as his successor and agrees to send the captured Ikomiki Ōtsutsuki to Kumogakure to face punishment. Zenaku Uchiha teams up with Nozomi Himitsu (masquerading as the late Kazekage Ei Kanagawa) to conquer the Land of Birds. In exchange for his help, Konoha is granted the Land of Rivers. Rin Uchiha retires with his wife Yui Kotoshura and safely releases Kurama into the wild. The Land of Iron hosts a Kage Summit which brings an end to the war. Nozomi Himitsu boldly arrives at the meeting and announces her status as the true ruler of Suna. After revealing the truth behind the Society and its ultimate goal, Nozomi decides to join the allied nations to fight this existential threat. Several major agreements are made at the Summit including the transfer of the Land of Wind to Iwagakure. (OOC: February 1st 2021 - August 22nd 2021)

    • 939 A.S. - Ikomiki Ōtsutsuki is transferred to Kumogakure and executed for her involvement in the Moonspire Attack. Okane Tomi celebrates his 29th birthday with a seasonal festival at the Heavenly Emporium. The Iwagakure Diarchy consisting of Mitsukira Tatsudashi and Chen  Kimyōnakama agree to name Shin Muramatsu as the Yondaime Tsuchikage. A major meeting of the Enlightened Society of Rebirth and Reordering is called at the Isle of Whispers. At this meeting, it is revealed that the true leader of the organization is Jōki Indra, the Water Disciple of the Sage of Six Paths. Jōki declares his intentions to conquer the world and demonstrates his resolve by executing the Second Tsuchikage Nee-san Tetsudashi and the First Kazekage Shin Kazehana for disloyalty. Citing her preference for Honiko's leadership, Nozomi Himitsu challenges him and prevails in combat. As punishment for his crimes against mankind, an apparition of Hagoromo himself curses Jōki with blindness and infirmity. Horrified by her favored disciple's betrayal, Honiko banishes Nozomi from the Society and leads a weakened Jōki away to safety. As a result of this coup, the Society fragments but not before Jōki gives a final order. During Okane's festival, Rini Nakamura is mysteriously assassinated. This results in an investigation which culminates in the discovery of a plot to take down the Heavenly Emporium. Immediately after the discovery, the city is attacked by the Society. Acting on Jōki's final decree, the organization aims to bring down the Heavenly Emporium. To assist with this plot and the ultimate subjugation of the world, Menza unleashes a giant artificial Bijuu known as the Indaina Kujira. It is only through the combined might of the shinobi world that this threat neutralized. While the Shinobi Alliance manages to defeat the Society, the anti-gravity technology that keeps the city afloat is damaged and the city crashes into the Kaizoku Sea. Okane Tomi is kidnapped by Nikuyo Yuki and the world is left to pick up the pieces. In the aftermath of this battle, Kumo's ANBU Captain Shimiko Chinoike and Queen Ryuko Shizu von Rose retire from the shinobi world. Chen Kimyōnakama massacres scores of elderly civilians in Sunagakure for their alleged role in the nation's shortcomings and misdeeds. (OOC: August 22nd 2021 - March 4th 2022)

    • 944 A.S. - Current Year.

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:46 am