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    Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery


    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery Empty Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery

    Post by Sakata Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:17 pm

    Sakata strolls along at a slow and steady pace, hands tucked away into his pockets as his caramel gaze roams across his surroundings. He was familiar with just about all of these places since he commonly just walked around the village in his free time, and this district in particular seemed to always end up being where he'd visit regardless of what he planned on doing. On this given occasion the Kishima had opted to put his hair up in a relatively messy bun, his bangs pushed aside with some of his locks framing his face.

    He'd just recently got a small haircut since he couldn't deal with the length his locks had grown to, leaving him at a much more manageable state. For sake of simplicity he'd just left the house with a white tee beneath a gray, sleeveless hoodie, and a pair of black jeans with shoes of matching color. A necklace with a metallic peace symbol hangs from his neck, tucked within the hoodie itself and occasionally shifting as he moves along.

    With a lax expression upon his face, the black-haired Kishima turns to his left near the end of one of the more populated streets to come face to face with the small, outdoor sushi bar---Yamashi's Eatery. It had always been a place he was a fan of since he was young, but he never could really afford their food up until now, and even then he ate there sparingly. Still, coming here on occasion was a good treat.

    The male casually takes a seat upon one of the stools at the forefront of the little shack-like establishment, partially folding his foot over the other one and linking them partially while sitting there. He picks up one of the menus and goes ahead and skims through it for the time being, contemplating his order.

    "Whew. Try something new or go with the usual..." He mutters faintly, glancing around for a moment. He felt indecisive at the moment.

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    Yōko Oni
    Yōko Oni

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2018-09-02

    Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery Empty Re: Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery

    Post by Yōko Oni Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:12 am

    Flickering amber hues, glinting gold reflections taking in the casual flow up above, blanket of sparkling dots mapping the world to the charter. Eased breathing, scent of the local shops to the nose making it feel as though this village were a home away from home. Fingertips scatter across smoothed plastered concrete slabs mixed with sharp-cut wood. The Oni had gotten herself perched atop a rooftop, watching the stars and the bright vivid moon that was slowly ebbing it's way into place for the night to come. Pondering thoughts like fluffy clouds loom inside the mind that simply allowed itself to drift across, footsteps dipped in the murky dwell of past memories muddled with the dreams of the future to come. Lips part, pink, soft and welcoming to a candied sweet sphere of light blue hue, darkened by the shadows of light brown locks that were beginning to fade lighter into shades of blonde. The more she tapped into the blood of her ancestry, the more of a monster it seemed to make her. Yet her horns hadn't arrived, secret kept only by the hair-band mixed in with her hair-locks to keep up the image of having a pair befitting of her race... still a falsehood, still a failure.

    Dark rings swell beneath lids half-lidded to the melancholy tempo of the night, solitary escapes of the mind brought her from the heavens only to crash into the earth below - only mentally. Her legs shift back and forth, taking sways like timed metronome to pat against the rooftop's edge. The candy was a nice treat, sweet and sugary goodness that almost helped to drag her free from her mind's sorrow and the conflict she faced internally over the ideology of fitting in or embracing her baser necessities. To allow herself to dive head-first into the crimson pools of ancestric heat, licked by the flames of Oni Pride, or to conform to the humanity's stake of normality.

    A shake of the head roused her free, clasping digits in gentle slaps against pillow-y skinned cheeks, now tainted with scorched heat and pink flush. Her eyes turn downward, following the languid pace of a man older than she. Long locks fashioned into a bun, quickly-fashioned by appearance with little thought to apparel more than just comfort, a style of life Yoko could respect above any other. Fashion to catch lingering gazes was enjoyable but far beyond her current years and modest build, her chest needed to grow more before she could reasonably lure any decent man into her life -- if there were any that wanted to be with a demon to begin with.

    Relaxed, uncaring to the shifting tides of the faces that he sifts through, Yoko found her gazed affixed. Her eyes break contact, lost to the entry of a shop she'd never been in prior but that her friends once told her about. If she were honest, meat was more her type as a main course but she wouldn't complain if there was none to be had. Hopping off from the rooftop, the girl did a flip just before the ground, tucking into a roll as she slipped through the cracked formation of passerby's to rise into a stand. Attention lingered onto her for brief seconds but she brushed it away, unfettered by any care towards the eyes upon her.

    Fingers clung to the door-frame, sliding the paper-sheet meshed entry aside before the youth strode forwards and took a seat next to the older man. Glancing at the menu, her shimmering hues were clutched by written descriptions. Tongue salivated inside of her mouth, lapping across sharp canines and pearl whites before her eyes switched targets to the serving staff. Like a child to a candy store, tongue pushing sugary sweet to the corner of those supple pink lips, the girl ordered her meal. A plate of diced meat, wrapped in bacon, topped with chopped greens. Side dished with a bowl of miso soup; potatoes, carrots and broccoli mixed together in a separate bowl and for dessert chocolate-drizzled mochi with ice-cream in their center, lightly powdered with sugar. A dreamy meal for the unorthodox customer. Sure the staff gave her glances that spoke of morbid curiosity to the girl's heritage, her clan was still outside newcomers, embraced by the village by their own request. Trust was earned but it still hurt to have even those that cooked for you, that you give your earned salary to, cut deep against your flesh with judgments that knew nothing about what you've gone through. Still... Yoko endured.

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    Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery HERHPAc

    Posts : 275
    Join date : 2017-11-15
    Age : 24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Raiton, Chemistry, Kenjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: 494,950

    Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery Empty Re: Sit Back and Relax! - Yamashi's Eatery

    Post by Sakata Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:05 am

    The black-haired Kishima offers a lax glance toward the female that's taken a seat right beside him before he opts to order something different. Waiting for her order to be complete, in the meantime he drums his fingers against the countertop in wonder. There were many options to go with, but there was very few he could ever actually bear with. Sakata rarely ate sea food, considering it was already pretty uncommon in a land with this kind of mountainous setting. He couldn't deny that he randomly got a strange desire to give it a try every once and awhile, though. Once the yokai's received her food, he orders personally, speaking in a enthusiastic, easygoing tone as he makes his choices.

    Not too long after, he's got what he's wanted. A platter of sushi, assorted between shellfish-topped nigiri and numerous uramaki filled with crab meat. Looking forward to the food presented before him, Sakata parts the chopsticks offered with the food and clutches the small roll of crab between them, popping it into his mouth and chewing. His strange fascination for seafood did not go without reward because as expected he was introduced to a myriad of flavors, courtesy of the numerous ingredients packed into the small piece. With a delighted grin, the male savors it for a moment, chopsticks pressed against one another and idle as his taste buds react to the dish.

    At last, he lets out a thrilled "whew", having managed to conceal his cheer up until that point. It's in the midst of this that his brown stare manages to shift over to Yoko, or well her food for that matter, curious if she had chosen the same great food he had came for. Surprised to see someone had chosen what he had considered their side cuisine, the male quirks a brow, though his brief moment of judging slips away just as fast. It was pleasant to come to this restaurant in particular since there wasn't quite a crowd to it. It had recently opened up about two months ago, and if it wasn't for his usual strolling about the young man wouldn't have even found it amidst the otherwise chock-full district of restaurants and little establishments similar to it.

    Finally deciding to strike up conversation, Sakata speaks with the same casual tone as he did when ordering his food, finally moving to pick up another piece of uramaki with his chopsticks. "Nice to see someone else discovered this little place here. The food's awesome here isn't it?" He remarks with a bit of zest at the mention of the cuisine's quality, before popping the wrapped fish in his mouth again.

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